Bleach Hereafter RPG

A Strange Place [Spar]


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 3, 2021 17:33:23 GMT -5

Sealed Ball

Arcana Industries Abandoned Construction Site. Cairo, Egypt. World of the Living.

Local legend says some twenty years ago a company by the name of Arcana Industries attempted to construct an office on the outskirts of Cairo, Egypt. Few could answer the question as to why what was to be a grand structure of commerce was placed so far away from the established commercial and residential district, and none could answer exactly what it was that Arcana Industries even did. What has been established is that following a series of strange happenings that one could only describe as stemming from the occult, the project was abandoned in a hurry and hasn't been touched to the current day.

What exactly happened, one may ask? From sudden, unexplained phenomena to critical construction equipment failure, to even the gruesome death of over six workers committed to the construction, Arcana Industries ran through several contracts with construction companies before finally abandoning the project, along with intention to settle in Cairo, Egypt. So sudden was the fact that everyone seemed to wash their hands free of the budding project that no one even bothered to remove the abandoned construction equipment, at the time or afterwards. In fact, no one seemed interested to settle upon that land following its abandonment, leaving the local populace to pick up the pieces as to exactly why.

As one may expect, whisperings of strange happenings and dealings with the occult led many to write off the site as haunted and cursed. As a result, the only current visitors to the site seemed to fall into two categories: The homeless and errant teenagers looking to see for themselves what was so scary about a construction site. All left with confirmation that the land was cursed, assuming they left at all.

So what was the big secret to Arcana Industries? Was it truly cursed?

Not quite. However, the land it was built upon did boast a spiritual presence most unlike that of the area around it. The type of spiritual presence that attracted Hollows. This, paired with the real-world reputation of the site being cursed, attracted enough humans that, if left unchecked, would allow the Hollows the food they so desired.

Needless to say, Arcana Industries was Yoshinori's most common destination as Cairo's Shinigami guardian.

Sealed Ball

"Hado #4: Byakurai."

A discharge of concentrated blue lightning ejected itself from Yoshinori's pointer and index finger. Rocketing across air, the concentrated beam of energy slammed into a Hollow with great force, cutting straight through the mask, immediately causing them to vanish. As two more Hollows began to close in upon the gold-clad Third Seat, Yoshinori turned on his heel. His body emanating red light, Yoshinori's left hand traced Kanji symbols through the air before he spoke aloud.

"Bakudo #9: Geki."

His left hand outstretched, his body flashed a bright red light moments before the two Hollows stopped in their tracks, paralyzed by the dark skinned Shinigami's Kido spell. Stepping forward, Yoshinori's right hand moved to his sheathed Zanpakuto, and as he closed the distance he drew the weapon, and within moments the two Hollows vanished as the Shinigami cut through their skulls with pinpoint speed and accuracy.

Sealed Ball

A heavy sigh escaping his lips, Yoshinori sheathed his weapon once more, his shoulders slumping as he looked up to the night sky.

"Can I be done for tonight? I haven't had a nap all day." He lamented to open air, unaware of what was to come.

Initiative Roll - 2R2lme_O1d100

Post Count: 1 |




There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 3, 2021 20:54:38 GMT -5

Initiative Roll: rg6EpGny1d100

Hollow - Independent


The moon hung high in the clear night sky. It cast an eerie pale blue glow down onto the construction site. The air was warm even at night here. The breeze felt good. It rustled his hair and blew the sleeves and tails of his robe outward. They fluttered in the wind as he stood atop the tall crane. Glowing red eyes were cast below at the Shinigami slaying Hollows on the grounds.

Asura had been brought here by the weird reiatsu signature this place gave off. It held a large amount of negative and chaotic energy. It swirled around like a maelstrom, somehow making the very air heavy and thick. Just breathing must be a chore for the spiritually unaware who ventured into this construction site. No wonder so many Hollows popped up here. It was like a kind of beacon for his kind.

Now, a Shinigami appeared and was dispatching weak Hollows left and right. He had white hair and dark skin. His uniform was adorned with gold jewelry and he seemed bored to tears with his current task.

The pink haired Hollow/Shinigami hybrid smirked devilishly. He then hopped down and landed about 15 feet away from the Shinigami.

"Haven't seen one of your kind in a long while..."

He licked his lips and grinned wide.

"Guess it's my lucky night!"


Asura enters the fray!

PASSIVE: Indomitable (+3 DR) / 1st Release (-4 Reishi)
BONUS ACTION #1: Hanki (-10 Reishi / +5 DEF per ATK)


REIATSU LEVEL: 222,000 (Base: 111,000)
HP: 75/75
REISHI: 120/130
DEF: 100 + 5 (Release)
ACC: +50

Hanki: 0/25 DEF Gained

ARRANCAR: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Indomitable and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 40.

- HONED SENSES: PASSIVE | Gain +1 extra use, per thread, of all Techniques specifically labeled a Movement Technique. For every attack you successfully evade using a Movement Technique, you gain +10 Accuracy on any attacks used during your following turn.
- SHROUD: PASSIVE | Start with the Enhanced Rapid Movement Technique. As a passive effect, for every attack you successfully evade with this technique, you gain +3 bonus damage with your attacks on your following turn.
- WOUNDING SHOT: PASSIVE | Each of your Basic Attacks have a 45% chance to inflict the special Maimed status effect. Maimed decreases your foe鈥檚 Defense and Accuracy on their turn by -5 for each at-will action they use on that turn.
- EAGLE EYE: AT-WILL | Once, per battle, designate one attack during your turn that will automatically crit with a natural 100 roll (No mechanical roll required). Also, passively, any time you score a critical hit, your foe receives two stacks of Cripple and Immobilize. (1/1)

INDOMITABLE (RACIAL PERK): PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.
HASTE: AT-WILL | When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn. (3/3)
BLITZ: AT-WILL |  You can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. (2/2)
CLEVERNESS: PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.
BLUR: PASSIVE | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4)
TEMPERED: PASSIVE | Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread.

1ST RELEASE: (-4 Reishi per turn) Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: METICULOUS (As a passive effect your Basic Attacks score a critical hit on a natural 85 or higher while in a Released State.)
- ATK TECHNIQUE: CLEAVE -12 Reishi | BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Overwhelm Major Effect. (Overwhelm: Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.)
- DEF/UTIL TECHNIQUE: MULTI-ARMS -15 Reishi | AT-WILL | You can use 1 Bonus Action on your turn to make a Basic Attack. Also all Basic Attacks on your turn roll 1 extra damage dice. (3/3)


SPEED CLONES: -5 Reishi | BONUS | As a bonus action, you avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Movement Technique. (2/2)
HANKI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Lasts for 1 more turn after reaching +25 defense. Movement Technique. (1/1)
GYAKU UNMEI: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Movement Technique. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn. (4/4)
KEIKATSU: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
UTSUSEMI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. (1/1)
ENK艑SEN: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) (2/2)



Last Edit: Nov 10, 2021 5:50:19 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 3, 2021 22:17:53 GMT -5

It seemed as if a nap wasn't in Yoshinori's near future.

Just as he uttered those fateful words, he became aware of another energy source. This one boasting a Reiatsu much stronger than the regular Hollows that he busied himself with day in and day out. However...could this one even be considered a Hollow? It was difficult to tell. With a presence that likened itself very much to that of a Shinigami, Yoshinori couldn't shake the unmistakable...edge that a Hollow's Reiatsu seemed to take.

What exactly was going on?

It appeared he didn't need to wait long to find an answer. A thud to his right alerted him to the incoming danger, prompting Yoshinori to slowly turn upon his pivot to meet the pink haired individual. Green eyes narrowing lightly at the humanlike appearance of Asura, Yoshinori couldn't shake the overwhelming sense of dread that had begun to worm itself into the pit of his stomach.

"Fuck you." Yoshinori directed his gaze upwards, as if the very ethereal being he had asked moments before for a rest was responsible for summoning Asura before him. His earrings jingling as he lowered his head once more to settle his eyes upon Asura, a soft sigh escaped him.

"Listen...I've had a long night. I very much would prefer to take a nap and then hit the casinos deeper into the city. So if we could pretend that we never saw each other, and you leave Egypt entirely, then that would be wonderful. Thank you so much for your understanding."

His lackadaisical tone and equally uninterested demeanor did not seem to translate to his body, however. As if to make a point to some words that were left unsaid, Yoshinori's Reiatsu would suddenly skyrocket, his spiritual presence taking visible form. The ground beneath him began to turn red, and dark purple wisps of energy would begin to swirl around the man, forming what seemed to be a bubble. Yoshinori's golden serpent, Hanz艒, hissed loudly as its eyes began to glow red. For a seemingly lazy and easygoing fellow, his aura was wicked. Corrupted. Laden with an undercurrent of malice that was not so easily conveyed through his body language.

Perhaps Yoshinori already had an inkling as to Asura's intention, even if he didn't know exactly who he was.

Sealed Ball

"If your purpose here is to cause harm of some form, then I would kindly ask you to heed the warning and depart. I will only give the warning once."

Sealed Ball

Post Count: 2 |


The fight has begun! Asura has attained Edge 2 against Yoshinori!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Sekisho! Gains 20 Armor + Immune to Status Effects inflicted by attacks for as long as armor lasts!

Passive: Alacrity is active! Yoshinori's defense increases to 110!
Passive: Attuned is active! Yoshinori regains Reishi

Bonus Action: Considerable Spiritual Pressure (Sekisho) - You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -3 Reishi (Efficiency + Attuned Reduced Cost)

Passive: Kido Mastery (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
20/20 Armor
Immune to Statuses (Inflicted by Attacks)


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUD艑 #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (1/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUD艑 #39: ENK艑SEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total Reishi drained will be the same number as damage taken before reductions.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (3/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

INDOMITABLE - PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Delay Major Effect. (Delay: The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects.) | -12 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 160/160 | DEF: 100 (110) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Nov 4, 2021 14:38:59 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 4, 2021 9:31:16 GMT -5

Hollow - Independent


The pink haired Hollow watched the impressive display from the Shinigami. It reminded him of when a creature in the wild would display bright colors to ward off predators. There were even some weaker Hollows that did the same thing. Only weak animals tried to make themselves bigger in an attempt to scare off anything stronger than them. It really was his lucky night after all.

"I knew I had a good feeling about you."

Asura was holding back until just now. Like turning the knob on a water faucet, he let his Reiatsu flow outward. His aura was a crimson red color, vibrant and flashy. It overpowered the white haired Shinigami's energy and mixed with the negative reishi in the immediate area. If there were any other Hollows or spiritually aware individuals nearby, the sudden immense pressure would be enough to scare them away. Asura wanted this meal all to himself. He was a glutton after all and like most other Hollows, he wasn't a fan of sharing.

Suddenly he disappeared from view, leaving a small puff of dust in his wake. He moved through the air using shunpo, a strictly Shinigami ability. Then he reappeared at his foe's feet, crouched low as he swiped upward with his razor sharp claw-like nails. The uppercut was followed by a downward slash from his other hand. That was then followed by two simultaneous slashes across his chest forming an X pattern. The attacks were lightning fast and chained together with practiced precision.


Asura enters the fray!

PASSIVE: Indomitable / 1st Release (-4 Reishi) / Meticulous / Cleverness
AT-WILL: Blitz / Multi-Arms (-15 Reishi)
BONUS ACTION #1: Slash (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #1: Slash (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #2 A: Slash (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #2 B: Slash (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)

ATK ROLL: yCyAg0uv1d100+60
DMG ROLL: 3d12+2
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60%

ATK ROLL: 1d100+60
DMG ROLL: 3d12+2
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60%

ATK ROLL: 1d100+60
DMG ROLL: 3d12+2
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60%

ATK ROLL: 1d100+60
DMG ROLL: 3d12+2
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60%

REIATSU LEVEL: 222,000 (Base: 111,000)
HP: 75/75
REISHI: 80/130
DEF: 100 + 5 (Release) + 10 (EDGE 2)
ACC: +50 + 10 (EDGE 2)
DMG TIER: d12 + 2 (EDGE 2)

Hanki: 0/25 DEF Gained
EDGE 2 - (Your RL must be 2x an opponent鈥檚) - As a passive you gain +10 def against all foe's attacks, you reduce total damage taken from their attacks by 2, you gain +2 bonus damage and +10 accuracy with all your attacks.

ARRANCAR: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Indomitable and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 40.

- HONED SENSES: PASSIVE | Gain +1 extra use, per thread, of all Techniques specifically labeled a Movement Technique. For every attack you successfully evade using a Movement Technique, you gain +10 Accuracy on any attacks used during your following turn.
- SHROUD: PASSIVE | Start with the Enhanced Rapid Movement Technique. As a passive effect, for every attack you successfully evade with this technique, you gain +3 bonus damage with your attacks on your following turn.
- WOUNDING SHOT: PASSIVE | Each of your Basic Attacks have a 45% chance to inflict the special Maimed status effect. Maimed decreases your foe鈥檚 Defense and Accuracy on their turn by -5 for each at-will action they use on that turn.
- EAGLE EYE: AT-WILL | Once, per battle, designate one attack during your turn that will automatically crit with a natural 100 roll (No mechanical roll required). Also, passively, any time you score a critical hit, your foe receives two stacks of Cripple and Immobilize. (1/1)

INDOMITABLE (RACIAL PERK): PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.
HASTE: AT-WILL | When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn. (3/3)
BLITZ: AT-WILL |  You can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. (1/2)
CLEVERNESS: PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.
BLUR: PASSIVE | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4)
TEMPERED: PASSIVE | Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread.

1ST RELEASE: (-4 Reishi per turn) Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: METICULOUS (As a passive effect your Basic Attacks score a critical hit on a natural 85 or higher while in a Released State.)
- ATK TECHNIQUE: CLEAVE -12 Reishi | BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Overwhelm Major Effect. (Overwhelm: Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.)
- DEF/UTIL TECHNIQUE: MULTI-ARMS -15 Reishi | AT-WILL | You can use 1 Bonus Action on your turn to make a Basic Attack. Also all Basic Attacks on your turn roll 1 extra damage dice. (2/3)


SPEED CLONES: -5 Reishi | BONUS | As a bonus action, you avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Movement Technique. (2/2)
HANKI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Lasts for 1 more turn after reaching +25 defense. Movement Technique. (1/1)
GYAKU UNMEI: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Movement Technique. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn. (4/4)
KEIKATSU: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
UTSUSEMI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. (1/1)
ENK艑SEN: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) (2/2)



Last Edit: Nov 10, 2021 5:50:05 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 4, 2021 15:26:28 GMT -5


Yoshinori already had an idea that conflict in this case was to be inevitable. In fact, if Asura did back down, the silver haired Shinigami would consider it more of a pleasant surprise than anything else. But of course, fate wasn't to be on his side this night. Instead, Asura seemed intent to meet his challenge with a Reiatsu expulsion of his own, Yoshinori's eyes widening lightly as he took note of the level of spiritual presence emanating from the man.

"Just who are you..." The Third Seat muttered under his breath, gritting his teeth. He contemplated repeating the question for Asura to hear, but found that time was not in his favor. In the blink of an eye, Asura disappeared from view, utilizing a technique that Yoshinori recognized clear as day. Shunpo.


Strangely enough, however, Yoshinori didn't attempt to move from his current position. In fact, it could be noted with a degree of strangeness that the Third Seat didn't react at all to his foe's sudden disappearance. That is, until the man reappeared before him. As the Hollow-Shinigami Hybrid pounced upon him with the ferocity of a wild animal, the feral man's claw like fingers would get close enough to graze the fabric of Yoshinori's Shihakush艒 before he, too, vanished into thin air.

Sealed Ball

"You're fast." Was all Yoshinori said aloud as he suddenly reappeared above Asura, seemingly standing in midair as he hovered several meters above the ground. His praise was genuine, although he made little mention to his own ability to match Asura's speed with his own. As if to add insult to injury, his hand still didn't move towards his sheathed Zanpakuto. Instead, his hands were outstretched before him, a muttered incantation announcing his intention.

"Had艒 #57. Daichi Teny艒."

Sealed Ball

As if acquiring the ever powerful gift of telekinesis, Yoshinori's Kido spell kicked into gear as he raised his palms up towards the night sky. Immediately, various objects would begin to respond to his will, jumping to attention with an almost uncanny animation to them. Lazily gesturing with his right pointer finger, several large displaced rocks, paired with abandoned construction machinery would find itself being hurtled with devastating force and speed towards the Hollow/Shinigami Hybrid.

Within moments, Asura would find himself under fire as a wild flurry of projectiles peppered the newly made battlefield.

Post Count: 3 |


Second Round of Combat!
Bonus Action Reactive: Yoshinori uses Rapid Movement to gain +15 Defense against all attacks! Yoshinori's defense boosted to 125!
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Sense to boost Attack (for all attacks this turn) and Defense (versus all attacks this turn) by +5. Yoshinori's defense increased to 130!
Enemy Standard Action 1: Asura misses Yoshinori!
Enemy Standard Action 2A: Asura misses Yoshinori!
Enemy Standard Action 2B: Asura misses Yoshinori!

Versatile Passive Active! - Yoshinori gains +15 Accuracy to two attacks this turn + increased Dmg Tier by 2
Standard Action 1: Yoshinori uses Byakurai against Asura!
Standard Action 2: Yoshinori uses Strike against Asura!
Potent Passive Active!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained!

Bonus Action Reactive: Shunpo (Rapid Movement) - You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Technique. | -9 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will Reactive: Precision Timing (Sense) - You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn. | No Reishi Cost.

Standard Action: Had艒 #57. Daichi Teny艒 (Byakurai)
Acc - Rr5wcJUg1d100+60
Dmg - 2d12+1
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Special Effect (Potent): As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile): If attack successfully hits, 23 Reishi is drained.

Standard Action: Had艒 #57. Daichi Teny艒 (Strike)
Acc - 1d100+60
Dmg - 1d12+1
Reishi Cost - 0 Rei
Special Effect (Versatile): If attack successfully hits, 3 Reishi is drained.

Passive: Kido Mastery (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
20/20 Armor
Immune to Statuses (Inflicted by Attacks)


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUD艑 #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (1/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUD艑 #39: ENK艑SEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total Reishi drained will be the same number as damage taken before reductions.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (3/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

INDOMITABLE - PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Delay Major Effect. (Delay: The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects.) | -12 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 151/160 | DEF: 100 (110) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Nov 4, 2021 15:38:55 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 5, 2021 1:29:07 GMT -5

Hollow - Independent


Asura slashed at nothing but air, but still grinned like a kid unwrapping his birthday presents. He glanced up at the Shinigami above him.


He raised a brow at the incantation, then his eyes moved to the various boulders and pieces of machinery all hovering around him. Suddenly they all launched at him with incredible speed. He used the same ability the silver haired kid did and disappeared completely from view. All the rocks and machinery slammed into one another and then fell to the ground with a heavy THUD that echoed across the abandoned construction site.

The pink haired Hollow reappeared in front of the Shinigami, his knee flying towards the kid's face. He'd even try to grab his head to slam it down into the knee if possible. Following that he would attempt to elbow the top of his head while he floated above, after the knee strike. The elbow hit was intended to launch the kid into the ground below but Asura wouldn't let him get that far.

He would disappear and reappear in the flight path. With his leg out stretched, he'd catch the Shinigami by the stomach to try and knock him back into the sky. Asura would finally end the melee assault with both hands clasped together and held above his head. Once the kid was close, he would bring his hands down so that they slammed into the Shinigami's back and sent him flying back to the ground.

Well, that was the plan anyway.


Daichi Teny艒 | 151 ACC VS 125 DEF | HIT! | 23 DMG!
- Avoided via Utsusemi! 0 DMG!
Daichi Teny艒 | 105 ACC VS 125 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!

PASSIVE: Indomitable / 1st Release (-4 Reishi) / Meticulous / Cleverness / Blur
AT-WILL: Blitz / Multi-Arms (-15 Reishi) / Utsusemi (-10 Reishi)
BONUS ACTION #1: Knee to the Face (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #1: Elbow to the Dome (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #2 A: Roundhouse Kick to the Stomach (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #2 B: Overhead Downward Slam (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)

ATK ROLL: h_ih7Y7q1d100+70 CRIT! (Meticulous 85+ Crit Range)
DMG ROLL: 3d12+2 + 10 = 31 DMG!
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% SUCCESS!

ATK ROLL: 1d100+70
DMG ROLL: 3d12+2
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% SUCCESS!

ATK ROLL: 1d100+70 CRIT! (Meticulous 85+ Crit Range)
DMG ROLL: 3d12+2 + 4 = 18 DMG!
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% FAIL!

ATK ROLL: 1d100+70
DMG ROLL: 3d12+2
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% SUCCESS!

REIATSU LEVEL: 222,000 (Base: 111,000)
HP: 75/75
REISHI: 35/130
DEF: 100 + 5 (Release) + 10 (EDGE 2) + 10 (Hanki)
ACC: +50 + 10 (EDGE 2) + 10 (Honed Senses)
DMG TIER: d12 + 2 (EDGE 2)

Hanki: 10/25 DEF Gained
EDGE 2 - (Your RL must be 2x an opponent鈥檚) - As a passive you gain +10 def against all foe's attacks, you reduce total damage taken from their attacks by 2, you gain +2 bonus damage and +10 accuracy with all your attacks.

ARRANCAR: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Indomitable and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 40.

- HONED SENSES: PASSIVE | Gain +1 extra use, per thread, of all Techniques specifically labeled a Movement Technique. For every attack you successfully evade using a Movement Technique, you gain +10 Accuracy on any attacks used during your following turn.
- SHROUD: PASSIVE | Start with the Enhanced Rapid Movement Technique. As a passive effect, for every attack you successfully evade with this technique, you gain +3 bonus damage with your attacks on your following turn.
- WOUNDING SHOT: PASSIVE | Each of your Basic Attacks have a 45% chance to inflict the special Maimed status effect. Maimed decreases your foe鈥檚 Defense and Accuracy on their turn by -5 for each at-will action they use on that turn.
- EAGLE EYE: AT-WILL | Once, per battle, designate one attack during your turn that will automatically crit with a natural 100 roll (No mechanical roll required). Also, passively, any time you score a critical hit, your foe receives two stacks of Cripple and Immobilize. (1/1)

INDOMITABLE (RACIAL PERK): PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.
HASTE: AT-WILL | When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn. (3/3)
BLITZ: AT-WILL |  You can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. (0/2)
CLEVERNESS: PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.
BLUR: PASSIVE | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (3/4)
TEMPERED: PASSIVE | Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread.

1ST RELEASE: (-4 Reishi per turn) Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: METICULOUS (As a passive effect your Basic Attacks score a critical hit on a natural 85 or higher while in a Released State.)
- ATK TECHNIQUE: CLEAVE -12 Reishi | BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Overwhelm Major Effect. (Overwhelm: Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.)
- DEF/UTIL TECHNIQUE: MULTI-ARMS -15 Reishi | AT-WILL | You can use 1 Bonus Action on your turn to make a Basic Attack. Also all Basic Attacks on your turn roll 1 extra damage dice. (2/3)


SPEED CLONES: -5 Reishi | BONUS | As a bonus action, you avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Movement Technique. (2/2)
HANKI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Lasts for 1 more turn after reaching +25 defense. Movement Technique. (1/1)
GYAKU UNMEI: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Movement Technique. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn. (4/4)
KEIKATSU: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
UTSUSEMI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. (0/1)
ENK艑SEN: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) (2/2)



Last Edit: Nov 10, 2021 5:49:52 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 5, 2021 14:28:34 GMT -5

Try as Yoshinori did, the fight wasn't destined to end so easily. With a series of loud crashes, the vast majority of the projectiles that he launched Asura's way only ended up as a new scrap refuse pile amongst the dozens that laid dormant since the last time a construction team had visited the cursed site of Arcana Industries. Asura was definitely faster than he had expected from the man.

But then again, what were his expectations of this mysterious individual?

Not that he had much time to ponder it. Already turning upon his pivot, Yoshinori was already muttering several words under his breath as Asura reappeared to close in for the "kill". As the wild Hollow-Shinigami hybrid closed in with reckless abandon, his savage physical frenzy would suddenly by the yellow glow of a solid, yellow colored disk-like spinning barrier.

Sealed Ball

"Bakudo #39: Enkosen." Yoshinori uttered aloud. Pushing both hands forward, the Shinigami grit his teeth as Asura's wild attacks continued unabashed. Every blow sent a tremor through his body, and despite the blows themselves being soaked up by the defensive spell, the impact force alone was enough to send Yoshinori rocketing back through air, his feet skidding through open air as he tried to gain control of his balance.

Yet the frenzy continued.

Blow after blow rocked Yoshinori from position to position, his disk barrier already beginning to crack and fracture. With a powerful kick sending Yoshinori rocketing into the sky, fragments of his energy barrier would spread out into the night sky. He was undamaged, but the force of the blow set the Third Seat directly where Asura wanted him. With Asura vanishing once more and appearing above Yoshinori, it was all but certain that Asura was able to end his devastating combo attack with a guaranteed hit.

Unfortunately for Asura, Yoshinori was all about defying the odds.

With something approaching uncanny body control, Yoshinori would halt himself in midair right before Asura. As the Double-Axe Handle from the berserker Hollow came raining down, Yoshinori's body would fizzle and disappear, a split second application of Shunpo robbing his opponent of his well-earned prize.

Reappearing several meters away, Yoshinori would allow his eyes to settle upon Asura. Soon after, a sigh would follow.

"Okay. I'll bite." Was all Yoshinori said before moving into action. Remaining still in place, Yoshinori's right hand would drift downwards, and clasp at the hilt of his Zanpakuto. Finally freeing his blade from its scabbard, he would allow the bejeweled cutlass to gleam in the moon's glow. In the light, the appearance of the weapon almost seemed...eerie.

"Play, Amonojaku."

Yoshinori's Reiatsu would suddenly buffet outwards, his spiritual presence suddenly multiplying as he released his weapon before Asura. Enveloped in a thick miasma of purple colored smoke, Yoshinori's weapon would certainly look different by the time he reappeared.

Sealed Ball

Sealed Ball

Transformed from a bejeweled cutlass into that of an altered Naginata, Yoshinori's spear seemed about as divergent from regulation as everything else about him. The pole itself sporting a sleek brown color, the base right before the blade showcased that of a red ruby jewel. The blade itself rather irregular, the steel blade boasted a separate prong that was an offshoot from the main blade, with both blades appearing somewhat jagged, resembling that of a lightning bolt. In addition to the Naginata itself that Yoshinori wielded, another tool seemed to be added to his repertoire. Secured to the sides of his feet was a pair of two small floating wheels, a metallic extension from the side of the wheels offering stable purchase for Yoshinori's tabi sandals to fit in. Bursting forth from the wheels themselves was that of an ethereal blue flame, the flame appearing semi-transparent. Almost ghost-like.

With his right hand on his Naginata, Yoshinori's left hand held his kiseru/smoking pipe. With tobacco smoke floating in thin wisps from the instrument, Yoshinori would bring the kiseru to his lips, his eyes remaining locked on Asura.

"If we're going to be committed to this game, I'd like to know who it is that intends to ruin my relaxing evening bubble bath. I'll even be polite: I'm Yoshinori Okamoto, Third Seat of the Eighth Division. Goteij奴santai. Although I suppose you already knew that last part." Expelling a stream of concentrated tobacco smoke from his nostrils, Yoshinori would release a sigh. Yet it is with such a casual action that his next move was made.

The red jewel on his Naginata beginning to glow bright red, the stream of tobacco smoke would suddenly be joined by a thick shrouding fog that would suddenly envelop the area with record-breaking quickness. Within moments, the suffocating miasma would blanket the construction site, threatening to blind Asura completely as to what was around him.

If he allowed it to happen.

Sealed Ball

Post Count: 4 |


Third Round of Combat!
Bonus Action Reactive: Yoshinori uses Enkosen! Dmg from Bonus Action #1 and Standard Action 2A halved!
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Instinct to dodge Standard Action 2B!
Enemy Bonus Action #1: Yoshinori is hit by Asura for 31 dmg! Dmg halved to 15.5! Rounded up to 16! Indomitable grants 3 DR! Damage reduced to 13. 13 Armor Spent. Inflicted with Special Status Maimed for this turn!
Enemy Standard Action 1: Asura misses Yoshinori!
Enemy Standard Action 2A: Asura hits Yoshinori with crit for 18 dmg! Dmg halved to 9! Indomitable grants 3 DR! Damage reduced to 6. 6 Armor Spent
Enemy Standard Action 2B: Yoshinori uses Instinct to avoid attack!

Passive: Both of Yoshinori's previous attacks missed/were avoided! Yoshi gains two stacks of Momentum!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori activates his First Release! Yoshinori's Base RL increases by x2! Reflexes increased by 5! Gains access to Heightened, Illusion and Phantom Fire! 4 Reishi drain per turn!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Illusion on Asura!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release
Asura's Edge II is no longer in effect!

Bonus Action Reactive: Bakudo #39 Enkosen - As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -3 Reishi (Efficiency + Attuned Reduced)

At-Will Reactive: Instinctive Shunpo (Instinct) - As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. | No Reishi Cost.

Bonus Action: Shikai: Amonojaku (First Release) - Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes

Bonus Action: Mirage: Shrouding Mists (Illusion) - As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -12 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Need 60 or below to inflict Illusion - BGHh_F|91d100 Failure!

Passive: Kido Mastery (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
1/20 Armor
Immune to Statuses (Inflicted by Attacks)
2/4 Momentum Stacks


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUD艑 #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (1/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUD艑 #39: ENK艑SEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total Reishi drained will be the same number as damage taken before reductions.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (2/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

INDOMITABLE - PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Delay Major Effect. (Delay: The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects.) | -12 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 135/160 | DEF: 105 (115) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Nov 5, 2021 14:35:47 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 6, 2021 13:36:33 GMT -5

Hollow - Independent


With a wide grin, Asura wailed on the golden glowing disk barrier. Each strike against it caused it to get weaker and weaker until eventually it shattered like a glass window, golden shards flying outward until they eventually dissipated into specks of residual energy.

The kid used shunpo to escape his last attack, the double-axe handle that was intended to knock him into the dirt below. Asura scoffed at the dodge but kept grinning all the same. He was enjoying the fight so far.

Suddenly the Shinigami stopped and faced him, both of them floating up in the sky, standing on the very air as if on some sort of invisible support. The silver haired kid drew his zanpakuto and called it's name, releasing the weapon's Shikai form. The cutlass was enveloped in a thick purple haze until it transformed and was revealed as a spear with a glowing red jewel and a forked blade. He also had wheel like disk supports that he stood on. There was a calm blue blaze that poured out of each.

Asura leaned back with his hands on his hips.


The Shinigami offered his name. Yoshinori Okamoto, Third Seat of the Eighth Division. Asura nodded but before he could reply, the surrounding area quickly succumbed to a thick fog. The mist enveloped the two fighters so they neither could see each other any longer. Most likely a special ability from the Shinigami's Shikai. Asura would have to show off his own in kind, but not yet.

Instead he jumped right into the fog. Yoshinori would see a shadow with red glowing eyes for a split second before the pink haired hollow burst forth from the fog with a wicked smirk.

"My name's Asura!"

He yelled as was flying towards his foe. The Hollow pulled his head back and arched his back until he got close enough and then his head sprung forward attempting to slam his forehead into Yoshinori's. Asura would then follow that up with a quick flurry of light jabs to his chest and stomach and finish up with a Flash Kick. He flipped backward, letting one leg stretch out to catch the underside of the Shinigami's chin.


Yoshi goes into Shikai! Asura no longer has EDGE advantage!
Illusion fails! No effect!

PASSIVE: Indomitable / 1st Release (-4 Reishi) / Meticulous / Cleverness / Blur / Eagle Eye
AT-WILL: Multi-Arms (-15 Reishi) / Haste
BONUS ACTION #1: Invigorate (+25 Reishi)
BONUS ACTION #2: Headbutt (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #1: Flurry of Jabs (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #2: Flash Kick (Byakurai / -4 Reishi)

ATK ROLL: Y6EgjVoP1d100+50
DMG ROLL: 3d12
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% SUCCESS!

ATK ROLL: 1d100+50
DMG ROLL: 3d12
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% SUCCESS!

ATK ROLL: 1d100+50
DMG ROLL: 3d12
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% FAIL!

REIATSU LEVEL: 222,000 (Base: 111,000)
HP: 75/75
REISHI: 29/130
DEF: 100 + 5 (Release) + 10 (Hanki)
ACC: +50

Hanki: 10/25 DEF Gained
Invigorate: 25/100 Reishi Gained
Asura no longer has EDGE advantage

ARRANCAR: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Indomitable and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 40.

- HONED SENSES: PASSIVE | Gain +1 extra use, per thread, of all Techniques specifically labeled a Movement Technique. For every attack you successfully evade using a Movement Technique, you gain +10 Accuracy on any attacks used during your following turn.
- SHROUD: PASSIVE | Start with the Enhanced Rapid Movement Technique. As a passive effect, for every attack you successfully evade with this technique, you gain +3 bonus damage with your attacks on your following turn.
- WOUNDING SHOT: PASSIVE | Each of your Basic Attacks have a 45% chance to inflict the special Maimed status effect. Maimed decreases your foe鈥檚 Defense and Accuracy on their turn by -5 for each at-will action they use on that turn.
- EAGLE EYE: AT-WILL | Once, per battle, designate one attack during your turn that will automatically crit with a natural 100 roll (No mechanical roll required). Also, passively, any time you score a critical hit, your foe receives two stacks of Cripple and Immobilize. (1/1)

INDOMITABLE (RACIAL PERK): PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.
HASTE: AT-WILL | When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn. (2/3)
BLITZ: AT-WILL |  You can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. (0/2)
CLEVERNESS: PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.
BLUR: PASSIVE | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (3/4)
TEMPERED: PASSIVE | Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread.

1ST RELEASE: (-4 Reishi per turn) Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: METICULOUS (As a passive effect your Basic Attacks score a critical hit on a natural 85 or higher while in a Released State.)
- ATK TECHNIQUE: CLEAVE -12 Reishi | BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Overwhelm Major Effect. (Overwhelm: Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.)
- DEF/UTIL TECHNIQUE: MULTI-ARMS -15 Reishi | AT-WILL | You can use 1 Bonus Action on your turn to make a Basic Attack. Also all Basic Attacks on your turn roll 1 extra damage dice. (1/3)


SPEED CLONES: -5 Reishi | BONUS | As a bonus action, you avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Movement Technique. (2/2)
HANKI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Lasts for 1 more turn after reaching +25 defense. Movement Technique. (0/1)
GYAKU UNMEI: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Movement Technique. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn. (4/4)
KEIKATSU: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
UTSUSEMI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. (0/1)
ENK艑SEN: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) (2/2)



Last Edit: Nov 10, 2021 5:49:35 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 6, 2021 20:05:06 GMT -5

Yoshinori's first play of the night didn't start off nearly as well as he thought it would of. With full intent to use the illusionary fog to launch his own attack, he shouldn't have been too surprised to find Asura had launched himself back on the attack first. After all, the Hollow-Shinigami hybrid seemed to be quite adept when it came to attacking.

Thankfully, Yoshinori was an expert at running away.

As Asura snapped into his personal space, his head rushing forward to connect with Yoshinori's own forehead, the Third Seat Shinigami would remain still for a second before fizzling into thin air once more. The wheels that were connected to his feet spinning wildly as he moved through air, Yoshinori seemed to glide across air with a swiftness that proved even greater than that he was able to boast before, the ghostly flame leaving trails of wispy flame in his wake as he shot through the fog.

Reappearing back into clear focus several meters away from Asura once more, the Hollow could most surely make out that Yoshinori's left hand was drawn close to his chest, palm facing in Asura's direction. Strange words flowing from his tongue rapidly, his hand then stretched out further, before he made a fist.

"Bakud艒 #63. Saj艒 Sabaku"

Sealed Ball

Spawning forth from his enclosed fist, a broad, solid chain of concentrated golden energy would shoot forth towards the Hollow-Shinigami. If not properly resisted, the golden chain would waste no time wrapping around the man before constricting tightly upon the warrior. With no seeming regard for his health, if successfully bound the chain would continue to constrict, most likely inflicting quite a great deal of pain.

"Nice to meet you, Asura. If you don't mind answering a question in between screams of pain...exactly what are you? I would call you Shinigami but...well, I suppose you already know why I'm skeptical."

It definitely seemed that, despite his question, the Third Seat was very serious about the "screams of pain" part. Hoisting his Naginata in the air, the red jewel embedded in the shaft would begin to emanate a bright red light before Yoshinori brought the blade down to level with Asura's body, before suddenly a burst of ghostly, semi-transparent blue colored flame would spew forth from the tip of the blade, shooting with deadly force and speed towards Asura's position.

"Amonojaku...when imagination becomes reality." Yoshinori said aloud, almost in a trance as the flame hurtled towards Asura's form. In actuality, the fire, much like the fog that Yoshinori had conjured, was illusionary in nature. A product of Yoshinori's own wild imagination. A fantastical construct. But, if Asura allowed himself to be hit by the "Phantom Fire", so to speak, he would quickly learn one thing to be true:

That on this night, figments of the imagination were becoming real.

Sealed Ball

Post Count: 5 |


At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Instinct to dodge Asura's Bonus Action #2!
Enemy Bonus Action 2: Yoshinori uses Instinct to avoid attack!
Enemy Standard Action 1: Asura misses Yoshinori!
Enemy Standard Action 2: Asura misses Yoshinori!

Passive Versatile Active! Two of Yoshi's attacks gain +15 Accuracy and +2 Dmg Tiers! Additionally, all successful attacks drain Reishi!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Focus Energy to gain +15 Accuracy on all attacks this turn! Attacks cannot be negated by Guard!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Sense! Defense increased by 5 this turn! Accuracy increased by 5 this turn!
Standard Action 1: Yoshinori uses Byakurai!
Standard Action 2: Yoshinori uses Phantom Fire!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Enhanced Byakurai as an At-Will! (2 Uses Remaining)
Potent Passive Active! Each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release

At-Will Reactive: Instinctive Shunpo (Instinct) - As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. | No Reishi Cost.

Bonus Action: Explosive Energy (Focus Energy) - Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard. | -9 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will: The End Is Near (Sense) - You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn. | No Reishi Cost (1 Use Remaining)

Standard Action: Bakud艒 #63. Saj艒 Sabaku (Byakurai)
Acc - lLYP7XC41d100+75
Dmg - 2d12+2
Special Effect (Potent): As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile): 17 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

Standard Action: Phantom Fire (Barrage Release Attack)
Acc - 1d100+75
Dmg - 4d12+4
Major Effect: Delay
Special Effect (Versatile): 32 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 9 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will Action: Phantom Fire (Byakurai)
Acc - 1d100+60
Dmg - 2d11
Special Effect (Potent): As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile): 8 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
1/20 Armor
Immune to Statuses (Inflicted by Attacks)
2/4 Momentum Stacks


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUD艑 #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (1/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUD艑 #39: ENK艑SEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total Reishi drained will be the same number as damage taken before reductions.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (1/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

INDOMITABLE - PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Delay Major Effect. (Delay: The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects.) | -12 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 110/160 | DEF: 105 (115) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Nov 6, 2021 20:10:56 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 7, 2021 5:29:30 GMT -5

Hollow - Independent


As he cut through the fog for a head-on attack, Asura was surprised to see that Yoshinori had already cut and run, reappearing a safe distance away. The white robed Hollow narrowed his eyes. The Shinigami was mumbling something but Asura couldn't quite make out what it was.

Suddenly the golden chains shot out towards him, a kido binding attack! That grin returned to Asura's face as he leaned away from the path of the chains and instead took hold of them with one hand. He held them tightly, leaving no slack between him and the Shinigami who cast the spell.

Asura raised a brow. In the middle of their fight, Yoshinori asked him to explain what he was exactly. He tapped his chin with a finger form his free hand, playfully contemplating if he should answer or not. Eventually he figured there would be no harm in it, especially if he ended up eating the kid afterward anyway.

"I am a Hollow living inside of this Shinigami host. Their body and their powers are MINE!"

He cackled, his eyes going wild. The sound of his laughter echoed throughout the construction site.

Suddenly the Shinigami shot blue flames from his weapon. Asura let go of the golden energy chain and disappeared from sight only to reappear a short distance away from the path of the blue fire. Even though he had avoided it, he could feel the heat against his skin. That attack was no joke.

He decided to waste no time and went back on the offensive. Asura vanished from sight once more and reappeared right in front of Yoshinori. He seemed to favor attacking head-on instead of from behind. He led with his foot, a flying kick to the mid-section. He swiftly followed that up with a flurry of light strikes to the same area and then finished with a wide swing from his right hand, his palm open as his razor sharp nails went for a slash aimed at Yoshinori's throat!


Bakud艒 #63. Saj艒 Sabaku | 129 ACC VS 130 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!
Phantom Fire | 105 ACC VS 130 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!
Phantom Fire | 99 ACC VS 130 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!

PASSIVE: Indomitable / 1st Release (-4 Reishi) / Meticulous / Cleverness / Blur / Eagle Eye
AT-WILL: Multi-Arms (-15 Reishi) / Haste
BONUS ACTION #1: Invigorate (+25 Reishi)
BONUS ACTION #2: Flying Kick (Strike / -0 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #1: Flurry of Jabs (Strike / -0 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #2: Right Hook Slash (Strike / -0 Reishi)

ATK ROLL: y88WnXdH1d100+50
DMG ROLL: 2d12
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% SUCCESS!

ATK ROLL: 1d100+50
DMG ROLL: 2d12
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% SUCCESS!

ATK ROLL: 1d100+50
DMG ROLL: 2d12
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% FAIL!

REIATSU LEVEL: 222,000 (Base: 111,000)
HP: 75/75
REISHI: 35/130
DEF: 100 + 5 (Release) + 25 (Hanki)
ACC: +50

Hanki: 25/25 DEF Gained (1/1 turns remaining)
Invigorate: 50/100 Reishi Gained

ARRANCAR: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Indomitable and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 40.

- HONED SENSES: PASSIVE | Gain +1 extra use, per thread, of all Techniques specifically labeled a Movement Technique. For every attack you successfully evade using a Movement Technique, you gain +10 Accuracy on any attacks used during your following turn.
- SHROUD: PASSIVE | Start with the Enhanced Rapid Movement Technique. As a passive effect, for every attack you successfully evade with this technique, you gain +3 bonus damage with your attacks on your following turn.
- WOUNDING SHOT: PASSIVE | Each of your Basic Attacks have a 45% chance to inflict the special Maimed status effect. Maimed decreases your foe鈥檚 Defense and Accuracy on their turn by -5 for each at-will action they use on that turn.
- EAGLE EYE: AT-WILL | Once, per battle, designate one attack during your turn that will automatically crit with a natural 100 roll (No mechanical roll required). Also, passively, any time you score a critical hit, your foe receives two stacks of Cripple and Immobilize. (1/1)

INDOMITABLE (RACIAL PERK): PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.
HASTE: AT-WILL | When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn. (1/3)
BLITZ: AT-WILL |  You can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. (0/2)
CLEVERNESS: PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.
BLUR: PASSIVE | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (3/4)
TEMPERED: PASSIVE | Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread.

1ST RELEASE: -4 Reishi per turn | PASSIVE | Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: METICULOUS (As a passive effect your Basic Attacks score a critical hit on a natural 85 or higher while in a Released State.)
- ATK TECHNIQUE: CLEAVE -12 Reishi | BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Overwhelm Major Effect. (Overwhelm: Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.)
- DEF/UTIL TECHNIQUE: MULTI-ARMS -15 Reishi | AT-WILL | You can use 1 Bonus Action on your turn to make a Basic Attack. Also all Basic Attacks on your turn roll 1 extra damage dice. (0/3)


SPEED CLONES: -5 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Movement Technique. (2/2)
HANKI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Lasts for 1 more turn after reaching +25 defense. Movement Technique. (0/1)
GYAKU UNMEI: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | Choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Movement Technique. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn. (4/4)
KEIKATSU: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
UTSUSEMI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. (0/1)
ENK艑SEN: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) (2/2)



Last Edit: Nov 10, 2021 5:49:04 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 7, 2021 13:22:58 GMT -5

Now that was an answer Yoshinori wasn't expecting to hear.

So the man before him, or at least the physical form of the man before him was truly a Shinigami. Which meant that the slight Hollow presence that emanated from him came from the being's true form, which was nestled somewhere inside the afflicted man. The revelation almost brought a grimace to Yoshinori's face. Certainly couldn't be a fun feeling, after all.

I have bigger things to worry about.

Asura was dangerous. Perhaps the most dangerous Hollow Yoshinori had faced up to this point. With a speed that rivaled his own, Asura's berserk displays of strength when he went from the offense was enough to make Yoshinori quite unwilling to keep in close range of the individual. If Asura managed to catch Yoshinori unaware and hit him directly...

Well, then there was a sure chance that the silver haired Third Seat would end up being the Hollow's next host.

Watching both his Kido Spell and his Phantom Fire fail before the Hollow-Shinigami's impressive display of speed, Asura was quick to close the gap between the two combatants, Yoshinori's crazed opponent launching yet another powerful offensive upon him. The wheels attached to his feet spinning backwards, Yoshinori's form flickered once more as the Third Seat relied upon his old tactics. Yet another Shunpo to create distance between himself and his opponent.

"You're scary." Yoshinori remarked, flickering back into view. "I certainly would hate for one of those attacks to hit me head on." Emphasizing his words with a point of his right index finger, Yoshinori would spring the next step of his newest trap.

""Carriage of thunder, bridge of a spinning wheel. With light, divide this into six. Bakud艒 #61. Rikuj艒k艒r艒."

Speaking the sacred words in a well practiced tongue, Yoshinori decided to recite the full incantation of the spell, perhaps realizing that he couldn't afford shortcuts when dealing with the Hollow-Shinigami. Perhaps it would even pay off.

A golden light spawning forth from his index finger, six thin yellow beams of light would materialize around Asura, shooting forth to slam into him with devastating force. If the spell was successfully cast, not only would the blunt force impact of the beams cause some damage to the man, but he would find himself completely unable to move, even those limbs not directly trapped within the six beams.

Sealed Ball

Gritting his teeth with exertion, Yoshinori would release a small yell as he thrust his spear forward. Blue flame blanketed the blade in an instant, before the Third Seat released yet another concentrated burst of semi-transparent blue flame towards Asura. The fog parted as the flame shot through air, the expulsion of illusionary fire proving a lot more powerful than the last. Would it work any better? That was yet to be seen. But it was clear enough that now Yoshinori wasn't holding anything back.

Post Count: 6 |


Passive Blur Active! Yoshinori uses Rapid Movement as an At-Will! (3/4 Uses Remaining)
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Rapid Movement to boost his defense against all attacks this turn by +15! Yoshinori's defense increased to 130!
At-Will Reactive!: Yoshinori uses Sense! Defense increased by 5 this turn! Accuracy increased by 5 this turn! Yoshinori's defense increased to 135! (No uses remaining)
Enemy Bonus Action 2: Asura misses Yoshinori!
Enemy Standard Action 1: Asura misses Yoshinori!
Enemy Standard Action 2: Asura misses Yoshinori!

Three of Yoshi's attacks missed last turn! Momentum Active! Yoshi gains 3 Momentum stacks! Max of 4 Stacks usable this turn!
Passive Versatile Active! Two of Yoshi's attacks gain +15 Accuracy and +2 Dmg Tiers! Additionally, all successful attacks drain Reishi!
Bonus Action 1: Phantom Fire missed last turn! Yoshi attempts to trigger the Delay Major Effect to inflict direct damage!
Bonus Action 2: Yoshinori uses Focus Energy to gain +15 Accuracy on all attacks this turn! Attacks cannot be negated by Guard!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses 4 stacks of Momentum to gain +20 Accuracy on all attacks this turn!
Standard Action 2: Yoshinori uses Phantom Fire!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Enhanced Byakurai as an At-Will! (1 Use Remaining)
Potent Passive Active! Each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release

At-Will Reactive: Empowered Shunpo (Rapid Movement) - You gain +15 Defense against all attacks targeting you this turn. Considered a Movement Technique. | -9 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will Reactive: Lethal Accuracy (Sense) - You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn. | No Reishi Cost (0 Uses Remaining)

Bonus Action: Bakud艒 #61. Rikuj艒k艒r艒 (Delay Major Effect) - The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects. | No Reishi Cost

Must Roll a 75 Or Below to Inflict Direct Damage - m2iq4YgM1d100 Success! Yoshinori inflicts 11 direct damage upon Asura!

At-Will: Lethal Accuracy (Momentum) - As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn. | No Reishi Cost | Yoshinori uses 4 stacks to increase accuracy by +20.

Bonus Action: Explosive Energy (Focus Energy) - Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard. | -9 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will Action: Phantom Fire (Byakurai)
Acc - 1d100+95
Dmg - 2d12+2
Special Effect (Potent): As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile): 16 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

Standard Action: Phantom Fire (Barrage Release Attack)
Acc - 1d100+95
Dmg - 4d12+4
Major Effect: Delay
Special Effect (Versatile): 23 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 9 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
1/20 Armor
Immune to Statuses (Inflicted by Attacks)
1 Momentum Stacks (Max of 4 Usable in a turn)


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUD艑 #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (1/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUD艑 #39: ENK艑SEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total Reishi drained will be the same number as damage taken before reductions.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (3/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (1/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

INDOMITABLE - PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Delay Major Effect. (Delay: The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects.) | -12 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 79/160 | DEF: 105 (115) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Nov 7, 2021 13:27:56 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 10, 2021 6:38:53 GMT -5

Hollow - Independent


Asura growled. Yet again the slippery Shinigami used Shunpo to escape his attacks. A bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. The prolonged fight was starting to take a toll on him. He had used a large amount of his Reishi already to launch an array of swift attacks (not to mention to dodge some too) but the silver haired Shinigami was able to escape them all for the most part. Asura wasn't used to conserving his energy in fights. Usually his opponents went down faster, but this one was proving to be... troublesome.

Suddenly he noticed the death god mumbling another incantation. He recognized this one. The six individual beams of light all hit him at the same time, pinning him in place. He looked panicked for a moment but then started laughing. His physical form faded away, like a mirage, and the beams of light fizzled out too. His laughter echoed across the construction grounds.

The fog lit up suddenly as the blue flame roared across the area. Asura escaped it once more, proving to be just as slippery as the Shinigami. He had disappeared and reappeared up high, perched atop one of the construction cranes. It was actually the same spot he had been on before the fight started.

He decided to try a different approach. Once he spotted the kid amidst the fog, which wasn't hard considering the flames on his levitating wheels, he focused in on him. Then he snapped his fingers. If he aimed it properly, Yoshinori's throat would be cut and a brilliant gush of blood would follow. At least that's what Asura hoped.

The Hollow was finally using his Shinigami's Shikai ability, Cleave. This allowed him to create an instantaneous cut on an opponent no matter their distance from him. It would be as if he had slashed him through with his own claws, right up close. It worked as long as he had line of sight and they were within a given distance. (It didn't have an infinite range after all) The ability didn't even travel from his hand to the opponent either. Instead, it was as if an invisible blade cut them the second he snapped his fingers.


Bakud艒 #61. Rikuj艒k艒r艒: 11 Direct Damage!
- Asura avoids this with Speed Clones! 0 Damage!
Phantom Fire | 148 ACC VS 150 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!
- Asura uses Rapid Movement + Sense to raise Defense!
- +3 Bonus Damage on all attacks per Shroud!
- +10 Accuracy on all attacks per Honed Senses!
Phantom Fire | 145 ACC VS 150 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!
- Asura uses Rapid Movement + Sense to raise Defense!
- +3 Bonus Damage on all attacks per Shroud!
- +10 Accuracy on all attacks per Honed Senses!

PASSIVE: Indomitable / 1st Release (-4 Reishi) / Meticulous / Cleverness / Blur / Eagle Eye
AT-WILL: Sense (+5 Def / +5 Acc) / Rapid Movement (-10 Reishi / +15 Def)
BONUS ACTION #1: Invigorate (+25 Reishi)
BONUS ACTION #2: Speed Clones (-5 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #1: Cleave! (-12 Reishi / Release Attack / Barrage / Overwhelm)

ATK ROLL: 5|7Av6qO1d100+75
DMG ROLL: 4d12+6

REIATSU LEVEL: 222,000 (Base: 111,000)
HP: 75/75
REISHI: 29/130
DEF: 100 + 5 (Release) + 25 (Hanki) + 15 (Rapid Movement) + 5 (Sense) = 150
ACC: +50 + 20 (Honed Senses) + 5 (Sense) = +75

Hanki: 25/25 DEF Gained (0/1 turns remaining)
Invigorate: 75/100 Reishi Gained
Sense: +5 Def /+5 Acc (2/3 Uses Left)

ARRANCAR: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Indomitable and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 40.

- HONED SENSES: PASSIVE | Gain +1 extra use, per thread, of all Techniques specifically labeled a Movement Technique. For every attack you successfully evade using a Movement Technique, you gain +10 Accuracy on any attacks used during your following turn.
- SHROUD: PASSIVE | Start with the Enhanced Rapid Movement Technique. As a passive effect, for every attack you successfully evade with this technique, you gain +3 bonus damage with your attacks on your following turn.
- WOUNDING SHOT: PASSIVE | Each of your Basic Attacks have a 45% chance to inflict the special Maimed status effect. Maimed decreases your foe鈥檚 Defense and Accuracy on their turn by -5 for each at-will action they use on that turn.
- EAGLE EYE: AT-WILL | Once, per battle, designate one attack during your turn that will automatically crit with a natural 100 roll (No mechanical roll required). Also, passively, any time you score a critical hit, your foe receives two stacks of Cripple and Immobilize. (1/1)

INDOMITABLE (RACIAL PERK): PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.
HASTE: AT-WILL | When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn. (1/3)
BLITZ: AT-WILL |  You can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. (0/2)
CLEVERNESS: PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.
BLUR: PASSIVE | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (2/4)
TEMPERED: PASSIVE | Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread.

1ST RELEASE: -4 Reishi per turn | PASSIVE | Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: METICULOUS (As a passive effect your Basic Attacks score a critical hit on a natural 85 or higher while in a Released State.)
- ATK TECHNIQUE: CLEAVE -12 Reishi | BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Overwhelm Major Effect. (Overwhelm: Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.)
- DEF/UTIL TECHNIQUE: MULTI-ARMS -15 Reishi | AT-WILL | You can use 1 Bonus Action on your turn to make a Basic Attack. Also all Basic Attacks on your turn roll 1 extra damage dice. (0/3)


SPEED CLONES: -5 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Movement Technique. (1/2)
HANKI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Lasts for 1 more turn after reaching +25 defense. Movement Technique. (0/1)
GYAKU UNMEI: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | Choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Movement Technique. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn. (4/4)
KEIKATSU: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
UTSUSEMI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. (0/1)
ENK艑SEN: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) (2/2)





13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 10, 2021 19:27:02 GMT -5

The sight of Asura once more slipping out of his grasp brought a weary sigh to his lips.

He was already beginning to feel the tug of fatigue wearing his body down. Despite his own proficiency in the Kido arts, Yoshinori had up until this point fired off several higher level spells in rapid succession, oftentimes back to back. With little more than the final wisps of his last spell flickering off into the night to show for his efforts, Yoshinori began to let a little unease settle within his heart. This one was a tough one. Could he win? Or was it possible that this Hollow-Shinigami would manage to overwhelm him?

A thought to consider, but nothing to be ruled over. After all, he wasn't anywhere near finished yet.

"Oh boy..." Yoshinori exhaled. Remaining in place, the Shinigami's Reiatsu suddenly flared as his eyes traced Asura's retreat towards the construction crane. Letting his presence level out in a thin protective aura, Yoshinori covered his own defense while simultaneously offering himself a moment's respite. If he could just secure a moment's breather he could...

Yoshinori's eyes widened as he felt the side of his neck suddenly split open as what felt like an invisible blade cut into him, slicing straight past the aura buffer that he had created.

Hand immediately slamming down on the side of his neck, Yoshinori immediately tried to clamp down on the freely flowing blood that coursed from the wound. A grimace forming upon his features, Yoshinori glanced up at Asura, his eyes narrowed.

It's not deep...but how the fuck did he do that without me noticing?

Outwardly, Yoshinori said something a bit different,"My truly are a scary one, now aren't you? That actually really hurt." Taking a deep breath, he allowed his left hand to leave the side of his neck, his fingers coated in a thin layer of blood. Pushing through the pain, the Third Seat Shinigami turned fully to face his opponent.

"I dare say you've put me in quite a predicament, Asura. However, now I must ask you a very crucial question..." Yoshinori trailed off, his right pointer finger extending until it was trained lazily on Asura. A dull red glow emanated from the digit as the Shinigami spoke his next attack into existence.

"Asura, do you fear your own shadow?"

As if conjured into reality by the man's words, Asura would find his next attack to contend with coming from behind him! Spawned into existence by the moon's bright light, Asura's very own shadow would seem to come to life, emerging its previous place casted across the crane. Almost immediately, the shadow would gain definition, its upper half bulging into a three-dimensional render of Asura, albeit devoid of any color except pitch blackness. Its lower half remained shrouded in darkness.

The shadowy copy of Asura did not speak, but then again it hardly needed to. Clawed hands stretching forward, it would move to grab the real Asura's head in his hands and sharply bring it forward to collide with the shadow copy's own head as Shadow Asura moved in for a headbutt. In remaining true to Asura's actual fighting style, the shadow copy wouldn't just leave it there. With a ferocity that some could view as quite savage, Shadow Asura would pounce upon the real Hollow-Shinigami, clawed hands reaching out for anything it could rip and tear apart. If Asura did allow himself to be attacked by his own shadow, he would quickly find that despite the fact that the shadow was, like everything else Yoshinori conjured, an illusion, its ability to hurt him would be quite real. Almost as if Yoshinori actually breathed life into a shadow.

Regardless of whether or not Asura was actually hit by the shadow's attacks or not, once the copy concluded its onslaught it would immediately lose definition and retreat, returning to a regular shadow.

Post Count: 7 |


Release Passive Heightened active! Yoshinori's Defense increases by 5 to 120 against Non-Basic Attacks!
Passive Blur Active! Yoshinori uses Sekienton as an At-Will! (2/4 Uses Remaining)
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Sekienton to avoid damage from all the damage die in place!
Enemy Standard Action 1: Asura hits Yoshinori! Sekienton reduces damage from 23 to 6! Armor reduces nothing! Indomitable active! Yoshi gains 3 DR! Damage reduced to 5! Yoshi takes 5 damage!

Two of Yoshi's attacks missed last turn! Momentum Active! Yoshi gains 2 Momentum stacks!
Passive Versatile Active! Two of Yoshi's attacks gain +15 Accuracy and +2 Dmg Tiers! Additionally, all successful attacks drain Reishi!
Bonus Action 1: Phantom Fire missed last turn! Yoshi attempts to trigger the Delay Major Effect to inflict direct damage!
Bonus Action 2: Yoshinori uses Invigorate to regain +25 Reishi!
Standard Action 2: Yoshinori uses Phantom Fire!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Enhanced Byakurai as an At-Will! (0 Uses Remaining)
Potent Passive Active! Each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release

At-Will Reactive: Reiatsu Buffer (Bakudo #21: Sekienton) - As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Considered a Movement Technique. | -3 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Bonus Action: Amonojaku: Shadowgraphy (Delay Major Effect) - The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects. | No Reishi Cost

Must Roll a 75 Or Below to Inflict Direct Damage - t3vV8M8U1d100 Success! Yoshinori inflicts 7 direct damage upon Asura!

Bonus Action: Moment's Respite (Invigorate) - You regain 25 Reishi.

At-Will Action: Amonojaku: Shadowgraphy (Byakurai)
Acc - 1d100+55
Dmg - 2d12+2
Special Effect (Potent): As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile): 15 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

Standard Action: Amonojaku: Shadowgraphy (Phantom Fire) (Barrage Release Attack)
Acc - 1d100+55
Dmg - 4d12+4
Major Effect: Delay
Special Effect (Versatile): 25 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 9 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (25/100 Max Reishi Restored)
3 Momentum Stacks (Max of 4 Usable in a turn)


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUD艑 #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUD艑 #39: ENK艑SEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total Reishi drained will be the same number as damage taken before reductions.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (3/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (1/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

INDOMITABLE - PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Delay Major Effect. (Delay: The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects.) | -12 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 85/90 | REISHI: 88/160 | DEF: 105 (115) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Nov 10, 2021 19:56:59 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Nov 11, 2021 23:48:55 GMT -5

Hollow - Independent


"Asura, do you fear your own shadow?"

He raised a brow.

"Do I wha--?"

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end and a shiver suddenly ran through his body. Acting out of pure survival instinct, Asura leapt from the crane just in time to avoid the headbutt from the shadow copy. He landed on the ground only to realize the thing was attached to him! The pink haired Hollow ducked and weaved as the copy lashed out at him. He leaned away from close slashes. Almost as if in slow motion, he watched the dark clawed hand come towards him and tear through the front of his robe. Pieces of the fabric drifted softly through the air.

What the hell had the Shinigami conjured?

He didn't need to ponder on it for long because soon the dark copy sunk back into the shadow where it came from. Asura took a heavy breath and ripped the tattered robe off of him, shredding it to pieces. He was left standing in the moonlight with just his black pants and sandals. His black tattoo-like markings were far more visible now.

Asura then wasted no time in his retaliation. Now back on the ground level he was nearby one of the piles of debris. He kicked up a rusted out and sharp ended piece of pipe. It was about as long as a spear with similar dimensions. The end of the pipe was broken and jagged, but it came to a tip. It would be good enough for his intentions.

Asura caught the pipe as his kick launched it into the air. Then, in one fluid movement, he whirled around on his heel and used that momentum to hurl the spear-like pipe straight at the Shinigami.

As the pipe flew at his foe, Asura smirked once more and snapped his fingers, creating another instant slash on Yoshinori. This time he aimed for his legs.


Amonojaku: Shadowgraphy: 7 Direct Damage!
- Asura avoids this with Speed Clones! 0 Damage!
Amonojaku: Shadowgraphy (Byakurai) | 62 ACC VS 120 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!
Amonojaku: Shadowgraphy (Phantom Fire) | 119 ACC VS 120 DEF | MISS! | 0 DMG!
- Asura uses Rapid Movement to raise Defense!
- +3 Bonus Damage on all attacks per Shroud!
- +10 Accuracy on all attacks per Honed Senses!

PASSIVE: Indomitable / 1st Release (-4 Reishi) / Meticulous / Cleverness / Blur / Eagle Eye
AT-WILL: Rapid Movement (-10 Reishi / +15 Def) / Haste
BONUS ACTION #1: Invigorate (+25 Reishi)
BONUS ACTION #2: Speed Clones (-5 Reishi)
STANDARD ACTION #1: Jagged Pipe Throw (-0 Reishi / Strike Basic Attack)
STANDARD ACTION #2: Cleave! (-12 Reishi / Release Attack / Barrage / Overwhelm)

ACC ROLL: iHFxdT_N1d100+60
DMG ROLL: 1d12+3
MAIM ROLL: 1d100 < 60% SUCCESS!

ACC ROLL: 1d100+60
DMG ROLL: 4d12+3

REIATSU LEVEL: 222,000 (Base: 111,000)
HP: 75/75
REISHI: 23/130
DEF: 100 + 5 (Release) + 15 (Rapid Movement) = 120
ACC: +50 + 10 (Honed Senses) = +60

Invigorate: 100/100 Reishi Gained
Sense: +5 Def / +5 Acc (2/3 Uses Left)

ARRANCAR: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Indomitable and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 40.

- HONED SENSES: PASSIVE | Gain +1 extra use, per thread, of all Techniques specifically labeled a Movement Technique. For every attack you successfully evade using a Movement Technique, you gain +10 Accuracy on any attacks used during your following turn.
- SHROUD: PASSIVE | Start with the Enhanced Rapid Movement Technique. As a passive effect, for every attack you successfully evade with this technique, you gain +3 bonus damage with your attacks on your following turn.
- WOUNDING SHOT: PASSIVE | Each of your Basic Attacks have a 45% chance to inflict the special Maimed status effect. Maimed decreases your foe鈥檚 Defense and Accuracy on their turn by -5 for each at-will action they use on that turn.
- EAGLE EYE: AT-WILL | Once, per battle, designate one attack during your turn that will automatically crit with a natural 100 roll (No mechanical roll required). Also, passively, any time you score a critical hit, your foe receives two stacks of Cripple and Immobilize. (1/1)

INDOMITABLE (RACIAL PERK): PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.
HASTE: AT-WILL | When you activate Haste, you gain 1 additional Bonus Action on your turn. (0/3)
BLITZ: AT-WILL |  You can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. (0/2)
CLEVERNESS: PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.
BLUR: PASSIVE | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (1/4)
TEMPERED: PASSIVE | Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread.

1ST RELEASE: -4 Reishi per turn | PASSIVE | Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: METICULOUS (As a passive effect your Basic Attacks score a critical hit on a natural 85 or higher while in a Released State.)
- ATK TECHNIQUE: CLEAVE -12 Reishi | BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Overwhelm Major Effect. (Overwhelm: Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.)
- DEF/UTIL TECHNIQUE: MULTI-ARMS -15 Reishi | AT-WILL | You can use 1 Bonus Action on your turn to make a Basic Attack. Also all Basic Attacks on your turn roll 1 extra damage dice. (0/3)


SPEED CLONES: -5 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Movement Technique. (0/2)
HANKI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Lasts for 1 more turn after reaching +25 defense. Movement Technique. (0/1)
GYAKU UNMEI: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | Choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Movement Technique. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn. (4/4)
KEIKATSU: -5 Reishi | AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
UTSUSEMI: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. (0/1)
ENK艑SEN: -10 Reishi | BONUS | Negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) (2/2)



Last Edit: Nov 14, 2021 11:14:02 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Nov 12, 2021 17:07:08 GMT -5

And so the dance continued. Every time Yoshinori pulled a new trick out of his sleeve, the Shinigami came within a hair's breadth of taking the Hollow down a peg before the parasite managed to weasel his way out of whatever Yoshinori had sprung on him. It was almost becoming a routine at this point, reciprocated on both sides. After all, it wasn't like Yoshinori had any intent on standing still and letting himself be hit.

Yet the question remained: How long could either of them keep that up before one of them got snagged? What would happen when their evasive efforts caught up with them?

Staring now at Asura as he hefted the spear-like pipe, the Third Seat's eyes narrowed slightly as the rusted object was then sent flying his direction, cutting through air with deadly force as it traveled to fulfill its deadly mission. Remaining still in place as the spear came closer, Yoshinori timed his movement just in time with Asura's snap of his fingers, the Shinigami suddenly fading from view as both pipe and Shikai invisible slash failed to find purchase upon the dark skinned soul's body.

The sound of screeching wheels filled the air as Yoshinori grinded to a stop, the small wheels attached to his feet leaving a trail of wispy blue flame in its wake as the Third Seat reappeared once more. His body directed primarily to the side, his head was inclined towards Asura, with Yoshinori's Naginata now slowly spinning in place, the rhythmic motion creating a sort of hypnotic effect if one's eyes lingered upon it too long.

Sealed Ball

"I'm sorry, did I scare you with that last one...?" The question was spoken innocently, a smooth tone to his voice only adding to its insulting undertone. As he spoke, the tell-tale dull red glow began to emanate from his right pointer finger, his finger directly behind the slow spinning Zanpakuto spear.

His next words would offer little to soothe his opponent, however.

"That's okay, Asura. After all, most people are afraid of monsters."

Once again, it seemed as if his words had a triggering effect on the environment. Across Arcana Industries, various shadows that stemmed from abandoned equipment suddenly jumped to life, forming into various shapes and gaining three dimensional definition. Grotesque, mutilated forms emerged from the pitch blackness that the night sky created. Demons, about a dozen in all, spawned from quite literally nowhere, eerie yellow eyes all focused on the Hollow-Shinigami hybrid. Unintelligible words tumbled out from their mouths, followed by outright screeching from a chosen one or two.

Sealed Ball

Cemented in place, Yoshinori could do little more than watch his "creations" come to life, his spear trapped in its slow, cyclic motion, the red glow emanating from his lazily outstretched pointer finger. His eyes remained locked on Asura. For a single instance, all he could do was look at the Hollow-Shinigami, his face now devoid of expression. Of mirth and joy. His was the face of a killer.

With a collective roar, the horde of twelve charged forth, their crippled appearing bodies doing little to hinder their speed of movement. Crashing and tumbling over each other, the grotesque party of demons pounced upon Asura with the ferocity of wild animals, intent to tear at Asura with just about anything they could use as a weapon. Claws, teeth, blunt force, it didn't matter. It was simple, mindless brutality. While the individual demon couldn't be considered exceptionally strong by themselves, as a single unit the chaos of their offense was bound to result in some injuries.

Unless Asura was quicker to act.

Post Count: 8 |


Release Passive Heightened active! Yoshinori's Defense increases by 5 to 120 against Non-Basic Attacks!
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Instinct to dodge Asura's Standard Action 1! (0 Uses Remaining)
Enemy Standard Action 1: Yoshinori uses Instinct to dodge Asura!
Enemy Standard Action 2: Asura misses Yoshinori!

Two of Yoshi's attacks missed last turn! Momentum Active! Yoshi gains 2 Momentum stacks! Max of 4 usable this turn!
Passive Versatile Active! Two of Yoshi's attacks gain +15 Accuracy and +2 Dmg Tiers! Additionally, all successful attacks drain Reishi!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Focus Energy to gain +15 Accuracy on all attacks this turn! Attacks cannot be negated by Guard!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses 4 stacks of Momentum to gain +20 Accuracy on all attacks this turn!
Standard Action 1: Yoshinori uses Byakurai!
Standard Action 2: Yoshinori uses Phantom Fire!
Potent Passive Active! Each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release

At-Will Reactive: Instinctive Shunpo (Instinct) - As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. | No Reishi Cost.

Bonus Action: Lethal Focus (Focus Energy) - Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard. | -9 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will: Lethal Focus (Momentum) - As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn. | No Reishi Cost | Yoshinori uses 4 stacks to increase accuracy by +20.

At-Will Action: Demon Horde (Byakurai)
Acc - dAYTM71U1d100+90
Dmg - 2d12+2
Special Effect (Potent): As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile): 14 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

Standard Action: Demon Horde (Phantom Fire) (Barrage Release Attack)
Acc - 1d100+90
Dmg - 4d12+4
Major Effect: Delay
Special Effect (Versatile): 41 Reishi drained if hit!
Reishi Cost - 9 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (25/100 Max Reishi Restored)
1 Momentum Stacks (Max of 4 Usable in a turn)


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUD艑 #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUD艑 #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUD艑 #39: ENK艑SEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total Reishi drained will be the same number as damage taken before reductions.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (2/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (0/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

INDOMITABLE - PASSIVE | You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - BARRAGE | Barrage attack that rolls 4 damage dice against one target and has the Delay Major Effect. (Delay: The turn after the attack misses its target you may spend a bonus action for a 75% chance to deal Delayed damage. A Delayed attack deals direct damage in value equal to the highest natural die roll from its damage rolls. Delayed attacks cannot inflict status effects.) | -12 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 85/90 | REISHI: 66/160 | DEF: 105 (115) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Nov 12, 2021 17:08:27 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto