Bleach Hereafter RPG

A Strange Place [Spar]



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 15, 2021 12:47:50 GMT -5

Hollow - Independent


Neither the impromptu spear nor the Cleave attack met with any success. The two of them seemed to be trading missing blows one after another as if they were shadow boxing at one another. Both of the combatants were basically unscathed and yet Asura was running on fumes as far as his Reishi consumption was concerned. Another bead of sweat ran down his forehead. He reached up to wipe it away. His pink hair was damp with sweat and he was starting to breathe heavier and heavier.

Suddenly, as Asura was internally strategizing his next move, Yoshinori started twirling his spear in a slow rhythmic fashion. Asura narrowed his eyes and after watching the spinning motions changed his focus to stare at Yoshi's eyes instead. The twirling weapon held a sort of captivating effect and he didn't want to be drawn in by it.

He kept quiet, staring back at the Shinigami instead of answering his question or rising to his bait.

It was then that he noticed the shadows around him starting to contort and almost peel away from their natural positions. More shadow manipulation? It must be part of his foe's abilities. The shadows grew and formed into eerie looking demon-like creatures. They had glowing yellow eyes and growled. Some screeched and howled.

Asura's eyes scanned the immediate area. He was surrounded by the creatures. They launched themselves at him with reckless abandon. He made a conscious effort not to touch any of them if he could help it. No telling if they were some sort of trap that activated upon contact. With this foe, anything could happen. So he ducked and dodged their attacks. He weaved and bobbed between and out of the way of their various strikes.

He glanced upward at the cranes overhead as he leaned away from one of the demon's slashes. It gave him an idea. There were several of them scattered around the immediate area. As he was moving, dodging and avoiding the shadow demon's attacks, he gestured subtly with his hands, using his Cleave ability to cut through the steel supports on the crane's long necks. He did one at a time on each crane, all while he was weaving and jumping around attacks.

Finally a loud, resounding metallic screech rang out through the night air. The first crane's stability failed as the final support couldn't hold without the others. Then another crane did the same. Then another. Five cranes in total all started to break apart and fall onto the area where the two of them were fighting. The resulting destruction causing a huge dust cloud to cover the construction site. One of the cranes landed atop and crushed one of the half-completed buildings.

Asura used the chaos and destruction to slip away, hopefully unnoticed...


Demon Horde (Byakurai) | 103 ACC VS 105 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!
Demon Horde (Phantom Fire) (Barrage Release Attack) | 167 ACC VS 105 DEF | HIT! | 41 DMG!
- Asura uses Utsusemi to avoid! 0 DMG!
- +10 Accuracy on all attacks per Honed Senses!

PASSIVE: Indomitable / Meticulous / 1st Release (-4 Reishi) / Cleverness / Honed Senses / Eagle Eye
BONUS ACTION #1: Utsusemi (-10 Reishi / Extra use via Honed Senses)
STANDARD ACTION #1: Collateral Destruction aka RUN AWAY! (-4 Reishi / Byakurai Basic Attack) (Auto-Crit per Eagle Eye)
STANDARD ACTION #2: Collateral Destruction aka RUN AWAY! (-4 Reishi / Byakurai Basic Attack)

DMG ROLL: 33Y6aWbj2d12 + 15 (CRIT!) = 30 DMG!
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% FAIL!
(Per Eagle Eye Yoshi receives 2 Stacks of Cripple and Immobilize)

ACC ROLL: 1d100+60
DMG ROLL: 2d12
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% FAIL!

REIATSU LEVEL: 222,000 (Base: 111,000)
HP: 75/75
REISHI: 1/130
DEF: 100 + 5 (Release) = 105
ACC: +50 + 10 (Honed Senses) = +60

Invigorate: 100/100 Reishi Gained
Sense: +5 Def / +5 Acc (2/3 Uses Left)

ARRANCAR: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Indomitable and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 40.

- HONED SENSES: PASSIVE | Gain +1 extra use, per thread, of all Techniques specifically labeled a Movement Technique. For every attack you successfully evade using a Movement Technique, you gain +10 Accuracy on any attacks used during your following turn.
- SHROUD: PASSIVE | Start with the Enhanced Rapid Movement Technique. As a passive effect, for every attack you successfully evade with this technique, you gain +3 bonus damage with your attacks on your following turn.
- WOUNDING SHOT: PASSIVE | Each of your Basic Attacks have a 45% chance to inflict the special Maimed status effect. Maimed decreases your foe’s Defense and Accuracy on their turn by -5 for each at-will action they use on that turn.
- EAGLE EYE: AT-WILL | Once, per battle, designate one attack during your turn that will automatically crit with a natural 100 roll (No mechanical roll required). Also, passively, any time you score a critical hit, your foe receives two stacks of Cripple and Immobilize. (1/1)

INDOMITABLE (RACIAL PERK): PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.
HASTE: AT-WILL | When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn. (0/3)
BLITZ: AT-WILL |  You can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. (0/2)
CLEVERNESS: PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.
BLUR: PASSIVE | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (1/4)
TEMPERED: PASSIVE | Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread.

1ST RELEASE: -4 Reishi per turn | PASSIVE | Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: METICULOUS (As a passive effect your Basic Attacks score a critical hit on a natural 85 or higher while in a Released State.)
- ATK TECHNIQUE: CLEAVE -12 Reishi | BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Overwhelm Major Effect. (Overwhelm: Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.)
- DEF/UTIL TECHNIQUE: MULTI-ARMS -15 Reishi | AT-WILL | You can use 1 Bonus Action on your turn to make a Basic Attack. Also all Basic Attacks on your turn roll 1 extra damage dice. (0/3)


SPEED CLONES: -5 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Movement Technique. (0/2)
HANKI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Lasts for 1 more turn after reaching +25 defense. Movement Technique. (0/1)
GYAKU UNMEI: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | Choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Movement Technique. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn. (4/4)
KEIKATSU: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
UTSUSEMI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. (0/1)
ENKŌSEN: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) (2/2)



Last Edit: Nov 15, 2021 12:51:00 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 15, 2021 16:33:22 GMT -5

Once more, Asura managed to weasel his way out of considerable injury. Even as a dozen conjured demons cornered him, each of them leaping forward with a rabid eagerness to rip away at his flesh, the Hollow-Shinigami managed to find some way to escape. To prolong the battle without injury. The teenage-appearing Shinigami had to admit that he was impressed, even if he was simultaneously annoyed. He had fought many individuals throughout his career, but few were able to move so quickly so as to not only keep up with Yoshinori himself, but at points boast superior levels of swiftness.

Yet Yoshinori knew just as well as Asura did that it was coming to an end. The man's growing fatigue did not escape the Third Seat. The haggard breath that comes with overexertion. The sheen of sweat that was making itself increasingly present upon the pink haired berserker's face. Yoshinori couldn't resist a small smile coming across his features. The Hollow had arrived as a predator, seeking easy prey. Yet, Yoshinori was a trained assassin. In allowing Asura to run wild in his offensive frenzy, the parasite ran himself into the ground dealing with the Reaper's illusions.

Yoshinori was not stronger than his opponent. He was not faster. When it came to sheer capability, the two were an uncanny match for each other. The difference came purely from endurance and usage of one's own stamina. The Hollow wasn't going to win this fight. Now all Yoshinori himself had to do was-


Just as Yoshinori himself planned to dispel his illusions and spring back into action himself, Asura sprung into action first. Utilizing the mysterious ability that he used to cut Yoshinori prior, the pink haired Hollow began wreaking havoc upon the abandoned cranes littered throughout the abandoned construction site. One by one, the massive structures began crashing down, the first one destroying his own demonic illusions in one fell swoop. All around him, chaos was let loose as metal crashed into the dirt, two cranes now bearing down upon him as they fell loose from their now severed restraints. His eyes widening, Yoshinori extended his left hand forward, and muttered an incantation under his breath.

"Hadō #57. Daichi Tenyō."

In contrast to the last time he used this particular spell, Yoshinori didn't seem to have any intent of utilizing it offensively. Telekinetic abilities returning to him through activation of the Kido, a bright purple aura encapsulated the two falling support beams, suspending them in midair. Pushing his hands outward, Yoshinori banished the cranes from near him, the heavy metallic beams falling away from him, rather than on him.

Yet, in his effort to defend himself from the two beams, he didn't take into account a third swiveling to smack into him horizontally, the crane smacking him across the construction site. Crashing into the dirt, being successfully hit did two things for the young Shinigami:

A.) It cleared him completely from the cascading avalanche of neglected metal that came crashing down as a result of Asura's frenzied offensive.
B.) It gave him a massive headache.

Groaning softly, Yoshinori slowly made his way into a standing position, green eyes immediately narrowing as he searched his surroundings, as if expecting Asura to come launching himself at the Third Seat once more. Yet, strangely enough, he couldn't see the man. And even stranger...the man's aura was getting steadily more distant. He was moving away from the construction zone entirely.

"Is that so...?" Yoshinori remarked slowly as he straightened up. Almost immediately, his Shikai dispelled itself in a burst of ghostly blue fire, the wheels and Naginata reverting back into its sealed form. With a long sigh to emphasize his action, Yoshinori sheathed the cutlass back into its scabbard.

Sealed Ball

"What a pain..." The man expressed, looking up at the night sky. Much like he did in the very beginning of the battle, he addressed the heavens," "Are you happy now? Now I have to go and write a report on this bullshit."

Disgruntled and in pain, Yoshinori was hasty in making his exit. Before anymore pink haired Hollow-men dared to show their face...

Post Count: 9 |


Bonus Action Reactive: Yoshinori uses Enkosen to halve the damage of Enemy Standard Action 1!
Enemy Standard Action 1: Asura hits Yoshinori for 30 dmg! Halved by Enkosen to 15! Indomitable provides 3 DR! Damage lowered to 12! Yoshi receives 2 stacks of Cripple and Immobilize!
Enemy Standard Action 2: Asura misses Yoshinori!

Two of Yoshi's attacks missed last turn! Momentum Active! Yoshi gains 2 Momentum stacks!
At-Will: Yoshinori seals his blade once more! First Release deactivated!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained!

Bonus Action Reactive: Hadō #57. Daichi Tenyō (Bakudo #39: Enkosen) - As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -3 Reishi (Attuned + Efficiency Reduced

At-Will: Release Shikai (Deactivate First Release) - Deactivates First Release as an At-Will Action

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (25/100 Max Reishi Restored)
Immobilized (1 Turn Remaining)
Crippled (1 Turn Remaining)
3 Momentum Stacks (Max of 4 Usable in a turn)


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (0/2 uses remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total Reishi drained will be the same number as damage taken before reductions.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (2/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (0/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

INDOMITABLE - PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Delay Major Effect. (Delay: The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects.) | -12 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 72/90 | REISHI: 66/160 | DEF: 105 (115) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 15, 2021 21:01:31 GMT -5

Hollow - Independent


Asura turned to look back at the construction site in the distance. He watched the last crane fall, the huge plume of dust and debris rising up as it crashed down. A slight smirk ran across his face. He'd gotten away and also caused trouble for his foe but the feeling was bittersweet. He'd been forced to run, unable to outdo the Shinigami in battle. Even though the two were incredibly evenly matched, the white haired Shinigami was able to regulate his Reishi much better than Asura could.

It made sense. Asura was tapping into his host's Reishi so his control over it was not as delicate and subtle as Yoshinori's over his own. However, the Hollow took note of his own failings and made sure that the next time they fought he would be ready and he would have learned from their battle.

It was a lesson he had learned over the centuries. Even if you're defeated, as long as you learned something valuable, you didn't completely lose. He learned what he did wrong and what he would need to do to remedy that. That was good enough for him.

With one final look at the construction site, he opened up a garganta and stepped inside. As it closed, he smirked one final time. He hoped he'd get to see that kid again... and kick his ass properly.