Bleach Hereafter RPG

And There Was Only One Bed (Hibano)


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Feb 4, 2023 8:04:23 GMT -5

Location: Schatten Bereich
Status: Alive

Anya was in deep depression. She could not endure the pressure of expectations and the struggle of achieving them all, so she simply didn't, to the point where life lost all luster to her and she even considered suicide. Though she was saved from such a fate by a Shinigami - who, apparently, had a "ridiculous hat" - she still was weighed down, and looked towards Hibano as a chance to remedy her feeling of loss.

She wanted to help him, and rediscover her passion for life through him.


Hibano's voice was heavy, and his eyes shifted to the side, full of uncertainty. Needless to say, he had never had to grapple with a situation like this before, nor was he sure whether to say the truth or to indulge and keep Anya happy. Ultimately, he decided that he had to be straight with her.

"...I'm sorry, I can't give you any promises."

He turned to stare Anya in the eyes.

"I would appreciate your help, but... I don't want to put anyone in danger by pulling them into my journey. If it happens that an innocent person gets hurt just because I convinced them to fight alongside me, even though I know the kind of dangers I am likely to face... I could not forgive myself. That includes you."


I have nothing to say.

Anastasia Dammerung Avatar

Anastasia Dammerung

Post by Anastasia Dammerung on Feb 23, 2023 5:03:34 GMT -5

"...I'm sorry, I can't give you any promises."

"Hibano Schwarzwald." Anya stared back at him and said his name in response to his impassioned speech. His name. Just his name. And let it dangle in the air for a few tantalizing seconds before continuing.

"You're a pretty damn heroic boy, aren't you?"

She gave a wry grin. "That's much appreciated of you. But I have no need of a hero, nor does the Wandenreich. My mental state aside, I am here to help you get acclimatized to your new life here, and here, we live like soldiers rather than heroes. We remain fewer than the Hollows and possibly even the Shinigami, and thus we learn to survive by cooperating with each other and working as a team. Besides, the Emperor promised you our support in your quest, and it would be quite rude to disobey His Majesty by toughing it out on your own in a suicidal crusade and losing us one of our best recruits."

And as an afterthought, the silvery-haired girl added, "Oh, and you really shouldn't be worried about me too much. I still have my pride, y'know, and I'd much rather die with purpose than live meaninglessly. And what better way to go out in style than by claiming for the Quincy the weapon used against us in the first place?"


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Feb 25, 2023 13:45:37 GMT -5

Location: Schatten Bereich
Status: Alive

"It's just..." Hibano briefly muttered, intending to correct Anya on calling him a "Schwarzwald" when he himself was not certain how he was related to that family yet. The girl moved on, however, answering his concern for bringing her by his side, stating that he should not forgo cooperation with the Wandenreich when it was offered to him. Not only that, but she declared that it would be disrespect to the Emperor to refuse his aid and die alone, too.

That got Hibano to briefly stammer. "I'm... I'm not going to die just because I'd rather go alone. I... think I can bear the struggle that I expect, but I'm not so sure about everyone else." It felt natural, to shield others from the danger he would experience in his journey. After all, his powers and talent had to come with some sort of duty.

Anya was insistent, however. She even declared that for her, dying in the name of the Wandenreich would be more preferable to the peace that Hibano would provide by keeping her out of the journey. The teen blinked a few times, and declared in a more stern tone:

"Please don't talk about wishing to die. Your life is more important than you think, and the same goes for everyone else."

Afterwards, he sighed. There was no helping it, as he figured.

"You're gonna have to get a lot stronger, then. We'll have to train together, too, so that when we leave the safety of Schatten Bereich and end up having to fight everyone who wants to stop us from collecting the Hogyoku, neither of us slows down the other."


I have nothing to say.

Anastasia Dammerung Avatar

Anastasia Dammerung

Post by Anastasia Dammerung on Mar 6, 2023 2:07:19 GMT -5

Anastasia was reminded that despite the boy beside her being a fresh recruit who could barely control his Spirit Weapon, he had been living on Earth as a Fullbringer before then and had grown to possess incredible power. According to him, he was confident enough in his own abilities to survive whatever stood between him and the Hogyoku, a confidence that did not extend to any companions he might have in his journey.

"But you do know that the power of the Hogyoku was enough to make even His Majesty retreat, right--" Anya started, only to realize that it doubly applied to her. While she was relatively gifted in terms of ability, her relative lack of experience as well as simply lacking the vast power Hibano had, at least for now, would definitely lead to her dying pointlessly instead of the glorious exit she believed she deserved.

"N-never mind that," she said, pouting. "But that doesn't mean I'm not going with you!"

"Please don't talk about wishing to die. Your life is more important than you think, and the same goes for everyone else."

Hibano's words once more caught her by surprise, and the Quincy girl briefly made an expression as if Hibano had summoned his gun and shot her through the chest, but was quickly replaced by a strangely tsundere countenance.

"It's not like I want to die right now or anything, idiot! I meant that when I do eventually die like everyone and everything in the universe, I want my passing to mean something significant. And if I die before you do, I want to be in your flashbacks like what they do in those silly Japanese cartoons."

It seemed as if Hibano relented, and instead he told Anya to train hard so they wouldn't slow each other down. This brought a smile to her face.

"Like I'd have it any other way! Now, part of a good training regimen is getting enough sleep. In that case... there really only one bed in the house?"


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Mar 8, 2023 5:40:39 GMT -5

Location: Schatten Bereich
Status: Alive

Hibano's words briefly shocked Anya, but she quickly retreated back to her usual demeanor, first correcting herself to explain that she was not being as nihilistic as he assumed, and then poking fun at him by claiming that she will be able to motivate him in "Japanese cartoon flashbacks". Though he had heard of the word "cartoon" before, he didn't remember ever watching any one of them, nor could pin down what any of their tropes looked like - so all he could do was nod along in confusion. "Uh, huh..."

So, he will have to take Anya with him to his journey, it seems to be settled. Though Hibano wasn't happy with the ultimate decision, now that she finally bent him to accept her, the next best thing was to ensure that the risk to her is as minimal as possible. She was prepared to do as much herself.

Then, her thoughts suddenly went to sleep. This briefly caught Hibano surprised - he was not sleepy at all, though he was still adapting to the rhythm of this dimension and its lack of a day-night cycle.

"Oh, uh..." he turned around, then glanced to the other rooms. No beds there. "Seems so... Are there any unfoldable couches here, maybe? I doubt the Wandenreich would actually give two people only one bed."


I have nothing to say.

Anastasia Dammerung Avatar

Anastasia Dammerung

Post by Anastasia Dammerung on Mar 15, 2023 16:26:51 GMT -5

"Oh right, you probably don't know what I'm talking about..."

Hibano's confused expression reminded Anya that due to his mysterious case of amnesia, which according to Leonina was likely caused by an incident involving the Shinigami, he likely wouldn't know what a cartoon was, or, if he was especially unfortunate, where Japan was. Or was he more confused that his new housemate was getting sleepy? The young man's next words proved this was evidently the case as well.

Anya yawned, then turned to look around the house. Oddly enough, there was indeed a couch there that wasn't visible before, resting against one of the walls. Whoever had arranged the furniture here seemed to be overly fond of optical illusions, or was this some kind of new technology that could materialize Reishi constructs in the same way as the Quincy did? Schatten Bereich was made of Reishi after all, so rearranging its contents did not seem too far-fetched.

"I'm still used to the Earth timezone I came from earlier, you see," Anya explained. "Besides, my sleep cycle was also kinda almost nonexistent back then, so this is the first time in a while that I'm getting proper rest."

She got up and walked over to the couch, which, thankfully proved not to be an illusion when she lay down on it. It was actually very comfortable, causing her to yawn yet again.

"Goodnight for now, Hibano. I'm glad to have met you."


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Mar 19, 2023 14:43:14 GMT -5

Location: Schatten Bereich
Status: Alive

When they needed a couch, a couch suddenly materialized for them, in a matter that was slightly concerning yet not concerning enough to weird Anya off too much. At least, it solved their question - one person would have to take the bed, while the other takes the couch. It wasn't unreasonable. Quite a few flats which weren't large enough for multiple beds did this in order to save space.

Without warning, Anya suddenly walked up to the couch and plopped down on it, thanking Hibano for getting a chance to meet him and getting ready to sleep.

He paused for a second, surprised by the warm statement, but shook his head to push that thought away for now. There was something more important to deal with, first.

"Hey, hey!" Hibano called out, rushing up to the couch. Suddenly, he pulled one of the cushions from under her head in order to shake her out of her unexpected nap. Then, his tone turned a bit softer. "You take the bed. I mean, I'm the guest here, in a way, it wouldn't make sense for me to sleep there."

At least, that's how his mind made sense of the politeness. Briefly, he then flashed a smile.

"And I'm glad to have met you, too, Anya."