Bleach Hereafter RPG

Too good too bad.


This is what it's like being the biggest and the strongest. I don't even exercise.

Koshou Avatar


Post by Koshou on Nov 6, 2022 16:52:26 GMT -5

Picking up his glass, the Soul Reaper gives it one last look before taking the potent cocktail and draining what remains of it slowly, the color trickling past the ice and slowly dissolving into the blended drink that he throws down his gullet. Then he's turning to glance at the wrist of one arm, though it's not bearing any watch or timepiece the motion seems to be more a motion of habit rather than anything else which speaks a little oddly about his time living and dead both, but to him it doesn't seem to be out of place. Then he's grunting with a faint pause before he uses a more careful and calculated motion to stand himself up from the barstool he's been sitting on. He does carry now the kind of caution to his physical motions that suggests an extra care taken to ensure he doesn't slip! 

"Endangering living souls without an emergency need or orders is askin' for large trouble" Koshou mutters a little bit, and then he's taking another pause as his irises take a small side-long look toward those faint railroad spike like nails that certainly mark this bartender as more than your average soul. "But you ain't exactly the standard issue for that kind of thing. I'll think about it." Reaching into the back of his 'normal' clothing he manages a billfold, which he removes a card from and places on the countertop. The card itself it blank, but physically there for all to see all in all. Closer inspection by the bartender will show Itsuki a frequency listing, less a phone number, but something at any rate. There's a slow nod from the Shinigami and a more loose wink, and then he's heading out the door. A moment later, and the barkeep will note another bundle of notes left behind to compensate for the last drinks, and among them another of the spirit coins that had caught his attention in the first place.


Ashes to ashes, the ocean crashes

Itsuki Hasegawa Avatar

Itsuki Hasegawa

Post by Itsuki Hasegawa on Nov 7, 2022 18:31:53 GMT -5

Itsuki watched the man drain the dark caramel coloured mixture with that gleam in his eye and mischievous smile still affixed. Admittedly, that glance had given him cause for conern in the most minor degree but only in-so-far as he felt threads of social exploration slipping away.
    It was the grunt before standing that signalled it. He was about to ask for another drink, use the bathroom or retire for the evening. The side-eyed look, the method of speaking like some dusty old soldier plucked out of battle and deposited here for the time being. It all added up to a broader smile in the bartender.
    A small mental note was affixed, reading, 'what you see is what you get' in regards to this patron. Remembering his own proper 'duty', Itsuki found the composure of a bartender once more, neatening out the barely-creased waistcoat from his lounging.
    "Thank you for visiting Club Jezebel tonight, we hope to see you again in the future!" Came the well practiced customary phrase of the establishment.
    Proper inclination of a bow for a customer of more or less equal social ranking came, kept shallow enough not to imply any authority imposed over him by Hanyo. Hands extended to take the card with a word of thanks, the bow sustained as hands fell down to his own sides. It just so happened that it was more or less identical to a duelling bow.
    Too many pushups and hard lessons had taught Itsuki to wash clean any joviality when dispensing such a gesture, only a respectfully stern expression as a promised prelude of something more.
    As the customer departed, sunrise-coloured reiatsu melted away with the card pocketed, set away neatly with a certain koban.
    Taking a hardy breath in through his nose, the lone bartender rose to his proper posture and set about cashing in the bill and cleaning up, a mental note to erase the camera footage hanging between his ears.

Thread ends.
Player of:
Itsuki Hasegawa (Fullbringer Caster)
Cuetlachtli (Arrancar Prodigy)

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