Bleach Hereafter RPG

The Mistake of Spying on French Girls [Spar vs Diana]


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 15, 2020 21:02:09 GMT -5

Although her mind was clouded by anger, Diana was still in control of her senses to notice there was a slight spark of reishi before her fist even connected with Muimina. Space rift appeared in between them, sending her punches elsewhere...she didn't know where exactly, only that she struck nothing.

A dimensional rift ability?

Before she could figure out what happened, Muimina suddenly revealed a short sword from his coat and attempt to stab her with it. As Diana was too invested to punches to commit to blocking, she instead channelled reishi to form a protective armor around her chest preventing the stab from penetrating her skin. Still, it was enough to inflict a bruise on her body and force her to dismount from Muimina entirely as he transformed before her.

It was then Muimina revealed himself as a shinigami. Not only that, he changed from his human form to spiritual form...there was no sign of artificial body anywhere near him. Much of what he revealed was something that she had already known but it was still a surprise no less.

"Man, a reaper huh? I was hoping for Arrancar in disguise but...."

She glared at him as her reiatsu climbs rapidly in response to Hyakuji's power level.

"You're still gonna pay for that kiss."

With that she would rush forward by kicking off the floor, raising her rear leg forward to feign a kick only to instead use it as a jumping motion by throwing a cross straight to Muimina's face to land a superman punch. Regardless of whether or not it connects, she would launch a hook straight towards his body followed by a roundhouse kick towards his body.

WC: 281
PC: 8

Hyakuji attack hit Diana.(111 vs 100)
Diana use guard.(Diana received 1 damage)
Diana use Strike three times!

At-will: Blitz activated.

At-will: Suppress adjusted to 31,250

Standard Action 1: Strike
Accuracy Roll: Y6ogHEAc1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

Standard Action 2a: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

Standard Action 2b: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

First Release(Efficient). Reduce Reishi cost for all techniques by 2.
Armor: 19/20


As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 25. As an at-will action you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn.

As an at-will action at the end of your turn choose a defensive or offense boon: For defense add bonus +10 defense and negate -2 dmg from all attacks during your next turn. Or, for offense add a bonus +10 Accuracy and +1 Damage Tier with all attack spells during your next turn.

As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Limit: Indefinite.

As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Limit: Once per turn.


A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1.

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: 1/1.

A high class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent. No roll necessary.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: 1/1

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 55,000(Suppressed to 31,250)
HP: 75/75 | REISHI: 114/125 | DEF: 100(Now 110) | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +50
Last Edit: Oct 15, 2020 21:03:32 GMT -5 by Diana


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 15, 2020 23:28:24 GMT -5

Hyakuji was successful in breaking away from Diana’s clutch. Still, he was worried that the stab might’ve inflicted her seriously. Only to find out she used her reishi to create armor to protect herself from it. It might be odd for somebody, but to him, it was a relief.

“Guess it’s no longer a surprise, huh. I wonder who was the Shinigami you encountered before…”

Considering he already had a clash with Shida about his plan with the fullbringers, Hyakuji assumed Diana could be one of them. Or not. Still, her reaction told him that she must’ve already encountered someone from Soul Society.

"You're still gonna pay for that kiss."


Hyakuji looked quizzical; amused that the silver-haired woman was still retaliating about the kiss. He was actually expecting that somehow, she would forgive him since they were in the middle of the brawl. But it seemed far from reality. In fact, he felt an increase in Diana’s reiryoku level.

“First, it was about stalking your friend. Now, it’s about the kiss?”

“Seriously? Do you always feel the need to go berserk??”

Before he could say another word, Diana rushed forward. Hyakuji thought she was going for a kick. He tried to read the direction but got distracted by the feign kick such that the punch would land on his face again. The void was able to catch the strike until her punch broke through it, and landed on his face. She followed up with a hook aiming at his body, throwing him forward. It would seem that Hyakuji had taken all the blows until the shadowy figure disappeared after taking all the blocks.

Before her attacks hit him, he already cast a spell to create an illusion to avoid all the damage. Hyakuji appeared from her back but apparently, Diana was able to perceive it and followed up a roundhouse that landed on his arms as he tried to block it. As a counter, he turned around and went in for a sidekick to distract her. He then pointed his fingers at Diana, a spark of some kind of dark matter went out, aiming to lock her arms behind her back.

The grapple earlier had been quite a burden to him, and Diana's follow-up attacks caused him to spend a lot more reishi leaving him a bit exhausted. He was already breathing heavily.

Whether or not he was successful in locking her down again, he would ask her:

“I ask you, do you have anything to do with us Shinigami’s?


Diana used Strike: 129 Acc vs 75 Def =hit 4 dmg dealt
Diana used Strike: 90 Acc vs 75 Def= hit 7 dmg dealt
Diana used Strike: 150 Acc vs 75 Def= hit 1 dm dealt
Hyakuji used Utsusemi: avoided the first 2 strikes
Total damage: 1 dmg
Hyakuji used Strike
Hyakuji used Restrain

Active effects: Resist

Bonus Action: Utsusemi | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - Ee|nqt541d100+50
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (00%) -

Standard Action: Bakudo #1 Restrain | -3 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+50
Dmg - 1d12
Status Chance (40%) -1d100

Resist- As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 2 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 1 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.




Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


Hyakuji activates his eyes which allows him seem to see several lines on whatever he sees. These lines represent the weakest points. Cutting through these lines "allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease."

Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.

Cost: 5 Reishi

Limit: Twice per battle.



Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.

Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


1st Release:

"Nothingness is my very existence. Enter the void, Kuukyo-sa."

As soon as he speaks this chant, Hyakuji's Wakizashi would turn into a black blade nodachi, its slashes/hits extends to a 50m range creating a void that runs through the direction of the attack for about 5 secs. Anything that hits through the void gets eaten by the void

Attack type:
SINGLE: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.

Major effect:
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.

Minor effect:
CRIPPLE: 50% chance to Cripple the target.



Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.

Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 25,000
HP: 50/75 | REISHI: 39/100 | DEF: 75 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +35

Last Edit: Oct 15, 2020 23:36:52 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 16, 2020 19:41:00 GMT -5

Shida had told her before that this world is filled with reapers under disguise. Considering that these spiritual beings don't have any extra features like wings, halo or horns, she had thought that most likely he was referring to the reishi signature they emanate in their regular form. Considering his surprise upon meeting her, it was unlikely he was his subordinate.

Even as she charged towards her, he launched inquiries of his own with perhaps an attempt to deescalate the situation in mind. And though her attacks made purchase on him, she soon realized that what she had just hit nothing more an illusion as she couldn't feel anything of substance upon contact.

The sudden shift of reishi signature inform her what's going on as her legs cut through the air to perform a roundhouse kick only to meet Muimina's guard. When he launched a sidekick against her, she would raise her leg slightly with the attempt to block his assault only to see him feign into a kido spell as her arms were pulled behind her back.

"Haaa??? You just described the behavior of a pervert, what do you want me to do?? Drag your ass to court??"

She suddenly broke free of the restraint on her back, her fist clench as she glared at Muimina.

"You don't even tell which division you're under. Are you really a reaper? Or just a poser."

Not bothering to wait, she channeled her reishi into her fist. Once more she fired a jab towards his face before following up with a straight towards his nose. However, this was meant to raise his guard up as she lean in and raise her foot before stomping hard at his shin. Whether or not that connected, she would launch a hook towards his rib once more.

WC: 301

Hyakuji missed Diana.(55 and 84 vs 100)
Diana use Focus Energy
Diana use Byakurai three times!

At-will: Blitz activated.

You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
Enhanced: If used with an Attack Spell, that spell now has an additional +15% chance to inflict Status Effects on the turn. If used with a Physical Attack, any additional uses on the same turn stack +3 additional damage per use.

Standard Action 1: Byakurai
Cost: 5 reishi
Accuracy Roll: 6o7l5Spb1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 2d12

Standard Action 2a: Byakurai
Cost: 5 reishi
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 2d12

Standard Action 2b: Byakurai
Cost: 5 reishi
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 2d12

First Release(Efficient). Reduce Reishi cost for all techniques by 2.
Armor: 19/20


As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 25. As an at-will action you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn.

As an at-will action at the end of your turn choose a defensive or offense boon: For defense add bonus +10 defense and negate -2 dmg from all attacks during your next turn. Or, for offense add a bonus +10 Accuracy and +1 Damage Tier with all attack spells during your next turn.

As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Limit: Indefinite.

As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Limit: Once per turn.


A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1.

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: 1/1.

A high class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent. No roll necessary.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: 1/1

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 55,000(Suppressed to 31,250)
HP: 75/75 | REISHI: 98/125 | DEF: 100(Now 110) | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +50
Last Edit: Oct 17, 2020 2:25:04 GMT -5 by Diana


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 16, 2020 20:56:26 GMT -5

“The hell?? A pervert? Seriously?” Never in his entire life did he imagine someone calling him a pervert. He was a proper gentleman in Soul Society, even though girls were head over heels on him, he treated them with respect and it had never crossed his mind to take advantage of them. This was why, somehow, the reaper got pissed at the comment of the fullbringer. He almost burst into anger but then immediately withheld it. He took a deep breath. He was better than that.

“You should stop giving hasty comments on somebody you just met. If I really want to fight you, I would’ve done so from the start. So, can’t you just cool off your head for a sec and talk properly?”

Diana then broke through the restrain he cast on her a while ago. The fullbringer then asked about what division he was under, leading him to assume that she really must have acquired knowledge about Soul Society from the inside.

“Ah, so you know about divisions too. I wonder how much do you know about us.”

Before he could say another word, Diana rushed forward for another attack. Hyakuji was somewhat tired already, he wanted to save his energy for the remaining days of his mission. So, he just resigned himself and took all the blows from the angry woman. A jab straight to his face. A hard stomp on his shin. And a hook towards his rib.

He fell to the ground, his nose bleeding. He was struggling to get up, but he managed to do so. He was soothing his chest from the last strike he received from the girl.

“I hope that was enough for you to forgive me for that kiss.” He said, grunting.

“Can we now talk?”

There was a loud thundering in the sky, the clouds had gotten thick and heavy. A single drop of water fell on the concrete streets of Versailles until many followed. It started to rain hard. Good thing was, they were fighting in an underground parking lot. They were saved from getting wet.

Should Diana decide to stop fighting, Hyakuji would turn back to his human disguise.


Diana used Strike and Byakurai all hit: 19dmg
Hyakuji did not attack

REIATSU: 25,000( 31,250)
HP: 31/75 | REISHI: 39/100 | DEF: 75 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +35

Last Edit: Oct 16, 2020 23:53:07 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 17, 2020 2:53:23 GMT -5

Although the next few strikes of hers made contact with Hyakuji, the moment she saw him taking those hits without bothering to defend himself took the wind out of her sails. She glared at him for a moment, her fists clenched slightly before she finally exhaled and let go as she banished her armor of reishi.

"Man, what a buzzkill. Here I was hoping you'd put up more fight than that."

As aggressive as she was, she didn't find it enjoyable to beat the crap out of people who waved the white flag. It didn't look like an attempt to draw her into a false sense of security either, during the whole fight he had been completely defensive and only attack every once in a while.

"Yeah, yeah, we'll talk."

Brushing the dust off her clothes from the sprawl, she take out her cigarette packet and a lighter from her coat before she light it up. Taking a deep draw of the cigarette, she look at Muimina in the eye before exhaling a cloud of smoke. She suppose he didn't actually give her the vibe of your regular pervert.

"Which division are you from? And do you know a guy called Shida Hagane?" she asked, even as she tapped the ashes off
her cigarette.

WC: 223
PC: 10


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 17, 2020 3:30:26 GMT -5

The rain continued to shower upon the city. The waters from the streets started to flow down to the parking lot.

“Good.” Hyakuji remarked, transforming again into human form. He was now wearing his black polo sleeves, black slacks, and leather shoes again. He took his trench coat from beside the pillar near him a while ago and hung it on his right arm. He walked closer to Diana, almost struggling because of the pain from his shin.

Diana lit a cigarette before asking him about his division and about Shida.

“As I thought.” He wasn’t quite sure earlier about Diana knowing Shida but her inquiry made clear of his suspicions.
“That punk.”

“Anyway, I’m from the First Division. It’s like basically, we oversee things going round and about Soul Society. Yes, I know him. I just had a heated argument with him because of his plan working together with you guys.”

“So, I went here to investigate for myself from afar more about you without actually dealing with you so I could know your intentions. So far, most of the fullbringers I have observed were just busy protecting themselves from hollows. Until I encounter Violette… who …purge hollows like it’s their mission or something. “ He didn't bother to mention his captain assuming she probably knew that already.

“Uh….you belong to a certain group? An organization perhaps? What are your intentions? Surely, you don’t plan to take over the role of Soul Society? Shida must have already told you that... I mean the things we do in general. ” He said, hoping that Diana would give an honest answer.


Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 17, 2020 5:45:05 GMT -5

Punk huh?

Guess the reapers weren't quite as united as she was led to believe. Diana remained quiet as she listened to his introduction, trying to recall the conversation she had with Shida before. If possible, she would like to know if the nature of these feud lie only between them or if it extended to the whole division.

The fact that he had his eyes on her comrade made him quite dangerous in her opinion. What if she reported to them and as a result of said report, the Soul Society decided that they're too dangerous and take action against them? She could handle one or two reapers by herself perhaps but if they sent an army instead...

"Mmm, I don't mind telling you but I have two conditions."

She needed to play her cards right. After taking a puff of the smoke, she would lock eyes with Hyakuji.

"One, exchange of intel. I don't mind answering your question but in exchange, you have to answer mine as well. It's only fair yes?"

Her expression then turned completely serious.

"Two, you won't tell a single soul about that kiss. If you do, I will not hesitate to end you. Do I make myself clear?"

As if to solidify her threat, Hyakuji will feel a bit of bloodlust seeping through her words. It was clear she would not hesitate to make that threat a reality.

WC: 235


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 17, 2020 7:07:20 GMT -5

Hyakuji met Diana’s eyes, glaring at the mention of her second condition. He could feel the threat in every word, as she told him her request.

“You really haven’t forgotten about the kiss, huh. I’m not like other guys who brag about such. You can count on me on that.”He placed his hands on his lips and motioned as if zipping it.

“As for the first one. Sure, so what would you like to know?”

Hyakuji listened intently to Diana’s inquiry and answered it honestly. Now, it’s Diana’s turn to answer his.

“So again, my question… do you belong to a certain organization? Why do you kill hollows? What are your intentions?” He waited for the silver-haired woman to respond.

After the exchange of information, Hyakuji noticed it was still raining hard. Both the reaper and the fullbringer had no umbrella or something that could protect them from the rain. He only had his trench coat.

“ I don’t have an umbrella. And I’m afraid I can’t share this with you because I don’t want to suffer another series of blows from you. Here, take it. It would probably do little, regardless, use it to shield yourself from the rain,” he gave his trench coat to Diana.

If Diana wouldn’t take it, he would place it over her shoulders instead, and would immediately walk out of the parking lot. Regardless of her response, he would follow up.

“Better take care of it too. I just bought it out of a designer shop in London. Have mercy on my paycheck.”

“Hope we could meet again sometime. I’ll treat you to dinner.”

At that, he waved Diana goodbye and ran through the rain.

Last Edit: Oct 17, 2020 7:14:13 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 18, 2020 2:19:52 GMT -5

For some it may be a bit of an overreaction to promise violence upon such a simple kiss but for the girl it was quite necessary. Afterall, unwanted rumors often lead to the end of one's social life and credibility. Not to mention, she would rather not that he have any funny ideas on blackmailing her.

"My first question would be how do I get ahold of you. It's not like you live in the neighbourhood nearby do you?"

Though the possibility is low, there might be a chance that he didn't tell her the truth. Or at least the whole truth. In which case she would have to meet him again to ascertain the reason behind the inaccuracy of the information and whether or not it was intentional. She tilted her head a bit.

She had only one question she intended to ask but Hyakuji ask her three questions instead. Well, she supposed she can ask the rest of the questions she may have the next time they met.

"Yes I am. We kill Hollows because there's monetary reward involved and as for our goals? Let's just say that unlike you reapers, we don't have a common goal such as protecting the balance of the world or something lofty like that. We all have our own goals and this organization is the vehicle to make that happen. So it all depends on which individual you ask."

Hyakuji then brought their attention to the weather outside which happens to be raining heavily. He would offer her the coat to shelter her from it to which she raised an eyebrow but decided to accept it no less. As she watched him left the parking lot, she lit another cigarette before puffing out the smoke.

"Muimina Hyakuji huh? What an interesting guy."

WC: 300
PC: 12