Bleach Hereafter RPG

The Mistake of Spying on French Girls [Spar vs Diana]


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 2, 2020 14:19:33 GMT -5


76th day. Westminster, London.

There was a girl atop the Big Ben Clock Tower fighting a menos grande. I moved closer to the battle scene and sensed she was not a Shinigami nor a Quincy. She must be a fullbringer. I’m going to spy on her for a while and see what information I could get.

Hyakuji typed the report on the note app of his shinigami phone. Currently at London Airport, waiting for his flight to France, he was keeping an eye at the fullbringer he encountered near the Big Ben last night. The girl was about to leave for France to meet another member of their organization. In more than two months of Hyakuji's investigation, the only progress he had was more on the superficial: how they takedown hollows, ordinary objects turning into weapons, some fullbringers meeting one another, some fullbringers eating hollows. It was still not clear what the intentions were, why they keep fighting the hollows and did they not know they were destroying the balance by doing so. Hyakuji was even told to keep down, to be careful not to perform a cleansing on such monsters as he might get caught, thus ruining the plan. Given his poor social skills, he was also having a hard time figuring out how to start interacting with the said superhumans. He had almost got into deep conversations with two fullbringers he met while in Africa but they were weirded out when he brought up the topic of fullbrings. He did not yet know the term, of course, but the idea was he brought a topic that would make him suspicious. How was it possible for an ordinary-looking human being to have knowledge of such things? There was no way. As a result, the two fullbringers ran away from him.

With his mission coming to a close, he became more anxious and desperate to know more which kept him in such a situation.



77th day. Versailles, France

He hesitated to report that he was about to scheme a conversation with the girl.

"Guess, I'll save that for later," he deleted the note instead. He continued to follow the girl keeping a safe distance, enough to keep himself from being busted. He also made sure that he suppressed his reiatsu such that the girl would not suspect him being supernatural.

The fullbringer entered a cafe, carrying a piece of luggage. Hyakuji didn't think twice about going inside too. The cafe was full of people at that time but he still managed to notice where the girl was. He ordered a latte first before coming up to her.

"Excuse moi, mademoiselle... but... may I join your seat? You see, the cafe's full, and this is the only vacant seat right now. If you don't mind."

The girl was quite surprised by the man in front of him, still, she let him take the other seat. With the permission of the mysterious fullbringer, he immediately sat down in front of her. Hyakuji looked by the window, thinking about what to say next. There was an awkward silence between the two, compared to the chattering within their surroundings. Hyakuji sipped from his coffee while snatching a glimpse of the girl from time to time.

She had blonde braided hair, light blue eyes, and a fair complexion. Even while sitting, the reaper in disguise could tell that the girl was as tall as him despite being in her teens. It couldn't be helped. Hyakuji did not imagine the girl to be that attractive in close-up. Before being further distracted, he took the courage to introduce himself, "H-hi.. . I'm Ayuzawa Natsume, a tourist from Japan. If it's not rude, is it okay to talk with you?" he said in a calm tone.

The way he asked was obvious enough for one to conclude that he was not used to initiating conversations. Luckily the girl favored his request.
"Nice to meet you, Natsume. Sure. My name is Violette Vaucouleurs. I see... you're a tourist... Welcome to France!"

Hyakuji sat there, quite comfortable, as he talked with the French fullbringer; not knowing of the trouble he might get into during such an attempt of a closer investigation.


Last Edit: Oct 2, 2020 14:32:03 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 4, 2020 4:10:35 GMT -5

As a member of Red Lotus, Diana has a lot of responsibilities. It wasn't just regulating the population of Hollow, sometimes she had to recruit potential candidate, other times she had to make some sort of arrangement between other similar organization like the Quincies and the Reapers. Occasionally she would also have to attend odd requests made by their client. Answering to all these duties often cause her to fly thousands of miles away from her home to all parts of the world.

So it came as quite a surprise to her that she was finally sent to a place that she actually know a lot that was not her backyard. Paris....or the city of love as some might say. Not that she was here to find a romantic interest, though she would not be opposed to a tryst in one of the local cafe here. Well, that wouldn't be quite accurate would it? The real destination was actually Versailles but she had to stop there and shop around for a bit.

Apprently, there have been some troubling development in Paris regarding Hollows and she was sent here immediately to ascertain the situation. In order to do so, she would have to meet a one Violette Vaucoleurs, the local Fullbringer and Red Lotus member stationed here. Her lips curled slightly with a smile, mentally thanking whoever sent her here as her French class finally paid off. There's a slight English accent to her French but it was barely noticeable.

Her eyes paused slightly as she looked at the shop called the Stray Bean. Perhaps her colleague was being considerate by choosing a cafe with English name or perhaps it was a mere coincidence. Regardless, having confirmed the cafe in question she would promptly make her way there.

PC: 1

Dice Roll Initiative: 3CHITker1d100

Last Edit: Oct 4, 2020 4:11:10 GMT -5 by Diana


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 4, 2020 11:48:52 GMT -5

“Thanks, Vaucouleurs-s--” he was about to add some Japanese honorifics but remembered he was in a foreign country. He immediately corrected himself, “Thanks, Ms. Vaucouleurs.” “Although, I haven’t really… toured around... I just came from London for about 3 or 4 hours? I suppose…” he followed up.

After a minute or two of awkward silence, he asked, “Are you from here?”

Violette did not take a second thought and instantly replied, “Yes. Well, I actually live in Paris. But, I have someone to meet with here in Versailles.” It would seem like the girl was not yet suspicious of the man suddenly walking up to her at the cafe. Was he just flirting? Or was he the one keeping tracks of her since she was still in London. She wondered. Nevertheless, she kept a smile while she answered the question.

“I see..” Hyakuji was trying to keep himself calm, thinking of another question for the blonde lady. This getting-to-know part was quite getting on his nerve. Small talks had always been boring to him. Even though he was in front of a beautiful maiden, he found it difficult to keep the conversation going, let alone, proceed to a discussion that could probably lead to something related to the girl’s faction.

“Say, Mr. Ayuzawa...or can I just call you Natsume?”

“Ah, yes, you can just call me by my first name. No problem.”

“How was London? So far?” The girl took her turn to ask. That was quite a turn of the tide. Just a moment ago, Hyakuji was trying to strike a conversation. And now, the girl seemed to be eager to ride in. Was this the opportunity he was looking for? He didn't expect the girl to be somehow that receptive. If anyone would meet someone who would come up to them just for a seat and then eventually would want talk with them, wouldn't they be weirded out? But the mademoiselle must be different from them. The orientation of her seat was as such she could see anyone who would enter the cafe. As she asked this, she took notice of a silvered hair woman wearing a black dress, entering the same cafe, looking for someone. After catching a glimpse of the said woman, she quickly returned her gaze to Hyakuji, waiting for his reply.

"Well, it was okay. I'm quite a fan of Moriarty Holmes, so... I was quite giddy going to London. I got to see 122B Pastry Street. It was fun." It was half-lie. Indeed he was a fan of Moriarty Holmes. He even had the complete collection of the book series way back when he was still alive, but he didn't go to 122B Pastry Street since he was keeping an eye on Violette and the other fullbringers in London. What made him particularly interested in Violette was that he overheard she was about to meet some members of her organization. It was new to him since all the fullbringers he met and had been keeping track of were usually independent. That was quite an opportunity to dig deeper into the investigation.

"Nice. Moriarty Holmes! I also love it. I am just amazed at how Mr. Holmes could solve many hideous crimes. Most of which are almost impossible to decipher." Violette claimed in excitement.

"And today, it feels like we're on the same scene as Moriarty Holmes. I wonder who's the great detective between us two..."

Last Edit: Oct 4, 2020 11:54:19 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 7, 2020 2:05:31 GMT -5

The ding of the bell by the door announce her entrance as she walked inside. One of the waitress welcomed with Bienvenue to which she smiled in response but shook her head when the waitress offered her to lead her to the table as her eyes scanned her surrounding. It didn't take long for her to notice the brunette but it seems like she's with another person at the moment. Friend of hers?

Just as she was about to take the waitress offer to take another seat, Violetta's eyes and her met for a moment. Instead of beckoning her to come and join them, she continued their conversation as if the the girl had not seen her at all. It was quite weird, she had already sent her picture beforehand should Violetta need help on identification. Sensing something was off, she began to take a nearby seat to listen in on the conversation.

At first glance it was a regular chatter unlike any other but the words told her something was wrong. Eyebrows furrowed, she walked towards Muimina from behind and look down at him, her head tilted slightly in response. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but she did feel something weird about his presence.

"That's odd. What kind of fan would mistake a 221B Baker Street with 122B Pastry street?" she said slightly and leaned in onto the table, her eyes locking gaze with her.

"Not to mention the name you speak was actually the detective's brother....who are you?"

WC: 254


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 7, 2020 5:40:50 GMT -5


A cold sweat ran down from Hyakuji’s forehead. How did a foreigner know about Moriarty Holmes? It was a collection of light novels and short stories about the detective Moriarty Holmes, published by a Japanese author, in Japan. One could say it was a loose adaptation of the great classic Sherlock Holmes. It was not as famous for the world as Sherlock was, but it was as great nonetheless, at least for Hyakuji. Only a few knew of it, even his colleagues at Tokyo U back in the day did not know it existed. Of course, Hyakuji knew that the real place in London was 221B Baker Street but instead he blurted out 122B Pastry Street out of anxiety, scrambling for words to reply to the girl’s question. And what a surprise. The girl knew about Moriarty Holmes.

Hyakuji got more tensed when he sensed someone was listening to their conversation. Nevertheless, he still tried to keep his calm. He could feel that that person was also supernatural, perhaps like the girl in front of him. Could be another fullbringer." This could be a trap. Tsk. I should’ve listened to my gut feeling. Something was really wrong the moment I started tracking her. Perhaps I was even lured here. Now, what should I do? If these people find out of my true identity, crossing swords would be inevitable, and I might not know of the secret of this organization. Running is not an option though. I wouldn’t want to be tagged as a coward for doing so. But if I do clash with these two, I’d get scolded by the captain. "

Things seemed to run slow as Hyakuji processed these thoughts but it only took a second or two and Violette was already asking who was the great detective between them two. He was not able to respond as he was still somehow caught up in his thoughts until it was interrupted when the woman who was just listening to them then came over to join the discussion. She commented that Moriarty was Holmes’ brother and followed up by asking who Hyakuji was. With that comment, HYakuji further concluded that Moriarty Holmes was indeed not that famous.

He then replied, “You must be talking about Sherlock Holmes, miss,” faking a smile to the silver-haired woman who just joined their conversation.

On the other hand, Violette already realized that the lady would come over. She did not bother when Hyakuji failed to respond to her question. Somehow, she already had the feeling that someone was spying on her since she was still in London. But she did not know who or what his intentions were. In any case, she needed to make sure she had back-up should an unprecedented fight occur. Besides, the spy did not look like a typical detective. Why would an inspector check on her anyway? She did no crime except for taking down weird creatures invisible to ordinary human eyes. This guy must know something about the supernatural world. She concluded, and thus, tried to lure him out. It was an awkward request to the Red Lotus, unsure if it would be granted given that she had no notable position held whatsoever. But it might as well be a good opportunity to get something out of the guy, she thought, so she proceeded with her plan. Thankfully enough, the organization had sent some back-up. Alas, it was a success.

“You must be talking about Sherlock Holmes, miss.”

Violette immediately interrupted Hyakuji and got the trouble of introducing him instead, “Hello, Ms. Diana Chase, thank you for coming to this awkward rendezvous. This man is Mr. Ayuzawa Natsume, he said he is a tourist from Japan…” Violette paused for a moment, then continued “… but I guess he has more serious business than touring to France…” she said, her eyes closed, smiling.


He was indeed busted. He let a heavy sigh, and stood up while affirming Violette’s introduction, “Hello, Ms. Chase… isn’t it? Nice to meet you ( I guess)...I am Ayuzawa Natsume. Ms. Vaucouleurs is right, I have more serious business than touring around Europe…I only intended to meet her alone… I didn’t expect she would invite a friend.”

He looked to Violette for a moment, then turned his gaze back to Diana and offered to shake her hands, “ I guess it can’t be helped. Shall we move out to a more private place to talk? I sense a not-so-good outcome of the attempted espionage I just did.”

He told them the truth. There was no more reason to go round the circle. There was no way he could continue spying on them so might as well just talk about it and ask honest questions, with the hope that they would give him the proper answers he expected to receive.

He would then wait for Diana and Violette to accept his invitation before going out of the cafe.

Last Edit: Oct 7, 2020 5:58:20 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 8, 2020 20:29:47 GMT -5

And therein lies the rub.

In the first place, it was odd to choose a rather niche story compared to the main one especially to the ones where they had just met. There was also a possibility that he was referring to Mycroft rather than Moriaty which was why she hinted it at him instead to see if he was just stumbling over his words over talking with the beautiful lady. But he didn't act upon it, which indicated to her there was something more at work here.

Their eyes met and she could sense his composure was slipping fast. There was another reason why she had approach closely, in case she needed to shield Violetta from anything. But apparently there was no need for that. Admitting the futility of his attempt at espionage, he suggested them to move somewhere more private. He even offered her handshake to which she gripped though with a significantly more strength than necessary.

"Naturally. I'll take over from here Madamoiselle Vancouleurs. See you in a bit."

With that, she would began to lead Hyakuji to an underground parking lot. As much as she wanted to lead him to an alley, she had seen a couple of kids hanging out earlier on her way to the cafe. She could scare them away of course but she rather not attract attention in a foreign land.

Once they reached the parking lot, she immediately grabbed the lapel of Muimina's clothes. His spiritual pressure felt odd but she didn't quite figure it out. The only way to check if he was indeed from supernatural world was to channel the Hollow reishi into him. How he reacted to that should pinpoint his origin easily. If he wasn't of anything like that, then the damage would be minimal.

"Who are you and why are you stalking Violette?"

As she asked the question, she immediately activate her first release. There was no significant changes to her appearance but there was no way one that was sensitive to the spiritual part of their surroundings.

Tag: Muimina Hyakuji
PC: 3

Diana unleashed her release on first turn.
Diana used Sekisho and gain 20 armor.
Diana use curse on Muimina.

At-Will: Gain 3 reishi per turn.

At-will: Gain bonus +10 to defense and -2 Damage Negation.

Standard Action: First Release-Enhancement Efficient.
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Cost: 4 ki per turn.

Bonus Action: Sekisho - You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -13 reishi cost

Bonus Action: Curse - As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
|-13 reishi cost.
Status Chance 70%: OMnDUp0o1d100

First Release(Efficient). Reduce Reishi cost for all techniques by 2.


As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 25. As an at-will action you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn.

As an at-will action at the end of your turn choose a defensive or offense boon: For defense add bonus +10 defense and negate -2 dmg from all attacks during your next turn. Or, for offense add a bonus +10 Accuracy and +1 Damage Tier with all attack spells during your next turn.

As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Limit: Indefinite.

As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Limit: Once per turn.


A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1.

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: 1/1.

A high class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent. No roll necessary.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: 1/1

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 55,000(110,000)
HP: 75/75 | REISHI: 101/125 | DEF: 100(Now 110) | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +50



13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 8, 2020 23:07:08 GMT -5

Wow. Such delicate yet strong hands. Hyakuji thought as he felt the pressure from Diana’s grip.

After the formal introduction, Diana bid farewell to her colleague, which led further to Hyakuji’s frustration. First, he did not expect an uninvited guest to come over his supposed rendezvous with his target; second, this uninvited guest took over in handling him. “Seriously? I am supposed to talk to the French girl,” he muttered to himself. But since he had been driven to the corner, he did not retaliate, instead, he obediently followed Diana to an underground parking lot.

“Wait, an underground parking lot?” Something told Hyakuji that the girl meant more than a private talk. He only suggested moving to some other place because he wanted to keep the discussion from being overheard by the people around. Wouldn’t it be weird for them to hear about hollows, or fullbringer and other stuff related to it? Sure, they might not understand because of the language barrier, but it would be better to be safe than sorry, wouldn’t it?

From a distance, the parking lot was large and quite empty with only about one or two old cars parking on the farthest corner. The lights were quite flickering, but they were enough for one to see clearly through the whole area.

As soon as they reached the parking space, Hyakuji was surprised by the instant grabbing of Diana to the lapel of his coat which he just bought in London about three days ago. Hyakuji somehow got worried that the dark coffee-colored trench coat might get wrinkled from Diana’s clutch. Still, he maintained a calm demeanor even when Diana tried to intimidate him by doing such a move. His dead cold eyes met hers; and it was glaring at him. With such a close distance, Hyakuji realized that the girl was attractive as the young maiden Violette. Instead of blushing, his face showed some sort of discomfort but immediately hid it by giving her a smirk before answering her question.

“ Easy there, lady. I just wanted some nice talk with your friend. And you appeared out of nowhere. I should be the one asking that question,” he replied while resisting the sting of some invisible energy flowing from Diana to him.

“Hollow reishi?” His speculation was confirmed. The silver-haired woman was also a fullbringer just as the mademoiselle was.

Hyakuji tried to grab Diana’s hands so he could let himself go from her clutch, “Listen, I have respect for women, I don’t want to hurt you.”

Even if he considered fullbringers as mortal enemies with shinigamis, he could not just let himself hurt a girl. No, not anymore. He already did back when he was still human. Even if it was just an accident, he deeply regretted it and it was still eating him up to this very day.

Her grip was too tight, he had to put a lot more pressure enough for her to let go.

As soon as he had broken away from Diana’s grip, he moved away at a safer distance. It would take Diana about three or four steps should she decide to attack again.

"Okay, I'll be a gentleman and answer your question. I followed your friend to gather some information on you guys. It seems like both of you are no ordinary human beings."


Hyakuji used Strike against Diana
Active effects: Resist

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - *Roll Here* vCqrZVKa1d100+35
Dmg - *Roll Here*2d12
Status Chance (00%) - *Roll Here

Resist- As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 2 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 1 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.




Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


Hyakuji activates his eyes which allows him seem to see several lines on whatever he sees. These lines represent the weakest points. Cutting through these lines "allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease."

Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.

Cost: 5 Reishi

Limit: Twice per battle.



Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.

Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


1st Release:

"Nothingness is my very existence. Enter the void, Kuukyo-sa."

As soon as he speaks this chant, Hyakuji's Wakizashi would turn into a black blade nodachi, its slashes/hits extends to a 50m range creating a void that runs through the direction of the attack for about 5 secs. Anything that hits through the void gets eaten by the void

Attack type:
SINGLE: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.

Major effect:
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.

Minor effect:
CRIPPLE: 50% chance to Cripple the target.



Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.

Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 25,000
HP: 75/75 | REISHI: 100/100 | DEF: 75 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +35

Last Edit: Oct 8, 2020 23:22:45 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 10, 2020 1:34:22 GMT -5

Diana's eyes narrowed slightly in response.

Something definitely felt off. Had Hyakuji been a regular stalker, he wouldn't have followed her all the way down to this underground parking lot. He would most likely look for a chance to escape or attack her from behind then escape but there was no such attempt during their trip. Yet he followed her down obediently without further coercion on her part.

When he grabbed her arm, she braced herself for potential counter attack but Muimina surprised her by simply prying her hands off her coat. He then attempted to deescalate the situation by explaining how he respected women and had no intention to harm her friend in first place.

"Is that so?"

To which she would have been more than willing to let him go with a warning before he issued his next statement of acknowledging that they're not ordinary human being. Should she play dumb? It was an option she considered but judging by how his expression changed when she channelled Hollow Reishi onto him it was too late to do so. As he had more or less show himself to be not of mundane origin, she didn't waste time to intimidate him further, her reiryoku surging even higher.

"I see. Normally, we don't allow regular people to walk away with that information...but something tells me you're not exactly normal either. So put your hands up."

Something that she had learned throughout her experience was that fighting style reflected one's personality or methodology. You can lie with words but it would be significantly more difficult to lie with fighting style. Her first attack would be twin jabs in the direction of his face before finishing off with a straight to his chest.

WC: 291
PC: 4

Muimina's attack missed Diana.
Edge 4 deployed. As a passive you gain +20 def against all foe's attacks, you reduce total damage taken from their attacks by 6, you gain +6 bonus damage and +20 accuracy with all your attacks.
Diana used Intimidate. Gain 25 Reishi!
Diana use strike Three times!

At-Will: Gain 3 reishi per turn.

At-will: Gain bonus +10 to defense and -2 Damage Negation.

At-will: Blitz activated.

Standard Action: First Release-Enhancement Efficient.
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Cost: 4 ki per turn.

Bonus Action: Intimidate-Regain 25 Reishi, raise reiatsu level by 25%

Standard Action 1: Strike
Accuracy Roll: WD9fsbdo1d100+70
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12+6

Standard Action 2a: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+70
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12+6

Standard Action 2b: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+70
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12+6

First Release(Efficient). Reduce Reishi cost for all techniques by 2.


As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 25. As an at-will action you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn.

As an at-will action at the end of your turn choose a defensive or offense boon: For defense add bonus +10 defense and negate -2 dmg from all attacks during your next turn. Or, for offense add a bonus +10 Accuracy and +1 Damage Tier with all attack spells during your next turn.

As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Limit: Indefinite.

As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Limit: Once per turn.


A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1.

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: 1/1.

A high class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent. No roll necessary.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: 1/1

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 55,000(Currently 137,500)
HP: 75/75 | REISHI: 125/125 | DEF: 100(Now 130) | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +50
Last Edit: Oct 10, 2020 1:35:27 GMT -5 by Diana


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 10, 2020 3:46:27 GMT -5

"I see. So she’s trying to figure out my identity when she channeled those weird reishi to me.”

Hyakuji was about to put his hands up when Diana suddenly charged forward and pulled punches aiming at his face. He wasn’t able to dodge the first jab which landed on his left cheek but immediately manipulated his reishi to move faster than usual such that he would be able to dodge the second. Then again, he was surprised by the last punch straight to his chest. He was able to somehow cross his arms together so he could block it, but there was power in that last attack he got pushed backward.

Hyakuji moved to a safer distance again. “Must we really fight?” He asked Diana while rubbing his left cheek, trying to relieve the pain she caused. Hyakuji was trying to be patient with the girl who just punched him out of nowhere. It seemed that the lady was trying to make him reveal himself he still didn’t budge, nonetheless. He would still try his best to conceal his identity. But he needed to get something out of his opponent as well, so he realized a fight would really be inevitable.

He took off his trench coat, folded it in haste, and carefully placed it beside a pillar near him.
“That’s brand new. I don’t want it to go stained.” He rolled the sleeves of his black polo shirt and unbuttoned the first two buttons near its collar.

He gave a deep sigh. “What kind of people are you, really? Where did you get your powers?”

Based on their initial exchanges, the girl seemed to be reluctant to give him the information he wanted so before Diana could answer, he followed up, “ If you’re not going to answer, I’m sorry, milady. But I’m going to beat it out of you.”

“I’ll be gentle,” he said while running towards Diana and later on would attempt to release an uppercut.


Diana used Strike: 151 Acc vs 75(+10) Def =hit 8 dmg dealt
Diana used Strike: 83 Acc vs 75(+10) Def= missed
Diana used Strike: 105 Acc vs 75(+10) Def= hit 16 dmg dealt
Total damage: 24 dmg -10 = 14dmg
Hyakuji used Strike

Active effects: Resist

Bonus Action: Rapid Movement | -3 reishi cost

Bonus Action: Guard | -9 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - zJvFtev11d100+35
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (00%) -

Resist- As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 2 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 1 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.




Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


Hyakuji activates his eyes which allows him seem to see several lines on whatever he sees. These lines represent the weakest points. Cutting through these lines "allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease."

Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.

Cost: 5 Reishi

Limit: Twice per battle.



Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.

Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


1st Release:

"Nothingness is my very existence. Enter the void, Kuukyo-sa."

As soon as he speaks this chant, Hyakuji's Wakizashi would turn into a black blade nodachi, its slashes/hits extends to a 50m range creating a void that runs through the direction of the attack for about 5 secs. Anything that hits through the void gets eaten by the void

Attack type:
SINGLE: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.

Major effect:
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.

Minor effect:
CRIPPLE: 50% chance to Cripple the target.



Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.

Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 25,000
HP: 61/75 | REISHI: 88/100 | DEF: 75 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +35


Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 12, 2020 8:47:25 GMT -5

The first jab launched towards Hyakuji's face was with the intention to gauge his reaction. It landed cleanly across his cheek but the follow up punch was immediately dodged. His instinct may be a bit dull perhaps but he clearly has good reflex. Said reflex did not save him from a straight towards his chest however as she watched Hyakuji was sent skidding backward.

A regular human would've been knocked out by those strike. She clearly had some training in combat before though the fact that he didn't retaliate immediately told her that he's the patient type. Like a snake in the grass, looking for an opening to exploit rather than force the situation.

"Words are like air. I told you to put your hands up."

Despite putting on her battle stance, it was quite lacking in bloodlust or killing intent. Considering how he managed to not only dodge but weather her blows, he clearly possessed spiritual power of a sort. It was amusing that he told her he would beat the answer out of her but also reassure her that he would be gentle.

"Ah? Cut that chivalry bullshit. You're in a street fight now so don't hold back." she retorted even as Muimina rushed in towards her. When he unleashed his uppercut, she swayed backward, allowing his fist to sail just inches in front of her face. Having estimated the level of his reiryoku, she decided to suppress herself a bit to see if that can entice him to be a bit more aggressive.

"That's what I'm talking about. As for my power source, who can say? Maybe I found an ancient alien technology. Or perhaps I've been bitten by a radioactive spider. Care to guess?"

From his fighting style, she could only assume he was a defensive type. Switching from her regular orthodox stance to Hitman style, she would fire various flickers jabs onto him, targeting his face, his chest and his rib.


Hyakuji attack missed Diana. (62 vs 110)
Diana suppressed her reishi to match Hyakuji.
Diana use strike three times!

At-Will: Gain 3 reishi per turn.

At-will: Gain bonus +10 to defense and -2 Damage Negation.

At-will: Blitz activated.

At-will: Suppress-Suppressing reiatsu level to 25,000.

Standard Action 1: Strike
Accuracy Roll: VYC1TcOD1d100+70
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

Standard Action 2a: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+50
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

Standard Action 2b: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+50
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

First Release(Efficient). Reduce Reishi cost for all techniques by 2.


As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 25. As an at-will action you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn.

As an at-will action at the end of your turn choose a defensive or offense boon: For defense add bonus +10 defense and negate -2 dmg from all attacks during your next turn. Or, for offense add a bonus +10 Accuracy and +1 Damage Tier with all attack spells during your next turn.

As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Limit: Indefinite.

As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Limit: Once per turn.


A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1.

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: 1/1.

A high class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent. No roll necessary.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: 1/1

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 55,000(Suppressed to 25,000)
HP: 75/75 | REISHI: 125/125 | DEF: 100(Now 110) | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +50

Last Edit: Oct 12, 2020 11:05:37 GMT -5 by Diana


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 12, 2020 10:43:59 GMT -5

Hyakuji intentionally held back his uppercut so Diana could dodge. He was still reluctant to fight the silver-haired woman despite knowing she and the likes of her were threats to the balance of souls. After all, he only came for information, not a fistfight. There would be a greater chance that he would get more serious in battle should his opponent was a guy. That shouldn’t mean he looked down on women in terms of fighting though. As said earlier, he only had personal reasons.

“You wouldn’t understand why I hold back. Chivalry has been lost these days. I guess the world needs a lot more good men.”

His unwillingness to fight cost him some snappy punches landing on his torso. He was careful enough not to allow Diana to hit his face anymore. To a normal human being, the punches would probably cause them to fall flat on the surface. But Hyakuji, being supernatural, was still able to endure their impact. He caught Diana’s last jab by grabbing her hand. With a little bit of reishi, he would focus his attack by trying to lock her down. He would attempt to pull her forward, his close hand to the back of her head, pulling it further in as he would grab her chin with his far hand to reverse her direction and pin her to the ground.

[/div] [/spoiler]

“It would take you more than that to get me pissed. Why so hot-headed, fullbringer? Did you miss your morning coffee?”

"Just tell me more about the likes of you," he continued as he tried to keep her locked down.


Diana used Strike: 138 Acc vs 75 Def =hit 8 dmg dealt
Diana used Strike: 104 Acc vs 75 Def= hit 12 dmg dealt
Diana used Strike: 75 Acc vs 75 Def= draw
Total damage: 20 dmg -10 = 10dmg
Hyakuji used Strike

Active effects: Resist

Bonus Action: Guard | -9 reishi cost

Bonus Action: Focus energy| -9 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - QUa5alpW1d100+45 1d100+50
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (00%) -

Resist- As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 2 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 1 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.




Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


Hyakuji activates his eyes which allows him seem to see several lines on whatever he sees. These lines represent the weakest points. Cutting through these lines "allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease."

Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.

Cost: 5 Reishi

Limit: Twice per battle.



Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.

Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


1st Release:

"Nothingness is my very existence. Enter the void, Kuukyo-sa."

As soon as he speaks this chant, Hyakuji's Wakizashi would turn into a black blade nodachi, its slashes/hits extends to a 50m range creating a void that runs through the direction of the attack for about 5 secs. Anything that hits through the void gets eaten by the void

Attack type:
SINGLE: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.

Major effect:
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.

Minor effect:
CRIPPLE: 50% chance to Cripple the target.



Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.

Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 25,000
HP: 51/75 | REISHI: 70/100 | DEF: 75 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +35

NOTE: Did a reroll for acc. For the first roll, I only added +10 instead of +15. The second roll is the corrected one.
Either way, it didn't do any damage. xD

Last Edit: Oct 12, 2020 11:08:12 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 13, 2020 2:24:16 GMT -5

How annoying.

Although Diana can respect the idea of protecting someone that's weaker than yourself, for it to be centered around gender rubbed her off the wrong way. Maybe in ancient time perhaps, when women were a lot more restricted that they were confined to more traditional roles but recent years the daughters of Eve have breached all sorts of ceilings that long thought to be reserved to sons of Adam.


Her whiplike assault of jabs missed his face but otherwise made contact with his chest. He was quite particular about not letting her fist strike his face, though she could not discern whether that was out of vanity or caution. It's rather odd that he let her attack him like that before her eyes narrowed slightly as she felt him grab his hand.

A grappler.

In any mixed martial art contest, if they were equally strong and skilled then the result would lean towards them more than strikers. She had not anticipated such move and was taken to the ground immediately. As Hyakuji attempted to hold him down, Diana struggle against him as she try to escape his lock.

Fortunately for her, the grapple was not perfectly executed. Otherwise she would not have been able to resist resulting his grip on her to be rather rather weak. Kicking would be nigh impossible at this angle and she was not familiar with the position with the attempt to escape. So instead she would punch his face with her free hand to distract him before attempting to reverse the situation by rolling him around immediately so that she's now straddling him instead. Should she succeed she would raise her fists before dropping them down onto him in a classic ground and pound.

If she failed instead however, she would attempt to wrestle and clench him on the ground instead, beating up his body with vicious hooks to knock the wind off his chest.

"Good idea, terrible execution. Perhaps it's you who are in need of coffee mate."

PC: 6

Hyakuji attack missed Diana. (91 vs 110)
Diana use strike three times!

At-Will: Gain 3 reishi per turn.

At-will: Gain bonus +10 to defense and -2 Damage Negation.

At-will: Blitz activated.

At-will: Suppress-Suppressing reiatsu level to 25,000.

Standard Action 1: Strike
Accuracy Roll: s2PT3EEn1d100+50
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

Standard Action 2a: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+50
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

Standard Action 2b: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+50
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

First Release(Efficient). Reduce Reishi cost for all techniques by 2.


As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 25. As an at-will action you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn.

As an at-will action at the end of your turn choose a defensive or offense boon: For defense add bonus +10 defense and negate -2 dmg from all attacks during your next turn. Or, for offense add a bonus +10 Accuracy and +1 Damage Tier with all attack spells during your next turn.

As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Limit: Indefinite.

As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Limit: Once per turn.


A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1.

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: 1/1.

A high class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent. No roll necessary.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: 1/1

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 55,000(Suppressed to 25,000)
HP: 75/75 | REISHI: 125/125 | DEF: 100(Now 110) | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +50
Last Edit: Oct 13, 2020 2:45:49 GMT -5 by Diana


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 13, 2020 4:06:33 GMT -5

While Diana was caught surprised by Hyakuji’s attempt to pin her down, the reaper had to put in a lot more strength since his opponent was thoroughly resisting even as he had put her to the ground. His grip was quite weak such that Diana was able to immediately break away and tried to punch him in the face. He was able to dodge the quick jab, which just happened to be just a distraction such that the lady turned the tide, and straddled him instead. The silver-haired woman was now then mounted on his lower torso. Her legs locked on his hips such that he would find it difficult to rise up. With her weight pressing against him, she attempted to land several hits on his face. He was able to catch the first strike such that they were both struggling to clench each other. His right hand against her left fist, her right elbow against his left hand trying to choke him instead. Hyakuji tried to scramble around and moved his hips or raised his legs to try to escape from getting pinned down. It was obvious in his face that he was in a struggle. Eyebrows furrowed, sweat running from the side of his forehead... Soft grunts, gritted teeth.

But even in such a dire situation, he let out a small chuckle.

“I guess I should’ve taken you seriously from the start.”

At that, he manipulated his reishi to support his torso in attempting to get up, hitting Diana with a headbutt. Should he be successful, Diana would have lowered her defenses, get pushed back so he could break away. If not, his lips would land an awkward smack on her forehead and he would fall back to the floor.


Diana used Strike: 60 Acc vs 75 Def =hit missed
Diana used Strike: 115 Acc vs 75 Def= hit 1 dmg dealt
Diana used Strike: 139 Acc vs 75 Def= hit 8 dm dealt
Total damage: 9 dmg -10 = -1 dmg
Hyakuji used Strike

Active effects: Resist

Bonus Action: Guard | -9 reishi cost

Bonus Action: Focus energy| -9 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - U36sP_ps1d100+50
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (00%) -

Resist- As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 2 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 1 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.




Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


Hyakuji activates his eyes which allows him seem to see several lines on whatever he sees. These lines represent the weakest points. Cutting through these lines "allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease."

Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.

Cost: 5 Reishi

Limit: Twice per battle.



Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.

Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


1st Release:

"Nothingness is my very existence. Enter the void, Kuukyo-sa."

As soon as he speaks this chant, Hyakuji's Wakizashi would turn into a black blade nodachi, its slashes/hits extends to a 50m range creating a void that runs through the direction of the attack for about 5 secs. Anything that hits through the void gets eaten by the void

Attack type:
SINGLE: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.

Major effect:
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.

Minor effect:
CRIPPLE: 50% chance to Cripple the target.



Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.

Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 25,000
HP: 51/75 | REISHI: 52/100 | DEF: 75 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +35

Last Edit: Oct 13, 2020 4:08:46 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 14, 2020 16:15:34 GMT -5

What a mudfight.

The rain of blows descended on Hyakuji but he somehow managed to deflect or block most of her attacks. Did she hold back too much? Regardless, she still had the upperhand on her opponent as she's mounted on top of him, her eyes peeled for any attempt to reverse the position. She wasn't quite sure what move he pulled earlier, it was definitely not judo. Aikido perhaps? A soft option to be sure but if he also has Brazilian Jiujutsu in his repertoire, he would be able to wrestle the advantage from her even in this situation.

But instead of deploying any grappling techniques to reset his position, she could a spark of reishi from him before he came up towards her with brute force. Figuring that he would try to smash his forehead against her nose, she raised her arms to cover the lower part of her face only to feel an awkward kiss on her forehead.


Moments passed.


Her eyebrows twitched.

"You don't just kiss people randomly you bastard!!"

Charging her fist with reishi, she resumed her thunderous blows of punches onto him. Putting caution to the wind, she just wanted to pummel him to the ground.

PC: 7

Bonus Action: FOCUS ENERGY
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
Enhanced: If used with an Attack Spell, that spell now has an additional +15% chance to inflict Status Effects on the turn. If used with a Physical Attack, any additional uses on the same turn stack +3 additional damage per use.

At-will: Blitz activated.

Standard Action 1: Strike
Accuracy Roll: cSRI9TUk1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

Standard Action 2a: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

Standard Action 2b: Strike
Accuracy Roll: 1d100+65
Effect: None
Dice Damage: 1d12

First Release(Efficient). Reduce Reishi cost for all techniques by 2.


As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 25. As an at-will action you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn.

As an at-will action at the end of your turn choose a defensive or offense boon: For defense add bonus +10 defense and negate -2 dmg from all attacks during your next turn. Or, for offense add a bonus +10 Accuracy and +1 Damage Tier with all attack spells during your next turn.

As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Limit: Indefinite.

As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Limit: Once per turn.


A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1.

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: 0/1

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: 1/1.

A high class barrier that reflects attacks from the outside.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent. No roll necessary.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: 1/1

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 55,000(Suppressed to 25,000)
HP: 75/75 | REISHI: 118/125 | DEF: 100(Now 110) | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +50
Last Edit: Oct 14, 2020 16:16:47 GMT -5 by Diana


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Oct 14, 2020 19:28:08 GMT -5

With Diana forcing her weight against him to keep him pressed on the floor, his attempt to get up lacked the power to counter the force and the supposed headbutt ended up in an accidental kiss on Diana’s forehead, Hyakuji’s upper body falling back to the floor.

It took a long second for the reaper to realize what just happened with his attempted counterattack, leaving him staring at his opponent with a red face. Never in his life would he imagine himself kissing a random stranger, especially in the middle of a fight. It even took him fifteen years of courage to somehow steal a kiss from the girl he loved.

Diana too was surprised by what had just happened. Snap. Clearly, the woman was angered with what the Shinigami did… And she showered him with hard-hitting blows that could probably lead a normal human being to the nearest hospital.

Looking at Diana’s reaction, Hyakuji immediately transformed into his true form before the first strike landed on him.

“Kara no Kyoukai,” He whispered softly. Small voids intercept between Hyakuji’s body and Diana’s punches, her blows being deflected by the said void. He then reached for his zanpakuto, a wakizashi, and attempted to stab Diana in the gut so he could probably break away. He hated the thought of it, let alone the fact that he had to transform into a Shinigami. But he had no other choice, he had already been pushed into a corner.

As soon as he got up, he would use "intimidate" to replenish the reishi he lost during the earlier exchange of attacks.

He let a deep sigh. “I apologize for what happened earlier. The kiss, I hope you realize that was unintended.”

“Anyway, now that I had revealed my true form, might as well, reintroduce myself again. Muimina Hyakuji, shinigami. I don’t know if you’re familiar with the likes of us. But we ferry souls to the spiritual world once they die. We also purge hollows, the creatures who eat the souls of human beings. It has come to our attention that there are certain kinds of humans who gained powers from hollows. So I was sent to investigate. I did so in human form, to avoid skirmish. I just wanted information. Looking at the situation, it seems inevitable.”

Hyakuji was not the type who explains everything to people. He only provided what was necessary. Nevertheless, he hoped that that was enough for his fullbringer opponent to somehow open up.


Diana used Strike 3 times: 17 dmg dealt
Hyakuji used Sekisho: +20 armor
20 armor- 17 dmg= 3 armor

Hyakuji used Strike
Hyakuji used Intimidate: +25 reishi, 25% increase in RL

Active effects: Resist

Bonus Action: Kara no Kyoukai (Sekisho) | -15 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - |FhpUleS1d100+50
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (00%) -

Bonus Action: Intimidate| 0 reishi cost

Resist- As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 2 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 1 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.




Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


Hyakuji activates his eyes which allows him seem to see several lines on whatever he sees. These lines represent the weakest points. Cutting through these lines "allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease."

Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.

Cost: 5 Reishi

Limit: Twice per battle.



Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.

Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


1st Release:

"Nothingness is my very existence. Enter the void, Kuukyo-sa."

As soon as he speaks this chant, Hyakuji's Wakizashi would turn into a black blade nodachi, its slashes/hits extends to a 50m range creating a void that runs through the direction of the attack for about 5 secs. Anything that hits through the void gets eaten by the void

Attack type:
SINGLE: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.

Major effect:
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.

Minor effect:
CRIPPLE: 50% chance to Cripple the target.



Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.

Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 25,000 (Now 31,250)
HP: 51/75 | REISHI: 62/100 | DEF: 75 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +35

Last Edit: Oct 14, 2020 19:37:41 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.