Bleach Hereafter RPG

The Devil is In The Details


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 4, 2020 19:34:16 GMT -5

Ohohohoho! Now, things were getting interesting.

Yoshinori was always a sucker for good ol' fashioned drama. Of course, he loved hearing about it only when he wasn't embroiled in it. Thankfully, the majority of Yoshinori's life drama was self imposed and had become such a recurring event in the man's life that it hardly mattered to him anymore. It was simply background noise. But this? This was juicy. After so many years of taking things easy, there were people rising up that had a bone to grind with Soul Society? It was almost too fantastical to believe.

Just kidding. Soul Society's a shithole eighty percent of the time. It's totally believable.

Now things were unravelling. The elusive question as to why the Sinners would haphazardly cause indiscriminate damage immediately upon escaping instead of scattering across the globe was now becoming much more clear. A secretive plot, to which the demons were apart of...but who else. If dear Taisho's wording was to be believed, it seemed as if such a conflict was already ongoing between the Shinigami and other parties, with the demons merely being late add ons. While the plan that the Sinners concocted was a risky one that didn't pay off in their favor, it certainly paved the way for a wealth of information in Yoshinori's case.

"Now we seem to be getting somewhere. So we were bait for your plan to pit us against the demons, to who you already assumed we were actively fighting...what an interesting turn of events. Tell me, Taisho. We captured you, but we know of so many other Sinners still in that realm. And I doubt any of them hold any love for the demons. Perhaps...with enough finagling..." With that, the silver haired Shinigami sighed, as if lost in his thoughts for a moment, before snapping back to reality

"Let's start small then. Have the demons themselves, besides the moment we captured you, ever ventured into the World of the Living. To your knowledge of course?"

Post Count: 6 | |


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Dec 6, 2020 0:02:23 GMT -5

Now he was getting somewhere, an actual response from them. Though this response was not the type of answer he was looking for. As it raised more questions.

"What, does that mean the captains know about who and what Ilvamal were and didn't divulge with us? No, if they wanted it to be kept secret they wouldn't have let us interview them. Unless of course, yes that is the only explanation."
Tensai thought.

He then went into a jolly fit of laughter, as if amused by the Sinner's response.

"Ain't it obvious, you were all fed misinformation, possibly that Ilvamal had planted so that perhaps to quell whatever seeds of rebellion you planned to sow. We have no knowledge of what goes on in Hell, nor who Ilvamal is until I heard his named uttered by your acquaintance Showa who was taken back to Hell with them. We can't just fight an enemy without knowing who they are or what they're capable of," Tensai explained.

And while it made sense, he couldn't help but think if that were the case, if it was deliberate to force the Shinigami to fight the Sinners. Was letting them kidnap some also a part of their plan then. Did they just not care enough to bother taking them back or was there a more sinister reason for letting them be brought to Soul Society. The thought of that worried him and he needed to get more info from this Sinner fast. Now that he found a proper way to get them to speak.

"In any case any more info will do nicely, cause if you continue to not comply I will have to turn the voltage to one hundred and twenty. That's over twice the amount I just gave you. Though I am very curious to see if you are even able to handle it for a second without being knocked unconscious," Tensai said.

As if drawing it out to wait for Meiji's response or to make them more tense he would tease them by having his hand reach slowly closer towards the dial of the battery to turn it on to 120v. Making eye contact with Meiji while he is doing this.

Post Count: 6

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Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 8, 2020 11:20:35 GMT -5

Taisho remained silent, his hands now placed on the table, hands wrapped together in contemplation. The Shinigami immediately latched onto his explanation of the conspiracy which they had overheard during their long time in Hell, and why should he not? It was news which should be very alarming to Soul Society - that is, if they proved to be true.

The jury might still be out on that, but the Shinigami who was interrogating Taisho was apparently interested enough to continue developing the topic further.

"...I do not know," Taisho stated loud and clear, once presented with a question on whether he knew of the Demons venturing into the realm of the living. "I spend my days chained and tortured in a pit, after all. I only get to see them once in forever."

Taisho went silent for a second.

"If they have crossed the barrier between Hell and the mortal realm, and do it often, however, then I feel that none of you would even know. As soon as they enter the mortal realm, they assume a form not unlike your own. To us, they appear very..."

A flashback briefly came to the Sinner's mind.


Well that's that. It turns out that the onion haired Shinigami simply chose to not believe in what Meiji had told him - dismissing it merely as lies which were implanted into his mind to quell any rebellion and keep them complacent. It was good for him to not be gullible and try to view the situation critically, but it did not leave Meiji any happier.

Especially as he was suddenly shoved with even more voltage down his buttocks. Not a pleasant experience at all.

"Damn it, I did comply, you moron!" Meiji suddenly yelled as soon as the electric shock ceased. "I'm telling you what I know! That you guys are fighting or something! What more do you want from me, to tell you lies?!"

(323 words)


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 11, 2020 22:46:23 GMT -5

Yoshinori leaned back, his interest hitting its peak. So these demons had made their way into the World of the Living before, and more importantly as someone they wouldn't be able to detect. How unfortunate this was. Yoshinori himself had only recently begun his patrolling in the World of the Living, his transfer to the Eighth Division had freed him from his quite literal prison sentence to the Maggot's Nest, and had allowed him to take residence in Cairo, Egypt. Was it possible such demons had made appearances in the city already? And he was none the wiser?

What a lovely situation to be in...

And now here he was, with such little information to go on. The interrogation wasn't going poorly. In fact, it was going well to the point where Yoshinori was tempted to double check Taisho's info and ensure it was all legit and the Sinner wasn't lying to his face. Just kidding. Yoshinori was going to totally do that anyway.

Fishing his smoking pipe from whatever next world dimension he had banished it to throughout the proceedings, Yoshinori lit yet another batch of tobacco placed inside, and soon the pungent odor of tobacco smoke began to fill the room as the visual smoke began to dissipate in air," " I'm going to ask you a foolish question. Try to entertain me for a moment..." Yoshinori started, his tone light, casting a lazy gaze towards Taisho.

Sealed Ball

"Try your hand at tactician for me for a moment. You know Hell. You know these demons...even if it's not on a tea party on Sundays level. If you wanted more information on this chosen topic but you were say...on the outside, as we are right now, how would you attain it? Or rather, if you were us wanting to find a direct line of information from a source that potentially can offer us direct information on this movement against would you attain it?"

Steepling his fingers, Yoshinori allowed his golden smoking pipe to hang out of the side of his mouth, smoky wisps still drifting from the upturned opening. Did he expect a true answer? Probably not? Did he expect a nudge in a possible direction? Maybe so. Maybe not. Did he want to hear Taisho's answer? Abso-fucking-lutely.

Post Count: 7 | |
Last Edit: Dec 11, 2020 22:47:48 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Dec 11, 2020 23:20:55 GMT -5

 After shocking them for a minute with more volts it seems that what he told him seems to be the truth, but it doesn't make logical sense. Tensai's face contorted to an angry glare as he decided to explain the holes in what Meiji said.

"If we were enemies like you say then we would have info in who Ilvamal is, which we don't this is the first I or anyone in the Gotei 13 heard or seen of him. And even if the higher-ups did know why wouldn't they tell us? And if they wanted to keep it secret do you really think they would allow me and another individual to interrogate you and your fellow Sinner to learn these details! Unless-"
Tensai said.

  He then stopped to a moment as if pondering, the wheels in his head begin to turn.

"It doesn't seem like he is lying but if they don't know about Ilvamal then Ilvamal knows about us and if the Sinners thought we were enemies then that could mean..." Tensai thought.

  He then facepalmed as he realized his error.

"Oh, I do apologize it seems I made a massive error and jumped to conclusions, it seems while we are not enemies with them, or are at least not yet anyway. Whatever you heard Ilvamal probably plans an invasion on Soul Societ and against the Shinigami, for what reason I do not know. Though now that we know that there is an attack coming perhaps you should tell me more about them, after all, Ilvamal didn't seem to be a Sinner but something different so we have no idea what we would be up against." Tensai said.

  He then stepped away from Meiji and sealed back his Zanpakuto, turning it back to a tantō as then looks to Meiji for a moment.

"Excuse while I punish myself for my error, as a perfectionist I shouldn't let myself go easy for making a mistake so simple," Tensai said.

  He then stabs his arm with his Zanpakuto, blood staining his surgical cloak as he then gets some medical equipment to disinfect, stitch up, and wrap up the wound. As he then got back to where Meiji is and took off the electrodes on his body. As he looked at him in the eyes.

"I will refrain from these barbaric methods if you can tell me more of this tyrant of Hell, surely you must hate him if you wanted us to take care of him. And we can and everyone that is allied with him if they pose a threat to the balance of the universe and to Soul Society. Give me names, what they are, and I assure you we will force them to go through pain more than you have felt caused by them in Hell." Tensai said.

  Now, of course, this is a gamble to try to gain the Sinner's trust by trying to take advantage of his emotions and whatnot. There is nothing wrong with a little manipulation as long as it got results. He just hopes that Meiji will finally comply. And if he doesn't well then he'll have to take even more drastic measures.

Post Count: 7

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Last Edit: Dec 11, 2020 23:23:02 GMT -5 by tensai toshiaki


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 14, 2020 13:26:40 GMT -5

Oh, now things were getting interesting. Instead of answering simple questions from as much as his memories and knowledge could allow, Taisho was now tasked to imagine a hypothetical scenario himself. What would he do if he was tasked to investigate this supposed conspiracy against Soul Society, where would he turn to, what sources of information would he search for? It was clear, the Shinigami was searching for advice to bring to his superiors, alongside the whole report about the Demons, their intentions, and their lack of knowledge about thereof.

Who knows, maybe if Taisho gives reliable enough information to this man, he will get a raise after claiming it as his own. What generosity and altruism! Taisho despised the mere thought of it.

"If I was responsible for figuring out more about the intentions of the Demons? And what they are doing?" the Sinner repeated the request and placed his hands on the table, chains clinging as they hit the surface. "Well, I would engage them. Monitor new appearances of Sinners, because there is sure going to be a lot of them. And get in there to beat up one of them wherever they come out. Of course, if such a lucky event does happen, I will make sure to send actually strong and high ranking Shinigami who could fight against one of them toe to toe. Not..."

He waved to the Shinigami with his hand, as if to point to him.

"...some interns."

At first, Meiji was inclined to write the onion haired Shinigami as a sociopath who just wanted to torture some Sinners for fun, he certainly could relate to such an understandable want. Now, however, he had to write the man off as a weirdo.

Did he just... stab himself?

Apparently so, he even went down the whole procedure to disinfect and treat his wound as if this was something normal. Meiji slowly pulled himself to a more comfortableposition on the table, still confused - once the Shinigami lodged his request, however, he released a jolly laugh.

"Hahah, really now? Guess we were right judging you lot as no big deal in Soul Society," the Sinner stated, then cracked a smirk and continued. "The Demons are the lords of the Kushanada. They are the highest authority in all of Hell and some of the most powerful entities among the five dimensions, whom neither of us can compare to. Prince Ilvamal is one of the Trifecta, to whom all Demons pay service to. The highest of the highest."

Meiji stayed silent for a second, before remarking:

"Granted, since you thought to intimidate a Sinner with torture, I assume you did not know that much about Hell either way."

(452 words)


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 19, 2020 3:06:31 GMT -5

I fucking wish I was an Intern.

Yoshinori wasn't in the least bit offended by Taisho's words. After all, it was true to a degree. While Yoshinori considered himself not weak by any circumstance, he was no Captain. He didn't have the haori that color clashed with everything in his wardrobe, and it didn't take a genius to figure out that if he was to encounter demons from the depths of Hell, that he probably would have a hard time at best, and be swatted away at worst. Plus, fighting demons was way above his paygrade. He wasn't risking his life for his current salary.

But alas, that didn't change the fact of the matter. The Shinigami simply couldn't march into Hell on a whim. Not just because of lack of evidence but because of lack of means. Dimensions and working the way between them weren't exactly included in the Shino Academy handbook, and the Goteijūsantai wasn't exactly well versed in enough crisis situations to be able to execute such a trying task on short notice. In fact, the silver haired Shinigami could very well bet money on how many bigwigs in command would lose their heads over the prospect of war over the horizon.

The Shimizu Twins in general would probably wet themselves. But then again, that was based more on malcontent on Yoshinori's part rather than actual judgement of their personalities. After all, they did fire him from the Second Division.

"Hmm...fair point. Demon combat isn't on my agenda. Nor do I want it to be. Gallivanting in Cairo while drinking Merlot is more my style for an evening in the World of the Living. No room for mythical antics." Yoshinori replied, waving his hand almost in dismissal of Taisho's words. It was actually all too easy to assume that the Third Seat didn't even truly listen to what the Sinner had to say at all.

However, Yoshinori's next words dispelled the thought.

"Let's keep the hypothetical going. Demon appearances are tied to the escape of Sinners to the World of the Living, as we've seen. It's our only bet. Now...let us assume that we capture more of your fellow Sinners...can they be persuaded to cooperate in a similar way to you? You speak of information flowing throughout your own, with each hearing different things from others. It would be lovely to hear that some of your comrades in judgement have the possibility of knowing that we can put the pieces together on this rather elusive puzzle all the faster. After all, if what you say is to believed, we are certainly playing catchup, since we're just becoming aware of a potential war against Soul Society."

Drumming his fingers against the table now, he awaited the young man's answer.

Post Count: 8 | |


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Dec 20, 2020 0:34:57 GMT -5

"So there are those that command the Kushanada, and Ilvamal is one of the three strongest members of it, how very interesting. A whole new undiscovered breed from the depths of Hell that has been waiting in the shadows for so long. I do hope once they die they leave a corpse behind so that we can see what makes them so special. This new knowledge is so tantalizing, though if they are as powerful as he says it may be something that should be left to the Captains or their Vice Captains. Seems too big of a task for someone of my current level, then again I have been improving myself lately after that Fullbringer incident," Tensai thought.

He then chuckles at that torture comment.

"Well of course I knew that Hell is a place to eternally tortured those who are truly damned, who committed such unspeakable acts in life that they are put through torment equal to what they have done. In fact, I have even slain two Hollows who were assassins in their previous lives, proclaiming themselves to be true reapers though their arrogance was their downfall as I easily dispatched them. I believe they looked like mantises perhaps you met them before down there?"
Tensai said.

He was getting sidetracked as he sat down on a spinning chair and pressed a button to cause the weird bed/operating table Meiji is on to shift into a chair to make him somewhat more comfortable. Though of course the chains still bind him. On the spinning chair, he sat on it backward as he put his arms over the back of it.

"I only used those methods so I could pick you apart, take some organs, and various other samples and experiments. Though your insults started to annoy me so I switched to one of the more interesting ways to get information out of you, I figured it wouldn't matter since an associ... a friend of mine is currently in the middle of interrogating Taisho right now."
Tensai explained.

He then pushes himself and the chair closer to Meiji, staring daggers at him.

"Though you may know something he does not, after all, you seem to be a Sinner of higher quality than him surely you must know more. How many Demons are there, what abilities do they have, and anything else that you can tell us from your stay in Hell that may give us an edge in our upcoming battle against them?" Tensai asked.

While Tensai agreed that he is certainly stronger than Taisho was with the physical strength he shown during their battle, but he was nothing more than a brute in Tensai's eyes. After all, Showa seemed to be the true brains behind the whole attack and yet Tensai missed and gotten this neanderthal freed instead. He just wanted to tell him what he wanted to hear just to get him to talk more. He just hoped his gamble pays off.

Post Count: 8

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Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 21, 2020 18:26:52 GMT -5

The questions continued - it seemed that the Shinigami was using Taisho to bounce off a plan to take the fight against the Demons, crafting a more and more complex hypothetical and testing it against the Sinner's experience to see if it holds up in reality. Or at least that's how Taisho would describe this experiment. He remained silent, listening to the theory and staring at the table throughout.

Working with new, rescued Sinners, you say?

"You have to remember that we are from Hell," Taisho replied, calmly. By now, the tea which the Shinigami had handed to him was completely cold - but he still did not touch it. "And, to be completely honest, as much as we might want to escape... many of us deserve to be in there. I slit the throats of innocents during the Sengoku Jidai before I ended up there, and I know others who were far, far more brutal and villainous."

Confident, the Sinner leaned back on his chair. "And even if you ignore that part... Shinigami like you and your friends are the reason why we languish in Hell in the first place. You're the one who reap our souls to fall down there - and I'm sure many of my peers are still bitter about that. So, if collecting information on the Demons is on your agenda, you should keep both of that on your mind."

Pulled into a sitting position once more, though with chains on all of his limbs this time, Meiji sneered, spat to the side and wiped his slightly bloodied face, the constant bolts of electricity having popped a tiny vessel or few in his nose before. In the midst of his rambling, the Shinigami explained himself - flattering the Sinner slightly by declaring him greater than Taisho while at the same time complaining about the insults which he received.

"Talk shit, get hit, Shinigami."

He wiped his face a second time, then sighed after having to put his hand down after being weighed down by the chain.

"I've never had that much interest in all things above my paygrade. Showa told us that there's a big war between Demons and Soul Society which we're going to abuse to set ourselves free, that's why I went after him," Meiji continued with an explanation. "There's a lot of Demons, Kushanada can transform into them after they consume enough Sinners - out of them, though, three are the most important and they are called the Trifecta. Like I said. And of the Trifecta, the most-most important is the Demon King - he's the one in charge."

He briefly waved his hands. "And they're obviously strong, very, and can do a lot of things. But I figure you don't need me to know that."

(460 words)


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 30, 2020 1:23:28 GMT -5

The Sinner's statements were met with a dismissive hand wave on Yoshinori's part. To him, the issue was of course an issue. The matter of cooperation always varied when dealing with different people, and he knew full well he could never trust everyone to be rational. If all beings were rational, then why would cases such as dimension spanning, possibly catastrophic wars be a possibility on the horizon?

Yoshinori needed a smoke. It had been approximately three minutes since his last hit. Much too long.

The matter of Soul Society’s future laying in the hands of the damned was both a concerning thought, and an amusing one. Concerning because within the proposal of war was the possible effect it could have on Rukongai, to which Yoshinori was not ashamed to admit that he still had very strong feelings towards its citizens. Sure, the Shinigami were about ninety seven percent shit, but the people of Rukongai? They had no part in this. No power over their own lives, let alone that of Soul Society’s decisions. How much could he trust the Hell denizens to not involve other souls in their path to destruction? Probably not much. Chances are, this little war, if it is all that Taisho foresaw it to be, would just cause more problems than solutions. An annoyance, to be sure.

Of course, it was also amusing because Yoshinori wasn’t exactly the most patriotic of Shinigami, and would certainly find joy in seeing the look on some of the Captain’s faces when presented with the first real threat they’ve probably encountered in their careers. Well, maybe except Captain Katsumoto.

The cons in this case outweighed the pros.

"You ended up Hell, dear Taisho, because the sins you committed occurred before your death. That is the difference between you and me. You committed your evil acts before death. Me? I've been an asshole since I've died. So trust me, I have no foolish notions regarding cooperation, and I am very well aware that the people who are in Hell deserve to be there. Afterall, if Soul Society did morality cleanups within its own walls..."

He trailed off, a large smile coming over his face," "I'd be right there with you. But of course, that's not reality, is it? I say all this to say that whatever moves that I, and the rest of Soul Society will make, it will most likely be with that knowledge in mind. But you know how it goes. Hand is forced and all that. Do things you might not otherwise do. All that good stuff."

"That being said...I am interested in seeing this train wreck through to a degree, so who knows? It might be me going Sinner hunting. That should be an intern job, right?" Yoshinori added playfully, seemingly going against his statement earlier in which he clearly expressed that was exactly what he didn't want to do.

Just what was the angle he was getting at?

Post Count: 9 | |


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Dec 30, 2020 3:42:23 GMT -5

"So through consuming enough Sinners the Kushanada become Demons, but why though? Is this because they have absorbed the energy of the Sinners and thus became more like them or is this how their biology works or even why they consume Sinners in the first place to obtain this supposed higher state of being? So many questions the only way to know how would be the perform experiments on a Demon. Though if he as powerful as they say that could prove difficult, unless of course. Yes, that shall be my next question or even my final question." Tensai thought.

He then got up from his chair and stood in front of Meiji. Rubbing his hands together as if excited to tell him the next question he was thinking over to ask.

"One final question, if these Demons have a noble hierarchy, a prince a king, then the others are of other ranks beneath those titles. So what I am asking is which Demon is one that is of the lowest rank that we may stand a chance of defeating and or apprehending?" Tensai asked.

These noble ranks might indicate which ones are the strongest with of course the aforementioned king being the cream of the crop. That also implies the ones of lower ranks than the King, Prince, or even a hypothetical princess would all be weaker than this trifecta of Demons. And if they know which one is the weakest of them all they can capture him to get intel and study his corpse after they are done with him. Not just to help the Gotei 13 for this upcoming war but to better understand this newly discovered species/race. He could definitely get more use out of what he could gather from the Demon's body than what he could gather from Meiji's.

Post Count: 9

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Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Jan 4, 2021 5:48:55 GMT -5

Hearing the Shinigami's testimony, Taisho cracked a smug smile. The man did not hide the fact that he was no goody two shoes - and that if there was any cleanup in Soul Society on moral grounds alone, then he would be one of the first who'd fly out to Hell and hang out with the Sinners. It certainly did not gel with the perception of the Shinigami as good boy defenders of justice and order, usually said in a dismissive way, which permeated the Sinners as they discussed the events up above.

And Taisho was fine with that.

Because of that, the Shinigami did not appear concerned with the possible difficulties of cooperation - surely, he would be able to find common ground with other Sinners and delve into the root of the conspiracy, certainly a job for an "intern" such as himself. Taisho faintly scoffed.


He was about to finally take a sip from his cup of tea, only to sense its warmth, or rather lack thereof, and placed the cup back in its tray.

"Well, the tea is getting cold, and I imagine there is not much more I can tell you today. Please, when you toss me back to my cell, be generous and leave me with something to spend time with as thanks, the isolation is unbearable."

The next question - and, thankfully, if the onion haired Shinigami was to be believed, it was the final one - was about the ranks of the Demons. Who is at the bottom of the hierarchy of demons, who can they apprehend and so test for their own needs. Mumbling under his breath a little bit from the displeasure, Meiji straightened up somewhat.

"Well, the absolute lowest you can get in the hierarchy is the Kushanada. They are, technically, the same race as the Demons, after all. But they aren't allowed to leave Hell nor do I think experimenting on one is any helpful, so..."

Aside for that, what else?

"The Demons follow a medieval hierarchy like you'd expect. There's, uh, Princes, Dukes, Counts, Barons, Knights, so on and so forth... The lower ones would be easier to tackle, sure - but they rarely leave their dimension. 'Cause, you know, they know that you lads are pretty strong, and they'd rather build their strength instead of facing off against someone who could threaten them."

(393 words)


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Jan 12, 2021 2:27:21 GMT -5

Perhaps, under different circumstances, the two individuals could be friends.

Probably not, but it was nice to tease the slim possibility and act like it was more likely than it was, right?

With a soft groan, Yoshinori moved to rise, the soft jangle of jewelry moving about his form serving to only add to the noise. To him, today was a productive day. A dimension spanning threat was uncovered, and he made a new Sinner acquaintance while in the drab walls of the Great Underground Prison. He chalked up the day’s efforts to a win.

Now it was to simply conclude it.

Walking to the nearby door, Yoshinori tapped on the doorframe three times in rapid succession, to which was reciprocated with five rapid fire taps, followed by the door opening. Five masked Shinigami entered the room this time, all casting a quick glance Yoshinori’s way, before moving past. With not a single word spoken between either of them, they would move to lift the Sinner’s chair up in a similar manner to the way in which they did to begin with, four of the five present guardsmen dedicated to the task. The one extra one simply stepped forward and swiped the now cold cup of tea and placed it back onto the counter, before stepping forward to hold the door open for his companion’s departure with the prisoner.

Assuming all went without a struggle on that front, Yoshinori would step forward, as if to approach Taisho as he was escorted out into the hall. While initially stopped by the idle guardsmen, a single sharp slap at the man’s hands silenced that effort. At least for the next several seconds or so until said guardsmen was bound to be more forceful in his efforts.

"You can't say you didn't have a good time with me? Perhaps we can make these types of talks a regular thing, yes? Who knows, I might just sneak you a copy of something. Perhaps The Great Gatsby? Grapes of Wrath? Shakespeare? I’ll figure it out. No worries, my dear."

A hand resting upon Yoshinori’s chest, he found himself before held back as the man was slowly carted away. In one last act of defiant farewell, Yoshinori offered a single, drawn out way.

"Au Revoir!" He exclaimed, before his green eyes slowly slid to regard the man who had, up until that moment, been restraining him. Stepping back, his hand adjusted his Shihakushō where the man had touched him, and looked at the guardsmen, as if offended by the action

"How rude."

Simply shaking his head, the guardsman silently began to lead Yoshinori in the other direction of the prisoner, as if intending to force him to leave the premises now that the interrogation was over.

Post Count: 10 | |


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Jan 12, 2021 15:55:36 GMT -5

"Damn, so the lower-ranked ones are smart enough to stay in the safety of their own dimension. And if what he says about Kushanada are true then there isn't anything useful we can get from them either. Though if they plan to invade they will be sending some of their own most likely and only then can we capture one. We just need to make sure we are prepared," Tensai thought.

"Thank you for your cooperation, but I am afraid we are not quite done yet,"
Tensai said.

  He presses a button and the Meiji is forced back into laying on the cold hard metal table as she changes back from the chair from it had. Tensai looked at him with a cold stare as he was cleaning the needle of a syringe.

"You have too much value as a test subject to be rotting in a prison cell, you could be made into a living organic battery to help power some of our equipment or a reusable organ donor, but before that, it's time to show you one of the true methods of torture I would've used on you early," Tensai said.

  He reactivates his Shikai and with both needles in hand injects him with the fluids within both syringes before throwing away the real syringe while pocketing his Zanpakuto.

"I just injected you with a powerful hallucinogen and a special dose from my Shikai that will fill your brain with the same chemicals that produce fear. The combined use of these two separate injections shall make the resulting hallucinations you'll suffer quite nightmarish from your perspective. What did you think by telling me what I wanted to know I would give you mercy, for what you did in Osaka and whatever you did to get in Hell has earned no sympathy from me." Tensai said with a cold glare.

  He then gets out his Denreishinki and activates the music app going through a playlist of various songs he downloaded. Before stopping at one that he taps begins to fill the room.

"You like Huey Lewis?"

"I hope you don't mind me playing music while I operate!" Tensai said.

  He then got out a large surgical saw as he begins to cut through Meiji's torso to create an opening to remove his organs from. The jovial music drowning the horrible sounds of the saw cutting through flesh and bone. As Meiji's blood starts to splatter and cover Tensai's surgical cloak. If Meiji would look straight at Tensai he would see the eyes of a maniac who is absolutely enjoying every minute of what he is doing. That is if he is able to see Tensai what with the hallucinogen he is under. Not even Tensai knows what could be going on from his perspective but he is sure it must be horrific.

Post Count: 10

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Last Edit: Jan 12, 2021 16:00:44 GMT -5 by tensai toshiaki