Bleach Hereafter RPG

After the Storm


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Mar 19, 2023 8:30:22 GMT -5

Location: Tokyo
Status: Alive

Itsuki explained his two encounters with the Shinigami - neither of them were problematic in any way. One of the Shinigami he had met was even his former university professor - an encounter Hibano had not even considered before, meeting someone whom you knew in the world of the living after their death, as a Shinigami. It sounds like something that should be extremely rare, yet, the monk was lucky enough to experience such a case.

Then, he turned the question around, asking Hibano what his experience with the Shinigami was like. The young Fullbringer remaining silent for a second, staring at the table and considering how to explain what happened in Antwerp months ago.

"I met one Shinigami. He didn't tell me if he held any important position, but he was a fairly capable fighter. I'd say... he could defeat you, if you don't take offense to this," Hibano explained. As his words moved on to what the Shinigami had told him, the teen's mood turned somewhat sour. "Apparently, he had some sort of ability of... looking at alternate timelines, but when he tried using it on me, for some reason it began to malfunction. It confused even him, and then he began insinuating that I was some sort of puppet of the Shinigami."

He let out a sigh. "...That song and dance continued until I knocked him out. It might not have been the best decision, but I'm not gonna take it well if someone tells to me that my life's work is a lie."


Ashes to ashes, the ocean crashes

Itsuki Hasegawa Avatar

Itsuki Hasegawa

Post by Itsuki Hasegawa on Mar 23, 2023 2:58:43 GMT -5

From the patience presented in Hibano's listening, Itsuki felt the gentle warmth of relief begin to crack through his bosom. Was this the first time he had said these things aloud, how much time had been spent clutching these secret moments close for fear of reprimand or being branded with insanity? Worldess appreciation shone in his smile, eyes wide and attentive to Hibano's own turn in their discourse.
    The pregnant pause birthed cold winds 'neath skin, foretelling the damning fate of a social misstep. Tension pressed to the base of his disease heart like an open flower, petals of unease brushing close.
    Monk and host, he shook his head against any notion of offence at the idea of being defeatable. Heavens above, he'd be a bloody smear on the tiles if his ego and juvenile powers alone had been the ones to face the dragons.
    Confusion snook inside his expression, a faint creasing of the brow again adding temporary years to his face. Leaning a little closer, Itsuki offered a gentle touch of fingertip to Hibano's forearm.
    "I can't quite imagine what that such an encounter was like, I'm glad you made it out safely, without killing them too. You did the right thing." Spoke one to another, voice deep and careful with delicate warmth like some summer's tide.
    "I'm sorry if the memory was unpleasant. I don't think you're a puppet of the shinigami, even if they are trying to take advantage somehow. When it comes down to it, it sound like you're doing these things for the right reasons, yeah?" Continued the ebb and flow of the comforting attempt, a reassuring smile and quaint nod offered up.
Player of:
Itsuki Hasegawa (Fullbringer Caster)
Cuetlachtli (Arrancar Prodigy)

Est. reply time 24 - 48 hours


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Mar 25, 2023 8:18:20 GMT -5

Location: Tokyo
Status: Alive

Hibano's expression was emotionless. After listening to Itsuki's attempt to reassure him, he merely stated:

"I'm not a puppet, and I'm not being taken advantage of."

There were a few red lines for him and this was one of them. And, if it turned out that he was being unwittingly controlled by the Shinigami, or by anyone else, somehow, then he would have to find a way to cut that off.

Hibano looked down to his mug of tea. It was already empty. The downpour outside of the temple had begun to recede, as the effects of the dragons which had thrashed about in the garden faded as well. In the warmth of the temple's innards, he quickly recovered from the shivering cold. The food was certainly welcome, too. The battle had taken quite a bit of energy from him.

"Anyway, I greatly appreciate being allowed to visit, and I hope to see you again, under less chaotic circumstances, but... I'll have to get back on the road," Hibano explained, placing his mug down on the table. "If you want, we can keep in touch - though, I'm not sure if I'll even be in Japan by the end of the week, so I won't be available for any emergency."

Granted, though, the world was so interconnected that it would hardly take him more than a week to read Japan regardless - and it wasn't like he was going to be forced to stay anywhere for a while.
Last Edit: Mar 25, 2023 8:18:33 GMT -5 by Hibano


Ashes to ashes, the ocean crashes

Itsuki Hasegawa Avatar

Itsuki Hasegawa

Post by Itsuki Hasegawa on Mar 27, 2023 5:05:27 GMT -5

Itsuki's sympathetic outpouring of restrained emotions was solidly stemmed by the response.
    The monk's cold-tipped fingers swiftly receded back across the tabletop to find a place of warmth near the traditionally styled kettle's discreet hotplate.
    Mild regret marred the soft incline of his head, a tiny gesture of unspoken apology for touching upon an issue too close and too raw to the heart. At least, as best the man could gather from the response of his visitor.
    "You are always welcome here." Answered the senior of the two in age in a voice trimmed down to careful professionalism.
    A sincere bow escaped his body before it set into motion. Plastics clacked, wood sliding and switches clicking. Cardboard softly thumped against cardboard and reels of ribbons spun.
    A colourful cacophony of this and that pulled here and there with those being placed where they may until the flurry of motion that seemed to flow all too naturally to not have been something the monk hadn't done a handful of times and then some before came to a steady halt.
    Fresh and colourful, a new bento box packed tight with leftovers lidded in sleek gloss black plastic inlaid with patterns of overlapping golden ginko leaves was pushed up into the eager to depart guest's grip. Atop it came a cheap chrome exteriored thermos carrying the faint scent of the tea from a few drops' spillage about the lid. Last but not least, an origami gift box of blue outlines waves crashing about a white background bound shut with green ribbon had some of less-hastily prepared laminated visitor's pass taped down to the top. Within hid secret sweets leftover from their quiet two-man banquet.
    "Courtesy of Nezu Shrine." He boldly declared, offering up another polite bow. "As for emergencies, don't worry. I promise I'll do my utmost to have a fancy crystal and a map for the hunt in our possession by the next we meet."
    And with that, Itsuki slid open the screen door for the attending guest to depart as he pleased, gesturing the appropriacy of the exit while maintaining his place to clean up after.
Player of:
Itsuki Hasegawa (Fullbringer Caster)
Cuetlachtli (Arrancar Prodigy)

Est. reply time 24 - 48 hours