Bleach Hereafter RPG

A Cruel Reaper's Thesis (Spar, Fiore)


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Oct 30, 2021 16:26:38 GMT -5

The crowd was hyped to the max this fine urban Japanese evening, and among them was a being not of this realm, one of the entities known as Soul Reapers. This one in particular had once again sneaked out of Soul Society using his personal dimensional rift, but rather than remain in spirit form and watch the concert for free, Hageshi Rekka considered it only proper that he materialize and pay for the show up front. After all, J-Pop Idols and other artists were the height of human culture for him, and as such must be rightfully compensated for their (fan)service to sentient life-forms. Moreover, his human companion would certainly feel awkward if she looked like she came alone or was seemingly talking to herself.

The said Shinigami and human were chatting while waiting for the concert to start.

"It's Sei, right? I wonder how ya managed to contact me, but y'know?" Rekka gave a wide grin and a thumbs-up. "It seems that you are a person of culture as well!"

The human known as Sei was a Japanese teenager who looked like a foreigner regardless, with pale blonde hair tied into a bun with a red ribbon, oval-framed glasses across her gold eyes, and a red scarf and navy blue varsity jacket over the uniform of a high school that no longer existed due in part to her.

"Oh, you don't remember me anymore, Karuto-kun?" Sei asked with a slightly teasing expression followed by a bit of a pout. "I do, and you seemed to really like the song I made so I thought you'd like eLiSAA too~"

If the young reaper was at all confused, he didn't even notice because of the excitement in the air. "I mean yeah! eLiSAA did all the openings for Soul Trigger after all, and by the way your Rhomi look is perfect! (makes another thumbs-up)

"Thanks! My sister looks way more like Rhomi though, she even got the complete cosplay." Then Sei realized she forgot something very important. "Uh... Can I ask what your real name is?"

"Okay. Ya invited me because ya remembered me from somewhere, but not my name? Weird. I'm Hageshi Rekka, and nice to meet ya, Sei. Oh! The concert's starting!"

As scheduled, eLiSAA came up on stage and began her performance, with the Shinigami and Fullbringer in the audience cheering for the J-pop idol along with everyone else. This seemed like a perfect night. and Rekka sure hoped nobody would come to ruin it. After all, he'd cleared the whole perimeter of Hollows, and had the remaining pluses watch the concert before sending them to the afterlife.


The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Oct 30, 2021 19:28:03 GMT -5

It seemed that the Séptimo Espada, Ehtore Wrallett, had heard rumors of a 3rd Seat-ranking member of the Gotei 13 who had a tendency to sneak into the human world and a fondness of certain aspects of human culture. And, as was common, he had sent his Fraccion, Fiore Leclair, to handle the problem. And due to the tastes of this mysterious Shinigami, Fiore ended up being teleported to one of his least-favorite types of places.
"Idols, idol fans..." the Arrancar muttered to himself as he snuck through the crowd. Aside from being surrounded by his least favorite types of people (all of whose Spiritual Pressure he had to scan), he couldn't manifest into the physical world, as his appearance was somehow too conspicuous. Scoffing and tossing his hair at the thought, he made his way through the crowd until he noticed two oddly strong Spiritual Pressures nearby. Scanning them closely revealed a Fullbringer and a Shinigami.
Now smirking, Fiore walked up behind the pair, who appeared to be completely caught up in the fervor the girl on stage managed to inspire. Slowly condensing his Reiatsu, he put a fully-corporeal hand on the Soul Reaper's shoulder.
"Good evening, darling."


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Oct 31, 2021 7:13:58 GMT -5

"Evenin' to you too. But who ya callin' darling, huh?" Rekka was too caught up in the concert to pay much attention to the Arrancar. He'd assumed that it was just some guy who mistook him for his girlfriend or wife.

"You've got the wrong person," Rekka said as he turned around to face whoever had their hand on his shoulder. Then his expression instantaneously shifted to a combination of exasperation and disappointment. He sighed. ".... And why am I not surprised."

The Arrancar he saw was somewhat taller than him with long green hair, dressed in what the Gotei 13 records described as a Numeros uniform, meaning that whoever this was worked directly for the Espada. Great. Just what he was looking for, when he was supposed to be having fun.

And at that moment, eLiSAA began singing the Soul Trigger second opening theme, Crossing Canopy, causing Sei and the rest of the audience to cheer. But for Rekka, it was like dousing his burning spirit with gasoline. He'd always loved that song, and the Arrancar disturbing the concert was ticking him off.

"I've got no time for ya right now, but if ya really wanna go fight right now, I'll gladly smash your teeth in for bothering me."

Rekka pulled out his phone and typed out a message to Sei telling her that he'd be away for a while and to save the seat for when he got back.

"Let's do this, you Uncultured Swan!" Rekka declared to the Arrancar before using Shunpo to transport to several dozen meters above the venue.




The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Oct 31, 2021 11:32:44 GMT -5

The cheering crowd was as infuriating to Fiore as his own appearance seemed to be for this strange Shinigami. Even more annoying was this person's insistence that Fiore wasn't worth his time.
"I'd prefer you focus on what is truly important, darling."
The Arrancar jerked his hand back, teeth bared in a snarl, when the Shinigami dared to look away and use that tiny device he had pulled out of his pocket. This was an insult. As his opponent sped away, Fiore followed, stopping only to look his opponent in the eye and pose, one foot in front of the other.
"Your definition of 'culture' is lacking, darling." Fiore swept a hand close to his own eye. "Lacking....true beauty, that is." His other hand went to his Zanpakuto, still sheathed at that moment. The wind at this altitude lent, it seemed, an extra layer of drama. Fiore paused for a few seconds to let his hair and clothes flutter in the breeze, dismissing the admittedly-large dramatic presence of the Shinigami's cape.
"Now, tell me: why did you assume you would be the victor were we to fight? This seems like unfounded arrogance to me, darling~" He giggled.
"Why don't we put it to the test?"
Last Edit: Oct 31, 2021 14:05:34 GMT -5 by fiore


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Nov 2, 2021 9:35:23 GMT -5

Rekka now had a grasp of this Arrancar's intents, it seemed that he just wanted to show off. What a drama queen. Well, if that's what his opponent wanted, he'd just have to take the Arrancar down a peg or two.

"HAH! True culture means ya know that the spotlight belongs to the performers who worked hard on it, not some gatecrasher who didn't even pay for tickets!" the Shinigami said with a scornful smirk. All of a sudden, his own outline became blurry with heat haze as he strengthened his defenses. "And what's true beauty for ya? Yourself??"

   Burn it all

"Yaketsuke, Enmado!" Rekka whipped out his katana and released, which then lit up in a scarlet flash. He moved forward using a combination of Shunpo and his Shikai's special ability to attack the Arrancar with a flurry of quick superheated blows. He would then appear on his foe's other side to strike him with more attacks in a different swordplay combo than the last attack. Then, to finish off his combo, he moved above the Arrancar for an overhead slam.

"It doesn't matter whether I win or not! Why's that? Because I choose the high EV option of self-respect! When I'm done here I'll go back to the concert to have fun!" If his attack hit it would knock the Arrancar into a nearby building, literally taking him down a few pegs.

Put a summary here.
Rekka went into 1st Release!
Rekka used Sekisho!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!

At-Will: 1st Release Activated (Tempered)

Bonus Action: Sekisho - Gain 20 Armor and become immune to status effects from attacks | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - T9W|V4I21d100+50
Dmg - 1d8 1d8
Status Chance (40%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+50
Dmg - 1d8 1d8
Status Chance (40%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite

(Alacrity is also active as a Shinigami Racial Trait)


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

REIATSU: 43,000 (Currently at 86,000)
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 86/100 | DEF: 115 | DMG DIE: d8 | ACC: +50


The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Nov 2, 2021 13:17:14 GMT -5

"You think I wanted to watch them? Why would I want to look at anyone other than--" Fiore's sweeping, grandiose gesture towards himself completed the thought. At what may have been meant to be an insult but definitely did not turn out to be one, Fiore's smirk grew to match the Soul Reaper's. "And, why, yes, thank you for noticing! If you do not appreciate my beauty, you cannot grasp the concept..." He tucked his hair behind his ear and mask, trying to figure out why this opponent suddenly seemed to be blurring into the air in a field of heat.
At the sound of a Shikai release command, Fiore raised his own zanpakuto protectively in front of him. He'd been working on swordsmanship after the ordeals with the Quincies, and hopefully his Hierro would handle the fire-enhanced damage that managed to get through.
It worked somewhat well. While the pressure on his sword from one side and then the other was an indicator of reduced impact, Fiore was still flung back into a nearby building by the final strike from overhead. Hissing at his opponent's words, he snapped his fingers twice, conjuring his two signature lightning bolts and aiming them at the Shinigami that had dared to insult him.
Fiore enters stage right!
Defense: All attacks' damage reduced by 3, increased by 2, total damage reduced by 10
(12-3+2) + (12-3+2) = 22-10 = 12 dmg taken
Stunned for 1 turn

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: GUARD | -4 reishi cost

Standard Action: Byakurai | -4 reishi cost
Acc - jmRYkpcC1-100 + 40
Dmg - 1-9+1-9
Status Chance (00%) - N/A 

Standard Action: Byakurai | -4 reishi cost
Acc - 1-100 + 40
Dmg - 1-9+1-9
Status Chance (00%) - N/A

Techs with one more use--Shibireyubi and Usutsemi
Techs learned--0/3
Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 31,000
HP: 78/90 | REISHI: 88/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d11 (stunned for d9)| ACC: +40
1-100 + 40·1-9·1-9·1-100 + 40·1-9·1-9
Last Edit: Nov 3, 2021 14:47:21 GMT -5 by fiore


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Nov 3, 2021 22:05:59 GMT -5

"YOU NARCISSISTIC PRICK! IF YOU WANT PEOPLE TO LOOK AT YA, SET UP YOUR OWN DAMN EVENT!" Rekka yelled at the Arrancar as he emerged from the building he had been knocked into. His foe was nothing if not tough, he had to admit, but Rekka knew that there was a greater time limit than either of their fighting conditions, and that was the duration of the concert. While he could still hear the music from his current position, Rekka bemoaned that he could not appreciate it from his rightfully paid-for seat. And if he missed the whole thing, he was pretty sure Sei would be disappointed with him.

"And on top of that, I'd rather look at eLiSAA or Sei than some Uncultured Swan like you!" The Arrancar shot two lightning bolts at him, but the spatial distortion surrounding Rekka caused them to veer off-course, exploding into a display of fireworks in the air. "Heh. How 'bout that, Uncultured Swan? Ya do know how to put on a good show after all!"

"As long as we're up here, the audience will think it's just special effects, and the show won't be ruined. 'Sides, it's me ya want, right?"

The Shinigami would then vanish from sight, leaving behind his voice. "First step, swifter than sound..."

"Second step, infinite suffering..."

He reappeared just in front of the Arrancar, making several stabs at supersonic speed.


Put a summary here.
Edge 2 Active!
Fiore's attacks missed!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - j5w2KW2X1d100+65
Dmg - 1d9 1d9 +2
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+65
Dmg - 1d9 1d9 + 2
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

REIATSU: 86,000
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 82/100 | DEF: 125 | DMG DIE: d9 | ACC: +65

Last Edit: Nov 11, 2021 2:52:34 GMT -5 by Hageshi Rekka


The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Nov 7, 2021 16:18:34 GMT -5

"Worry not, Shinigami." Fiore wiped a stray bit of dust off of his shoulder. "I shall take my leave...within your sight, of course...your final sight."
It was rather nice, he thought, that the Shinigami would redirect his attacks as opposed to negating them. Sarcastic comments aside, the young man was getting a good glimpse at Fiore's capabilities. But who were "Elisa" and "Sei"?
"You had best reconsider those views, darling." He opened his mouth to speak further, but nodded his head and made a "go on" gesture when his opponent began a combination attack.
This time, Fiore managed to dodge about half of the blows, while the other half were mostly deflected, only leaving tiny scratches. He lightly applauded, somewhat mocking. "Oh, what a nice little show you put on! The fire effects are quite pretty~ But not nearly as pretty as...."
A small flare of green Spirit Energy formed around the Hollow's hands, then faded away as he snapped his fingers twice again. These bolts of lightning seemed to glow brighter than the previous ones, and as Fiore crossed one of his arms over the other the movement of the lights followed his hands, causing them to switch places. It looked nice (as Fiore's smile showed), even if it didn't improve the attack's power.

Time for some special effects!
Defense: All attacks' damage reduced by 3, increased by 2
Attack 1 misses!
Attack 2: (5-3) = 2 dmg
At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Focus Energy | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Byakurai | -4 reishi cost
Acc - p_TN7Y5e1-100+ 55 
Dmg - 1-11+1-11 
Status Chance (00%) - N/A

Standard Action: Byakurai | -4 reishi cost
Acc - 1-100+ 55 
Dmg - 1-11+1-11 
Status Chance (00%) - N/A


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 31,000
HP: 76/90 | REISHI: 70/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d11| ACC: +40

Last Edit: Nov 7, 2021 16:18:58 GMT -5 by fiore


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Nov 11, 2021 3:22:18 GMT -5

A crazy idea suddenly and randomly popped into Rekka's brain, though it could be argued that this happened more often than was healthy for a sentient being. And, not surprisingly, the young Shinigami decided to act upon it. In the few moments it took for the Arrancar to parry his attack and launch a counterattack of twin interweaving lightning bolts (twinterweaving???), Rekka attempted perhaps the most dangerous stunt he'd ever tried in battle.

Trusting in the combined protection from his Kido barrier and the spatial distortions of his Shikai, Rekka let himself get hit by the first lightning bolt, which exploded into a blooming fireworks display. Strangely enough, the barrier held, and he let himself get blown away by the explosion. He then jumped under the second lightning bolt and used Enmado's incendiary ray to trigger it. The lightning bolt then exploded into another burst of fireworks as he made a curtsy with his cape.

"Hope ya enjoy the show, everyone! Let's show the world that eLiSAA is still the star of this performance!" he said as the Jpop idol below switched songs again. And, sure enough, the crowd cheered again, thinking that the fight raging above was part of the concert special effects. Well, most of the audience. Sei was well aware that Rekka had been drawn into a fight, which she'd join were she not unable to fly.

"Now, Uncultured Swan, prepare for my next attack, and make it double!" As he said this, Rekka blurred himself even further, making hazy shadow clones of himself by sheer speed. These clones then charged to make a barrage of attacks like what one would expect from a ninja anime.

Put a summary here.
Fiore's attacks missed!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - CRDshtwa1d100+60
Dmg - 1d9 1d10
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+60
Dmg - 1d9 1d10
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

REIATSU: 86,000
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 78/100 | DEF: 125 | DMG DIE: d10 | ACC: +60



The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Nov 13, 2021 16:13:39 GMT -5

Fiore could have successfully hit his opponent, but it also could have still been a miss and a boring one. He was grateful, suddenly, for this Shinigami's newly apparent sense of showmanship. It was obvious that the crowd's applause was for the mysterious idol singer below, but the sentiment apparently shared between them and the strange young Soul Reaper was irritating to the attention-starved Arrancar, to say the least.
"Fine. Let the girl have her fifteen minutes in the spotlight. A big reveal works better, after all." The urge to kill this interloper quickly grew stronger, as Fiore wanted to hijack the concert before it ended, which seemed to be soon.
The fancy speed-clone attack did nothing but push him around a little. It was nice to see the gleam of swords coming nowhere near his body, as he felt was correct. "Nothing but blur. Good for you to have found your theme, darling, but is there any chance you could make yourself more corporeal for a change?"
So as to not be a hypocrite, Fiore made a change to his own attack patterns: instead of using his light abilities, he simply raised his sword and charged the blurred-out Shinigami.
Defense: it didn't work!

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: None | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - P_3pEbnK1-100
Dmg - 1-11
Status Chance (00%) - N/A

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1-100
Dmg - 1-11
Status Chance (00%) - N/A


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 31,000
HP: 76/90 | REISHI: 70/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d11| ACC: +40


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Nov 13, 2021 21:48:51 GMT -5

The Arrancar was right; the concert would be over in fifteen minutes at the latest, and Rekka had spent most of it fighting him in the skies above. Therefore, best to end it quickly, unfortunately the young Shinigami noted that his last attack, while flashy, had virtually no effect on his foe who parried it with ease. And what's more, this Uncultured Swan seemed to imply that he was going to attack the concert to draw more attention to himself, or maybe he just didn't like Jpop which was such a shame. Rekka didn't have time to process, though, as the Arrancar charged him with his own Zanpakuto, demanding a change of pace from the intangible Shinigami.

Oho, so you're approaching me?
"OHO! Mukatte kuru no ka?" Rekka taunted while crossing blades and parrying the Arrancar's strikes. It seemed that his opponent was somewhat less skilled than him at swordplay, but could put up a decent fight thanks to his hardened skin, a technique known to Hollows as Hierro.

Instead of running away, you're coming right to me?
"Nige zuni kono Rekka ni chikazuite kuru no ka?" the scarlet-eyed reaper taunted further, as his sword glowed a searing red. "Well in that case..."

Rekka used his sword's heat to release a massive cloud of steam in the area, obscuring sight. He then disengaged from his foe long enough to type a brief but important message to Sei: "Protect ELiSAA!"

Then, before the Arrancar could respond, Rekka would make sneak attacks using the cloud of steam as cover.

Put a summary here.
Fiore's attacks missed!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1H8C5sls1d100+70
Dmg - 2d10+2
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+70
Dmg - 2d10+2
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

REIATSU: 86,000
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 74/100 | DEF: 125 | DMG DIE: d10 | ACC: +70



The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Nov 15, 2021 14:06:15 GMT -5

Every one of Fiore's attacks, it seemed, had been easily parried. The impact of his opponent's sword was strong, but Fiore figured that the boost that came from the Shikai release played a large part. Still, though, Fiore's disadvantage was clear. He almost considered fleeing directly to the concert, but apprehending the Soul Reaper--called Rekka, apparently-- was his mission, and the idea of failure was profoundly unsettling.
Also unsettling was the sudden cloud of steam that turned the area into a blank grey land of fog. While still thematically similar to the blur of heat, it looked quite different, so Fiore had to admit that Rekka had made a change of pace.
The new tactic seemed to work: the Shinigami's first attack was swiftly dodged, but the second slammed into Fiore's chest, tearing his uniform and trailing a flow of blood along with a hiss of steam.
"...damn it..." If things kept going like this, Fiore would be out of the spotlight and lying dead on the ground. His best option would be quite drastic, it seemed, so he would try one more time to hit the Shinigami, this time dramatically posing before he lunged, gleaming steel shining a light in the haze.
Something's not quite right here...
Defense: attack 1 missed! Attack 2's damage is reduced by 3 for a total of 9 dmg and a successful stun.

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Focus Energy | -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - OQTxXD_11-100+55
Dmg - 1-9
Status Chance (00%) - N/A

Standard Action: Strike | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1-100+55
Dmg - 1-9
Status Chance (00%) - N/A


Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 31,000
HP: 67/90 | REISHI: 60/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d11 (d9 when stunned)| ACC: +40


I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Nov 22, 2021 2:55:26 GMT -5

By the pressure on his sword, Rekka estimated that he was successful in landing at least one good hit on his opponent. That was something to be said given how the Arrancar had tanked several of his previous strikes with that iron-hard skin. However, it wasn't good enough. The clock was ticking and his foe's second objective was crashing the concert, which left the young Shinigami with a difficult choice. Should he try to stall the Uncultured Swan until the concert ended, or should he break off the fight and lure him to a place where he couldn't harm any humans? In the end, Rekka decided on a combination of both strategies. He'd try to stall for the remaining 10 or so minutes of the concert, and if the Arrancar made an attempt to harm any humans he'd send the two of them through the breach. In the meantime...

Fine, I'll bite, if only to get ya to scram!" The Arrancar charged him again, clearing away the steam with his slashes. Rekka parried the blows once more while wondering if his usual complaints about his lack of defensive skills were of any valid basis.

"Who the hell are ya, Arrancar? What do you want from me, and why'd ya want to ruin a perfectly good concert?" The Third Seat let his fiery scarlet eyes blaze menacingly and maniacally in the moonlight, before unleashing a furious barrage of slashes and strikes while the distance between the two combatants was closed.

Put a summary here.
Fiore's attacks missed!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - SSQkVVeM1d100+75
Dmg - 2d11+2
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+75
Dmg - 2d11+2
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

REIATSU: 86,000
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 70/100 | DEF: 125 | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +75



The light shines so bright, you can't look away!

fiore Avatar


Post by fiore on Nov 23, 2021 12:39:10 GMT -5

Something suddenly seemed off about Fiore's opponent: the way he charged was different than before, most likely connected to that maniacal look in his eye.
Who am I? What do I want from you?
With a swish of Fiore's hand, the area was filled with a flurry of white mist. While obscured, he was able to redirect the Shinigami's attacks somewhat, into the less vital parts of his body. When the mist cleared, the Arrancar stood calmly in mid-air, a new cut on his shoulder and another on his leg. Despite the dripping blood, his luminous green eyes were directly focused on Rekka.
"My name is Fiore Leclair, of the Numeros. I am number 71. What I want is your head, Shinigami."
Talk of the concert seeming suddenly frivolous to the green-haired Hollow, he raised his sword up high, seeming to admire it even as his expression remained stony.
"Present, Centellear."
His smirk briefly returned as a flash of light enveloped the area. When it cleared, Fiore's bone-white mask now obscured most of his face, and a pair of wings framed his wild grin and long green hair.
"This is a special honor, Shinigami. Now, we wouldn't want the show to go on too long, no?~" His tone was much harsher than before, almost feral, as his long, feathered tail created another burst of light.

Things are heating up...
Defense: natural 7 and natural 5 are removed via technique, 6 damage removed due to trait, 20 damage taken
Successful stun

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Sekienton | -5 reishi cost

Bonus Action: 1st Release | -4 reishi cost

Standard Action: Shibireyubi | -5 reishi cost
Acc - N/A
Dmg - N/A
Status Chance (80%) - vX4TGuPw1-100

Techs with one more use--Shibireyubi and Usutsemi
Techs learned--0/3

Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40/Arrancar
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.
You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: None
You hunker down against incoming attacks to survive them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. (Remember DR subtracts from total damage taken per attacker on a turn, not from each attack they make.)
Cost: 4 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You take a quick moment to replenish lost Reishi to continue the fight!
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You regain 25 Reishi.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per turn. Max of 100 Reishi restored per battle.
You use your Reishi to enhance your speed and allow yourself to escape attacks easier.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
You focus your own Reishi to reach out and feel the spiritual energy of others around you.
Type: Utility
Action: Reactive At-Will
Effect: You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per thread.
You compress your Reishi down inside of you and lower your Reiatsu Level.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will / Reactive At-Will to Release
Effect: You may use this technique to reduce your Current Reiatsu Level to a value of your choice. While your Reiatsu Level is suppressed, you cannot use Intimidate or any Releases.
Cost: None
Limit: None
You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.
Type: Basic Attack - Physical
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: None
With allies:
You maneuver or feint, sacrificing your action to give an opening to an ally.
Type: Utility
Action: At-Will
Effect: You can give one of your standard actions to an ally that goes in the turn order after you.
Cost: None.
Limit: Each team (or group of allies in an event) shares a total of 3 uses per battle.
You rush to the aid of your ally, jumping in front of an attack that targets them.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You take an attack intended for a team member. It must beat your defense to hurt you. Cannot be used against area attacks.
Cost: None.
Limit: Three uses per battle.
You funnel your own Reiatsu into another person, thus lending them some of your power.
Type: Utility
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You boost the Base Reiatsu Level of a teammate or ally by +25% of your current RL. The total boost cannot exceed more than 50% of their current RL.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

You place the palms of your hands down on the ground, red smoke bursts forth from the point of contact, swiftly engulfing the surrounding area and briefly obscuring the movements of whomever is within the smoke, allowing for a quick getaway.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - straight damage boosts by damage dice Tier 5 or above are ignored. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Power. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.
You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.
Effects: None
Cost: 4 Reishi
You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 20% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.
With allies:
You use Kaidō to channel restorative energy into your ally, bringing them back from the brink.
Type: Defense - Kido Healing Spell
Action: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you restore 30 HP to a target comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per comrade.

Activate: Bonus Action / At-Will
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Techniques: Glorious Moment and Curse
Enhancement: Condemning
Bonus: You gain a +5 bonus to Focus.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Fiore smiles and dramatically raises one hand, as spotlights dance around him. Soon, the light gets so bright that it does damage.
AREA: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one to three targets. No minor effect.
PIERCING: On successful hit, this technique bypasses up to 5 Armor and/or ignores up to 5 DR. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.
A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type:  Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 12 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 Reishi from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.

REIATSU: 62,000
HP: 47/90 | REISHI: 46/100 | DEF: 95 | DMG DIE: d12(d10 on stun)| ACC: +40



I have nothing to say.

Hageshi Rekka Avatar

Hageshi Rekka

Post by Hageshi Rekka on Nov 24, 2021 6:14:19 GMT -5

Apparently, two could play at that smoke game. His own steam clouds notwithstanding, the Arrancar's smoke seemed to give an evasion buff against Rekka's strikes, leaving him somewhat less injured than he ought to be after the barrage. Then, he decided to reveal his name and objective after all.

"My name is Fiore Leclair, of the Numeros. I am number 71. What I want is your head, Shinigami."

"Fiore Leclair. And you're a Numero just as I thought," Rekka said half to himself.

Just as the Arrancar, no, Fiore, finished answering, he finally decided to call out his release, turning him into some feathered dragon thing. In any case, it would normally be a cause of concern for the young Shinigami, but this time it only made him grin excitedly seeing that his opponent was finally putting up a good fight.

"WAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Rekka erupted into maniacal laughter, and seeing his foe launch some sort of tail beam at him, he pulled out a talisman disguised as a trading card, and used it to block the attack. "Tasogare wo kurae! Limelight Vortigern!"

"You said you wanted my head, Fiore Leclair the Uncultured Swan? Here, you can have it!" Rekka charged forward for a headbutt at terminal velocity, which was to be followed by a superheated sword-thrust at point-blank range. Five minutes left.

Put a summary here.
Fiore released! Edge 2 lost!
Fiore fired a tail beam!
Rekka used Yugure no Manto!
Rekka used Strike!
Rekka used Strike!

At-Will: Yugure no Manto (-5 Reishi)

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - zMkIcCZJ1d100+70
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+70
Dmg - 2d12
Status Chance (30%) - 1d100


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: [1/1]

You form a shroud around you that softens impacts and protects against harmful Kido.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: [1/2]

BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO (BARRIER) (Currently active. 20/20)
You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 10 Reishi


Prerequisite: Reflexes Skill of 50
Activate: Reactive At-Will
Effect: When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn.
Limit: [3/3]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain an extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.
Limit: [1/1]

Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.
Limit: Indefinite


Type: Single
Major Effect: Piercing
Minor Effect: Burn

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: [2/2]

Release Perks

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect any attack that hits you siphons -1 HP from the attacker while you are in your Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Attacks now siphon -2 HP from the attacker.
Stage 3: Siphoned HP is now distributed to allies as well.

REIATSU: 86,000
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 61/100 | DEF: 115 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +70

Last Edit: Nov 30, 2021 19:50:51 GMT -5 by Hageshi Rekka