Bleach Hereafter RPG

A Cruel Reaper's Thesis (Spar, Fiore)


The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Nov 29, 2021 19:37:41 GMT -5

Despite the Hollow's parrying of the (admittedly dramatically appropriate) headbutt not completely mitigating its damage or its destabilizing impact, the heat of Rekka's sword was offset by Fiore's cold, high laughter. This was the best the green-haired performer had felt in a long while, and as he dodged the attempt at a stab, a flare of green light went up around him: the green of his own Reiatsu.
"You insolent little weakling!" Despite the harsh tone of the words, his feral smile didn't wane. "Allow me to teach you the true meaning of culture..." Flicking his green tongue in and out of his mouth, the Arrancar seemed to spit a feeling at the Shinigami: the feeling of being completely outmatched...or perhaps upstaged. He hadn't used this technique recently, but if it worked, the feelings of crushing weakness would hinder and even harm the enemy, who, Fiore hoped, felt quite small and bland in the presence of the frilled lizard and his power. Extending his gloved arms as if to soak in applause, the Hollow's eyes lit up as he exuded a twisted brilliance, light reflecting off of his wings.
"Now, do you see who deserves to have the stage?"
The actor shows off.
Defense: Attack 1 hits, 13 damage negated, 4 taken and stun. Attack 2 misses.

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Guard | -4 reishi cost

Bonus Action: Invigorate | +25 reishi cost

Bonus Action: Curse | -12 reishi cost
Status Chance (70%) - eXc_xIHM1-100


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 62,000
HP: 43/90 | REISHI: 66/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d12| ACC: +40


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Nov 30, 2021 21:31:07 GMT -5

Rekka was sure he hit Fiore head-on, literally at that. He'd also failed to connsider that even a Shinigami would get a bit dazed after ramming someone with a headbutt at superspeed, which left an opening for the Arrancar to dodge his attack.

"You insolent little weakling! Allow me to teach you the true meaning of culture..." Did Fiore just stick his tongue out at him? What mature, much wow. But as soon as the Arrancar had done this decidedly-childish act, Rekka was overwhelmed with a flood of emotions which came with the Hollow Reishi now permeating the air.

The loneliness of being ignored. The envy of being outdone. The injustice of not being given recognition for what is rightfully yours. The urge to bask in the shadow of the feathered dragon's terrible light.

While it had affected Rekka somewhat, the impact of Fiore's curse had much more effect on the concert down below. It had finished without event, but the performers and audience getting ready to leave were overcome by their insecurities, with most buckling and falling to their knees in tears. Even the spiritually powerful Sei was hit by all too painful and familiar feelings. Your best friend outdid you. Your sister outdid you. They moved forward together without you. And until now you can't let go of your fantasies. You think your hero from another world will save you? 

"We...will save... everyone! Roll!" At this, a ghostly percentile die appeared behind Sei, which glowed as she poured power into it. The she rolled again. And again. And again, trying to undo the effect of the curse.

In the sky, Rekka was struggling with the curse as well, as it unearthed a past he never wanted to be brought up nor for any narrator to divulge. And yet, he recognized one thing about Fiore's ability.

"It's you, who's pitiful..." Rekka said, gritting his teeth. "Everyone's got insecurities, but it ain't them, that's getting bigger."

He made a diagonal slashing motion motion with his free hand. "You're just piling yours on top of them, 'cause you're the most insecure of us all!"

Rekka would then swing his sword again, making deceptively simple yet hopefully effective thrusts and slashes. As long as he didn't do anything that counted as upstaging Fiore by being flashier, he figured the curse wouldn't worsen.


Put a summary here.
Fiore used a curse! Rekka is now cursed!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!


Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - DNmOHsJG1d100+70
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+70
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [1/2]

BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO (BARRIER) (Currently active. 20/20)
You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

HP:80/80 | REISHI: 57/100 | DEF: 115 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +70

Last Edit: Nov 30, 2021 21:32:28 GMT -5 by Hageshi Rekka


The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Dec 2, 2021 14:27:33 GMT -5

The weeping of the crowd below was audible in the sky, and the timing of it was spectacular to its reason for being. Fiore couldn't wait for the audience to look up and see a beacon of glory, busy slaughtering a weakened Shinigami. Or at least the Fullbringer could see his target, but she seemed to be concentrating her energy somewhere down below. Whatever she was doing was taking an awfully long time...but that was of no importance--
"It's you, who's pitiful..."
Fiore's eyes widened in shock. Not only was this an insult, it was from someone he thought he had subdued.
"Everyone's got insecurities, but it ain't them, that's getting bigger."
For once, the Arrancar was lost for words. He entered a defensive stance, feathered tail waving above his head and sword held tight in one clawed hand. It seemed the Shinigami's slashing motion didn't carry any heat with it, but...
"You're just piling yours on top of them, 'cause you're the most insecure of us all!"
Something in Fiore's mind snapped. His arrogant tone of voice morphed into a feral battle-cry as he parried Rekka's strikes. An expression like it had never formed on his face before, but there it was, pure wide-eyed, fang-toothed anger. Bolts of searing white light released from his hands, jagged and cruel-looking, and twined towards the Shinigami from point-blank range.

Y O U ' R E L Y I N G
Attack 1 missed, attack 2 Guarded. 0 damage taken.

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Guard | -4 reishi cost

Standard Action: Byakurai| -4 reishi cost
Acc - cmKgPLDf1-100+40
Dmg - 1-12+1-12
Status Chance (00%) - N/A

Standard Action: Byakurai| -4 reishi cost
Acc - 1-100+40
Dmg - 1-12+1-12
Status Chance (00%) - N/A


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 62,000
HP: 43/90 | REISHI: 50/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d12| ACC: +40



I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Dec 2, 2021 21:19:45 GMT -5

Welp. Looks like I've done it this time. Can't be helped after all.

Something, no rather, that thing, from what he'd said finally made Fiore snap, causing the Arrancar to scream with primal fury. Still affected by the curse, Rekka remembered that this, or something similar, had frequently happened back in the Academy whenever he simply pointed out what he saw in others.

His foe, now utterly enraged, fired the signature twin lightning bolts again, but this time with ANGER! They slammed into Rekka from ridiculously close, and detonated with a deafening bang, sending the young Shinigami flying backwards at least two blocks away from the concert venue. There was no way the Arrancar wouldn't get at least some damage with an explosion of that magnitude though, seeing as he was also within range.

"Owowowow..." Rekka had landed on top of a mid-sized skyscraper, making a small crater upon impact. He lifted himself from out of the weeb-shaped indentation he had made in the building, and assessed the situation.

"First, that indentation can't be weeb-shaped," he noted. "I am Japanese and therefore cannot be a weeb."

"Second, I think I'm fine, but that blast straight up rekt the barrier I cast at the start," he dusted himself off, noting that his outfit had a few minor rips as well as crosshatched lines that signified damage.

As Fiore was still a few blocks away, Rekka wracked his brain for ideas on how to attack his enraged opponent from long-range. His Zanpakuto was woefully suited mostly for close combat, with only a minor incendiary ray for ranged options. But what if...

"Oh no. I don't like this idea." He texted Sei to either cast a barrier or get everyone out of there, which she managed to accomplish by adding the whole audience to her party and using the Return Home skill. It had a long cooldown, but that didn't matter now.

"It appears Enmado's taught me a new move," said Rekka, aiming his sword like an arrow. He focused his Reishi into it, wincing as the remnants of the curse tore at his soul before vanishing.

"O’ Scarlet Blade that bestows all of its power, sanctity, and wisdom to me.”

"See clearly my heart, my thoughts, and my skill."

"Now, O’ sword which tears asunder the moon and stars..."

"Behold my deeds, my flame, this catastrophic strike which I must carry out."

"GENSHIRYOKU RYUSEI!! (Atomic Shooting Star)" A deceptively thin scarlet beam streaked from the tip of Enmado, aimed directly at a point in front of Fiore. There, heat converged by the millions of degrees, superheating the gas molecules in the air to critical temperature. As it crossed the critical threshold, nuclear fusion was achieved, albeit a small reaction that wouldn't quite destroy the whole city.

If Fiore noticed, he was about to be exploded.


Put a summary here.
Rekka took 20 damage, taken by Armor! The barrier breaks!
Resist activates, dealing 2 damage to Fiore!
Rekka used Condense and took 3 status damage from the curse!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!


Bonus Action: Condense - +15 to accuracy and attacks cannot be guarded against | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - BsckBeZR1d100+85
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+85
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [1/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

HP:77/80 | REISHI: 43/100 | DEF: 115 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +70(+15)



The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Dec 4, 2021 17:28:42 GMT -5

His opponent now a small shape a few city blocks away, Fiore's rage was only slightly abated. He had indeed taken damage from his own attack, but didn't react at all. Only barely listening to the complicated attack call he would have mocked minutes earlier, his instincts screamed out: stay your ground! you can get hurt, but put up as much of a fight as possible!
And there it was: a streak the color of the outside of flames, thin and concentrated. It was clear that something big was coming.
In the center of the explosion, Fiore fiercely resisted its outward force, screaming again, high-pitched and inhuman: it didn't matter how much damage he took, only that Rekka (the thought of the name was filled with hatred) would suffer and die by Fiore's hand. As the blast cleared, leaving smoldering buildings in its wake, the Arrancar was revealed, uniform scorched almost beyond recognition, skin turned ashen grey in portions, eyes laser-focused on the enemy. Lightning sparked from his hands once again, now bright green and in wide bolts, surrounding the twin blasts' origin points in faintly popping electrical energy. Only a tiny part of him thinking about what would happen after the battle, all of Fiore's attention was on Rekka.
Defense: 2 damage taken from Resist, 7-3 = 4 from attack 1, 13+11(crit)-3 = 21 from attack 2, 27 overall

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Focus Energy | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Byakurai | -4 reishi cost
Acc - [Jj|kVvFj1-100+40]
Dmg - [1-12+1-12]
Status Chance (00%) - N/A

Standard Action: Byakurai | -4 reishi cost
Acc - [1-100+40]
Dmg - [1-12+1-12]
Status Chance (00%) - N/A


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 62,000
HP: 16/90 | REISHI: 28/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d12| ACC: +40


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Dec 4, 2021 18:24:16 GMT -5

Oof. I just nuked a city. This was the thought that went through the mind of Hageshi Rekka, Third Seat Shinigami of the Gotei 13's 9th Division, as soon as he saw that he nuked the city, or at least part of it. The entire concert venue was completely devastated as well, fortunately Sei had evacuated everyone before he launched the attack. The other ruined buildings also didn't seem to have anyone in it, as those were commercial establishments that had been cleared for the weekend night.

Inwardly, Rekka felt as wrecked as the concert hall. Being able to unleash a fiery mushroom cloud of death was certainly awesome, but the attack had drained a significant portion of his Reishi, including the boosts that had been building up throughout the fight. Before launching the attack, he was at the peak of his offensive power, but his strength right now was little more than his sealed state. Either way...

The Arrancar was emerging from the smoke, flame, and ashes of the Atomic Shooting Star blast site, barely recognizable as the flashy Fiore from before, but clearly recognizable as a threat that needed to be dealt with before any more damage could be done. Even from this distance, Rekka could hear his foe screaming at him like he'd just been nuked (which he had). Fiore then shot his angriest lightning bolts to date. Angry, yes. Effective? Not so much.

Rekka heated his sword up again and deflected the blasts with a few fancy flourishes, letting Enmado build up momentum and heat as it spun. Then, with a single vertical stroke, the Shinigami cut a rift in space and charged through it to close the distance, hopefully without Fiore noticing. "First step, swifter than sound..."

"Second step, infinite suffering..."

"Third step, the absolute blazing sword!" Rekka emerged from the portal, unleashing a barrage of thrusts at Fiore, or at least what remained of him.


Put a summary here.
Fiore's attacks missed!
Rekka used Focus Energy!
Rekka used Release Attack!
Rekka used Strike!


Bonus Action: Condense - +15 to accuracy and attacks cannot be guarded against | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Release Attack - Piercing, Burn | -7 reishi cost
Acc - sWYJuuDD1d100+65
Dmg - 3d8
Status Chance (50%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+65
Dmg - 2d8
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [1/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

HP:77/80 | REISHI: 22/100 | DEF: 115 | DMG DIE: d8 | ACC: +50(+15)



The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Dec 5, 2021 14:44:07 GMT -5

Fiore's angry vigilance had paid off: dodging the teleporting attack with the long name's second instance was a simple matter of moving to the side. A dim, slowly returning part of the lizard-like Hollow's mind wondered if he should pose or flourish in some other way after his escape, but it seemed like a bad idea in his current condition, at least aesthetics-wise. Too vocally exhausted to scream again or even say anything, he simply took the Shinigami's sudden proximity as an advantage: Fiore attempted a few swings with his gleaming silver sword, aiming for Rekka's throat and heart, his smile still not returned and his wounds still not faded.
Somehow, within the few seconds it took to make the sword attacks (the immense speed both combatants could move at helping to streamline the process), Fiore had thought of something to say, although his voice was still weak.
" no need...for fire to exist...without light."
This was delivered in a tone matching his expression: no longer playful and mocking but harsh and almost predatory, fitting the char-blackened state of the Zanpakuto-granted draconic wings reflecting the images of his own cold lightning as well as Rekka's passionate heat.

The dramatic tension heightens.
Defense: both attacks miss.

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - GQ1g9aWQ1-100+40
Dmg - 1-12
Status Chance (00%) - N/A

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1-100+40
Dmg - 1-12
Status Chance (00%) - N/A


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 31,000
HP: 16/90 | REISHI: 24/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d11| ACC: +40



I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Dec 5, 2021 21:44:40 GMT -5

It seemed that Fiore would manage to keep fighting for the time being, having dodged Rekka's attacks surprisingly easily for someone who had been exploded. The Shinigami was left to contend with his foe's counterattack, parrying the one aimed at his throat, but receiving a slight graze at his chest as a result, causing Rekka to jump back while lashing out with his blade at the Arrancar, which would deal a minor cut of its own.

" no need...for fire to exist...without light." Fiore's cryptic remark also took Rekka off guard, as he had no idea how to interpret that statement. Knowing the narcissistic Arrancar, it was probably some sort of insult which the young Shinigami decided to humor for the time being.

"Sorry, I'm too dumb to know what that means!" Rekka laughed, using the time he bought to stockpile his Reishi. Then, he redirected it into Enmado, causing its scarlet glow to intensify once more. If he hit, there was a good chance that he would be able to defeat the already heavily injured Arrancar within the next five minutes, despite him being rather tired as well.

And so, Rekka leapt forward again with sword in hand, executing a combo of slashes at Fiore.


Put a summary here.
Fiore's first attack missed!
Fiore's second attack hits for 2 damage! Resist triggers and deals 1 damage to Fiore!
Rekka used Haste!
Rekka used Invigorate!
Rekka used Focus Energy!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!


Bonus Action: Invigorate | +25 reishi cost

Bonus Action: Condense - +15 to accuracy and attacks cannot be guarded against | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - ckgW7Nzd1d100+65
Dmg - 2d8
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+65
Dmg - 2d8
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [1/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [2/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

HP:75/80 | REISHI: 33/100 | DEF: 115 | DMG DIE: d8 | ACC: +50(+15)



The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Dec 6, 2021 14:06:39 GMT -5

Rekka's parry had landed, but left no scratch in Fiore's iron-hard skin. Still greatly injured and worn out, he racked his fading mind for some way to heal himself, but found none. With what little rationality was left over from the bout of rage and the many injuries, Fiore realized just how bad of a situation he was in.
All he could do was what he normally did: fake it. Snapping his head up, grin returned and hair dramatically whipping from the motion, the Arrancar raised his sword above his head once again. No words this time, only a smile through the ash.
Aiming to cleave through the Shinigami's hat and into his skull, Fiore's strike was a wide arc swinging down, the elegantly engraved sides of the sword facing outward. The next attack would be sideways, aimed to cut the Soul Reaper in half from the other direction.
Having not inspected his own appearance since the Atomic Shooting star attack, Fiore could not help but wonder how elegant his movements looked. Without the time to inspect, he didn't realize that the sleeves and most of the torso of his uniform were entirely gone, leaving charred patches of his body exposed and not swishing around elegantly like the uniform usually did.

The stage lights are back on.
Defense: 2 damage from Resist, Attack 1 misses, Attack 2 hits for 3 damage-3 resistance
At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - TIX2TNNm1-100+40
Dmg - 1-12
Status Chance (00%) - N/A

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1-100+45
Dmg - 1-12
Status Chance (00%) - N/A


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 62,000
HP: 14/90 | REISHI: 20/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d12| ACC: +40



I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Dec 6, 2021 22:08:20 GMT -5

Well at least Fiore was back to posturing, regardless of how beat-up he looked. He made two more fancy slashes, none of which connected with Rekka as the Soul Reaper dodged the blows narrowly by performing almost-comical limbo moves. Regardless, Rekka's strikes from earlier had virtually no effect on the Arrancar, which annoyed him somewhat.

"So you dodged my undodgeable blow, Fiore. People are supposed to die when they're killed!" he had said after his attacks failed to even scratch his foe. "The Archer class is really made up of archers! Berserkers go berserk!"

Noting the destroyed portion of the city they were fighting above, "This city... doesn't look like a city. Because I blew it up! Wahahahahaha!"

"Just because you're correct doesn't mean you're right! I ran out of redundant F*te quotes!" It seemed that Rekka was starting to lose it out of sheer annoyance that this narcissistic Arrancar wouldn't fall after being blown up and slashed repeatedly.

"If I can't hit you with my sword, then I'll hit my sword with you!" Rekka yelled, though he wasn't really thinking about how such wording was actually meant to be used. He just wanted Fiore to--

"DIE! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Instead of slashing Fiore with his sword, Rekka decided to resort to slamming the Arrancar's head with the pommel of his blade, punching him with his free hand, and kicking him in the shins and groin repeatedly. Would it work? Who knows?


Put a summary here.
Fiore's first attack missed!
Fiore's second attack missed!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!


Bonus Action: N/A | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - JRQY_wPR1d100+50
Dmg - 2d8
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+50
Dmg - 2d8
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [1/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [2/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

HP:75/80 | REISHI: 33/100 | DEF: 115 | DMG DIE: d8 | ACC: +50(+15)



The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Dec 7, 2021 14:00:33 GMT -5

Despite the strangeness of the quotes (it was quite odd what humans had managed to create, what in the world was F*te?) and the basic nature of the flurry of attacks (Fiore's injured vision almost led him to believe that Rekka was now very small and flat, with cartoonishly cute proportions), they were enough to knock the lizard off balance. Less enraged by this than he would have been before yet still put off by none of his attacks seeming to do much damage, Fiore decided to try one of his lesser-used techniques: slowly floating oddly close to the Shinigami's face, he snapped his fingers as usual, creating a burst of light. This one, however, was meant to simply prevent movement due to a slight overwhelming of the senses. Hopefully, with some of his last reserves of energy being expended, his next attack would hit...but instead of using the sword, the Arrancar simply swiped at Rekka with a reptilian claw, aiming for the face. On closer (as in several millimeters away) inspection, something was strange about this Shinigami: he was mature and Fiore was willing to admit he was quite good-looking, but something about this "Rekka" person seemed uncomfortable, like he was out of his depth (Fiore refused to acknowledge that Rekka was definitely within said depth and in fact completely submerged).
It hurts...but...
Defense: Attack 1 hits, for 6-3 = 3 damage and a stun, Attack 2 misses.
At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Focus Energy | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Sai | -4 reishi cost
Acc - zKI39bTc1-100+55
Dmg - 1-10
Status Chance (20%) - 1-100

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1-100+55
Dmg - 1-10
Status Chance (00%) - N/A


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 62,000
HP: 11/90 | REISHI: 2/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d12 (d10 for stun)| ACC: +40 (+55)


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Dec 13, 2021 14:48:23 GMT -5

Fiore now appeared to be looking at Rekka with a weird expression, which the young Shinigami returned in kind with his own confused gaze. Just a few minutes ago, the Arrancar was screaming his name in fury, but he presently seemed to be pondering the outlandish anime quotes Rekka had been spouting. The two combatants were now both apparently stuck in a similar condition as earlier in the match, where neither of them could do much damage to the other.

"Do Arrancar even have a weak spot down there?" Rekka wondered aloud. For the most part, Shinigami had the same anatomy as humans, though the suspiciously uncanny anime Clorox had this one character whose torso was held together by rods. Rekka did not want to find out if that was possible for the real deal as well. "I should have aimed for the head, Fiore, but didn't I do that already?"

However, Fiore decided to unleash a minor light beam, to little effect. He then followed it up with a claw swipe that was obviously meant to take advantage of the opening caused by the beam, which Rekka dodged easily as the beam didn't even work in the first place. Then, Fiore followed that up with another weird stare.

"Whaddya lookin' at, Uncultured Swan? Haven't ya had enough of my face already?" said Rekka, emphasizing his sentences with vertical strikes that looked suspiciously like bonks.


Put a summary here.
Fiore's first attack missed!
Fiore's second attack missed!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!


Bonus Action: N/A | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - Al1y0xF41d100+55
Dmg - 2d9
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+55
Dmg - 2d9
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [1/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [2/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

HP:75/80 | REISHI: 29/100 | DEF: 115 | DMG DIE: d9 | ACC: +55



The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Dec 13, 2021 15:52:31 GMT -5

Once again, Fiore could no longer speak. His breathing grew heavy, thick, dark blood continuing to drip from his wounds and char marks remaining blackened and open. Little voices inside still screaming at him to stay awake! kill him!, he barely registered the Shinigami's voice over that internal cacophony. The sheer speed and sharp angle of the repeated vertical strikes (Fiore's blurry vision led him to almost see a poorly-edited-in baseball bat in place of Rekka's zanpakuto) was enough to land several hits on the top of Fiore's head, thankfully staying away from the Hollow mask. Eventually, there was simply too much damage for the Hollow's spiritual body to withstand, at least while conscious.
Fiore's world began to splatter into black as he felt himself falling out of the sky, Resurreccion dissipating in a hiss of pale smoke. Envisioning what he looked like during his descent, the next thoughts entering the gravely-wounded Arrancar's head weren't quite like his normal demeanor or even his recent rage-filled manner:
Fallen angel.
Rekka still lives.
Rekka, Rekka, REKKA--
I failed my mission.
I have fallen from the heavens, wings torn fire...
What will Ehtore think?
Master Ehtore...please...
I have no audience...

Defense: Attack 1 misses, Attack 2 deals 7+4 (crit) = 11 -3 DR = 8 dmg
Fiore is KOd.

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - *Roll Here*
Dmg - *Roll Here*
Status Chance (00%) - *Roll Here

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - *Roll Here*
Dmg - *Roll Here*
Status Chance (00%) - *Roll Here


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 31,000
HP: 3/90 | REISHI: 0/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d11| ACC: +40
Last Edit: Dec 13, 2021 15:53:18 GMT -5 by fiore


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Dec 15, 2021 2:07:42 GMT -5

Whatever the reasons for Fiore's weird staring were, it seemed that Rekka wouldn't get a chance to find out. His bonking strikes, while probably not lethal, knocked the Arrancar out, causing the draconic Resurreccion to fade and Fiore to fall into the ground with a thud that would be too mediocre for the flashy Arrancar's taste. The battle finally won, Rekka went to stand on a charred building and assessed himself. He was mostly unharmed, with the exception of a few cuts and scrapes, plus some minor damage to his outfit. Still, he was drained of most of his Reishi, Enmado reverting to sealed form as soon as he breathed out.

"Rekka?" a concerned voice spoke through his phone as soon as he answered the call. "Are you all right? Did you beat the Arrancar?"

"Yeah I did, Sei. Had to nuke the place, but I think he'll stay down for a while."

"You...what?!" Sei replied, but instead of sounding angry or worried it sounded suspiciously like she was trying not to laugh. Then she did. "OMG I remember my first tangle with a strong Hollow, we blew up our school LMAO!"

"Sorry I had to leave the concert, hope you ain't upset."

"Only a little bit. You better be there next time. Besides, we got to save everyone!"

"Aight, I'm heading home now. I'm seriously beat. Bye!"


Rekka hung up. He figured he had enough juice for one more portal, so he opened one up and promptly crashed in his bed, fast asleep. Tomorrow, he'd probably get in trouble with some higher-ups for nuking the city, but tomorrow would worry about itself.