Bleach Hereafter RPG

The Great Ride


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Jan 5, 2022 6:51:40 GMT -5

Dozens of kilometers below the surface of Earth, Tendo was loading an unconscious Valentina into a human sized suspension pod, and stepped back while the reinforced glass door automatically lowered and snapped to the metal, letting out a brief woosh of freezing air from inside. The Shinigami pushed his hands into the pockets of his jeans, staring at the woman's blank face, closed eyes, and his own reflection next to them.

"...I'm sorry for what we're doing to you, girl..." he muttered and glanced away. "It's just like a deep sleep at first, then things will start to get... a bit painful. Then you won't really be alive anymore, so... But it's for the good of everyone, you know? So, maybe that outweighs it..."

Thankfully, Tendo had a lot of people other than himself to blame for this situation. The Trifecta, the Hollows, all for actively trying to make the world a worse place to live, and the former for relying on the Hogyoku to do so. The Captain-Commander, for recruiting him to make a second Hogyoku.

Maybe even Virgil, for choosing someone so young to turn into a Hogyoku. Surely, he could have picked someone who still didn't have a whole life and its dreams ahead of them..?

Speaking of Virgil, he was barely paying attention to the technicals of the transmutation, but he kept his eye on something else, and so suddenly called out:

"Tendo, there's demons in Tokyo."

"...What?" the Shinigami turned around and called out. "Right now?"

"Invading, yes. Marauding the whole city in a giant horde."

Does the Trifecta know about his project? No, that couldn't be it. It still wasn't a great thing to hear, but...

"I'm sure we can just... wait them out. They won't be able to get down here, and Tokyo always has Shinigami patrols."

One after another, the hooves of hellish horses descended upon the rooftop of a skyscraper reaching far above the Tokyo skyline. Their presence alone was enough to whip up a wind terrifying the common folk and leave a Reiatsu presence so strong that the few Shinigami in the city were already hurrying back and reporting about the invasion to their superiors.

Princess Zarzil rode in the front, joined by more and more demons flying from the Gate of Hell and descending behind her. With a grin on her face, she watched the city panorama, her eyes scouting for a familiar Reiatsu.

"Alright, soldiers!" she yelled, brandishing her Grimoire, floating next to her and ready to cast spells. "On my mark, follow me! No distractions, no fooling around, there's a target we have to reach!"

No looting and no terrorizing the inhabitants of Tokyo got quite a few of Zarzil's demons to sigh in dismay, but none of them had the guts to protest against their overlord.

Watch out, Tendo... and make sure the Hogyoku is in pristine condition when I come down there to claim it.

With a yell, Zarzil took off from the skyscraper roof, and one after the other, with their own yells, the other demon riders took off as well, covering the sky in tumultuous clouds, terrifying wind and sparks of lightning.

"Oh, there you are!"

The Kido Corps had already prepared the Senkaimon for travel to Tokyo, and a dark skinned woman with green hair and a sleeveless white Shinigami uniform was standing next to it, hailing the Shinigami picked out for the mission. Her name was Fatima, and she was fortunate, or maybe unfortunate enough to be in Tokyo when the Demon horde arrived through a Gate of Hell and immediately whipped up a windstorm across the entire megalopolis.

A low ranking recruit such as herself had no intention of facing off against the Demons by herself, so, she returned to Soul Society as soon as she could to report and get someone actually capable to handle the mission.

"You can't possibly miss them when you cross to the living world," Fatima began explaining. "There's a huge horde in the clouds zooming around and scaring everyone below. I'm not even sure what their deal is, it doesn't seem like there's as many of 'em as when they invaded Soul Society, at least..."

Fatima drew blanks, she barely knew anything about the Underworld and what they could possibly want, so she just shrugged and stepped to the side.

"Make sure to call for backup if things get dicey though."

You start in the World of the Living, somewhere in Tokyo of your choice. You may just see the demons riding in the sky, or be informed about the invasion by someone else.

You start in Soul Society, recruited for the demon stopping mission, and can enter Tokyo in your post if you want.


Shot to the heart

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld Avatar

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld

Post by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld on Jan 5, 2022 9:04:06 GMT -5

Location: Poland

I Keep Going Back to the Day I Lost You to the World

Being in constant rage and anger was… tiring. He had to remind himself every now and then why he was doing it. Why was he doing it again? It was because he selflessly laid down his happiness to fulfill everyone’s dreams just as the fullbringer wanted. Deep inside, however, he knew it was a mistake to let Valentina go, to… think about the world and allow them to take advantage of their savior.

He just wanted her back.

“I miss you so much, Val,” the quincy sighed, his arm stretched out reaching for the vast cosmos as countless stars glimmered, reflected in his now-ruby eyes. He was currently gazing at their constellation, which actually was incomplete tonight. The other half was blocked by thick clouds lazily hovering over the night sky.

“Are you still looking at the same sky? I wonder….”

When will it ever end anyway? His rampage couldn’t seem to get anywhere. It just felt like he was being childish, throwing tantrums at everyone for… for their break-up. Well, if not for humanity, for their worthless dreams… if not for the hollows or their kind for snatching away those precious fantasies… if not for the shinigami for waging war against all other races, none of these things would’ve happened.

His contemplation went to a halt when a faint sound of footsteps coming from the edge of the rooftop was heard. Yael immediately sat up and turned around, wary of the stranger behind him.

“Who’s there?”

A woman with silver hair, some inches taller than his girlfriend, walked over to him. She seemed familiar, somehow… like, he had seen her before, though he could barely remember.

“Are you Yael, by any chance?” the woman spoke.

“Uh.. yes, and what do you want?”

“Ugh, there’s no time for introductions. Here…” she’d toss him the brunette’s phone, “ your girlfriend’s in danger. Tokyo, in the candy shop in the suburbs,” the mysterious woman then began to walk away.

“You can thank me later!”

The blonde teen was left confused, as the lady left as soon as she arrived. He looked at the phone, it didn’t look like there was something odd about it. There were just pictures of them in the gallery. Once he made an exit to the homescreen, however, he saw a reminder of “the Big Day”, whatever it means. But…if the silver-haired fullbringer were to be believed, then he got to head to Tokyo as soon as possible. It didn’t matter how she knew it, he just had to be there, quick.

Using his shadow, he stepped out, atop a building in front of the meeting place and before he could hop off and storm at the entrance, a horde of demons was descending from the clouds, like angels from the apocalypse about to bring judgment on Earth.

Something was amiss, however, as they did not bother with the humans below. Instead they were focused on that particular establishment, which he was aiming to invade as well.

He released his quincy cross, transforming into a sword. There's nothing or no one getting in the way this time.

Gotta Get Savage!

Last Edit: Jan 5, 2022 9:06:48 GMT -5 by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Jan 5, 2022 16:30:29 GMT -5

Sealed Ball

Soul Society, 8th Division Headquarters: Office of the Third Seat.

Several minutes prior...

It wasn't often that Yoshinori was confined to his office. In fact, he made it his business to avoid being confined to his office. Unfortunately, he was so good at making it his business to avoid being confined to his office that when the due date for several vital pieces of paperwork came looming overhead Yoshinori could no longer procrastinate his way into the next day. As such, he was sacked with an unfortunate existence within the Eighth Division headquarters. And on drinking day, no less.

His day was just about to brighten up, however.

Knock Knock.

"Come in." Yoshinori said simply, sitting back in his chair. Emerald eyes focusing on the door as it opened to greet the newcomer, Yoshinori's eyes widened slightly when he saw who it was.

Sealed Ball

The door slid open to reveal a tall woman of slender build, long purple hair cascading down her back. This was only complimented by purple colored eyes of the same shade, hidden partially behind spectacles. With a soft smile, the woman fully entered the room, closing the door behind her before coming to stand right in front of Yoshinori's desk.

"I hope I wasn't interrupting something, Yoshi." The purple haired woman greeted.

"Azula Hijikata. Last time we met in an office, you had some terrible news to share with me. Please tell me your visit this time is more...uplifting." Despite his words, a soft smile tugged at the dark skinned Shinigami's lips. Azula in particular was no stranger to him. A friend of his that dated back to his street urchin days in Rukongai, the pair had joined the Academy together. While their paths diverged after graduation, the two always found some way to see each other occasionally.

Yet this time seemed different. The serious expression on her face was unfamiliar to him. Even when she was dispatched to deliver the news that he was being demoted within the Second Division, she still had time for his playful banter. So what was it this time?

"Tokyo is under attack. The First Division wants you dispatched to the scene immediately." Azula reported, her arms linking behind her back as her bespectacled gaze settled upon the Third Seat.

"Orders from the First? That's strange. The Eighth Division doesn't even hold dominion over--"

"Demons, Yoshi. They're demons."

An immediate frown coming over the silver haired Shinigami's features, a low curse filtered through his lips. He remained still for a few precious seconds before he nodded his understanding.

"I'll report to the Senkaimon Gate in five."

Soul Society, Senkaimon Gate. Present Time.

Yoshinori kept to his promise of five minutes. His approach to the Senkaimon Gate hurried, Yoshinori seemed...dressed no different from what he seemed to wear everyday. Garbed in a standard black colored Shihakushō typical of Shinigami uniform, the remainder of the man's wardrobe, as typical by this point, diverged sharply from what was considered standard protocol. Gold jewelry adorned his body from head to toe, from triangle shaped golden earrings, to golden armbands (with matching clasps near his ankles), to multiple bracelets, to even a golden headband placed securely atop his shaggy, silver hair. Even his Zanpakuto appeared wildly divergent from standard, with the guard to his sheathed cutlass adorned with numerous red ruby jewels. Last but not least, Hanzō, his golden colored snake, laid draped around his neck like a living scarf.

Emerald eyes sliding to regard Fatima as she approached him, Yoshinori nodded slowly as she explained the situation in Tokyo. Or rather, how many of them there seemed to be in comparison to the Soul Society invasion. Either way, it wasn't a comforting fact. But what was he to do?

Sealed Ball

Never slowing in his approach, Yoshinori would nevertheless allow a smile to grace his features as he glanced to the Kido Corps member,"Sounds like a grand time. I'm sure we'll have lots of laughs with the demons down there. On that note..."

Stopping before the Senkaimon Gate, Yoshinori peered at the door for several seconds before preparing to take that decisive step forward.

"Shall we?"

Post Count: 1 | | | |
Last Edit: Jan 5, 2022 16:33:58 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Jan 5, 2022 22:46:06 GMT -5

Soul Division,12th Division, Tensai's Lab
Several minutes prior...

Tensai continued his research on the strange cores of the mysterious Bakkoto weapons he recently encountered. The thought of there being someone, either one individual or several, plotting to take down Gotei 13 within worries him. Especially since they have the recent revelation of the Demons to worry about. He was barely able to help in beating the prince. Though as he continues working something else is on his mind.

He keeps seeing visions of a strange humanoid insect-type creature that keeps seeing vague things to him. Which started after he saw something in his Zanpakuto. He is starting to worry if this is some sort of side effect of being near Bakkoto or if he's infected as well and will become just like those mutants after their own weapons absorbed them.

"Such a brilliant mind and you're wasting it on these things when you should be using it on yourself," a mysterious voice said.

And while he begins to question his sanity he turns around and sees a see-through full view of the creature. With its grasshopper esque face, long tail, and covered in a mostly green exoskeleton.

"Don't you want to improve yourself in a way no one else can? To be better than everyone and everything else? I can help but you do not seem to listen to my words," the hideous creature said.

"Sorry but I rather not take advice from hallucinations," Tensai said.

The strange creature cackled as it slapped its knee.

"You're still in denial?! I know more about you than you realize. Mostly because I am a part of you. I have been a part of you for a while and soon as you realize that then I finally tell-"
as the creature is talking the door opens as a frantic unseated Shinigami comes in.

"A horde of Demons have come to invade Tokyo! We have yet to learn why but since you were able to help beat back the prince the First Division requested you!" the messenger said.

As Tensai looks back to where the strange creature was only to find it not there anymore he decides to go and take this mission believing it be a way to take his mind off of this and perhaps getting out of this lab is just what he needs.

World of the Living, Present Time

As he steps out he is surprised to see Yoshinori Okamoto there, a Shinigami who he has met before and has helped him on a couple of occasions with his research.

"While it is reassuring to see your face I hope that we can be enough to fight back against this Demon horde, they're usually nothing to scoff at especially the Trifecta and it was mostly the strength of Muimina and that Fullbringer that helped fell the Demon Prince. Not that I didn't contribute at all, but still first time fighting multiple at once. Hopefully, the one leading this horde is a Baron or Duke at the worst. And if it's one of the Trifecta then well, we would have to ask for the assistance of someone who's at captain level or at least close." Tensai said.

As he is looking at the devastation that the Demons have been leaving behind he noticed that their path seems to be going in a certain direction and it seems that while people have been killed in collateral, people with spiritual energy do not even see or know what even is going on, it did not seem intentional. There can only be one explanation.

"They appear to be after something or someone and whatever that target is we need to get to them first before they find it or at least stop them from getting there,"
Tensai said.

Post Count: 1 | Tags: , , , [/font][/font]
Last Edit: Jan 5, 2022 22:48:54 GMT -5 by tensai toshiaki


I have nothing to say.

Rao Fugard Avatar

Rao Fugard

Post by Rao Fugard on Jan 5, 2022 22:58:17 GMT -5

Rao stepped through a Garganta, which had led to Tokyo. He heard that this place had a high concentration of reishi, and where there's reishi, hollows are sure to follow. Sure enough, there was a lot of hollows to be found. Rao came to this place to consume hollows, which would make him stronger a lot faster. What with meeting those shinigami, he gained some new rivals, and he needed to train for when the time to battle them comes.

Rao found a group of hollows on one of Tokyo's many rooftops, and closed in for the kill. However, before he could, he sensed a large amount of reiatsu that was in the sky. It felt familiar too. It was the same reiatsu he emits in Resureccion, the reiatsu that the hellhounds emitted, and and the same reiatsu that the incomplete Demon he and Hyakuji had encountered almost a week back; all of which was the signature reiatsu of a hell creature. He turned around to look at it's source. Emerging from the clouds and going downwards, a group of horses with their riders descended into Tokyo. They were headed in a specific direction it seemed, since they weren't attacking the humans in the city. He sensed some pretty strong ones in there, too. Rao looked back at the group of hollows he was about to consume. "Those can wait" he thought. After all, there was no better way to get stronger a lot faster than to fight against an army. He used Sonido, and headed in their direction, a fight with them being imminent.


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Jan 6, 2022 6:10:15 GMT -5

It did not take long for the giant pool of Reiatsu flying across the sky to attract human and Shinigami targets alike - and a handful of Demon riders, the designated scouts, had detached from the tumultuous cloud and were tracking those beings from a distance with spells cast from their Grimoires. They expected opposition, and the Demons were stoked for a fight against the champions of the World of the Living.

The bulk of the horde landed onto Tendo Shoten, swarming around the small building and on its roof. The vanguard of the host, with Zarzil in the front, landed in front of Yael as he ran towards the shop, dozens of hellish hooves stomping down on the paved street with a small burst of flames.

The Demon Princess could recognize him from before, and it was not a welcome sight. She struck a sneer on her face, Grimoire rapidly flipping through pages as it floated next to her, and spoke:

"Leave while you still can, child. You do not belong here."

A few of the demon riders hopped off the nearby rooftops and strolled next to their leader, speaking:

"Princess Zarzil, we have registered a Senkaimon gate opening a league or so away from here. Soul Society knows we are here."

"A Hollow-like presence is approaching us from the south rapidly as well - and it can match any of the Host individually," another Demon announced, ignoring the Quincy before them. Hearing both reports, Zarzil remained silent for a second, considering her options, before finally announcing:

"Let them come," She too could not wait to test her might against what the World of the Living could offer - after all, she did not participate in the assault on Soul Society, for good reason. "And do not allow a single one to enter this building. What is inside of it is ours and ours alone."

Initiative Roll (Prodigy) - BhDPedDv1d100+35

Put a summary here.

Bonus Action:

Standard Action:

Standard Action:

Standard Action:

Boss Battle: +1 Standard Actions.

Unbridled: +12 Reishi per turn.
Oppressive Reiatsu: Up to 9 DR ignored with attacks on a turn when Invigorate is used.

Suppression: +3 Reishi per turn if in 1st Release or less.

- Adept: Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.
- Genius: Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.
- Unbridled: The standard Reishi cap is lifted. Also, you gain +3 Reishi at the end of each turn per each foe you are fighting. Also, as a passive effect, as long as you remain at 50% HP or above, you gain the advantages of EDGE 2 against all foes, regardless of Reiatsu Levels.
(If you already have EDGE advantage (above EDGE 2) while above 50% HP, that advantage is now doubled)
- Oppressive Reiatsu: As a passive effect, your basic Strikes become area attacks and add the Bashing Major Effect. All other area attacks gain +10 accuracy and the Bashing Major Effect as well. Additionally, on a turn in which you use Invigorate, your Techs/Spells ignore 3 of their target’s DR; increase the amount of DR ignored by +3 per opponent in your current thread beyond the first.

To be revealed on Turn 1.

Enhanced Basic
Sense - Whenever you use Sense, you gain 1 DR and +1 Damage with all attacks on that turn. This increases by +1 DR and +1 Damage for every 3 turns you’ve taken in the current battle.
Suppression - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn if you are suppressed to 50% of your Base Reiatsu Level or less. After unlocking your 2nd Release, this goes into effect so long as you remain in 1st Release or below.
Invigorate - Now whenever you use Invigorate, your allies and teammates also regain 25 Reishi.
Focus Energy - If used with an Attack Spell, that spell now has an additional +15% chance to inflict Status Effects on the turn. If used with a Physical Attack, any additional uses on the same turn stack +1 additional bonus damage per attack on that turn.

To be revealed on Turn 1.

To be revealed on Turn 1.

To be revealed on Turn 1.

To be revealed on Turn 1.

Enhanced Basic

To be revealed on Turn 1.

To be revealed on Turn 1.

To be revealed on Turn 1.

To be revealed on Turn 1.

- Partial Seal Removal (First Release):
-- Takes an At-Will Action. x2 RL, Vicious, +5 Fighting, -0 Reishi per turn.
- Partial Seal Removal (Second Release):
-- Takes a Bonus Action. x4 RL. Vicious, Meticulous. +10 Fighting, -4 Reishi per turn.
- Partial Seal Removal (Final Release):
-- Takes a Standard Action. x6 RL. Vicious, Meticulous, Malicious. +15 Fighting, -6 Reishi per turn. (Disabled for this event)


1st Release:
- Firewall, -20 Reishi (0/1)
- Death Sign: Obliteration, Area/Slashing, -12 Reishi (Unlimited)
2nd Release:
- Regenerate, -20 Reishi (0/1)
- Death Sign: Conquest of Souls, Area/Spread, -13 Reishi (0/2)
3rd Release:
- Illusion, -15 Reishi (0/2)
- Death Sign: Inferno, Single/Bashing/Burn, -9 Reishi (0/2)

REIATSU: 250,000
HP: 250/250 | REISHI: 125/– | DEF: 60 | DMG DIE: d12+1 | ACC: +40

Put a summary here.

Bonus Action:

Standard Action:

Standard Action:

Standard Action:

Boss Battle: +1 Standard Actions.

Horde Boss: Composed of a horde of weak enemies rather than a single, powerful one, and thus operates under different mechanics:
- Hordes cannot use Releases and do not have any Standard, Advanced or Forbidden Techs.
- Hordes cannot be healed by allies and cannot heal allies.
- Hordes do not have Classes - their Class is Horde.
- Hordes do not have any Traits.
- All Horde Basic Attacks are Area Attacks which can target all enemies, and deal an additional 2 damage dice.
- Hordes do not use Reishi for their attacks, they can use any available technique as if they have the Reishi for it. They cannot be Exhausted and they cannot have their Reishi drained or siphoned.
- Hordes cannot be afflicted with non-special status effects. All status effect rolls on Hordes have a -30 chance to hit.

- See Horde Boss mechanics above.

Horde Enemies do not have Traits.

Horde Enemies do not have Standard, Advanced or Forbidden Techs.

Enhanced Basic
Hado #4: Byakurai - 3 times per battle, you may use Byakurai as an At-Will Action.

Horde Enemies do not have Standard, Advanced or Forbidden Kido Spells.

Horde Enemies do not have Releases.

REIATSU: 400,000
HP: 250/250 | REISHI: –/– | DEF: 50 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +40



Shot to the heart

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld Avatar

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld

Post by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld on Jan 6, 2022 6:53:40 GMT -5

Hyakuji watched from afar as the demons raged down from the heavens to once again torment the souls in the realm of the living. It was strange that the Captain Commander forbade him to intervene this time, when he knew the Vice-Captain was actively investigating the demonic activities on Earth. It seemed that the old man knew something he didn’t. Of course, he was the Captain Commander, after all. Still… he couldn’t understand why he had to sit out this important mission. But then again, “Captain’s orders…”

It was rather suspicious, however, that… the demons weren’t attacking people. The horde was focused on something below. Hyakuji narrowed his eyes, something was amiss. He drew closer, albeit only a few meters, keeping a safe distance; and instead, flew high atop a skyscraper some kilometers away from the scene. Thanks to his eyes, he really didn’t need to come closer.

Iridescent blue eyes widened in surprise as the apocalypse was concentrated on a particular area in the suburbs…

Tendo's shop? Why were the demons interested in it? What's going on?

Location:Tokyo, Japan

Taking a closer look, he noticed that the one leading the charge wore an eyepatch, her hair the same color as Val’s and as he studied her more, he realized it was the strange woman who the couple had helped to get in this very same place— Princess Zarzil? But what was she doing here? The last time she met with the shinigami, she seemed to be on good terms with him. She particularly mentioned that she needed his aid, so was this her form of payback?

Nothing was making sense at the moment.

Not surprisingly, the demoness landed in front of Yael to greet him in a rather unfriendly manner. The neighs and stomps of the hellish horses of the demons alongside her seemed like a taunt to scare a child away but the blonde teen was unfazed, and instead greeted back with a sarcastic tone.

"Oh c'mon! Is this your way of saying thanks? We can't even use the coins you paid us last time," the Quincy scoffed, "Well, what can I expect from a demon anyway?"

He pointed his sword towards the princess, "Back off! Or I'll send you flying in a skyrocket again!"

Of course, he wasn't confident to face this horde alone, but there were other spiritual signature heading towards the same place in all directions, mostly from the death gods. Whether or not they were hostile, he had yet to find out, however there's a greater chance that they would deal with the demons first. So, he could use their help.

After that, well, save Valentina of course.






At-will Action:

Standard Action:

Standard Action:

Bonus Action:



Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs / Excluding Release Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

All non-special status effects tied to your attacks will apply those status effects regardless if the attack hits or not, provided the affliction roll is successful. Also, while an opponent is afflicted with a Non-Special Status Effect caused by you, reduce their Accuracy by -10 and Damage Tier by -2; this is cumulative, applying once per unique non-special status effect (caused by you) active on that opponent.

While an opponent is afflicted with a status effect that you caused, you can make them take the damage (and any effects) of all techs and/or spells that targeted you on their turn, once per thread, as a Reactive At-Will action. No roll necessary. Damage redirected to your foe is considered direct damage. You take no damage or suffer any effects. The damage and effects cannot be redirected back to you by any means.


Effect: Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, & Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi.


Alacrity: As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

Cleverness: You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source

Infuse: As a passive effect your Basic Attacks have a 40% chance to inflict the Burn status.

Resist: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.

Vitriol: Each time you inflict a non-special status effect you give an additional stack to your target. Does not apply to status effect inflicted via Phantom Pain.


You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You quickly hold your hand in front of your enemy’s face as their pupils dilate before they fall unconscious.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 60% chance to inflict two stacks of the Blind status on your target. Upon infliction it also deals 1d8 direct damage The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You generate a dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of yourself, blocking an opponent's attack.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.)
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You generate an orb of light blue energy which repels whatever strikes it.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Technique.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You stare down your foe. As the target sees the illusion of purple cherry blossoms falling around them, their vision begins to blur and their consciousness becomes muddled, disoriented, and confused. Shortly thereafter, the target blacks out altogether.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Stagger status on your target and upon infliction it deals a 3d4 worth of direct damage. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.


The user's shadow expands and becomes a doorway between dimensions, completely masking their Reiatsu.
Type: Defense - Reactive
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You immediately avoid all attacks and/or techniques that would have hit you this turn, except for critical hits. You may use this technique to flee the current thread.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

The user discharges a torrent of blue flames from their palm that crash like a wave towards their foe.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You fire an oblong blast of purple energy from your hand which completely incinerates a target upon contact.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and has a 50% chance to inflict the special Scorched status effect. Scorched deals 1 status damage for each at-will action they use for the duration. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: This attack cannot be Guarded against.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Pointing their index finger at the target, the user generates a spark of yellow energy, which summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into a target's midsection and hold them in place.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you have an 60% chance to inflict the special Pinned status on your foe. While pinned, your opponent must spend both of their next standard actions to break free. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: If used in conjunction with a previously successful Hainawa cast, the cost of this spell is reduced by half and your opponent also cannot use any bonus actions on the same turn they must break free of Rikujōkōrō. Hainawa must have been cast within 1 turn of Light Prison to count.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

In a blur of motion, you make multiple extremely fast slashes that shred your target to pieces.
Type: Attack - Barrage
Action: Standard
Effect: As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect.
Special Effect: For an extra cost of 10 Reishi, you may add the Delay major effect to each attack.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.


Schwerter Jagen (Chasing Swords)
SINGLE: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle
BASHING: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.
BURN: 50% chance to Burn target.

A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You freeze your enemy in their tracks, making them vulnerable to attack.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you have a 50% chance to inflict the special Frozen status on one target. Under the effects of Frozen, on your foe’s turn, they will be unable to use any movement techniques to avoid attacks. This includes only those techniques or spells that are marked specifically as Movement Techniques.
Special Effect: For an added 10 Reishi, you can target up to 3 people, making this an area effect.
Stage 2: Percent chance increased to 60%.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

1st Release: +10 acc on basic attacks
2nd Release: +10 def from basic attacks
3rd Release: +1 stack of non-special status effects

1st Release: +5, upgrades to d11
2nd Release: +10, upgrades to d12
Final Release: +15, upgrades to d12+1

REIATSU: 222,000
HP: 100/100 | REISHI: 200/200 | DEF: 85 [95] | DMG DIE: d10 | ACC: +50

Last Edit: Jan 10, 2022 3:58:03 GMT -5 by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Jan 6, 2022 15:54:34 GMT -5

At this point, Yoshinori wasn't too surprised to see the Twelfth Division Fifth Seat attending this little get-together. Between several missions together with Tensai himself, Yoshinori's escort mission with Takano Hirai certainly put the silver haired Shinigami in the position of seeing scientists in combat more so than any other division. What a strange reality.

Sealed Ball

As the Senkaimon Gate parted ways to permit them entry into the World of the Living, Tensai immediately graced him with a warning regarding the strength of the demons. The silver haired Shinigami closed his eyes in response, the subtle motion prompting Hanzō to hiss in his ear, the serpent coiling noticeably tighter around his handler's neck. He could feel their Reiatsu even from the entry point. Considerable power, beyond many of the opponents he had faced in the past. Did the notion of battling such powerful creatures in large numbers intimidate him?

Should it have?

"Don't hope that we'll be enough. We'll be enough." The Third Seat replied calmly, emerald eyes piercing towards the direction of the horde, to which Tensai provided direction to verbally. They were moving with purpose. Towards a specification destination. Less of a rampage, and more of a specified raid. But what were they raiding?

It was time to find out.

"Let's move, Tensai." Not leaving much time for debate, Yoshinori was gone, his body from view as he executed a Shunpo. Flickering into view several times along his path towards Tendo Shoten, it appeared Yoshinori had intention to travel straight to the heart of demon activity. After all, what else were they going to do?

However, strolling up to entrance to the shop just wasn't his style. As the shop came into view, the silver haired death god dropped into one of the approaching alleyways, his Shihakushō flowing as it caught wind currents. Landing softly upon pavement, the Third Seat clasped his hands together, and uttered a single incantation.

"Bakudō #26. Kyokkō."

Sealed Ball

Enveloping himself within his own spiritual energy, Yoshinori began to bend light waves around himself, his body slowly vanishing from view as he rendered himself invisible, his spiritual energy signature vanishing as well as he committed himself to the technique. Once properly unseen, the Shinigami began to make the final trek towards Tendo Shoten.

And towards Princess Zarzil and the horde waiting to greet them.

Initiative Roll - 71PhjyYs1d100

Post Count: 2 | | | | 1d100
Last Edit: Jan 6, 2022 15:55:02 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Jan 6, 2022 18:35:58 GMT -5

Tensai was surprised to hear Yoshinori being encouraging and being optimistic about their chances to succeed. He recalls one time when they had an argument over their ideals and morals. It seems that Yoshinori grew in more ways than Tensai expected him to. That fact alone gives him reassurance that his old acquaintance might be right. As he hopped from rooftop to rooftop using Shunpo. Though as Yoshinori wanted to do a stealthier approach Tensai decided to do something more unorthodox he made himself known by walking into the scene.

He looked at the Quincy as well and took notice but paid him no mind as he looked toward the Demons. He noticed the one in charge but she wasn't wearing a crown so maybe she wasn't a member of the Trifecta. Though she is definitely suppressing her full power that he could tell.

"Now now I know you have some past grievances with the Gotei 13 but surely there is a way we can come to some form of agreement. There doesn't have to be any more bloodshed," Tensai said.

He then gets something from inside his gi that seems to be a piece of candy or some kind of pill that he ingests.

"While I do not condone what you have done with Hell I do know is that is an important part of the balance of souls. Surely we can find some more peaceful agreement to all of this instead of starting this eternal cycle of violence." Tensai said.

He is no altruistic fool, he knows they will probably disagree with his terms, but at the very least he will provide a distraction that would allow Yoshinori to successfully ambush them. And there is of course the hidden purpose of the thing he ingested mid-speech.

Intitiave Roll: g_D44h1z1d100+35 Prodigy Adept bonus

Put a summary here.

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - *Roll Here*
Dmg - *Roll Here*
Status Chance (00%) - *Roll Here

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost
Acc - *Roll Here*
Dmg - *Roll Here*
Status Chance (00%) - *Roll Here



Adept - Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.

Genius - Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.


Your max HP cap is increased by +20 and also you naturally negate -2 damage from every attack that hits you. Also, as a passive effect, if you drop below 25% HP, you become immune to the effects of EDGE, regardless of Reiatsu Levels. Alternatively, if you already have EDGE advantage when you drop below 25% HP, that advantage is now doubled.

As a passive effect, you gain +10 accuracy with all non-area attack techs/spells and whenever one of these attacks hit and reduce your foe’s HP, you and your allies gain +5 Reishi and +5% base Reiatsu Level. (Capped at 200%) If your foe is an NPC Event Boss, you instead gain +15 accuracy with all non-area attack techs/spells and whenever one of these attacks hit and reduce your foe’s HP, you and your allies gain +10 Reishi and +10% base Reiatsu Level.

Blitz - As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. Twice per battle.

Momentum - As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier.

Indomitable - Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.

Blur - As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. Four times per battle.

Talented - As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.Once per battle.

Alacrity - As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

Enhanced Basic
Sense - Whenever you use Sense, you gain 1 DR and +1 Damage with all attacks on that turn. This increases by +1 DR and +1 Damage for every 3 turns you’ve taken in the current battle.
Suppression - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn if you are suppressed to 50% of your Base Reiatsu Level or less. After unlocking your 2nd Release, this goes into effect so long as you remain in 1st Release or below.
Invigorate - Now whenever you use Invigorate, your allies and teammates also regain 25 Reishi.
Focus Energy - If used with an Attack Spell, that spell now has an additional +15% chance to inflict Status Effects on the turn. If used with a Physical Attack, any additional uses on the same turn stack +1 additional bonus damage per attack on that turn.

UTSUSEMI As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn.

TSUKIYUBI (THRUST FINGERS) As an at-will action all of your basic strikes this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.

BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.

BAKUDŌ #41: KYŌMON As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent.

BAKUDŌ #32: GYAKU UNMEI (REVERSE FATE) As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Considered a Movement Power. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.)

BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK) As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Do not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.

BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU (OPENING REVIVAL) As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.

BAKUDŌ #40: GOYŌGAI (FIVE SUPPORT COVER) As a bonus action remove all status effects (non-special.) Can be used on self or a comrade.
Shikai/1st Release Shinka Rasen: Takes an At-Will action, +5 Reflexes, Calculating, -2 Reishi per turn, +5% chance to status effects
Tamashī Hakai Uirusu | SINGLE | Major Effect: VERSATILE | Minor Effect: POISON | 3d12+9 | -7 Reishi cost

Mimic - "After witnessing any release technique a foe or comrade uses during a battle, you're able to spend a bonus action to learn that tech temporarily. You cannot copy a single technique multiple times. Gamble is immune to Mimic."

Bankai/2nd Release ???: Takes an At-Will action, +5 Reflexes, Calculating, Heightened, -2 Reishi per turn, +10% chance to status effects +10 Defense against Non-Basic Attacks

REIATSU: 158,000
HP: 100/100 | REISHI: 150/150 | DEF: 100(90) | DMG DIE: d12+3 | ACC: +50

Post Count: 2 | Tags: , , ,



I have nothing to say.

Rao Fugard Avatar

Rao Fugard

Post by Rao Fugard on Jan 8, 2022 15:53:59 GMT -5

Rao arrived at the place where the group with Hell reiatsu stopped. The massive reiatsu was coming from an army of horse riders. Judging by their their collective reiatsu, he judged that he could probably take one of them on by himself, even without his resureccion. There was a lot of them too. Rao scanned over the army. The building they were all gathering at was what looked like a small shop. Rao didn't know what an entire army wanted from such a small building, but he didn't really care either way. 

At the front of the army, stood what presumably was their leader. She was talking to the people in front of the store: two soul reapers and a Quincy. The Quincy looked familiar. He recognized him as the moody Quincy he and Rekka had fought a a few days ago. Rao sped up to their location using Sonido. 

"So you're here" he said to the Quincy. "This looks a fun little you've got going on. You don't mind if I join, do you?"

Regardless of what the Quincy asnwered, he would stay here and fight. He unsheathed his Zanpakuto, and pointed it at the Demon leader, and paid no mind to the shinigami. 

"I can assume that you're the leader, hmm?" Rao asked her.

Rao looked the Quincy, and saw that he had a look of enmity at the Demoness. "Looks like you two have a bit of history with each other." Rao observed. "I'll leave her to you then, and I'll beat up the army instead."

"If you're still fighting her by the time I'm done cleaning up this mess" he said, gesturing at the Demon army, "I'll take her out myself."

Before he heard the answer, he turned towards the 2 shinigami. "Whoever takes out the most enemies win!"

With that, he exerted his reiatsu, ready to go into Resureccion.




Put a summary here.

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Name - Effect | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost

Standard Action: Attack Name - Effects | -0 reishi cost


Fighter (Berserker)


Prerequisite: None

Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.

Limit: Indefinite


Prerequisite: Focus Skill of 40

Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: As a passive effect your Basic Attacks have a 40% chance to inflict the Burn status.


Prerequisite: Fighting Skill of 35

Activate: At-Will

Effect: As an at-will action, roll two d100s for each accuracy roll you make with any Non-Basic Attack. Use the better of the two rolls for each.

Limit: Twice per battle.


Prerequisite: Focus Skill of 45

Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, & Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.


Prerequisite: Fighting Skill of 30

Activate: At-Will

Effect: Accuracy with all Attacks this turn is increased by +20.

Limit: Twice per battle.


You send out a radiating pulse which reacts to sources of Reiatsu within a certain proximity and helps you anticipate incoming attacks.

Type: Defense - Arrancar Ability

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action you gain +15 bonus defense for the duration.

Duration: 3 turns

Cost: 10 Reishi

Limit: Once per battle.


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.

Type: Defense - Hohō Art

Action: Bonus Action - Reactive

Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Technique.

Cost: 10 Reishi

Limit: Once per battle.


You create several clones of yourself at once using Shunpo. The clones absorb incoming damage while you escape.

Type: Defense - Hohō Art

Action: Bonus Action - Reactive

Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Considered a Movement Technique.

Cost: 5 Reishi

Limit: Twice per battle.


A fighting technique that cancels out an opponent's Reishi by hitting it with the same quality and quantity of oppositely spinning Reishi.

Type: Defense - Hohō Art

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique.

Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading.

Cost: 10 Reishi

Limit: Once per battle.


First release: Resureccion, El Ojos

2x RL

REIATSU: 89,000

HP: 95/95 | REISHI: 110/110 | DEF: 90 | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +45



12th Division - 5th Seat

I have nothing to say.

tensai toshiaki Avatar

tensai toshiaki

Post by tensai toshiaki on Jan 11, 2022 14:20:14 GMT -5

"I'm willing to hear what any demands you have for any kind of peace treaty you wish to make with us," Tensai said.

However then an Arrancar came to join them. At the very least he could tell from Reiatsu but something felt different about it. Similar to that of the Reiatsu from Hell. Which is most likely what attracted this strange Arrancar to this spot. He is certainly not a Sinner or else he would have been taken back to Hell by now.

Though his talks of wanting to fight her army seem to put a wrench in any hopes of taking out some kind of agreement. Though on the other hand, they have another ally to help them, even if this one does not seem to care what is going on and would rather satiate his bloodlust. At least he'll serve for a good meatshield.

"It seems because of this unexpected interruption we have exhausted the passive options. Bakudo Number Forty Four, Sekisho!"
Tensai said.

And then he created a thing barrier around his skin made out of Kido.

"So sorry it has to go like this, but I am afraid those who threaten the balance and or change it to suit their own desires don't deserve mercy from me," Tensai said.

He then unsheathes goes to the horde Zarzil brought with her and attempts to literally cut down their numbers with his Zanpakuto.

Put a summary here.

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action: Bakudo 44: Sekisho -You gain 20 Armor and are immune to non-special status effects inflicted by attacks.| -10 reishi cost

Standard Action: Zanpakuto Slash (Strike) - Effects | -0 reishi cost @the Demon Host
Acc - 03PtmlqI1d100+50
Dmg - 1d12+3
Status Chance (00%) - *Roll Here

Standard Action: Surgical Precision (Strike) - Effects | -0 reishi cost @the Demon Host
Acc - 1d100+50
Dmg - 1d12+3
Status Chance (00%) - *Roll Here

20/20 Armor


Adept - Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.

Genius - Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.


Your max HP cap is increased by +20 and also you naturally negate -2 damage from every attack that hits you. Also, as a passive effect, if you drop below 25% HP, you become immune to the effects of EDGE, regardless of Reiatsu Levels. Alternatively, if you already have EDGE advantage when you drop below 25% HP, that advantage is now doubled.

As a passive effect, you gain +10 accuracy with all non-area attack techs/spells and whenever one of these attacks hit and reduce your foe’s HP, you and your allies gain +5 Reishi and +5% base Reiatsu Level. (Capped at 200%) If your foe is an NPC Event Boss, you instead gain +15 accuracy with all non-area attack techs/spells and whenever one of these attacks hit and reduce your foe’s HP, you and your allies gain +10 Reishi and +10% base Reiatsu Level.

Blitz - As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn. Twice per battle.

Momentum - As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit its target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier.

Indomitable - Increase your DR by +3 against all Attacks.

Blur - As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. Four times per battle.

Talented - As an at-will action choose one Non-Forbidden Tech or Spell you've learned. You gain extra use of it and it doesn't count against any other kinds of usage limits imposed upon it. Cannot be used on Release Techs.Once per battle.

Alacrity - As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

Enhanced Basic
Sense - Whenever you use Sense, you gain 1 DR and +1 Damage with all attacks on that turn. This increases by +1 DR and +1 Damage for every 3 turns you’ve taken in the current battle.
Suppression - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn if you are suppressed to 50% of your Base Reiatsu Level or less. After unlocking your 2nd Release, this goes into effect so long as you remain in 1st Release or below.
Invigorate - Now whenever you use Invigorate, your allies and teammates also regain 25 Reishi.
Focus Energy - If used with an Attack Spell, that spell now has an additional +15% chance to inflict Status Effects on the turn. If used with a Physical Attack, any additional uses on the same turn stack +1 additional bonus damage per attack on that turn.

UTSUSEMI As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn.

TSUKIYUBI (THRUST FINGERS) As an at-will action all of your basic strikes this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.

BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. 0/1 uses

BAKUDŌ #41: KYŌMON As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent.

BAKUDŌ #32: GYAKU UNMEI (REVERSE FATE) As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Considered a Movement Power. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.)

BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK) As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Do not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with.

BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU (OPENING REVIVAL) As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.

BAKUDŌ #40: GOYŌGAI (FIVE SUPPORT COVER) As a bonus action remove all status effects (non-special.) Can be used on self or a comrade.
Shikai/1st Release Shinka Rasen: Takes an At-Will action, +5 Reflexes, Calculating, -2 Reishi per turn, +5% chance to status effects
Tamashī Hakai Uirusu | SINGLE | Major Effect: VERSATILE | Minor Effect: POISON | 3d12+9 | -7 Reishi cost

Mimic - "After witnessing any release technique a foe or comrade uses during a battle, you're able to spend a bonus action to learn that tech temporarily. You cannot copy a single technique multiple times. Gamble is immune to Mimic."

Bankai/2nd Release ???: Takes an At-Will action, +5 Reflexes, Calculating, Heightened, -2 Reishi per turn, +10% chance to status effects +10 Defense against Non-Basic Attacks

REIATSU: 158,000
HP: 100/100 | REISHI: 140/150 | DEF: 100(90) | DMG DIE: d12+3 | ACC: +50

Post Count: 3 | Tags: , , ,


I have nothing to say.

Rao Fugard Avatar

Rao Fugard

Post by Rao Fugard on Jan 13, 2022 19:32:31 GMT -5

Rao's Zanpakuto got covered in hellflames, as Rao was transforming into his Resureccion. "Burn, El Ojos!" He yelled. Hellflames covered his body, and circled around him. During the transformation, the mask fragment on his forehead burned away, revealing his third eye, and his sword became that of condensed hellflames. He focused his reiatsu, making it so that he would be able to hit the enemy army harder.

He heard the green-haired shinigami lament that his arrival had destroyed any hope of negotiations with the army. Rao didn't really care what they had been planning to do, and just wanted to see what the so-called Demons were made of. The aforementioned shinigami then leapt towards the army and slashed at them.

He also launched himself at the army after the green-haired shinigami. He tightened his grip on his sword, and started slashing while he barreled though them. As he did so, each strike would be aimed at multiple enemies, as a flurry of slashes. If they all connected, then the unlucky victims will be sent flying. Rao hit the last attack of the barrage in the face of the mook closest to him, sending them flying. He then jumped upwards, and shot a blast of Hellflames at a group of enemies a little farther down the line.


Rao used First Release
Rao used Focus
Rao used Strike
Rao used Byakurai

At-Will: Technique

Bonus Action:


You infuse extra reishi into an attack, boosting its potency right before you strike.

Type: Utility

Action: Bonus Action

Effect: Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard.

Cost: 10 Reishi

Limit: None

Enhanced: If used with an Attack Spell, that spell now has an additional +15% chance to inflict Status Effects on the turn. If used with a Physical Attack, any additional uses on the same turn stack +1 additional bonus damage per attack on that turn.| -10 reishi cost | both attacks

Standard Action:


You unleash a single powerful physical attack or a flurry of quick strikes.

Type: Basic Attack - Physical

Action: Standard Action

Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.

Effects: None

Cost: None

Enhanced: Upgrades to two damage dice.

 | -0 reishi cost

Acc - K7PHHc3N1d100+60

Dmg - 2d11

Status Chance (40%) - 1d100

Standard Action:


You fire a bolt of white lightning from the fingertip.

Type: Basic Attack - Kido Spell

Action: Standard Action

Damage: Roll 2 damage dice.

Effects: None

Cost: 4 Reishi

Enhanced: 3 times per battle, you may use Byakurai as an At-Will Action.| -4 reishi cost | -3 reishi due to efficiency

Acc - 1d100+60

Dmg - 2d11

Status Chance (40%) - 1d100

Tempered in Use

Infused in use


Fighter (Berserker)


Prerequisite: None

Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: Your 1st Release Stage is always active, meaning it is a passive activation and you bypass the minimum post prerequisite that prevents you from using it at the beginning of the thread. You are still prevented from using your 2nd or Final Releases until the minimum post count has been met.

Limit: Indefinite


Prerequisite: Focus Skill of 40

Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: As a passive effect your Basic Attacks have a 40% chance to inflict the Burn status.


Prerequisite: Fighting Skill of 35

Activate: At-Will

Effect: As an at-will action, roll two d100s for each accuracy roll you make with any Non-Basic Attack. Use the better of the two rolls for each.

Limit: Twice per battle.


Prerequisite: Focus Skill of 45

Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, & Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi. 


Prerequisite: Fighting Skill of 30

Activate: At-Will

Effect: Accuracy with all Attacks this turn is increased by +20.

Limit: Twice per battle.

Class and Race

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 40

Activate: None (Passive)

Effect: You gain +3 Damage Reduction (DR) per attack on your turn.


Prerequisite: Fighting Skill of 45

Activate: At-Will

Effect: As an at-will action you can make two Basic Attacks during one of your Standard Actions on your turn.

Limit: Twice per battle.



You send out a radiating pulse which reacts to sources of Reiatsu within a certain proximity and helps you anticipate incoming attacks.

Type: Defense - Arrancar Ability

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action you gain +15 bonus defense for the duration.

Duration: 3 turns

Cost: 10 Reishi

Limit: Once per battle.


You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.

Type: Defense - Hohō Art

Action: Bonus Action - Reactive

Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Technique.

Cost: 10 Reishi

Limit: Once per battle.


You create several clones of yourself at once using Shunpo. The clones absorb incoming damage while you escape.

Type: Defense - Hohō Art

Action: Bonus Action - Reactive

Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn. Considered a Movement Technique.

Cost: 5 Reishi

Limit: Twice per battle. 


A fighting technique that cancels out an opponent's Reishi by hitting it with the same quality and quantity of oppositely spinning Reishi.

Type: Defense - Hohō Art

Activate: Bonus Action

Effect: As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique.

Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading.

Cost: 10 Reishi

Limit: Once per battle.


First Rekease Active | -4 reishi

Efficiency trait makes Byakurai take one less reishi, so only -3 reishi is lost.

REIATSU: 89,000

HP: 95/95 | REISHI: 103/110 | DEF: 90 | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +45

Last Edit: Jan 13, 2022 19:33:42 GMT -5 by Rao Fugard


Shot to the heart

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld Avatar

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld

Post by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld on Jan 13, 2022 20:19:11 GMT -5

Location:Tokyo, Japan

Finally, the other spiritual signatures closed in. One shinigami confronted the demoness, asking if they could “talk” things out, but immediately lashed out at the demon overlords, unsheathing his zanpakuto to cut them down. So much for “talking” things out.

The other was more subtle… Yael was sure he was already there but it seemed he was using some concealment spell that he could not figure out where he was exactly. Last, and probably the least, the arrancar whom he fought with just recently.

He shifted his gaze to the raven-haired spiky guy, studying him from head to foot. He didn’t look like he improved at all… so, how was he so confident to face these threats? If it was counting on his hellish spiritual signature, well…

“What are you doing here? Do you wanna get yourself killed?” Yael scoffed.Though in reality, he knew he couldn’t take all these enemies down by himself. Hopefully, the shinigami were strong, and uh… this little guy here, “Whatever. I could still use some help.”

Yael turned his attention back to the princess,”Aren’t you friends with the shop owner?” He recalled again. But who knows what’s going on in a demon’s mind? They could literally and metaphorically backstab anyone because… they are demons, you know.

Anyway, since the green-haired death god initiated the attack, Yael figured it would be an inevitable fight, so for starters, he put up an invisible shield coating his body. Better be safe than sorry.

Aaand, to delay the demons’ onslaught, he would also attempt to restrain Zazil by pointing his finger at her as if it were a gun. A light blue projectile would come out of it and fire at the demon. However, it would not come into contact as the light would only grow brighter to damage her vision. It would be a blinding burst of colors, akin to a supernova exploding in space.

He’d take this opportunity to charge at her, leaping high as he blocked the sun, his cape freely drifting against the wind as he came in close contact, swinging his sword down to strike her head.




Yael used Sekisho
Yael used Inemuri
Yael used Byakurai


At-will Action:

Bonus Action: Sekisho: +20 Armor| 15 rei-2[due to efficiency]= 13

Bonus Action: Inemuri| 5 rei-2[ due to efficiency]= 3
Status Chance: Blind [75%]: Z1mY5K0l1d100 +1 stack if success due to Vitriol
Infliction Dmg: 1d8

Standard Action: Sword Slash [Byakurai]| 4 rei-1= 3 rei
Acc: 1d100+50
Dmg: 2d10
Burn Chance [55%]: 1d100

Total rei: 13+3+3=19 rei



Three times per battle as a Reactive At-Will Action, you may immediately learn any Non-Basic Technique or Spell (Including Racial Techs / Excluding Release Techs) used by a combatant on their turn, either ally or foe. This technique is forgotten at the end of battle; you may not learn Forbidden Techniques or Spells. Techniques and Spells learned do not take up technique slots.

You start with the Enhanced Sai Basic Kido Spell. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.

All non-special status effects tied to your attacks will apply those status effects regardless if the attack hits or not, provided the affliction roll is successful. Also, while an opponent is afflicted with a Non-Special Status Effect caused by you, reduce their Accuracy by -10 and Damage Tier by -2; this is cumulative, applying once per unique non-special status effect (caused by you) active on that opponent.

While an opponent is afflicted with a status effect that you caused, you can make them take the damage (and any effects) of all techs and/or spells that targeted you on their turn, once per thread, as a Reactive At-Will action. No roll necessary. Damage redirected to your foe is considered direct damage. You take no damage or suffer any effects. The damage and effects cannot be redirected back to you by any means.


Effect: Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, & Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi.


Alacrity: As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

Cleverness: You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source

Infuse: As a passive effect your Basic Attacks have a 40% chance to inflict the Burn status.

Resist: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker.

Vitriol: Each time you inflict a non-special status effect you give an additional stack to your target. Does not apply to status effect inflicted via Phantom Pain.


You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You move at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving an afterimage which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You quickly hold your hand in front of your enemy’s face as their pupils dilate before they fall unconscious.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 60% chance to inflict two stacks of the Blind status on your target. Upon infliction it also deals 1d8 direct damage The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You generate a dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of yourself, blocking an opponent's attack.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.)
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You generate an orb of light blue energy which repels whatever strikes it.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Technique.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You stare down your foe. As the target sees the illusion of purple cherry blossoms falling around them, their vision begins to blur and their consciousness becomes muddled, disoriented, and confused. Shortly thereafter, the target blacks out altogether.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Stagger status on your target and upon infliction it deals a 3d4 worth of direct damage. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You place a finger in front of the victim's face, conjuring a ball of white energy that flashes momentarily before the victim's eyes, immediately incapacitating them.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict two stacks of the Stun status on your target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.


The user's shadow expands and becomes a doorway between dimensions, completely masking their Reiatsu.
Type: Defense - Reactive
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You immediately avoid all attacks and/or techniques that would have hit you this turn, except for critical hits. You may use this technique to flee the current thread.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

The user discharges a torrent of blue flames from their palm that crash like a wave towards their foe.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You fire an oblong blast of purple energy from your hand which completely incinerates a target upon contact.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and has a 50% chance to inflict the special Scorched status effect. Scorched deals 1 status damage for each at-will action they use for the duration. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: This attack cannot be Guarded against.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Pointing their index finger at the target, the user generates a spark of yellow energy, which summons six thin, wide beams of light that slam into a target's midsection and hold them in place.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you have an 60% chance to inflict the special Pinned status on your foe. While pinned, your opponent must spend both of their next standard actions to break free. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: If used in conjunction with a previously successful Hainawa cast, the cost of this spell is reduced by half and your opponent also cannot use any bonus actions on the same turn they must break free of Rikujōkōrō. Hainawa must have been cast within 1 turn of Light Prison to count.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

In a blur of motion, you make multiple extremely fast slashes that shred your target to pieces.
Type: Attack - Barrage
Action: Standard
Effect: As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect.
Special Effect: For an extra cost of 10 Reishi, you may add the Delay major effect to each attack.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.


Schwerter Jagen (Chasing Swords)
SINGLE: Standard Action. Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle
BASHING: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.
BURN: 50% chance to Burn target.

A dangerous release ability that seeps into the very essence of your foe and harms them from within.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you have a 70% chance to inflict two stacks of special status effect Cursed on the target. While Cursed a foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration.
Duration: Each stack lasts 3 turns.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You create a breach in space in front of you, just as an attack is about to hit. You then open a second one up behind your foe, sending their own attack back at them.
Type: Defense
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you redirect an attack that would have hit you, even a critical hit, and change the target to another of your choice, using the same Accuracy and Damage.
Stage 2: Can now redirect at least two attacks per turn that would have hit you.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

You freeze your enemy in their tracks, making them vulnerable to attack.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you have a 50% chance to inflict the special Frozen status on one target. Under the effects of Frozen, on your foe’s turn, they will be unable to use any movement techniques to avoid attacks. This includes only those techniques or spells that are marked specifically as Movement Techniques.
Special Effect: For an added 10 Reishi, you can target up to 3 people, making this an area effect.
Stage 2: Percent chance increased to 60%.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

1st Release: +10 acc on basic attacks
2nd Release: +10 def from basic attacks
3rd Release: +1 stack of non-special status effects

1st Release: +5, upgrades to d11
2nd Release: +10, upgrades to d12
Final Release: +15, upgrades to d12+1

REIATSU: 222,000
HP: 100/100 | REISHI: 181/200 | DEF: 85 [95] | DMG DIE: d10 | ACC: +50

Last Edit: Jan 13, 2022 20:21:44 GMT -5 by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Jan 13, 2022 21:33:19 GMT -5

Yoshinori was used to moving operating alone. His career within the Onmitsukidō emphasized a great deal of stealth training and solo work prior to his becoming the Detention Unit Commander. Even though his days within the Second Division were long gone, the training and influence remained, resulting in him being all too willing to part from his Twelfth Division partner to focus on intelligence gathering for the time being.

Still shrouded from the visible eye, Yoshinori backed up against a nearby abandoned building located directly opposite from Tendo's Shop. Placing his hand upon the solid wall, his body would suddenly phase through it, permitting him entry into the abandoned building's interior without having to consult with a door.

By the time he found himself inside, the sounds of battle were already growing louder, prompting a soft sigh from the Third Seat Shinigami,"Wasting no time, huh?" Yoshinori muttered under his breath as he swiftly made his way up a nearby staircase to the second floor of the establishment.

His Kido spell still cloaking his form, Yoshinori slid into a stop by a window that oversaw the newly christened battlefield. Demons aplenty, seemingly led by a female demon who radiated a different aura from the remainder of her colleagues. Why Tokyo? Why this specific location? What was going on?

Those who opposed the demons were, of course, similarly perplexing. Tensai Toshiaki he recognized, naturally. However, the blonde Quincy was one in which he had never encountered before. His spiritual presence was certainly nothing to scoff at, and reflected an energy signature that was...familiar to one that he had encountered in the past, but Yoshinori couldn't seem to place his finger on it.

The Arrancar, however, was much easier to pinpoint as a Hollow...mixed with the very same energy the demons seemed to exude. A Hell Denizen of some form fighting against demons was quite the perplexing arrangement, indeed. Nevertheless, given the number of demons present, it was going to be quite the fight to exterminate them all, especially the female one in the center of it all.

"How unfortunate..." Yoshinori mused as his hands came together, his fingers touching as he assumed a rather strange meditative pose.

Sealed Ball

While Yoshinori did not offer any direct assistance in the battle at this juncture, he certainly seemed to be doing something. Even with the Kido spell still cloaking him, his body began to become enveloped in a thin layer of Reishi as he began to center his energies and clear his mind. His emerald eyes peering out the window, the silver haired Shinigami knew exactly the kind of threat he was faced with. He wasn't going to strike until the time was right.

Let's see you make the first move.

Post Count: 3 | | | |


Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Sekisho to gain 20 Armor!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Hanki!

Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Shun Shun Rikkia to create 6 Constructs!
Passive: Alacrity is active! Yoshinori's defense increases to 110!
Passive: Attuned is active! Yoshinori regains Reishi!

Bonus Action: Combat Meditation (Sekisho) - You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -3 Reishi (Efficiency + Attuned Reduced Cost)

Bonus Action: Combat Meditation (Hanki) - As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -8 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Bonus Action: Kido Mastery (Shun Shun Rikkia) - As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -8 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
20/20 Armor (Immune to Statuses from Attacks)
0/25 Hanki Defense Gained
6/6 Constructs Remaining


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (1/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK): AT-WILL | As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -5 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
SHUN SHUN RIKKIA: BONUS ACTION/ AT-WILL | As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining | 6 Constructs per use)
HANKI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
UTSUSEMI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Movement Technique. | -10 Reishi | (1/1 use remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total amount of Reishi drained will be equal to the highest rolled damage die from the attack.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (3/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

CLEVERNESS - PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - SINGLE | Single attack that rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has the Bashing Major Effect and Cripple Minor Effect. (Bashing: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.) | -7 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% (75% with Cleverness) chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 184/200 | DEF: 100 (110) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Jan 13, 2022 21:35:20 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


Wandenreich - Soldat

Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken...

Hibano Avatar


Post by Hibano on Jan 14, 2022 7:51:34 GMT -5

The blonde Quincy before Princess Zarzil did not bow, did not beg for forgiveness, did not even run away. Instead, with a sword raised, he ordered her to back off with determination. From what Zarzil knew of Yael, he did not have a reason to go on a crusade against the Demons himself - so, the best explanation for this belligerence was what was taking place in Tendo's place.

What did... he know about it?

"Shinigami spotted," one of the demons announced, looking through a spyglass built out of brimstone while his Overlord was having a standoff with Yael. It was the same green-haired Shinigami as the one who had confronted Zarzil's brother in Soul Society - and as soon as he landed before the Demon host, he announced his intention to find a peaceful agreement between the races. In spite of him supposedly being alone, the Demons could not miss an another Shinigami Reiatsu being present... somewhere in their vicinity.

The superficial offer of a peace branch got thrown out of the window when the final warrior to challenge the demons, an Arrancar, landed before the horde, immediately pointing his weapon at the Princess and announcing his intent to beat her down.

"Who are you...?" Zarzil gushed out at Rao, her words choking in her throat. Why are... all of them here already? She expected serious opposition to arrive only when she already stormed Tendo Shoten and confronted the Hogyoku in construction. Not... right as she landed!

After a frustrated sigh, Zarzil summoned a burst of flame above her hand and responded: "...Fine then. If you've all come here for me, then I'll make you regret coming here. I have the honor of a Demon Princess to uphold and I will not stand for this intransigence."

Just as Tensai and Rao lunged at the demon horde, swinging their blades, Zarzil summoned a whip of pure flame in her hand and announced:

"Demons, prepare for battle!"

The Shinigami and Arrancar both struck the host not yet prepared for battle, and so both sliced down several lesser members of the Host in a single charge. Soon, however, the Host took to the air, their hellish stallions riding into the sky. Tensai's Zanpakuto and Rao's sword were both met by Demon weapons - swords and spears clashed against theirs, blocking and pushing back the attacks. After a few seconds, the Demons went to an offensive - their horde stormed into the sky, blotting out the sun, and charged down at all three of the warriors currently on the battlefield. Dozens of swords, spears and even more exotic weapons would swing at them during the charge, aiming to overwhelm them with sheer power.

After the first charge, the Demons would make a sudden retreat, once again taking to the sky, from where they would unleash a barrage of Reishi blasts and demonic fire, before charging down yet again, aiming to completely pummel the opposition.

In the midst of this horde battle, Zarziil used her fiery lash to stop Yael's blinding flash before it expanded to strike her eyes, breaking it apart into Reishi particles instead.

"A Demon does not have "friends", and the owner of that shop has just done something that will make that "friendship" null, regardless." Zarzil spoke back to him, readying her lash for battle. Yael charged forth with the first swing, cutting through her defenses and slamming her off her horse - but as soon as she stood back up, she jumped back to battle, swinging her lash in a flurry. It, leaving a trail of fire across the air, swung at Yael with a powerful barrage.

The flames leaving trails across the air were not just for show, however. With each swing, they turned to various illusions, masking Yael's comrades as demons, while hiding much of the demon horde itself - to the point where it appeared that the only demons were "Tensai" or "Rao", and they were out to get him.

Titan Edge II vs all opponents (+10 def, -2 dmg, +2 bonus dmg, +10 acc)

Yael's Inemuri misses!
Yael's Strike 1: hits for 12 dmg!
Total 12 damage reduced by Edge to 10 dmg!

Bonus Action: Illusionary Flame (Sklaverei), -10 Reishi @ yael

Need to roll 60 or less to cast Enslaved on Yael - AwDLBLyj1d100

Standard Action: Dance of Flames (Area Strike - Titan) @ yael

Accuracy - 1d100+50
Damage - 1d12+3

Standard Action: Dance of Flames (Area Strike - Titan) @ yael

Accuracy - 1d100+50
Damage - 1d12+3

Standard Action: Dance of Flames (Area Strike - Titan) @ yael

Accuracy - 1d100+50
Damage - 1d12+3

Boss Battle: +1 Standard Actions.

Unbridled: +12 Reishi per turn.
Oppressive Reiatsu: Up to 9 DR ignored with attacks on a turn when Invigorate is used.

Suppression: +3 Reishi per turn if in 1st Release or less.

Stacks of Momentum: 0

- Adept: Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.
- Genius: Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.
- Unbridled: The standard Reishi cap is lifted. Also, you gain +3 Reishi at the end of each turn per each foe you are fighting. Also, as a passive effect, as long as you remain at 50% HP or above, you gain the advantages of EDGE 2 against all foes, regardless of Reiatsu Levels.
(If you already have EDGE advantage (above EDGE 2) while above 50% HP, that advantage is now doubled)
- Oppressive Reiatsu: As a passive effect, your basic Strikes become area attacks and add the Bashing Major Effect. All other area attacks gain +10 accuracy and the Bashing Major Effect as well. Additionally, on a turn in which you use Invigorate, your Techs/Spells ignore 3 of their target’s DR; increase the amount of DR ignored by +3 per opponent in your current thread beyond the first.

Assault: As an at-will action, roll two d100s for each accuracy roll you make with any Non-Basic Attack. Use the better of the two rolls for each. (0/2)
Surge: As an at-will action, you add an additional damage die with a value of 2d6 for Non-Basic Attacks and 1d6 for Basic Attacks with each attack you make. (0/3)
Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent.
Grit: When you fall below 50% of your Maximum HP and remain below 50%, increase your: Accuracy by +10, Defense by +10, Damage Tier by +2, and DR by +2.
Rush: As an at-will action, you add Rush to one attack during your turn. Rush makes it so if the attack misses, it deals direct damage equal to half of the original damage. A missed attack, in this case, means one that rolled lower than your foe’s defense and missed mechanically. (0/4)

Enhanced Basic
Sense - Whenever you use Sense, you gain 1 DR and +1 Damage with all attacks on that turn. This increases by +1 DR and +1 Damage for every 3 turns you’ve taken in the current battle.
Suppression - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn if you are suppressed to 50% of your Base Reiatsu Level or less. After unlocking your 2nd Release, this goes into effect so long as you remain in 1st Release or below.
Invigorate - Now whenever you use Invigorate, your allies and teammates also regain 25 Reishi.
Focus Energy - If used with an Attack Spell, that spell now has an additional +15% chance to inflict Status Effects on the turn. If used with a Physical Attack, any additional uses on the same turn stack +1 additional bonus damage per attack on that turn.

Speed Clones - As a bonus action, you avoid all direct damage that would have been dealt to you during your turn., -5 Reishi (0/2)

Sklaverei - As a bonus action you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Enslaved status on your target. On their next turn, Enslaved foes will use up a standard action to roll an area attack that deals 3d4 direct damage to themselves and their allies., -10 Reishi (1/1)
Reiryoku Absorption - As an at-will action, siphon 10 Reishi from any foe(s) for each time they hit you with an attack and reduce your HP. (0/2)

Raioken (Thunder King Fist) - As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Overwhelm major effect. Treat this Barrage like an area attack that also deals the Spread major effect., -25 Reishi (0/2)

Oni Dekopin (Demon Headpoke) - As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and automatically inflicts one stack of the Blind status effect if successful. This attack cannot be Guarded against or avoided with Rapid Movement., -15 Reishi (0/2)

Bakudo #8 - As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy., -5 Reishi (0/1)
Bakudo #41 - As a bonus action, you avoid all but the highest rolled natural damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest natural damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. If the attack would inflict a non-special status, you instead inflict that status back onto your opponent. No roll necessary., -10 Reishi (0/2)

Hado #33: Sokatsui - As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you., -15 Reishi (0/2)
Bakudo #61: Rikujokoro - As a bonus action, you have an 60% chance to inflict the special Pinned status on your foe. While pinned, your opponent must spend both of their next standard actions to break free., -15 Reishi (0/1)

- Partial Seal Removal (First Release):
-- Takes an At-Will Action. x2 RL, Vicious, +5 Fighting, -0 Reishi per turn.
- Partial Seal Removal (Second Release):
-- Takes a Bonus Action. x4 RL. Vicious, Meticulous. +10 Fighting, -4 Reishi per turn.
- Partial Seal Removal (Final Release):
-- Takes a Standard Action. x6 RL. Vicious, Meticulous, Malicious. +15 Fighting, -6 Reishi per turn. (Disabled for this event)


1st Release:
- Firewall, -20 Reishi (0/1)
- Death Sign: Obliteration, Area/Slashing, -12 Reishi (Unlimited)
2nd Release:
- Regenerate, -20 Reishi (0/1)
- Death Sign: Conquest of Souls, Area/Spread, -13 Reishi (0/2)
3rd Release:
- Illusion, -15 Reishi (0/2)
- Death Sign: Inferno, Single/Bashing/Burn, -9 Reishi (0/2)

REIATSU: 250,000
HP: 240/250 | REISHI: 130/– | DEF: 60 | DMG DIE: d12+1 | ACC: +40

Edge II vs Yoshi, Rao and Tensai (+10 def, -2 dmg, +2 bonus dmg, +10 acc)
Edge I vs Yael (+5 def, -1 dmg, +1 bonus dmg, +5 acc)

Tensai's Strike 1: hits for 5 dmg!
Tensai's Strike 2: hits for 12 dmg!
Total dmg reduced to 15 dmg by Edge!

Rao's strike 1: hits for 19 dmg! Horde Boss cannot be Burned!
Total dmg reduced to 17 dmg by Edge!

Bonus Action:

Standard Action: Demon Horde Charge (Area Strike - Horde) @ yael, rao and tensai

Accuracy - 1d100+40
Damage - 3d12
(+2 dmg and +10 acc to Rao and Tensai, +1 dmg and +5 acc to Yael)

Standard Action: Demon Horde Fire Volley (Area Byakurai - Horde) @ yael, rao and tensai

Accuracy - 1d100+40
Damage - 4d12
(+2 dmg and +10 acc to Rao and Tensai, +1 dmg and +5 acc to Yael)

Standard Action: Demon Horde Charge (Area Strike - Horde) @ yael, rao and tensai

Accuracy - 1d100+40
Damage - 3d12
(+2 dmg and +10 acc to Rao and Tensai, +1 dmg and +5 acc to Yael)

Boss Battle: +1 Standard Actions.

Horde Boss: Composed of a horde of weak enemies rather than a single, powerful one, and thus operates under different mechanics:
- Hordes cannot use Releases and do not have any Standard, Advanced or Forbidden Techs.
- Hordes cannot be healed by allies and cannot heal allies.
- Hordes do not have Classes - their Class is Horde.
- Hordes do not have any Traits.
- All Horde Basic Attacks are Area Attacks which can target all enemies, and deal an additional 2 damage dice.
- Hordes do not use Reishi for their attacks, they can use any available technique as if they have the Reishi for it. They cannot be Exhausted and they cannot have their Reishi drained or siphoned.
- Hordes cannot be afflicted with non-special status effects. All status effect rolls on Hordes have a -30 chance to hit.

- See Horde Boss mechanics above.

Horde Enemies do not have Traits.

Horde Enemies do not have Standard, Advanced or Forbidden Techs.

Enhanced Basic
Hado #4: Byakurai - 3 times per battle, you may use Byakurai as an At-Will Action.

Horde Enemies do not have Standard, Advanced or Forbidden Kido Spells.

Horde Enemies do not have Releases.

REIATSU: 400,000
HP: 218/250 | REISHI: –/– | DEF: 50 | DMG DIE: d12 | ACC: +40
