Bleach Hereafter RPG

Time keeps on slipping...


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 17, 2022 22:58:20 GMT -5

The clock was ticking slowly, looking at the hand as it circled and then at the door of the bar entrance to her place.  She had a headache, they were becoming more frequent with the fact that the singers now had two pieces, and she was also dying way too much these days. Janus was pretty sure that was some odd kind of backlash, the more Prime Janus vanished, the less she seemed to be able to stay situated in the presence.  That or the singers were using their powers to screw her over.  Which, now that she thought about it, seemed a lot more plausible.

She shrugged the thought off and looked at the door again.  Janus only had to wait another minute for the person coming in to finally decide to come in.   The diviner yawned and then summoned a future of herself to go to the back and wash the dishes.  A few seconds later another version of her walked out of her body and down the hall to do the maid work, even though reality had literally cracked and destroyed her powers, she could still do meaningless tasks.  With that, she was out of time and she waited for the door to open and more nonsense to start.  "Yes, yes, no and I don't know what that means." She said.


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

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Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 18, 2022 3:58:12 GMT -5

A man walked through the streets at this late hour of the night, in Tokyo's red light district. he wore a plain tan business suit with a white dress shirt underneath, complete with a plain black tie. He also wore a Fedora fitting of a businessman. He arrived upon an alleyway in the middle of the district, walking down it he had arrived at his destination;

The destination itself was a small bar that didn't seem to have many customers if any at all, the bell rang as he opened the door, the man himself was rather tall standing at around six feet, his build was slim and toned, his hair was blonde and neatly kept. And he wore yellow rose-tinted sunglasses with arms that do not wrap all the way around the ears.

Taking off his hat as he walked inside he stood at the door glancing at the woman that seemed to be expecting him, although he supposed this was only natural considering who she is.

"You are a hard woman to find Janus, it took me almost three weeks and that's saying something." He had heard of Janus through his encounter with the Shinigami youth and so called 'Gaia' three weeks prior. He was investigating into the matter to look into his own power as well as remove any potential threats or interruptions to his work, which in this case were these so called 'Druids' and 'Morais'.

He had many questions for the woman but he decided to start with a simple question. "Mind if i take a seat?" It was clearly taking a lot of energy out of him to use his manners. But he was a highly intelligent, cunning and calculating man he should be able to have a conversation with Janus without much issue if he plays his cards right.


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 18, 2022 14:22:42 GMT -5

Janus shrugged and gestured to the bar and the seats. "I do not mind at all, in fact, pretty sure that is what I have them for." She stated to the point and wiped off the bar top. The Diviner took the time to look through a few futures to see what was really going on but did not end up in. After which she took a few seconds navigating back to now, whatever the heck that meant.

It was obvious, that Janus had the attention span of a flea and trying to stay grounded was hard for her these days. She shook off whatever was running through her head. Her greatcoat seemed to look at her funny and she looked back at it, up on the rack and simply stated. "Nobody asked you, either." It was quite clear she was out of whatever resembled a mind anyway.

She looked back at the man and blinked. "Oh, right, not alone." She said as she got to his more probable questions, at least in her mind. "I can see the future, and summon from it. I can also see everything, and it sucks. Describing my abilities is like trying to explain Quantum mechanics and a bunch of other stuff." She said before going on. "The druids they have been in history for like ever." Then she saw a future line of questions that made her go white. She probably would have picked it out earlier but the damage was getting too bad. "Why do you care about the three?"


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

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Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 18, 2022 14:41:22 GMT -5

The man took a seat at the bar next to the woman, putting his hat on the counter he observed the way the woman acted and it was quite clear to him that she had gone mad, although that did not bother him much since he wasn't exactly sane himself either.

His questions were already somewhat answered, as he predicted she had the same ability he and Rekka had, although on a much greater level. He showed that he understood what the woman was saying which from what he could tell and from what she said was a very rare thing, going on to answer her questions even though she already knows exactly how this conversation will go.

"I believe i may have a strong link to you, although not in the same way as the others." He said before his right hand rapidly transformed into that of a small hollow head in the shape of a reptile, a lizard to be precise. "It's been a long time you old hag." The Hollow said as it's forked tongue rapidly entered and exited it's mouth. The Hollow clearly knew Janus somehow, although Sora was not sure how, Janus should be able to tell who he was in life by sensing his reiatsu signature.

It was also quite clear that Sora shared a body with the Hollow, a parasitical one but not against eithers will, they seem to understand and co-exist with each other, neither struggling for control and had an understanding. It was an almost impossible sight to see a Hollow co-existing with a human especially being able to substitute living off the humans nutrients instead of souls to sate it's never-ending hunger.


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 18, 2022 15:38:09 GMT -5

"WHAT THE?!" Janus said half diving for cover and her greatcoat as the man had his hand transform into a reptile. She had barely registered that it had not attacked her and she looked over the bar at it and debated poking it with a stick. "The hell are you?" She said before missing a response. "Right, I am so like only twenty-uhh something. I think?" Janus stated as she blinked at the thing. Which while weird, had not yet tried to kill or maim her, so that was a bonus.

What Sora failed to realize, is Janus could not and honestly had never had sensed reiatsu. To her, power was more like waves. The more powerful someone was the more influence they had on her visions. After all large amounts of power could usually persuade time to do what it wanted. "That- that is a thing." Janus finally said as she tried to get herself composed again. "I'm sorry have we met before? Or do we meet?" The hollow, if it did remember the Diviner probably remembered her as she was before, missing an eye and the white greatcoat a lot more desecrated and with higher scar volume. It was definitely confusing and she had half a brain to ask the Army who knew the little thing and how.


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

Sora Owari Avatar

Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 18, 2022 18:30:14 GMT -5

The man sighed as he realised this was far more complicated than he initially thought. his Hollow obviously hadn't told the full story meaning he was left with the hassle of having to do it himself. The man then began to speak "I'm completely human, this bastard attached himself to me a little over a decade ago and i've had to live with him ever since, it's brought me to no end of trouble." The Hollow snickered

"And aren't ya glad i did haha!" The Hollow said mockingly before the man began strangling it "I take it back! I take it back!" The man releasing his grip on the being. "We've co-existed together for that time as impossible as it may seem. The hollow then shifted it's tone to that of a semi-serious one as it began to speak again. "Well it aint you, it's always so damn confusing with you guys, your ganna have to talk to the others."

Sora then began to speak as the Hollow finished; "My powers, the ones that are directly linked to you somehow all stem from him. For example i can see around 15-30 seconds into the future and glimpse into other realities however i've learned to control it and toggle the precognition at will at least."


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 18, 2022 19:06:13 GMT -5

"Then you are extremely lucky. I can not turn my divination off. Dimension control and tangibility along with visibility is limited, as doing anything to change planes usually results in immanent death." She stated as she poked a finger at the little thing. This was quite odd but at least like she had thought earlier, it had not killed her, yet anyway.

"Which others? If you are talking about the triplets, I am not a triplet. I am me and that is that." Janus said being as batshit as she was usually. Then she leaned against the bar top and tapped her fingers. As she stood there anther version of herself, the Hollowified Janus walked back in from cleaning the rooms and moved over to re-assimilate into Janus Prime. She stood back up as time seemed to warble and crack around her following the two rejoining and she looked at him.

"If you can see that far, without mental degradation you are much better at this than I am, so why would you be seeking me out in the first place? Seems like a step back if you ask me. Then again people do not really ask me, they just kill me. Lastly, if you can view Quantum Entanglements on a visual level, what in the hell are you doing not rosen bridge jumping?"


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

Sora Owari Avatar

Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 19, 2022 13:16:11 GMT -5

The man seemed to remember something quite painful for a moment before going on. "'Lucky' i would not call it that, for almost a decade i was on the brink of going mad because of these abilities, and even now i would not call myself a completely 'Sane' person i lost what most would call 'Sanity' long ago. The only reason i can toggle the precognition is because of an extremely unorthodox and bizarre thing that happened to me three years ago, and even now I cannot turn my glimpses into other realities off, that is something that is constant and my head is constantly filled with countless voices that echo from them."

The Hollow did not necessarily like being poked and prodded but this was quite nice to it, and it had no intentions of harming Janus. The man then watched an Arrancar come into the room as if called on, and the two merged together. 'Ahh, so that's how it works' he thought to himself. before going on to answer the questions of the newly merged and seemingly 'True' form of the woman.

"I had multiple reasons to seek you out, not only to ask about my abilities. And i assure you this ability was not obtained without a heavy price and toll on my body. As for not traveling to other 'Realities' with wormholes or being sucked in by one, i do not possess such an ability, and even if i did i do not have any desire to utilise it." All of what he's said thus far was said in the tone of an serious and intellectual man, of which he clearly was.

Last Edit: Feb 19, 2022 15:16:10 GMT -5 by Sora Owari


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 19, 2022 13:47:21 GMT -5

"I spent most of my life in an asylum, at least I think I did. For all I know I am so far down the rabbit hole that this could all just be in my head. Which, says some really bad things about how often my imagination kills me." Another Janus came down the stairs and looked quizzically at the visitors, this one the strung out shinigami as it moved back to Janus and once again the angles and fabric of space seemed to lose touch with themselves for a moment before reason reasserted itself. At least now her chores were done. That was probably not the most effective use of the Army but it worked.

"Dimensions or realities? The word differs to me anyway." She stated as she looked up at him. "I mean the problem with just seeing is the fact that in the act of seeing, you are already directly changing causality." She stated and then rolled her shoulders. Her greatcoat was looking famished, she should have probably fed it this morning but never really got around to it. "That pajama samurai could generate rosen bridges. Maybe ask him?" Janus stated, she was still quite unsure what all of this had to do with her, aside from meeting, met, going to meet the hollow?

Something pinged on her divination and suddenly, she was standing up and staring at the door again. "What the hell? What did you two do?!" She asked as she saw a growing percentage chance that one of the singers was going to make an apperance. She began searching frantically to find out which, and even more so to find a future where it did not show up.


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

Sora Owari Avatar

Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 19, 2022 15:15:06 GMT -5

"In the end, isn't it all in our heads? how we perceive reality is just a myriad of functions in the brain after all. The man looked at yet another 'Janus' came into the room, this Janus was a Shinigami, giving her a look of acknowledgement before continuing on with the conversation.

"That brat? He's just as clueless as i am, he's about to start going down the rabbit hole known as madness any minute now. He cannot control the powers that you have somehow given him, although i should probably get to the other quest-" The man was cut off as he felt an overwhelming sense of Reiatsu approaching, he became alert as his face switched to that of concern. Quickly rising from his seat he was bracing himself for whatever might be making an appearance.

"Singer? what in the hell is a Singer?!" The man said as the Hollow snickered like the damn cold blooded reptile he is and it said "Looks like one of them is coming, better brace yourself Kiddo's or it's ganna be one hell of an evening, Hahaha!" It laughed sadistically and manically.

Sora gave the Hollow a glance of 'I'll deal with you later, you little shit.' before toggling on his foresight to attempt to see the future that awaits them within the next 15-30 seconds.
Last Edit: Feb 19, 2022 15:17:52 GMT -5 by Sora Owari


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 19, 2022 16:18:06 GMT -5

It is an odd thing, when two people that have the ability to see everything before it happened did. The future is an odd term, as by viewing something, means that it can be altered just by the action of viewing. The issue was fundamentally different for Diviners, when the Moirai were around. Instead of thousands of actions causing thousands of different, futures vanished left and right as the future in which The Future itself walked in the front door.

Then, with a simple snap of her finger, it seemed like everything was following a single thread. She looked at both Janus and Sora in their mind's eye visions of the future and laughed, gazing directly at their visions from behind the visible eye, her other covered by her hair and with a violent snap, time reverted to the present for both and the subtle music began to play from some undisclosed location as the door opened.

However, it was not the future standing at the open door, but the young past. Shorter than her sisters, and currently sporting her usual frilly dress that covered everything but her hollow hole. Her mask visibly cracking then reforming at a constant pace, though in an obscure reverse. The cracks seemed to simply exist and then would slowly reform themselves as the odd warble of reality seemed to do the same showing images of long past before a blink could seemingly make it so nothing was ever wrong. She looked at the pair and tapped her mask.

"Interesting little group." She stated.


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

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Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 20, 2022 1:44:20 GMT -5

Music began to fill Sora's ears, although he could not work out from where, and almost immediately after the Music started the door burst open and a woman walked through it, seemingly the so called 'Singer' that Janus was talking about and actively trying to stop from appearing. Sora heard a violent snap, feeling it echo throughout his entire being as his face turned to that of somewhat panic because his left eye could not longer glimpse into the future to come, although he quickly regained his composure.

He did not get the time to glimpse into the future before his vision returned to that of the present. The girl looked a lot like the multiple 'Januses' however it was much younger and most certainly some kind of Arrancar judging by the fragmented mask that covered a portion of her face as well as the gaping hole through her chest.

It was clear to Sora this 'Woman' if she could even be called that was a walking singularity that certainly should not exist, but why bother appearing before them now? he thought to himself, staying on guard in the case of an attack.

'Interesting?' Sora thought to himself, which obviously was referring to the fact they both could glimpse into the future and other forms of 'Realities' Sora's hollow smirked as this happened, it found this extremely amusing.


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 20, 2022 14:37:11 GMT -5

"The Herald of Chronos, and the Visions of Heimdalr, not exactly the same pantheon, are you?" The young looking female said as she moved around to the bar and hoisted herself up to sit down. "Really, I come by for a visit and not one but both of you immediately look for my sister and violence?" She asked them, Janus not having realized she had grabbed a knife, though a fat lot that would have done, anyway.

"Now, let's talk, and don't try that one, I don't want to separate your hollow from your soul. I need you both." Janus had been near the Moirai when they used that annoying power. It's why she tried to avoid divination when they were around. Though fat lot of good that did when Atty was there. Luckily, this was not Atty. The young woman pointed at the bar. "Drink, please?"

Janus grabbed a bottle out of the fridge and poured it as Cloro who accepted the drink and took a sip, noting the sweetness as she smiled. "Now, let's talk about what Heimdalr can see, but not understand." She stated with a child like 'i know something you don't know' painted on her face.

"Oh I know, let's play twenty questions! You can both ask me anything, but in return, I get to ask back, and you can not lie because I'll know it, after all, I am what was." She said giggling. "I'll even let you go first."


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

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Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 20, 2022 15:22:57 GMT -5

Sora watched the girl hoisted herself up onto the barstool. He was watching closely and with caution, from what he could tell this 'Singer' was child like yet also mature. Which to him meant she chooses to take on that form. 'Herald Of Chronos and Visions Of Heimaldr' she was talking of two different pantheons alright, and they were quite different from one another.

Although he wandered who she was talking to most of the time was it Janus, Him or someone else? Sora noted to himself how he hated dealing with Children but this was not the time for that, instead he sat down on the barstool next to the girl, readjusting his tie as he did so.

"Now, this is not my question however knowing how children work you will most likely count it as one. How do we know you won't lie to us?" He said not treating this being like a child but as an Adult, he was not foolish enough to think the former.

He waited for an Answer before going on to his actual question. "I understand that the two pantheons you mentioned are very different. But who exactly are you referring to when you say each?" He said before gesturing it was now either her or Janus's turn.


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 20, 2022 18:04:40 GMT -5

Janus was thinking about the fact this was a rigged game because of Cloro's abilities but she could not stop Sora from speaking... and hitting Cloro's trigger like a giant do not press button with a diviner standing next to it. "Oh crap." She said as she plugged her ears.

The sound of angry Cloro, was like nails on a chalkboard of reality. The very walls began to vibrate back in time as the drywall began to strip, the insulation revert, and luckily she managed to get herself from shaking the world apart. "Insolent little shit... I am far older than you will ever hope to be. In fact, we can call Addy and see how long I beat you by." Cloro screamed before reassuring herself as her mask reformed. She frowned at Sora's question as if was simply beneath her. "Fancies himself a thinker, yet so bad at thinking. Janus has always been the Herald of Cronos, the twin faced door of changes. She can only see what she NEEDs to see, you, see everything. Heimdalr." The young woman said pointing at Sora.

"Now, since the Herald knows this game was rigged from the start, I'll give you an easy one. Why are you looking for us? Don't lie, you can't, not to me." Cloro said and it was fairly obvious that lying to what was, was impossible.