Bleach Hereafter RPG

Reconnaisance for the Honored Dead (Daitan Vs. Valentina)


The Greatest Swordsman Earth has Ever Known

daiten Avatar


Post by daiten on Dec 6, 2020 5:50:01 GMT -5

Daitan made a show of an exaggerated yawn as she walked from rooftop to rooftop. She'd been sent here under orders to perform basic reconnaissance, and had jumped at the chance. Seeing the human world after spending a few years away was a great experience! She'd been floored by the new cars, the trendy clothing, the ice cream that she'd been able to nab! For a noblewoman of her years, the modern world truly seemed like a paradise! So many sights, smells, tastes that she couldn't deny were amazing.

But that had lasted about two hours before an itch set in. She was sent to reconnoiter, after all, so a lot of pointless walking back and forth was required, as well as attentiveness...

Daitan rubbed the handle of her beloved parasol with a frown, wishing she could change it to it's proper form and practice a little, but the reports had been clear. Swordplay was for battles, whilst reconnaissance for a new human world outpost would require her full attention. No practice unless it was a life-and-death battle.

"Man... Who would've thought Reconnaissance would be so boring?" The Hollow asked aloud, well aware no human here could hear her.

Or at least, so she thought...


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 6, 2020 8:16:54 GMT -5

Valentina Tokareva
Location: ?
Status: Alive


She hasn't had chocolate chip cookies for a long time. Such a shame, among the treats of the Universe they were one of the greatest, to the point where if she treated herself to them, Val would momentarily forget her mission and the terror of the same world which brought her the delicacy. What else could she say, it was simply good food.

Today, unfortunately, it struck her in the back and betrayed her, like that old guy from ancient Rome Val faintly remembered from middle school history. When she took a bite off of her cookie, the crack was loud enough to hear, breaking the silence and revealing that she had been sitting on the edge of the roof. And it was all going so well! She had suppressed her Reiryoku signature to practical nonexistence, she even learned a few tricks from Zodiac Chair Morgan on how to sneak upon her prey more easily before chopping them up to bits. And it was all for naught thanks to one stupid cookie.

"Ah, well, whatever..." Val spoke up, bit off a piece of the cookie and crunched it without any haste, then rose to her feet. "It's your lucky day, lady. You won't get to toil in recon for much longer."

(207 words)


The Greatest Swordsman Earth has Ever Known

daiten Avatar


Post by daiten on Dec 6, 2020 17:07:55 GMT -5

Daitan put a finger to her lips as she turned around - a look of surprise on her face rather like that of a surprised child. Her initial surprise turned to enthusiasm as she spoke, a liltingly high tone with hints of a french accent breaking into her speech. "Oh, my, it's been so very long since I've had something happen for the first time! It's a pleasure to meet you." Daitan responded, giving a curtsy in her long, flowing dress. "I must say, you are the first human I've ever met able to see me since I became a hollow. I'd love to exchange pleasantries, ask how nice life is for a human in this modern day..."

Daitan's grin turned crooked, at the last statement, as she held her parasol closer, giving the girl a side-eyed look. "...But I've been in enough fights to know that sort of pressure from someone, and I'm not quite so thick as not to recognize a death threat... Very well. Show me what you can do, Human. Daitan no Tsuki, the Lady of Artoissen faces you!"

9zjoZIUM1d100 init1d100
Last Edit: Dec 6, 2020 17:09:58 GMT -5 by daiten


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 7, 2020 17:58:56 GMT -5

Valentina Tokareva
Location: ?
Status: Alive


The little Hollow turned out to be more intelligent than she initially appeared herself to be. After a brief, childish opening, she suddenly turned to show her more mature side, cracking the reason for Val's presence here rather quickly and declaring her resistance against it. And finally, she introduced herself. Daitan no Tsuki, the Lady of Artoissen.

The vernacular behind her words was about as posh as Val expected from a title like that.

The Fullbringer cracked a smirk and pulled out a pencil from within her jacket and spun it between her fingers - suddenly, it transformed, changing shape and growing in mass with each turn, before it finished by turning into an intricate, mechanical gun-scythe, larger than its wielder. A tray at the side of the machine popped open and Val shoved the rest of her chocolate chip cookies inside, loading them in as if they were a magazine.

"Then I will skip the boring formalities and respond to you with the same," the Fullbringer stated, staring her soon to be opponent down. Swiftly, to respond to Daitan in kind, she drafted up a posh introduction and even mocked a British accent while doing it. "I am Valentina Tokareva, the Princess of Dreams. Your continued existence stands in the way of my quest towards a new reality. Hence, you shall be cut apart."

Already, she was getting ready to charge and attack. "I would say that it's nothing personal... but I really do enjoy this line of work. It gives me life."

(254 words)

Initiative - VAW5MExJ1d100
Last Edit: Dec 7, 2020 18:00:26 GMT -5 by Hibano


The Greatest Swordsman Earth has Ever Known

daiten Avatar


Post by daiten on Dec 8, 2020 7:33:22 GMT -5

Daitan raised an eyebrow at the strange 'weapon', if that indeed was what the girl was holding. It looked nothing like she'd seen of a weapon in her own time, and even by her fellow hollow's standards it seemed completely out of place, but the youth held it with a confidence and familiarity that made Daitan Feel as though it must be her weapon - her primary one, if her instincts taught her right.

"Very well, then... we used something like that to cut wheat, back in the day. Though the design has changed quite a bit, hasn't it?" Daitan asked with a grin, bringing her parasol to her side, the umbrella's shape and colour vanishing into inky blackness before reforming in the Lady D'artoissen's hand. A familiar shape took form, the very picture of an arming sword, inlaid with gold. Just what had been popular back in her day, though far more fancy than the one she had trained with so very long ago.

Daitan brought the weapon forward, taking a measured stance as she sized up her opponent. "it seems our dreams are mutually Exclusive. I can't accomplish mine if I'm dead, you see, and it isn't like me to allow seven hundred years of hard work to go to waste. Very well - Come! Show me what humans have become since last I walked upon this earth, Princess Tokareva! Etch this battle into my memory!"


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 9, 2020 4:34:45 GMT -5

Valentina Tokareva
Location: ?
Status: Alive


This Hollow was... interesting. It wasn't going to stop Val from cutting her apart, but she had way more personality than even the average Arrancar. She wouldn't mind having a friend like her - if only she was allowed to mock her poshness, that is.

The Fullbringer stuck a grin. The woman recognized her weapon as a scythe, but it was a farming tool to her.

"Well... you know. Times have changed a bit. But it's still being used to reap things, you know?"

After that, however, she went silent. She has done enough faux ominous foreshadowing to last her for the fight, and Daitan very openly challenged her to begin the bout. If that is what the Lady of Artoissen wants, then who is Val to deny that. The Fullbringer stood casually, seemingly unprepared for the match at all, only to suddenly charge with her scythe in tow, speeding across the battlefield and locking eyes upon the Arrancar immediately.

Val leapt into the air, spinning the weapon in her hand as she flew, and suddenly crashed it down towards her opponent with unbelievable force. As soon as she pulled the scythe back, she attacked again, this time with a wide, slashing arc.

(202 words)

Defensive Phase

Attack - vs 100 def - result
Attack - vs 100 def - result

Offensive Phase

Bonus Action: None

Standard Action 1: Scythe Slash (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - FejKXlXd1d100+50
Damage - 2d12+2

Standard Action 2: Scythe Slash (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - 1d100+50
Damage - 2d12+2

Passive Modifiers

Intimidate Reishi recovered: 0/100
Armor: 0
Gamble: Available
Momentum Stacks: 0

Combat Arts uses:

Tsukiyubi: 0/2
Nadegiri: 0/2
Hozuri: 0/3
Bakudo #7: 0/1 (per target)
Bakudo #8: 0/1
Bakudo #12: 0/2
Bakudo #21: 0/1


Reiatsu Level 96 000

HP - 85/85
Reishi - 100/100
Defense - 100
Accuracy mod - +50
Damage die - d12+1

Flawless Strikes - Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.
Intense Training - You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Blitz: As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy by +5 per stack spent.


Tier 1 - Unfolded Liberator:
As a standard action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x and as a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy for two Basic Attacks in your turn.
4 Reishi per turn

Release Art - Gamble: As an at-will action, you roll a 1d20. On your next turn, you may use the Release Tech that corresponds to the number you rolled, bypassing any prerequisites.

Combat Arts

Enhanced Basic Art - Strike (Upgrades to two damage dice.)

Tsukiyubi (As an at-will action all of your basic strikes this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.) -10 Reishi
Nadegiri (As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor.) -5 Reishi
Hozuri (As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.), Free
Bakudo #8 (As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Power.), -5 Reishi
Bakudo #21 (As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power.) -5 Reishi
Bakudo #7 (As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.) -5 Reishi
Bakudo #12 (As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.) -5 Reishi



The Greatest Swordsman Earth has Ever Known

daiten Avatar


Post by daiten on Dec 9, 2020 5:50:23 GMT -5

Daitan was utterly shocked as she brought her blade up to parry the blow, the Massive scythe barely feeling the weight of her comparatively small weapon. It took precise timing and skill for Daitan to properly stop the maneuver, using her smaller blade to guide it's front just far enough to the side that it thumped into the ground.

Then the scythe disappeared, and to Daitan's shock, the rest of the girl had too, attacking with a speed Daiten was not used to seeing. It was an instinctive dodge that saved her, rather than a conscious one, reflexes reinforced by panic causing the hollow to throw herself to the side and narrowly avoid another blow...

Even so, white wisps of hair followed the scythe's trail, as Daitan's eyes focused. The Bat hollow didn't even wait for the hair to hit the ground before she leaped back, clearing some distance before she spoke.

"I'd thought I'd test my durability against modern human weapons... I now see that would have been an exceptionally foolish thing to do." Daitan murmured, Taking in a deep breath. The Woman immediately pointed her blade forward.

While Daitan's Reiatsu remained relatively small, a burst of it emitted from the Undead woman, as the gold of her blade began to peel from it's hilt. The swordswoman's reiatsu emanated from her, finally, and the power took the form of grey smoke and ash around her victorian figure.

"Challenge... Avanzando!"

Daitan gave a confident smirk as she held the blade forward. The gold of the blade changed to ash and then to blackened soot that coated her back, taking only a moment to reform. With an explosive flash of burning grey flames, a pair of wings formed on Daitan's back, as the hilt of her blade lost the rest of it's golden hue, revealing a silver hilt beneath.

The French noblewoman took a deep breath. "If your scythe is truly so swift, then it deserves the honor of fighting an arrancar's resurrecion." Daitan noted with a smile. Then, with a single motion, she turned for her opponent, giving a grin as she brought her blade forward, and with one quick burst of speed, stepped forward with a blackened, reishi-infused thrust aimed to pierce Valentina's liver in one blow.

Daitan Was attacked with two strikes.
Daitan dodged both strikes using Sonido to increase her defence from 65 to 80, beating Valentina's 64 and 79 accuracy rolls.
Bonus Action: Sonido - Gain +15 Defence against attacks targetting Daitan this turn | -10 reishi
Standard Action: Resurrecion: Avanzando | -4 reishi cost
Standard Action: Blade technique - Fente (Hado 4: Byakurai) | -5 reishi cost
Acc - DIfl|26E1d100+25 crits on 85+
Dmg - 2d8

Meticulous - All attacks score a critical hit on an 85+
Resurrecion: 2x reishi
Fighter -
Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following any attack failing to hit its target.
You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.
Speed Clones
Meticulous Enhancement, level 1
Release tech “Hinder”.

REIATSU: 10,000
HP: 50/50 | REISHI: 81/100 | DEF: 65 | DMG DIE: d8 | ACC: +25


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 9, 2020 17:31:07 GMT -5

Valentina Tokareva
Location: ?
Status: Alive


(A fairytale played by tooth and nail...)

The mere speed of Val's offensive startled the Arrancar, but she managed to squeeze herself out of the way of the slashing combination nonetheless, dodging both of the strikes completely, and leaving the Fullbringer metaphorically empty-handed as she slid across the rooftop from the residual momentum. She shot a glance towards Daitan as she explained herself and suddenly powered up, unleashing the full extent of her Hollow powers and her twisted version of a Zanpakuto, named Avanzando.

A rather... worrying prospect, at first glance. Without any further ado, Daitan charged forward, and the tip of her blade pierced through the air straight towards Val's chest.

Except, a split second before it dug into her stomach and liver, it stopped. Completely. Val's hand was holding onto the tip of the blade, her fingers pushing away the emanating Reishi aura and holding the weapon back completely.

"Don't worry, you're not the first to give me that honor," Val stated, suddenly pushing the sword away and pulling the trigger of her gun-scythe - the blast of Reishi which came out was not aimed at the Arrancar, but instead imbued the weapon with momentum, its pole aimed straight at Daitan's ribcage. Whether the blunt strike struck or not, Val would pull her weapon back, and then strike again - this time with a wide upwards slash, aining to not just cut the Hollow open, but also to smack her away.

She slowly lowered her scythe and popped open the cookie cardridge, picking up one of the treats and placing it in her mouth in the same manner one would pull out a cigarette to take a smoke.

(271 words)

Defensive Phase

Byakurai - vs 100 def - miss!
Gain 2 Momentum stacks!

Offensive Phase

Bonus Action: None

Standard Action 1: Pole Strike (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - r_fSbG8D1d100+50
Damage - 2d12+2

Standard Action 2: Scythe Slash (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - 1d100+50
Damage - 2d12+2

Passive Modifiers

Intimidate Reishi recovered: 0/100
Armor: 0
Gamble: Available
Momentum Stacks: 2

Combat Arts uses:

Tsukiyubi: 0/2
Nadegiri: 0/2
Hozuri: 0/3
Bakudo #7: 0/1 (per target)
Bakudo #8: 0/1
Bakudo #12: 0/2
Bakudo #21: 0/1


Reiatsu Level 96 000

HP - 85/85
Reishi - 100/100
Defense - 100
Accuracy mod - +50
Damage die - d12+1

Flawless Strikes - Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.
Intense Training - You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Blitz: As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy by +5 per stack spent.


Tier 1 - Unfolded Liberator:
As a standard action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x and as a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy for two Basic Attacks in your turn.
4 Reishi per turn

Release Art - Gamble: As an at-will action, you roll a 1d20. On your next turn, you may use the Release Tech that corresponds to the number you rolled, bypassing any prerequisites.

Combat Arts

Enhanced Basic Art - Strike (Upgrades to two damage dice.)

Tsukiyubi (As an at-will action all of your basic strikes this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.) -10 Reishi
Nadegiri (As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor.) -5 Reishi
Hozuri (As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.), Free
Bakudo #8 (As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Power.), -5 Reishi
Bakudo #21 (As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power.) -5 Reishi
Bakudo #7 (As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.) -5 Reishi
Bakudo #12 (As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.) -5 Reishi



The Greatest Swordsman Earth has Ever Known

daiten Avatar


Post by daiten on Dec 11, 2020 1:43:19 GMT -5

Daitan's look of surprise was cut down before she could even utter a cry of surprise, as the Fullbringer struck her hard in the ribs. The experienced swordswoman had had centuries to grow used to assessing injury - but it had been a while since she'd had to do it. This, though, was two broken ribs if it was any.

Without missing a beat, the reaper brought up her blade to slam into Daitan, sending the hollow rocketing through the air. Her flight was stopped by a nearby stoplight, and the steel of the lantern bent with an imprint of Dai's back as the Arrancar struck the post.

The hollow managed to stick her landing, at least, dropping from the lamppost and back onto her feet. No blood was shown flowing from her body, but the Arrancar's zanpakuto had a few noticeable scratches.

"...My, almost failed to block that entirely. I don't recall a single human being I've ever met that could ever do so much damage to an arrancar before now." Daiten added, stumbling for a moment, as she stood back. "I'm glad that in this era, a woman is allowed to rise to such a station."

And with that, Daiten took her stance properly, her clumsy stumbling gone in a moment as she took her stance once more. "...You are a true warrior, so I will handle you seriouslly, Princess. Let us see who falls this day!"

The Arrancar was quick to leap forward, bat wings unfurling and creating a rush of air as the Swordswoman sped forward, striking with her blade with a straight attack to the front, before shifting to the side in an instant, expertly shifting her weight to aim another slash at Valentina's ribs.

Daitan Was attacked with two strikes - dealing 14 and 9 damage respectively.
Daitan Is hit by both strikes, but uses Block
Bonus Action: Guard - gain +10 DR against attacks targetting Daitan this turn | -4 reishi
Standard Action: la grève(Strike) | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 9LCQ8HHM1d100+25 crits on 85+
Dmg - 1d8
Standard Action: Sabrer | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+25 crits on 85+
Dmg - 1d8

Meticulous - All attacks score a critical hit on an 85+
Resurrecion: 2x reishi, -2 Reishi per turn.
Fighter -
Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following any attack failing to hit its target.
You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.
Speed Clones
Meticulous Enhancement, level 1
Release tech “Hinder”.

REIATSU: 10,000
HP: 37/50 | REISHI: 77/100 | DEF: 65 | DMG DIE: d8 | ACC: +25


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 11, 2020 16:28:31 GMT -5

Valentina Tokareva
Location: ?
Status: Alive


(A fairytale played by tooth and nail...)

During the time it took Daitan to hit the stoplight, fall down, and deliver a speech, Val found the time to finish her cookie. Perhaps it wasn't a good idea to put something so sweet in her mouth during a battle, now she is going to crave a drink, but... who cares?

"Hehe..." Val cracked a smirk, hearing Daitan's compliments towards her, and got herself back into a fighting stance. "If I'm the person who gets to surprise you about the world of today, then you'll get to be even more surprised over and over again..."

Striking a deadly grin, Val threw herself at the Arrancar's charge, tracking not just her movement, but her Reiryoku via the Fullbringer's sixth sense - and once faced with the first slash, she blocked it with the pole of her scythe. Metal clung against metal, sending a rush of air across the rooftops from the supernatural force. Before Val could retaliate, Daitan threw herself to the side to try to get past her defenses - only for Val to lean to the side and squeeze the blade between her torso and arm to lock it in place.

"...then again, it does make sense for your folk to be proud of the strength of your "children"."

As soon as Val let go of the sword, she would turn around to send a kick across Daitan's jaw, before continuing with her scythe's rampage. First, a yet another wide slash, as if she were reaping grass in front of her, then - letting the Fullbring transform a bit, its blade turning straight and so turning into the shape of a gigantic lance, which Val sent forth at the Arrancar's stomach.

(280 words)

Defensive Phase

Strike - vs 105 def - miss!
Strike - vs 105 def - miss!
Gain 2 stacks of Flawless Strikes! +10 accuracy and +2 damage tier with all attacks this turn

Offensive Phase

At-Will: Sense - +5 defense and +5 accuracy this turn

Bonus Action: None

Standard Action 1: Spin Kick (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - kufrqvOA1d100+65
Damage - 2d12+6

At-Will: Blitz - As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.

Standard Action 2: Scythe Slash (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - 1d100+65
Damage - 2d12+6

Standard Action 2 (Blitz): Scythe Slash (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - 1d100+65
Damage - 2d12+6

Passive Modifiers

Flawless Strikes: 2 stacks

Intimidate Reishi recovered: 0/100
Armor: 0
Gamble: Available
Momentum Stacks: 2

Combat Arts uses:

Tsukiyubi: 0/2
Nadegiri: 0/2
Hozuri: 0/3
Bakudo #7: 0/1 (per target)
Bakudo #8: 0/1
Bakudo #12: 0/2
Bakudo #21: 0/1


Reiatsu Level 96 000

HP - 85/85
Reishi - 100/100
Defense - 100
Accuracy mod - +50
Damage die - d12+1

Flawless Strikes - Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.
Intense Training - You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Blitz: As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy by +5 per stack spent.


Tier 1 - Unfolded Liberator:
As a standard action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x and as a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy for two Basic Attacks in your turn.
4 Reishi per turn

Release Art - Gamble: As an at-will action, you roll a 1d20. On your next turn, you may use the Release Tech that corresponds to the number you rolled, bypassing any prerequisites.

Combat Arts

Enhanced Basic Art - Strike (Upgrades to two damage dice.)

Tsukiyubi (As an at-will action all of your basic strikes this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.) -10 Reishi
Nadegiri (As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor.) -5 Reishi
Hozuri (As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.), Free
Bakudo #8 (As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Power.), -5 Reishi
Bakudo #21 (As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power.) -5 Reishi
Bakudo #7 (As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.) -5 Reishi
Bakudo #12 (As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.) -5 Reishi



The Greatest Swordsman Earth has Ever Known

daiten Avatar


Post by daiten on Dec 12, 2020 4:32:46 GMT -5

Daiten gave a look of shock as Valentina jumped away from her strikes, moving with practiced speed. The Skill gap, she felt, might not have been so huge, but the gap in their spiritual power was huge. Not only that, her opponent had an impressive command of her reishi, her spiritual power, and was certainly using it far more efficiently than Daiten on top of having more. A swordsmaster Daiten might have been, but she had spent so much time learning to fight as a human that a hollow's body - and abilities remained new and unrefined in her hands. She simply hadn't been pushed to the point she could fully utilize them - and she was regretting that now, as this fullbringer danced circles around her.

The Initial kick she managed to dodge, a solid burst of Sonido allowing her to narrowly dodge, but the follow-through caught Daiten by surprise, and her next dodge was all too sluggish, the tip of the scythe catching her before she could fully sidestep and digging straight through a good chunk of the Arrancar's side. Blood fell freely from the wound as Daiten's expression turned to shock.

As Valentina continued her assault, however, the energy in her eyes... suddenly died, for a moment, as the Fullbringer continued. Something glimmered in her eyes at the mention of 'children'... before swiftly dying, leaving a deadness that had not previously been in the hollow's eyes.

The lance blow was dodged effortlessly, but without the grace or the gracious smile that Daiten had shown to Valentina before.

"...I see. Now that I look closer, I suppose I do see it. Hollow powers... I'm no master of reiryoku, so I hadn't noticed." Daiten added, before gripping her blade tightly. A sigh seemed to briefly hold in the Noblewoman's throat, before being let go.

And with that, the Noblewoman offered no more talk, a solemn expression echoing as she brought her arming sword up again, before striking, the swordsmaster disappering and reappearing with Sonido in a series of hard slashes, pouring her energy into a merciless attack.

Daitan Was attacked with thee strikes - dealing 18, 17, and 18 damage respectively.
Daitan used utsesemi to dodge the first and third strike, but is struck by the second for 18 damage.
At-Will: Sense - gain +5 accuracy and +5 defense this turn.
At-Will: Sonido Rampage (Tsukiyubi) - all basic strikes gain +20 accuracy and 2 damage tiers this turn
Bonus Action: Utsesemi - dodge 2 attacks targetting Daiten this turn | -10 reishi
Standard Action: Arekuruu (Strike) | -0 reishi cost
Acc - gZJqzzhy1d100+50 crits on 85+
Dmg - 1d12
Standard Action: Arekuruu (Strike) | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+50 crits on 85+
Dmg - 1d12

Meticulous - All attacks score a critical hit on an 85+
Resurrecion: 2x reishi, -2 Reishi per turn.
Fighter -
Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following any attack failing to hit its target.
You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.
Speed Clones 2/2
Hanki 1/1
Utsesemi 0/1
Tsukiyubi 1/2
Nadegiri 1/1
Hozuri 1/1
Meticulous Enhancement, level 1
Release tech “Hinder”. 2/2

REIATSU: 10,000
HP: 20/50 | REISHI: 55/100 | DEF: 65 | DMG DIE: d8 | ACC: +25



Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 12, 2020 19:19:02 GMT -5

Valentina Tokareva
Location: ?
Status: Alive


(A fairytale played by tooth and nail...)

Something about Daitan... turned different. She still responded to Val in the same aristocratic voice, sure, but the emotion behind her was gone, the light in her eyes vanished, and a much more disciplined fighting style took over. The Fullbringer, having been taking the fight lightly since its beginning, was unpleasantly surprised by the burst of speed and the Arrancar's stab straight at her shoulder. While it bounced off her Reiryoku and so did the following slash, it nevertheless served as a brief waking up call.

With a brief slide across the roof, Val came to a halt and struck a menacing grin, starting to figure out the reason behind the change.

"Didn't like what I said, did you?"

Upon a twitch of her finger, the Fullbring transformed once again, completely changing shape and turning into an array of several floating blades, moving in synchronic flight alongside her arm before halting behind her back.

"Don't be so stiff, I'm not like my peers. They grumble and complain that your Reishi is a curse, that we attract Hollows and constantly fight for our life, that we're not normal... but I couldn't have a chance to change the world if I was normal."

She could deal with less of her mother going insane from the hauntings, though.

With a wave of her hand, Val suddenly sent her blades forward, a barrage of flying swords aiming to slash across Daitan once and wice like a united swarm, before dispersing and shooting forward to pelt the Arrancar, aiming to stab her and pin her down to the nearest wall.

(268 words)

Defensive Phase

Strike - vs 100 def - hits for 3 damage!
Strike - vs 100 def - hits for 8 damage!
Flawless Strikes nullified! 2 Momentum stacks gained!

Offensive Phase

At-Will: Spend 4 stacks of Momentum on +20 accuracy with all attacks this turn

Bonus Action: None

Standard Action 1: Aerial Sword Slash (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - I_6ycOCp1d100+70
Damage - 2d12+2

At-Will: Blitz - As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.

Standard Action 2: Aerial Sword Slash (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - 1d100+70
Damage - 2d12+2

Standard Action 2 (Blitz): Aerial Sword Slash (Enhanced Strike)

Accuracy - 1d100+70
Damage - 2d12+2

Passive Modifiers

Flawless Strikes: 0 stacks

Intimidate Reishi recovered: 0/100
Armor: 0
Gamble: Available
Momentum Stacks: 0

Combat Arts uses:

Tsukiyubi: 0/2
Nadegiri: 0/2
Hozuri: 0/3
Bakudo #7: 0/1 (per target)
Bakudo #8: 0/1
Bakudo #12: 0/2
Bakudo #21: 0/1


Reiatsu Level 96 000

HP - 74/85
Reishi - 100/100
Defense - 100
Accuracy mod - +50
Damage die - d12+1

Flawless Strikes - Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.
Intense Training - You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.
Blitz: As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.
Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy by +5 per stack spent.


Tier 1 - Unfolded Liberator:
As a standard action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x and as a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy for two Basic Attacks in your turn.
4 Reishi per turn

Release Art - Gamble: As an at-will action, you roll a 1d20. On your next turn, you may use the Release Tech that corresponds to the number you rolled, bypassing any prerequisites.

Combat Arts

Enhanced Basic Art - Strike (Upgrades to two damage dice.)

Tsukiyubi (As an at-will action all of your basic strikes this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.) -10 Reishi
Nadegiri (As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor.) -5 Reishi
Hozuri (As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.), Free
Bakudo #8 (As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Power.), -5 Reishi
Bakudo #21 (As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power.) -5 Reishi
Bakudo #7 (As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.) -5 Reishi
Bakudo #12 (As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.) -5 Reishi



The Greatest Swordsman Earth has Ever Known

daiten Avatar


Post by daiten on Dec 13, 2020 18:00:43 GMT -5

Daiten was astounded at the power of the fullbringer she faced, and more than concerned as she brought up her weapon and transformed it again, a hail of floating blades ready to skewer her.

The woman's voice was quite taunting, but it also seemed she didn't appreciate the sudden damper on the mood. "Ahh, don't be too concerned for me, Princesse." Daiten noted. "But... it's a rather bitter irony, for a barren woman to be killed by someone like you... don't you think?" Daiten added, giving a weak smile.

The blades struck, and The hollow was quick to bring her blade up, deflecting or dodging every blow as the swords soared through the air and cut her down. For what was a blade or two amongst many? Sure enough, even the deflected blades eventually found their mark, and Daiten found herself pinned painfully against the wall.

Her bladework may have been impressive, but it seemed reishi made up no small part of duels in her current life, and underestimating that had just cost her this one.

Daiten could feel pain, could feel the lacerations, the slicing cuts of the blades that had run her through, likely all that was keeping her conscious as her vision began to grow dim. Even so, she was a noble of D'artoissen, and that thought kept her from showing that weakness, looking up with her head held high, even as blood fell from her body.

"Well... this duel 'twas an honor, Princess Valentina. You have..." The arrancar stumbled, pausing to cough up blood and some other important thing that had caught in her throat. "...But to finish me off." The hollow added, seemingly at peace with the idea, as a look of acceptance seemed to show on her face.

Death didn't seem so bad - she had already died, once, as a human, and then again as a plus, when her own chain of fate had viciously devoured her. There was no anger, no regret, only peace and a fondness within her, looking forward to what the next life would bring. What would the blade of a fullbringer send her to?

It didn't matter. no matter what she was or what happened to her, she knew that none of it could stand in the way of her dream, for it was immortal and burned within her as strong as ever. She was at peace.


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Dec 15, 2020 11:18:59 GMT -5

Valentina Tokareva
Location: ?
Status: Alive


(And I refuse to starve...)

And so the symphony ends, with a beautiful finale and the poor, helpless Arrancar pinned down to brickwork by a cross of Fullbring blades.

Val slowly lowered her hand, a smug smirk cracking upon her face, and stepped forward, making her way across the rooftop with no haste, listening to the Arrancar woman's last words. Realizing that she has reached the end of her life, Daitan accepted her loss gracefully and surrendered her life to the Fullbringer's whim. A dagger materialized itself in Val's hand as she walked forward.

"Well, I suppose you can put it that way..." Val muttered under her breath, eyeing the pinned down Arrancar during her approach, extending the moment to play with her food some more. Let them anticipate their demise, knowing very well what's about to happen, and yet watch it slowly approach before their eyes.

Until suddenly, the woman had to stop, a brief ring to her wrist watch popping her back to reality. It was a call from Red Lotus - specifically from Morgan, of Zodiac fame.

"Agent Rose, are you still deployed in the same area?"

"Well, yes, and sorry, but I'm in the middle of something and-"

"I advise you to retreat. There has been a Senkaimon opening in the area recently, and we'd rather not get into problems with the Shinigami when they catch you with an Arrancar."

Before Val could speak back, the communications closed, and she was left alone yet again. She really didn't any problem with agitating the Shini, she's beaten up her share of those before... but, alas...

Suddenly, Val swung with her dagger to cut through Daitan's neck. It wasn't an absorption, so the Arrancar will end up reborn sooner or later - but it was faster to cover up her trail that way, and it keeps her out the hands of the Shinigami for now.

(313 words)