Bleach Hereafter RPG

NEW YEARS UPDATE! (Version 2.0)



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Jan 16, 2022 11:04:43 GMT -5

Version 2.0 Release Notes

Fashionably late, but... Happy New Year everybody! I hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and are having an equally fantastic new year so far! We've got a few changes this patch and most of them deal with making status effects more threatening and useful. There are also a few other small changes here and there. You can see the list below. As always always feel free to ask in the Discord #game_helpdesk channel if you have any questions!

( Big shout out to Savarn (Niji) who made a good chunk of these suggestions! )

As with all updates and patches, these changes do not affect current threads. This only affects newly created threads going forward.

You are also allotted a free respec each and every patch release.


Below is a section from the Combat System page that will be updated with this patch.


Some attacks/techs/spells have a percentage chance to inflict a status effect. You determine this with a simple unmodified d100 roll. If your roll is on or below the percent value, you inflict the status effect. If the status effect is tacked onto an attack, you must also hit the target to inflict. Status effects can be stacked up are increased in duration when inflicted multiple times. Each stack increases the duration that the effect lasts. For example, if you're Stunned three times, the effect would last for three turns. Note below that a stack of wound/burn/poison is two turns, not one.

  • BLIND: Defense and accuracy is decreased by 25 for 1 turn.
  • CRIPPLE: HP and Reishi recovery is reduced by half for 1 turn.
  • STUN: Damage is reduced by 2 Damage Tiers for 1 turn.
  • IMMOBILIZE: Defensive Techs/Spells cost an additional 10 Reishi to use for 1 turn.
  • STAGGER: Attack Techs/Spells cost an additional 10 Reishi to use for 1 turn.
  • WOUND/BURN/POISON: You take 3 status damage at beginning of each your turn for 2 turns. The damage cannot be reduced by Armor or Damage Reduction. Wound, Burn, and Poison count as separate status effects, meaning you can have stacks of each and their damage adds up. Stacks of this effect with different damage values (such as increases granted by release effect) count as separate instances for the purposes of duration.


◼ Replacing the basic tech Sai with Kare (Kah-rey). See below for details:

A spell with great utility. You focus your reishi to hinder the target in various ways.
Type: Basic Kido Spell
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action you have a 45% chance to inflict one stack of one of the following effects on the target: cripple, stun, immobilize, stagger, wound, burn, or poison. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per turn.
Enhanced: The probability to apply any status effect increases to 65%.

You point your index and middle fingers at the intended target, causing their arms to lock behind their back.
Type: Basic Attack - Kido Binding Spell
Action: Standard Action
Damage: Roll 1 damage dice.
Effects: This technique has a 35% chance to inflict Immobilize on its target. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 4 Reishi
Enhanced: You now have the ability to cast this spell as an Area Attack which can target up to 3 enemies.

Because Sai is being replaced, that means the Class Perk Prepared for Strategist is also going to be updated. See below:

You start with the Enhanced Sai Kare Basic Kido Spell and may spend 5 additional reishi to target up to three opponents with it. Also, at the beginning of each thread, you may select up to 2 Standard Techniques or Spells that you know. You may use each of those techniques or spells one additional time during that thread.


◼ All healing techs will now include a percent chance to heal for more than the default amount. See below for example:

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade.
Special Effect: You can spend an extra 5 Reishi to grant a 40% chance to apply the special status Mend to your target. Mend increases total healing from this spell to 60 HP instead of 30. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.

◼ Sekisho (Barrier) now gives you 30 Armor instead of 20.

◼ Reiryoku Absorption is now three times per battle instead of twice.

◼ Tsuzuri Raiden (Bound Lightning) now does 3 direct damage back, instead of 2.

◼ Goyogai (Five Support Cover) is being moved to the Advanced Kido Spells and Kiyomeru (Cleanse) is replacing it in the Standard tech slot. See below:

This spell uses reishi to burn through negative effects on you or an ally.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action remove all stacks of a single non-special status effect on yourself or an ally.
Cost: 5 reishi per stack
Limit: None.


◼ Added some new traits to help players who focus on status effects!

Prerequisite: None
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action, roll two d100s for each non-special status roll you make this turn. Use the lower of the two rolls for each.
Limit: Twice per battle.

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect, your Wound, Burn, and Poison status effects deal +1 status damage per turn.
Limit: None.

◼ Updating the Resist Trait to make it a bit more effective, potentially. (Instead of a set amount of damage, it fluctuates but gives you the possibility to do more damage back than the previous version.)

Prerequisite: None
Activate: Passive
Effect: As a passive effect when hit with an attack you deal 4 direct damage for Non-Basic Attacks and 2 direct damage for Basic Attacks back at the attacker. As a passive effect when hit with any attack, you deal direct damage back to the attacker. For Basic Attacks, you deal back direct damage equal to the lowest rolled natural dice of the attack that hit you. For Non-Basic Attacks, you deal back direct damage equal to the highest rolled natural dice of the attack that hit you.
Limit: Indefinite

◼ Crush's duration will go from 2 turns, to 3 turns.

◼ Blitz will go from twice per battle, to three times per battle.


◼ Add language to Breach that clarifies that attacks sent back via Breach cannot be then sent back by your opponent's use of Breach. Basically the attacks cannot be "ping-ponged" back and forth.

◼ Replacing Communion with a new release tech, Plunder. While I still stand by the changes to Communion, it isn't quite where I'd like it to be so I want to work on it a bit before bringing it back. In the mean time, I'm replacing it with the new tech below.

You catch your opponent unaware and steal one of their abilities to use for yourself.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 45% chance to inflict the special Pilfered status on your target. You then declare a Standard or Advanced technique/spell (excluding any Forbidden or Release techs/spells) that the target knows, takes no more than a standard or bonus action to use, and has not already been used up. You now get a single use of that ability and it costs against your foe's usage limit. Cannot steal a tech/spell you already know. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Stage 2: Pilfered chance is now 55%.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle

You and your foe share wounds and injuries.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, on your turn, target a single opponent that attacked you. They now also suffer all of the damage they dealt you and all of the status effects they afflicted you with on their turn. However, on your turn, if you attack and damage that same foe or inflict a status effect on them, you suffer the same damage and status effects. All damage applied this way is considered direct damage and all status effects are automatically inflicted.
Stage 2: May now be used three times per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

◼ Efficient now reduces the cost to maintain your release instead of just copying the Efficiency Trait.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, your 1st Release now costs -1 less Reishi to maintain.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Your 2nd Release now costs -2 less Reishi.
Stage 3: Your 3rd Release now costs -3 less Reishi.

Last Edit: Jan 16, 2022 12:36:51 GMT -5 by Momoshiro