Bleach Hereafter RPG

The Devil is In The Details


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 10, 2020 17:13:45 GMT -5

Soul Society, First Division Territory, Central Great Underground Prison.

The Central Great Underground Prison. Certainly not the location of your typical school field trip, but today Yoshinori had arrived with a specific purpose. Many things had changed over the weeks since the initial capture of the Sinners. Since that fateful day in Osaka, Yoshinori had lost his job as Fourth Seat of the Second Division, only to be promoted to Third Seat of the Eighth Division, serving under Captain Kinzuru (who proved to be a ten times more likable boss in Yoshinori's eyes). Given command as Shinigami Protector of Cairo, Egypt, Yoshinori had found the majority of his work transferred to protecting the Egyptian capital from the threats of Hollows, which meant considerably more time spent in the World of the Living. However, lingering matters still brought him back to Soul Society. Things that he had yet to solve, and assignments that still had large question marks on them.

This was by far the most pressing of them.

Even while not being a member of the Onmitsukidō any longer, his intense level of training and skill that came from serving the Second Division for so long, paired with a familiarity with the Sinner threat that came from having faced them in Osaka, earned Yoshinori a once in a lifetime chance to interrogate a captured Sinner himself, within the Central Great Underground Prison, a place that many Shinigami, even Lieutenants, could go their entire careers without ever seeing.

Dressed in his usual level of glamour, Yoshinori's Shinigami Shihakushō was only complimented by gleaming golden accessories, most notably in the form of golden earrings, golden armbands and his trademark golden snake, Hanzō, that hung loosely from his neck. A relaxed, almost content expression on his face, accompanied by half closed, sleepy looking eyes, Yoshinori assumed the appearance of a rich noble en route to his vacation home, rather than a soon to be interrogator to what could be a dimension-spanning threat. As he neared the entrance to the Central Great Underground Prison, he was met by two masked First Division Shinigami, wearing pure white robes, who stepped forward to greet him, hands tucked behind their backs.

"You are Yoshinori Okamoto, of Captain Kinzuru's division." One of the men asked him, not even phrasing it as a question. It was a simple statement. A fact that was phrased in a way to almost make Yoshinori question for a moment if he truly was. However, the statement was met moments later with a soft chuckle, with Yoshinori waving a hand in front of his face dismissively,

"We both know the drills." Yoshinori stated, taking a deep inhale of tobacco smoke from his smoking pipe, only to tilt his head upwards, and blow a stream of smoke out into the air. With a gesture of his hand, he moved past the First Division members, who began to walk besides them, the one to his immediate right picking up the pace slightly to be just ahead of the silver haired Third Seat. After all, Yoshinori had no clue where he was going.

"The Prisoner you will be interrogating, Taisho, is held on the Second Level of the Prison. You will be escorted there by us, and you will leave with us. You are not permitted to leave through any other exit, not that there is one. You will be monitored consistently, and if at any point you do perform an action we deem as threatening to our ability to contain the Sinner will be removed as a threat." The masked Shinigami to his left stated, as the one ahead of them began to release several seals on the door, and within minutes is descending levels below Seireitei, diving deep to the underlevels of the prison. To the Second Level.

His sealed case of modified Pitocin in his right hand, Yoshinori allowed a small chuckle to escape him.

"Now this....this is where the fun begins."

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Last Edit: Nov 10, 2020 21:03:23 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Nov 11, 2020 5:14:25 GMT -5

Tensai walked through the streets of the Sereitei, making his way to the Central Great Underground Prison. His suggestion for interrogation by experimentation didn't go unheard by his captain Tsuguru Daisho, and while the man was playing with some samples he was able to keep of Meiji. They needed someone to be able to do this mix of scientific research and torture. Word did spread of how well Tensai did in the fight against the Sinners, from a Eleventh Division member no less. And with his experience in this matter, and through his Shikai's ability, he was granted the blessing of the captain to be the one to accomplish this task.

Behind him were lower ranked Twelfth Division members carrying what resembles an edo period palanquin but reinforced with steel and looking like something to carry a prisoner in that is currently being wheeled along a cart. Tensai walked at the front as the rabble behind him talked amongst themselves while pushing and pulling the cart forward.

"They said that Sinner's arms were in such disrepair, that they had to cut the limbs off and cauterize the wounds shut making them a quadriplegic," one them said.

"Man for a fifth seat member he sure is scary, I heard he didn't even had to use his Shikai to defeat them." another one added.

"Well the captain is sure happy about keeping those limbs to himself, I heard he's been trying to find ways to graft them onto bodies that need replacement limbs, wouldn't be surprised honestly," another said.

"If you can all quit your babbling we are at our destination," Tensai said.

His subordinates quickly shut up, with one of them even gulping at the thought that maybe Tensai would experiment on them if they angered him enough. As they were closing in towards one of the entrances. The prison palanquin then disengages from the wheeled cart as they all lift the poles up with Tensai moving in front of them. Yes, he could help them carry it but if he did then they would never improve and they are of lower rank so this type of grunt work was beneath. He then reached one of the other entrances of the prison as he bowed in respect to the guards in front of him.

"On behalf of the Twelfth Division we are most honored for you to allow us to take the prisoner off your hands so we could study them further, I assure you the information we will be getting to him will be quite beneficial for the future of Soul Society and the Gotei 13," he said.

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Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Nov 11, 2020 8:29:04 GMT -5

The time since that fateful battle in Osaka has been quite a journey. While they haven't gotten a chance to see much of Soul Society during their time here, owing to the fact that they were kept under maximum security for almost all of it, the Sinners were understandably...

...excited with the prospect. None of them or their peers back in Hell ever got a chance to see what they could have received had they not let loose with their lives and were thus accepted into Soul Society. The brief glances Meiji and Taisho saw as they were being transported by the trio of victorious Shinigami did not satisfy their expectations, however. Having spent centuries being tortured in Hell for your misdeeds, you would surely assume that whatever the "good" people receive would balance out to be amazing and spectacular, wouldn't you?

It was just a town. A huge, tightly packed Japanese style town. There wasn't even any chocolate fountains or water slides, was this really something which the two of them were supposed to suppress their urges for?

For a time which felt like an eternity, Meiji and Taisho were held in separate cells, chained to chairs, suppressors attached to their arms in order to keep their Reiatsu levels at a minimum, making sure they do not tear through the entire compound with their abilities. Aside for the occasional visit from Shinigami scientists and painfully regrowing all the lost biomass afterwards, they had to spend their time staring at the walls and ceiling, often for days on end. It was torture, but at least it beat getting hacked to pieces by the Kushanada all day every day - thus neither of them even thought about pulling off their masks and so escaping.

Today was going to be a big day, however - at least, Taisho assumed as much, slowly raising his head. His intuition had rarely failed him before and he sure wasn't going to assume it failed now.

(328 words)


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 12, 2020 16:44:54 GMT -5

Interrogation was an art form. It was not something that could be conjured on the spot, and a brutish hand was more likely to crush the unfortunate victim than to actually wring information out of them. A successful interrogation was something that had to be tailored. Created to fit the individual. One had to understand the best approach that would reap the best results, and then act upon them. It was something that required many years practice in order to even consider oneself competent in all the factors that played into it, even something as simple as a poorly timed facial expression could make a drastic, if not always immediately apparent, impact.

As such, the time gap was intentional. At least partly. A tried method of allowing potential suspects to stew in a cell for a short while to contemplate their options before being hauled off for questioning. In this case, the Sinners certainly weren't "potential suspects" in anything, for they were truly Sinners, and they were truly deviants for breaking into the World of the Living to begin with. However, the lack of surroundings, the bleak walls, and the silence that came with only having one's thoughts to pass the time was a certain level of torture that didn't even require a guiding hand.

Sealed Ball

As such, as Yoshinori was directed straight to the secured room that would serve as the questioning chamber, four white robed Shinigami appeared before Taisho's cell, all flanking a black and white robed member of the Kido Corps. With a few simple hand gestures, the Kido Corps member began to release the seals that secured the cell door, gradually releasing the barriers that kept the man from exiting the cell even if he did have a way of releasing the suppressors and freeing himself from the chair to which he was bound. Only once the barrier was opened enough to allow them entry, did the masked First Division Shinigami step forward, unlocking the cell and proceeding to Taisho himself. Not a word was uttered between any of the Shinigami, or even to Taisho himself as they would slowly release seals that kept the legs of the chair that he was bound to bolted to the ground. Unless Taisho himself resisted the transport, he would swiftly find himself, chair and all, hoisted above the heads of the First Division members, to which each had taken hold of a chair (in a motion reminiscent to the holding up of a palanquin), and would proceed to lead him out of the cell.

Assuming Taisho did not do anything against his transporters that would otherwise grant him escape, it would almost seem like an eternity in which the Sinner was being transported, the black, featureless walls of the prison seemingly unending, nothing but silence from the cells that were already cast in shadow, giving little to no indication as to whether they were occupied or not. However, eventually the escort would come to a stop, pushing the chair through a wide door frame into a single, widely spaced room of similar aesthetic (or rather, lack thereof) to the rest of the prison.

However, this time there was someone else there. A man, sitting on one end of a metal table, two steaming cups of tea placed upon it. One closest to the other male, to which the silver haired Shinigami had already laid claim to, given how he was idlily sipping it, and another one closer to Taisho as he was set down, the binds that kept his hands bound to the armrests coming undone, chains stemming from the chair itself allowing Taisho a greater range of movement (including the ability to drink) but at the same time ensuring he could not wander far.

Sealed Ball

"It's been too long, Taisho." Yoshinori introduced, his serpent hissing as he spoke. With a lazy wave of his hand, Yoshinori gestured to the untouched cup of tea by Taisho, which had already been spiked with the crushed and amplified Pitocin, the main interrogation drug to which Yoshinori had gone to great lengths to secure. Well, as great a length as a pharmacy trip with Tensai was considered to be.

"Please, relax. I'm sure you've had quite the long day, my friend." Yoshinori smiled, displaying a rather unnatural display of kindness.

Post Count: 2 | |


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Nov 12, 2020 19:24:41 GMT -5

The guards then nodded their heads and led the way, his subordinates stayed with the cage as pulling it up the stairs would be too much for them and Tensai isn't that heartless to force them to do that. While being led to Meiji's cell Tensai had his thoughts to himself.

"Even if they can't give us the information that we're really after, the data alone I could get from studying them should be worth it in the end, playing it out as long as I can. Hopefully, Yoshinori's interrogation manages to work and my special Trust Drug I made for him will have the Sinner in such high spirits that he would tell Yoshinori everything. Who knows how long it could take though. Could there be a side effect of raising the oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine levels in their brain? Well at least Yoshinori will be giving me all the details I need once I am done with Meiji,"
Tensai thought.

Walking to his cell he sees that they placed Kido cells on his cell door as well with special talismans tagged to the chains that soon come unbound through the Kido Corps command. At the very least Tensai can see that they spared no expense when it comes to making sure that they are safely locked away. Better to be safe than sorry after all. Especially when it comes to people as strong as these. Though he shouldn't have a problem with him now that he has grown since he last Meiji. In fact, he will be giving Meiji a taste of him at his full power.

"I will go in there first, my Shikai can be used to sedate them, would make transporting them to the destination much easier," Tensai said.

The guards who were going to bring the Sinner out then look to each other and let Tensai inside. Keeping watchful eyes on him. As Tensai stood in front of Meiji. He stroke his chin marveling the craftmanship of the chains and locks that bind him as well as the suppressors. While also taking note that he got his arms and legs back.

"Bet of all the people you didn't want to see I'm probably top of the list right? I see that you managed to regrow your limbs even after the sockets have been burned shut, most impressive, defies normal biological means. I am afraid I'm not just here to look you over like the other scientist did. You have been selected for some intense experimentation, and unfortunately for you, there is no choice in the matter," Tensai explained.

He then held up his Zanpakuto in his right hand almost he was holding a syringe as he said his release phrase "Surpass them all, Shinka Rasen". Green aura and mist swirled around his tantō as it turned into a syringe filled with a strange glowing green liquid. His reiatsu rised even higher then it already is. And Meiji would notice that he has certainly gotten stronger then he was in Osaka, and after releasing his Zanpakuto became twice then stronger in an instant. Flicking the needle with his fingers, he looked to Meiji with a sinister smile.

"Now then Meiji, ready for your medicine?" he said.

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Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Nov 13, 2020 14:22:31 GMT -5

Taisho remained completely silent throughout the entire process, to the point where one would be excused if they assumed he was meditating, or sleeping. He did not even try to resist being picked up with his chair and all, lifted up from the ground, and carried out. It was surprisingly luxurious, being carried across the corridors like he was a some sort of king, except Taisho knew very well that he wasn't. Alas, there was not much to see throughout his entire trtip - the rest of the prison appeared as bland and monotone as the original cell, including the door through which the Sinner ended up shoved through.

There, Yoshinori sat, awaiting him. Taisho quickly recognized the man's face - their battle was an eternity ago, but he still remembered clashing blades with the Shinigami on the streets of Osaka. Sipping a cup of tea, the Shinigami warmly accepted his peer and offered a chance to relax with him. Taisho initially said nothing, only bowed as much as the belts still holding him to the chair could allow - it is only fair to show the respect which the Shinigami deserves.

The Sinner picked up his mug of tea, blowing across the surface of the drink, as if to try to cool it down, before slowly lowering it and keeping it by his lap as he spoke.

"This moment is giving me rather... pleasant memories."

A faint smile formed on the Sinner's face, his eye closed.

"One of the last people I killed before my death was a daimyo in Satsuma, a childhood friend of mine. He invited me for a tea ceremony, which I graciously accepted, and I slit his throat while he was bringing more tea for the two of us."

Meiji remained silent, watching a familiar man with onion-styled hair barge in to his empty cell. It was Tensai, a Shinigami he had come to know from quite a way's back - mostly by the two of them hitting one another with their strongest attacks and the Shinigami coming out on top. The Sinner watched with a blank expression as Tensai began to mumble, speak about how he has been handpicked for gruesome experiments without any choice on his part, and finally tapped into his transformation, flooding the room with a powerful Reiryoku aura, beyond everyone who fought in the Osaka battle, with him or against him.

There were a lot of cocky people Meiji has met and a lot of people he was disgusted by, but somehow Tensai managed to achieve first place in both. The Sinner remained silent, however, keeping up a poker face.

"Sure, let's do it," he replied to Tensai's rhetorical question, with an almost casual tone.

(453 words)


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 17, 2020 0:26:40 GMT -5

If it were a meeting with anyone else, under any other circumstance, with anyone other than Yoshinori listening to the Sinner's words, the subject matter would have been quite shocking.

However, when it came to the silver haired Shinigami, there was no such thing as too weird a discussion. In fact, the man tipped his own cup of tea back upon the conclusion of Taisho's statement, accentuating the gruesome memory with an appreciative sip of tea. The smile remained plastered on the Third Seat's face, as if he was actually enjoying the exchange.

"At least you graciously accepted it before you killed him. It's one thing to kill a man. It's another thing to be rude while doing it..." Yoshinori responded, his tone of voice reflecting what could be taken as genuine amusement. Swapping grip over his tea cup to his left hand, Yoshinori slowly lowered the cup to rest upon the table once more, his eyes opening to finally rest upon the masked Sinner. Hanzō slithered slowly down Yoshinori's chest, the snake's head reaching as far as Yoshinori's belly button, before he suddenly hissed, a loud sound that filled up the otherwise silent room. Right hand calmly stretching out, Yoshinori prompted Hanzō to coil around his right arm, the reptile leaving the Shinigami's neck to rest upon its new perch.

" much as I'd love to discuss the intricacies of murder...I suppose we shouldn't beat around the bush. Although I would love to hear more of your stories. Maybe I'll come back to visit. I might even buy you dinner." The statement, as outlandish as it was, was accompanied with a playful wink.

"You know the deal as well as I. You are with us, the Shinigami, in Soul Society. Your allies have abandoned you. They attempted to reclaim you after we arrived, and when it wasn't as simple as us watching them depart with you...they simply abandoned you to your fate with us. Now, I have never seen Hell...nor do I know what it is like to be a Sinner and go through whatever it is that goes on down there. But...I'm willing to bet it is arguably a great deal worse than what goes on here. You don't need confirm or deny it. For all that matters is what you are aware of."

Yoshinori's smile was maintained throughout the introduction, his inflection remaining as playful and casual as ever. However, the mirth that would otherwise be evident in his tone and posture never reached his eyes, the green orbs staring daggers Taisho's way. In a way, they seemed almost as cold and lifeless as the golden snake to which the Shinigami wore upon his arm.

"I frankly do not want to waste time, nor do I wish to see anything go down. You are a man after your own ambitions...I am asking you to indulge in your own self preservation, and your own future and to abandon any loyalty you may or may not hold to the other Sinners to which threw you aside as a pawn. If you cooperate with the Goteijū may find yourself wanting little. You may find yourself well rewarded."

Yoshinori leaned forward, and his next words came out in a near whisper, a whispery hiss that at the same time would be very audible, as if he had spoke it at his usual speaking volume,

"After all...Heaven rewards those who assist in carrying out its duty. You could easily find yourself in a better position than what you no doubt suffered down in the underworld. Consider it."

Post Count: 3 | |


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Nov 17, 2020 1:11:04 GMT -5

He then proceeded to pierce the syringe into Meiji's torso. The strange green glowing liquid flowing through him. However instead of working like a normal sedative, which acts as a depressant to the central nervous system. This dose would increase the melatonin inside Meiji's brain to extremely high levels. The very hormone that is used to relegate the sleep cycle. By messing with it Tensai ensures he will be out like a light without any ill effects.

As he waited for him to fall asleep, he would then begin to hum the Edo Lullaby as the modified melatonin does its stuff. After enough time has passed he would exit out as the guards looked at him.

"Be very gentle with this parcel, I imagine he will get really cranky if he's woken up too early," Tensai joked.

Soon Meiji will wake up to himself strapped to a cold metal table, in a strange room that appears to be made of some type of metal with various lights glaring at him. His Reiatsu suppressors are still on as well as chains tied to four gigantic heaving looking metallic columns at the four corners of the room. A mechanism is attached to his left eye to force him to stare at the ceiling, which has a mirror allowing him to show a clearer picture of what's happening to him. Various medical machinery is around the room such as a heart monitor and various other devices that are attached to him through nodes.

And from above him, he would see Tensai looming over him, now sporting surgical gear including a mask and gloves.

"Oh, hey, you're finally awake. I've got a lot of questions that you can answer for me to make this easier yourself. Such as what year did you die, why did you to be sent to Hell, and more importantly why did you attack Osaka. Or you can choose not to tell me giving me more time and excuse to get an inside look at you until you do give me answers," Tensai said.

He looked at the chains and made sure there were up to snuff. After all, while the Reiatsu suppressors can prevent him from being a threat, Tensai has seen what happens if a Sinner takes off the outfit that conceals them. This facility was specially designed to mask their presence but it would be too risky to see if even the watchful eyes of the Kushanāda can't see Meiji in here. So these chains are made to ensure he doesn't take off his mask to try to make a quick escape back to Hell. Not just to make sure the interrogation goes well, but for as long as he can. He is already priming the tools and equipment he's about to use on the Sinner as they are most likely beginning to realize their current situation.

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Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Nov 18, 2020 16:11:50 GMT -5

Taisho calmly placed the mug of tea in his hands back onto the table, silently listening to the Shinigami's speech, keeping all of the man's raised points in mind. He remained static, almost frozen like a statue, even for a few seconds after the Shinigami finished, as if he was lost in thought, before he finally answered.

"I see."

Then, a brief chuckle left from his lips. "Allies... as if someone like me would ever hold so much trust in anyone. Much like I never gave anyone a reason to trust me - as you have probably figured out..." Clearly, the Shinigami was working from very limited information - he even stated as much himself, noting that he knew little about what actually happens in Hell, much less seen it with his own eyes. The idea that he could escape Hell more permanently by working with the Shingami, though...

It would be music to his ears if Taisho was impressionable enough to take the Shinigami's words for granted. Which he had no reason to - after all, the Shinigami before him was clearly one of the sharper tools in the shed.

"What do you want from me? What would this entail?"

The onion-haired Shinigami appeared as if he couldn't wait to dissect Meiji, immediately knocking him out with a sedative and waking him up in a cold and dimly lit room, sporting the biggest mad scientist aesthetic which one could possibly muster - down to a cold steel table with a crazed surgeon getting ready to start tearing him open. All four of the SInner's limbs were tied by chains to different column, leaving him looking like he was about to be drawn and quartered, and dare he say, very uncomfortable.

This was when the Shinigami finally explained what he wanted from Meiji. Basic questions - when did he die, why was he sent to Hell, and why he decided to attack Osaka.

In response, the Sinner released a loud, sudden laugh.

"Really now? You come to my cell, drug me, bring me here, and then ask me to tell you the great tales of my origin? Why, you could have just said that in advance! It's been a few hundred years, but my memory hasn't dulled yet. Except..."

He looked around, staring down the chains. "I won't be able to tell you anything while I'm still held sideways by these chains. They are leaving me nauseous, and I can't concentrate. Let me sit down and free my limbs, then I can tell you the tale..."

(427 words)


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 22, 2020 2:46:40 GMT -5

Such an exquisite game of chess.

Taisho was no fool, of that Yoshinori could tell. The response was carefully crafted. Guarded, even. It was neither an agreement nor a disagreement. A statement indicating interest, sure. But far from a contract signing commitment. But Yoshinori expected that. It would have been all too simple if Taisho pounced upon the first opportunity to escape his binds. The joy was in the game of mental gymnastics, after all.

"Ah yes...where are my manners?" Yoshinori laughed, the sound joyful as it echoed across the room and into the hallway.

"Right, yes. Well as you know, Sinners are not supposed to leave Hell. I'm sure you understand that very well...what we require from you first of all is information. How were you and your allies able to break into the World of the Living in such a large crowd? Has this happened elsewhere? Was Osaka a planned target or merely stomping grounds to flex until the Shinigami showed up? Things like that will consist of the very category of questions..."

A glint in his green eyes reflected a certain mood change as his eyes met Taisho's

"And of course there's the matter of the handsome figure who tried and failed to order your return to Hell. But here is the shtick. You are a valuable source of information for us, and you want a ticket to freedom beyond the walls of this cell. You would most certainly not want the alternative to any offer I give you in regards to leeway if you cooperate and tell us accurate, truthful information." His smile returned, and he leveled his gaze upon the man.

"Can I secure you a place in paradise heralded as a hero by the Gotei 13? No. Can I secure you an unmonitored life in Rukongai, where you're free to do as you please. No. Why am I telling you things to banish the false notions of paradise that may be going in your head right now? So you realize the reality of your situation before you make any decisions. I figure that if I'm straight with you regarding the conditions of any..."rearrangements" that we make regarding your life with us from here on out, assuming you cooperate to the best of your ability, we spare you disappointment down the line. Plus, I'm being transparent, so I expect the same in kind, yes?"

Fingers drumming against the table, Yoshinori placed the metaphorical cards on the table,

""Your old boss's willingness to leave you so readily without even another attempt at saving you shows many things. That, along with even a lack of an attempt at a recovery team shows his lack of care for you and Whatever their plan is, they played you as a pawn in it. A subject to which you fulfilled whatever purpose. Even if you are to find some way back down there, do you think he'd accept you back? Would you even want to replace yourself in that pawn status? At least this can secure yourself a better place in life than Hell, at the cost of those who wronged you. Who knows? I might even be able to slip in a chance of direct vengeance on your part if you behave and cooperate well.." Yoshinori mused, stroking his chin. Of course, the whole thing was theoretical. Would Taisho even make it to the end of any campaign against the Sinners? Well, that would depend on him. Plus, even the slightest attempt of misdirection would immediately void his usefulness. It was a balancing act, in which the odds would be stacked against Taisho's nature, if he didn't curb any...undesirable elements that he had.

It was an exchange. Taisho had something Yoshinori wanted, and perhaps Yoshinori had something Taisho wanted. At least in Yoshinori's case, he had the option of wringing the information from Taisho through other means. This was just the nice way. At the end of the ball, the ball was in Taisho's court, and he had to choose how to play it.

Post Count: 4 | |


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Nov 22, 2020 18:53:31 GMT -5

Tensai scoffed at his request. If he did that then he could just be able to easily take off his mask. Though he doesn't want Meiji to know that he has that knowledge. So he decides to word his reasons without mentioning what he knows.

"I am afraid I am not so easily fooled, there would be nothing stopping you from running away and using your brute strength to bust through the door and break your Reiatsu Suppresors. Though if it's comfort that you desire, I was kind enough to bring pillows just in case," Tensai said.

He then went to a drawer and rummaged around in it getting out a pillow and then placed it under Meiji's head. Then he proceeded to inject Meiji with another injection. Though Meiji would find it feeling different from last time. He would not feel tired but he would have a funny feeling in a part of his brain. Through Shinka Rasen's ability, Tensai messed with Meiji's pituitary gland and stops the flow of endorphins through their body as if he injected him with some type of depressant. Tensai then goes over to the table full of various tools.

"Now since you've lived in Hell for about a few hundred years let me tell you about an interesting fact about your brain. It produces different chemicals that have different functions in your body, last time I used it to increase the chemical that makes you sleep, now though I used it to prevent the chemical that helps lessen pain from being produced. Making what's about to happen next hurt a lot more than it would usually," Tensai said.

Out of the various tools he got out a pair of pliers. He then goes over to the loom over Meiji, he then puts the pliers in the left half of his mouth that is not covered by the mask. And with the pliers grabs hold of one of Meiji's teeth. And begins slowly pulling it out with all of his might. After it is pulled out he then inspects it and notices the yellowness and cavities of the tooth as well as a lot of blood from the guns.

"I see that you didn't have dental hygiene when you were alive, and none in Hell either it seems this is just repulsive," Tensai said.

He then puts the tooth away into a plastic bag that he zips and places on another table. He then writes out a label and places it on the bag that says Subject #6664 Tooth Sample. He then puts the pliers back on the table and turns to Meiji.

"So are we more willing to talk now, or are you going to give me more time to collect data through other means?" Tensai asked.

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Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Nov 24, 2020 8:38:22 GMT -5

Taisho listened to the Shinigami's statement in silence, his eyes lowering to the floor when he first listed his questions to the Sinner. As soon as his explanation of the situation finished, however, he, after a brief silence, released a faint cackle, muffled by the mask still covering most of his face.

"Boss? I would have thought that you, having seen how terrified all of us were when that man first appeared in Osaka, would have guessed that the man was anything but our boss." Had the mask not been over his face, he would have flashed a smug smile - and yet, all he could do was glare at the Shinigami with the one eye still uncovered by the piece of hellish cloth. "You speak very confidently despite knowing nothing."

Taisho pointed his finger downwards - metaphorically, towards Hell. "Prince Ilvamal, the Demon who resides down there, and whom you witnessed in Osaka, is not our boss. He is a tyrant. I never served him, nor do I understand his or the others' goals - I am merely just one of billions of souls condemned to Hell, and so one of their playthings. When we made our way to Osaka, Showa told us that we are going to find a way to defeat them for good, and free ourselves from Hell. That is why you found us there."

After a second or so of silence, finding the right words in his mind, the Sinner spoke up yet again.

"So you do not have to fearmonger to me about my loyalty to Ilvamal or whatnot. I was never bound by any contract to him - except for the one you Shinigami have with Hell."

Ah, well, at least he gave it a shot. The onion haired Shinigami dismissed his request of being freed and only gave him a sligtly more comfortable cushion for his head - in exchange for a tooth. Meiji spat to the side after the ad hoc dental hygiene operation and grunted a little as his regeneration molded a new tooth in its place.

The Shinigami was ecstatic about using his scientific abilities to inflict as much pain upon Meiji as physically possible - but after a request to talk following this bout of intimidation, the Sinner grinned somewhat, striking a wide, smug smirk.

"Come on, I am not going to let all of the time you probably spent preparing to torture me go to waste. You're from Paradise, you must never get a chance to torture your own people." At least, he assumed so. What would be the point of Hell if those who go to Soul Society get to suffer, too?

"I have been tortured every day for four hundred years, ceaselessly, by the Demons and their Kushanada. Come on, give me your best shot, show me if you can be even a tenth as terrifting."

(477 words)


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 30, 2020 3:03:05 GMT -5

A nerve had been struck.

Yoshinori had more or less expected a response such as this sooner or later. It was bound to happen, given what little information he was going off of. He knew little of Hell, and between the Sinners, the demons, the Kushanda and whatever else was down in that rat infested...hellhole, it was hard to begin to differentiate between all the different terms for beings. They all looked pretty much the same, after all. Except maybe the Kushanda. Those were pretty different.

"Now now...if we Shinigami had all the answers...we wouldn't necessarily be offering you such a lucrative offer, now would we? " Yoshinori chuckled in response, yet internally he filed away the name. Prince Ilvamal. Demon. Tyrant, and right now the face of the Osaka operation as he knew it, even if the Sinner himself denied such a fact. After all...something had to have been happening backstage...

"That still leads me to the question that puzzles just about everyone in Soul Society right now. Exactly how did you manage to escape Hell in the first place. Not only is it the job of the Hell denizens to keep Sinners there, but even if you did escape, being able to open a rift into the World of the Living as a Sinner is an anomaly, the likes of which haven't been clearly answered yet, despite your intention of wishing to cut ties from Hell and those who keep you chained down there. So I suppose my next line of questioning will be how did you manage to find yourself in Osaka...and how did your plan to free yourself from the Prince relate to attacking hundreds of people until the Shinigami arrived? " Yoshinori spoke with a soft sigh, accentuating the question with a brief sip of his tea.

Today's certainly going to be a long day....

Post Count: 5 | |


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Nov 30, 2020 19:50:27 GMT -5

  While Tensai was wanting to keep this nice and slow so he could collect more samples from Meiji, including some of his organs. His condescending attitude is making him rather pissed off. Though he knows cutting and removal of organs wouldn't do much especially with their quick and painful regeneration cause they been through it before. He needs to introduce to him an element that is not found in Hell. Luckily he has two experiments he could test on them that could work, as he does a grin under his mask.

"Well then allow me to show you a couple of ways of torture that you probably have never experienced before," Tensai said.

  He then gets out what looks to be a car battery or some sort of electrical generator as he places several electrodes on Meiji's body.

"The human body is an interesting thing, sometimes human can take a quick shock of ten thousand volts from a car door but a continuous shock of that much power can kill them. Even stun guns have fifty thousand volts. The common threshold is thirty volts but lets see if you withstand fifty." Tensai said.

  With that after messing with a dial Meiji would start to feel an electric shock of fifty volts, the effect of Tensai's injection only increasing whatever pain he would feel. This would go on for about a minute before Tensai turns it off.

"Now how about you answer this, I heard Showa mention the name of that individual from the Hell Gate, Prince Ilvamal, his voice stammering in fear while uttering that name. While I first thought how it was out of fearful respect and he was the one who orchestrated your escape I think not, rather he seemed to work in tandem with the Kushanāda to bring the Sinners back to Hell. Though one thing I don't get is if that were the case why did he let you two be taken? Care to divulge now?" Tensai asked.

  He is not going to leave this containment unit until he gets all of the data he needs.

Post Count: 5

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Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 2, 2020 6:13:56 GMT -5

From one question, they jumped towards another. It should come as no surprise that the Shinigami and the rest of his society were baffled at how a bunch of Sinners were able to create a portal this large into the mortal realm - after all, they were supposed to be securely guarded down in Hell, then how were they able to escape past the dimension's defenses? In fact, what logic was behind their decision to bring the Shinigami in the first place? Wouldn't that only ruin their only chance to slip away unnoticed, and so force them back to their eternal torture ground?

Taisho remained silent, waiting for the Shinigami to take a sip from his cup of tea. He did not even touch his. After staring down to the floor for a few seconds, he finally began, seemingly with a non sequitor:

"We don't know much when we're in Hell. You'd probably imagine that when you are confined to chains and tortured forever, you don't receive a newspaper with a cup of tea at the side which briefs you about what's going on. The only way we can hear about anything which happens in the Mortal Realm, in Soul Society, or even in Hell, is... well, it's through hearsay, really. But we aren't stupid, we hear things which slip out of someone, we inform our peers about what's happening, and we try to stay informed."

Another brief silence, before Taisho raised his eyes, this time staring at the Shinigami directly.

"And what we keep hearing is some sort of war on Soul Society. What's the deal with that, what is its purpose, we do not know - but we do know that our masters have an axe to grind with your lot, and they are involved." he explained, then glanced away. "That is what Showa was betting on when he explained the idea to us. He had reason to believe that a war between these dimensions is already happening, and by bringing the Shinigami to us, we can cause a battle between you and a Demon - and maybe, just maybe, get you to actually defeat those bastards. That'll give an easier time to all of us - not just a handful who escaped."

The Shinigami scientist was sure confident in his abilities - and in response to Meiji's constant teasing, he pulled the first tool in his metaphorical teasing, electric shocks. That was new - the Kushanada generally replied on more physical methods of inflicting pain. Immediately, a powerful current rolled across the Sinner's body, causing him to shake involunarily and hiss from the agony.

Then the question came. Why didn't Prince Ilvamal take them away, and didn't bother to pick them up when they were freed from his bone grasp?

"I don't know!" he suddenly yelled, in the midst of grunts from the pain. "I thought you guys hate one another, why didn't you two get into a fight? Instead you both just picked up your Sinners and sodded off!"

(499 words)

Last Edit: Dec 2, 2020 11:22:58 GMT -5 by Hibano