Bleach Hereafter RPG

Black Forest (Solo)


Shot to the heart

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld Avatar

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld

Post by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld on Feb 1, 2022 6:43:00 GMT -5

More than three years have passed, who would have thought I’ll be going back into my own cage? My prison cell, my hell, in which I tried to escape from. It was not nostalgic in the least, I even barely remember how it was like to live here or interact with its people. What was it like to spend time with my family?

I have cleverly planned out how to turn away from my responsibility and yet here I am again in this stone-cold city— or to be more specific, in the forest somewhere in Poland which was somehow connected to it.

How I managed to find it was perhaps a stroke of bad luck, as I was trying to search and reunite with my freedom, ironically, I stumbled upon my past instead. If I were the kind of person I was three years ago, I would have ran away from it the moment I sensed it, but something told me I have to face my own fear if I intend to save my beloved from the perils of justice she wanted to achieve.

She told me… that she no longer wanted to see colors if only to be the hero that this world needed. I have resolved to be the hero for her, and so, I have to overcome the things that shackled me after all this time.

I do not plan to go back… nor lock myself along with the cowardly nor serve the Empire who called my family traitors. But I am here, at the edge between the Realm of the Living and Schatten Bereich to test my valor— so I could be her knight in shining armor.

It was difficult to hide behind hatred, when the only thing you wanted was to protect the one you love. But there was no helping it.

Perhaps, in this journey, I would find an alternative so I could fulfill her dreams which were born out of the countless fantasies she really didn’t need to bear alone.



Shot to the heart

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld Avatar

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld

Post by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld on Feb 11, 2022 8:09:15 GMT -5

The thick woodland would begin to disappear in the dark; tall trees would fade away behind me as I followed the faint light at the end of the tunnel. For a moment, I wondered… will there be anyone here who would remember me? For all I care. If ever there were, they would probably be shocked seeing a ghost. Or maybe not. Since we had been dealing with all the spiritual shenanigans this world has to offer, who would even be shocked in seeing a ghost?

Nothing should surprise them anymore, is there?

As I continued to walk through the narrow path, the memory of Jadwiga Kowalska flashed before my eyes.

Right. Jadwiga, the irritating Fahnenjunker knew about my existence. I wonder if she ever spilled my secret? Did she stay true to her word? If ever she did tell the Wandenreich of my survival, a search party would have been dispatched to hunt me by now. So far, there was none. At least not a few of the soldats I bumped into in the last couple of weeks.

As I was ruminating about these things, I didn’t realize I was already inside Schatten Bereich; welcomed by the various bands of light hovering in the sky, similar to what humans in the realm of the living called aurora borealis. The Wandenreich was still visible from here. The cold air seeping into my skin felt like a stinging needle. It pierced through my cape, but it did not overwhelm my heart.

This hell… which was sanctuary to my innocence before I became a soldier, could no longer be compared with the hell I am currently suffering from, being away from my beloved. It is torture, every single moment I think about her, as if there were chains tightening around my chest crushing my heart everytime it beats.

And who was to be blamed? Of course I am. I never asked her what she thought, I merely gave her her creed thinking it was what she wanted. I clung unto her words that she can never allow herself to see colors anymore… that I wasn’t enough to erase all the pain she carried through all those years.

I tried to be selfless and set her free. But here I am, thinking twice… regretting that day when I broke our bondage. Our vows… which were supposed to last for eternity.


My contemplation was brought to a halt when I heard that voice. For a moment, I thought, it must be some colleague from the Wandenreich. But as I tried to make sense of my surroundings, I realized it was my stepsister. Whatever the reason she was here.

“What are you doing here?! You’re supposed to—”

When I faced her, she didn’t continue her speech and allowed the words to be lost in the thin cold air. Right after then, I was pulled into a tight embrace and it was only then that I realized that I was silently crying. Tears were flowing down my cheeks nonstop, but the gentle breeze caught them dry that I was left oblivious to it until she came.

It felt good, somehow, being able to feel this warmth from a family member. In fact, it was the first time for the longest years that I felt loved and cared for by a relative. It brought a temporary relief somehow… but I know it wouldn’t be long before the memory of Valentina haunts my longing heart once again.

[585] [924/3000]


Shot to the heart

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld Avatar

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld

Post by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld on Feb 21, 2022 7:57:15 GMT -5

“...I see… Knowing you, I never imagined you can fall for a girl that hard,” Sofia replied.
True, and I was caught in surprise as well; who would have thought that a player like me would even take any girl so seriously? But I didn’t answer her lighthearted joke, instead I stared far into the distance thinking of what to say next.

“ what do you plan to do here? You’re not… handing yourself over to the Wandenreich, right?”

I simply shook my head. In between seconds, there was silence then I parted my lips to speak, “ Of course not. But I am still at lost what to do…”

In fact, I never got to figure out what to do. Even after consulting Iwan, I didn’t have any concrete vision on what to do with my life, except to spend the rest of my days with the girl I love.

I sighed in frustration. There was no point in ruminating about these things this time. I should figure out the reason why I was led here.

“How’s mother?”

The question was met with silence. Sofia didn't open her mouth, her gaze was far in the distance, as if searching for the right words to utter. Even then, I knew what that silence meant.

Amelia,my mother, has been sick since I was born. I never really got to ask her how she was feeling because of my ignorance then. Actually, I almost couldn’t remember my childhood spending quality time with her… She was always at the hospital, and my father strictly taught me about everything he wanted me to know. He forced his frustrations upon me, including being a capable soldat for the Wandenreich.

It was… genetic… huh? I chuckled; it must be the reason why I wear glasses. Well, that’s watering it down… why I have poor eyesight. And it was getting worse…

"...I see…"

[322] [1246/3000]


Shot to the heart

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld Avatar

Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld

Post by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld on Feb 23, 2022 12:23:44 GMT -5

She studied my face for quite longer… I know, she was… staring straight into my now-ruby eyes. I can see the confused expression on her face even from my peripheral. While surprised, I knew she was going to ask about it. Anytime now.

“You eyes…”

I knew it. I chuckled, if only for a bit. My half-sister and I had been together in most missions during our time in the Special Swiss Guard Army. Of all people, she was the most familiar with myself. Well, perhaps she and mother. Then again, it was surprising to see her react like that, so I teased…

“You should know by now that my contact lenses are clear, so they reflect my eyes’ natural color…”

“Then…” again, she didn’t continue. With that one word, I knew immediately what she meant. So I simply answered back, with a bit of discomfort.

“Y-yeah… probably…”

Not much time is left. So I gotta hurry what I got to do… To be fair, she carried it with her even before I was born. Then, maybe, it shouldn’t be that bad? Whatever. Just wrapping my head around it, with all these feelings I am forced to endure… my melancholy from parting ways with the woman I promised eternity to… the news of my mother’s death… and now this.. For heaven’s sake, what kind of curse had suddenly befall upon me?

Was this… some kind of punishment from the days of my rebellion?

“Well… nothing’s going to change even if we talk about it all day. Is there?” Enough of that. I still have to figure out why I was incidentally brought here. And I won’t accept it, if it were just to hear that bad news.

“So, now it’s my turn. Why are you here?”

“Oh.. off duties… I was just training when I suddenly sensed a familiar pressure. I wasn’t wrong to check it out myself…” her hand slapped my back with the strength of a gorilla. That woman.

“Oww.” Heh… well, actually, that was not as strong as Valentina’s double slaps or any violent attacks. Fuck. I’ve thought about her again. Damn, those times… I fuckingly miss all that.

That crazy woman. That cookie monster. Damn, Val… why did I even ask you to open your heart to me? Why was I even made aware of your mad fantasies?

It hurts, Val. It fucking hurts. Why didn’t you ask me to stay when I told you tomorrow would resolve itself? I wanted to hear it. I was dying to hear it. But… maybe, you really didn’t love me enough more than you love your dream. Maybe I was just a band-aid solution to your pain.

Perhaps it was obvious to my sister that I wandered off into my subconscious again… thus, she broke the silence yet again…

“Well, since you’re here, I could use some company… it might also… help in taking those heavy loads off…”

She really knew me…


[507] [1753/3000]
Last Edit: Feb 23, 2022 12:24:28 GMT -5 by Viktor Yakov ad Rosenfeld