Bleach Hereafter RPG

Time keeps on slipping...


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

Sora Owari Avatar

Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 20, 2022 20:18:19 GMT -5

Sora did not budge, to him even if Cloro was a near omnipotent being she was still just a little brat to him. He sighed and pulled out a Cigarette from the rightmost pocket of his Blazer, clicking his lighter a few times to get a spark before beginning to smoke, it was quite clear this man was a heavy smoker too judging how he always carried these cigarette's around.

"Good Grief..." he said taking a puff from his smoke. this man was either very brave or very stupid not budging after facing the wrath of Cloro. Listening to the question the girl had for him, with no intention of lying he answered; "You believe i am the Watchman of the Gods, although i can't say i don't think that is an insane remark. But getting to your question. There are multiple reasons, i want to know about certain things that you seemed the best person to ask, on top of that i wanted to know what my powers are exactly and why i have them. But it's only sprung more questions than answers, finally i want to know what this little bastard is hiding." Sora said looking at the Hollow for the last part of his answer.

Sora was not lying, it was futile to do so either way and Sora was not a liar in the first place.


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 20, 2022 22:37:16 GMT -5

"What a bore, you get your chance to ask and like the everyone else you do nothing with it. I swear that Janus is the only thing that has any chance. Anyway, I don't feel like doing this much more." She stated and looked over to the the Diviner behind the bar before sipping at her drink.

"Addy has them both, now, where's the third one?." She stated looking at Janus. Janus went through a bunch of ways to avoid the question and Cloro simply looked through her. "Nice try dollface, but we both know they won't fly just say it." She said as she sipped the drink.

"The Spangler Institute has the badge of law." Janus said, as if it was forced from her being. The diviner went back to searching for futures where she could stop this silly little game that was going to cost the entire world if they did not shut up. Though the more she fought with the Moirai singing, the more it was costing her mind, she had not even noticed the blood coming from one of her tear ducts.

"Good herald, keep finding them for us, and well be done soon." Cloro said as she took another sip and pulled out her phone to send a text. "Hurry up I bore of this, I got what I wanted."


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

Sora Owari Avatar

Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 20, 2022 22:51:13 GMT -5

Looks like he's lost his chance to ask anymore questions, like a child Cloro seemed to be getting bored of these questions quickly losing her patience. He really didn't have any idea what was going on with this conversation, and it really did raise only more questions than answers.

Sora sighed before going on with his questions anyways. "The game isn't over yet, and it's now my turn. So tell me, what does this little bastard of a Hollow know that he's not telling me? he seemed quite excited when you showed up almost as if it knew you were coming." Sora asked.

He then looked over to Janus and saw her struggling with the extreme side effects of using the full force of her ability. If this kept going it was going to cost he either the rest of her mind or her life. Sora then got up and put his hand on her Shoulder. "That's Enough."

Sora looked at the child that sat in front of him with a stern look. "You certainly weren't disciplined when you were younger, you lack patience, common manners, empathy and all around you really are just a little brat. I may not know what you are talking about but i will politely advise you to stop whatever you are doing."

Last Edit: Feb 20, 2022 22:54:42 GMT -5 by Sora Owari


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 21, 2022 1:03:15 GMT -5

"Patience, I waited a thousand years for the two-faced god. That seems pretty patient to me. Manners, I'm a hollow, those don't come standard. I was discipled quite well actually. I take pride in it. We all were." She said before laughing, she had no intention of letting him get anything for free. Not like he could do anything anyway, like the others she was skating through. They were getting piece after piece while everyone was doing their job hunting those ignoring fate.

She looked at Janus then back to Sora. "You're assumption is both correct and incorrect. It's not his fault you did not live the past. So, of course he knows things you do not know. Ask him yourself, he once fancied himself a god, though that may have been the wrong definition, or just another fan of Penny Dreadful, though that does bring up another point. I need to deal with the good Doctor and M I guess. Or I could just leave it to Addy." She said standing up. "Temporal Attenuation, he remembers meeting The Herald because he met us all at the same time. Though back then he was the only one of us who was hollow." She pointed out. "He was also there when The titans traded power to the Druids. I would give you specifics, but that was not the question."

With that she looked at her phone as it chimed. "Janus, what would be the easiest way to get to the badge of law, of the pieces, in the Institute." Cloro got ready to leave. Time seeing to shudder as angles warped with visions of the past.

Janus sighed as she fell to the ground screaming. Forced by Cloro's little game to see another future to answer the question. "The Dutchman still makes port in the Institute." The diviner screamed as she grabbed her head. Once the path walk wore off she laid on the bar shuddering.

"Good Herald. Now, I have a ship to catch." She stated and began walking out.
Last Edit: Feb 21, 2022 1:11:19 GMT -5 by snugglyrum


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

Sora Owari Avatar

Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 21, 2022 21:49:03 GMT -5

Sora knew whatever this was turning into was becoming much bigger than he initially realised. He wondered who the two-faced God was but then made the connection that it was indeed Janus. It seems as if Cloro had been waiting an extremely long time for her birth. Although he did wonder why a so called 'God' was a hollow.

The fact Yog-Sothith the Hollow attached to his hand, or at least that is what he introduced himself as, a literal Eldritch God. Sora didn't believe that in the slightest however he went along with it as he really didn't care. No way in hell is the being attached to his hand a God of any kind. And even if he was the 'Watchman of the Gods' he would still beat the crap out of the thing.

Sora stayed silent however as Cloro left countless words echoed through his mind as he saw an Old decrepit and withering old man, sitting on a Silver throne with an eyelash covering his left eye. But those visions vanished as quickly as they came. Sora grasped for breath as the visions stopped and Cloro had vanished.

He quickly regained his composure as he heard the sound of agonizing screams of Janus. Standing up and walking over to her it reminded of himself from many years ago, much in a similar state. He thought he would never use it again but he had created a technique to mend the brain and alleviate it a bit to at least bring himself to a stable state when he almost went mad on a few occasions, he had not tried it on someone else before but this technique should make the pain at least

Sora channeled a warm soothing pale green energy through his fingertips and put his hand on Janus'd head, most likely alieviating some pain.


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snugglyrum Avatar


Post by snugglyrum on Feb 22, 2022 1:06:18 GMT -5

Janus hated everything for good reason. This is what the supernatural was, a bunch of people with too much power and no way to stop them aside from getting more involved. Which in and of itself was a problem, saving the day was improbable with the three doing what they did. When the visions stopped and she managed to find the start of her way back to the present, energy coursed through her. Of all the bad ideas, this one probably took the cake.

Janus stood up, and her eyes began to glow. Infusing hollow reiatsu with the power to view other realities was kind of like giving someone hoped on cocaine the worst hallucinate you could find. The Army began stepping out of Janus, reality began warping around her. First the Cyclops, followed by the hollow, the arrancar, both shinigami and the masked one, the rocker, the Quincy and the masked woman all came rushing out of Janus. "Ahf' ph' ah'legeth soth, zhro, mgleth, ah soth mgng fahf ehye's ot mgehye'bthnk ahogog heinous ng r'luh cahf ahor mgahnnn nilgh'ri ngluii." Then Janus screamed again in another tongue. "Típota den boreí na stamatísei tous kynigoús tis moíras, arkeí ta kommátia na eínai diká tous. Aftó pou tha féroun se aftón ton kósmo, tha prépei na fovásai perissótero apó ó,ti ekdilóthikan oi efiáltes sou. Giatí oi Titánes érchontai xaná, kai óla aftá epeidí éprepe na koitáxei énas chrismós." Just then, another member of the Army attempted to claw its way out of her body before the other members of the Army of Janus began to shove the new arrival down.

The bar began to crack, and buckle under the stress of the holes beginning to form as more remnants of other dimensions seemed to phase in and out at an opaque rate. Some moving forward, some reverse, other's seemingly like a broken tape on rewind or fast forward as the Army continued trying to shove the new arrival of the Army back in its proverbial cage of Janus body.

The one-eyed older Janus screamed at the others to shove it back in, and with an effort of insanity mixed with sheer willpower, reality cracked, seeming to shudder like a mirror before everything went silent, and Janus stared blankly forward. The damage from her outburst having put a few dents in her B and B. "Well. That's never happened before."


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

Sora Owari Avatar

Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Feb 22, 2022 6:40:17 GMT -5

As soon as Sora channelled his Reiatsu through Janus he had realised his fatal mistake, a simple one that was an oversight on his part. As much as a pain as it was he would likely have to apologise for it later. The woman began to freak out as various versions of herself spewed forth from her being much like a burst dam.

The woman's reiatsu skyrocketed as Sora sensed something ominous from within the depths of Janus's being emerging from her, he helped the Army banish the being back to where it should be. Listening to the various languages Janus was speaking although he would put that on hold for now, as the entire room began to become in and of itself a singularity shifting between countless states of time, Sora wondered what on earth the being was to be able to cause this level of damage to the fabric of reality, although he did have a few ideas.

Throughout all of this the Hollow attached to Sora's hand seemed to keep cackling like a madman at death's door. But by the time everything had calmed down the Hollow receded back into it's slumber, no where to be seen as the room became dead silent.

Immediately after he began to quickly decipher the source of the languages Janus was speaking earlier and rapidly translating them in his head. The first language was R'lyehian which he had studied and memorised as he is quite a large fan of Lovecraft's works, the second was in Greek which the language he had studied and become quite adept at when he was researching Greek culture, language and History for a manga he is currently working on.

After translating it in his head, with no explanation he said the translated words aloud; "Whosoever is over ignorance space,

undo this, truth, is space but this integrity's of destruction essence biggest heinous then magic that can open all gates. nothing north can stop the morai hunters, as long as the pieces are theirs. What they will bring to these world, you should be afraid of more than your manifestations manifested. Because the Titans are coming again, and all because they had to look oracle."

Although he wasn't sure of the last word and was quit certain it was not perfect, he felt he had translated it well enough to get the jist of what she was saying during her rampage. He put his hand on his chin in that classic thinking pose, attempting to decipher what it all meant, looking at Janus seeing what her response would be in the process. 


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Post by snugglyrum on Feb 22, 2022 13:48:54 GMT -5

"Sounds like gibberish. That or whatever your translating has no idea what sentence structure means." Janus pointed out. She did not speak greek or whatever foul thing had just made her voicebox ache. She grabbed the bottle of whiskey, the good stuff from under the bar and realized it was refilling backwards as she looked at it. "Oh... that really can not be good." She reiterated as she poured three glasses and handed one over to Sora before chugging the other two.

She then watched the bottle refill again. "Yea, I think I fucked something up." She said moving to her greatcoat which seemed to be warbling more than the rest of the room, as if inviting some poor soul to come closer so it could consume it. She pulled her phone out of its pocket and then looked at the white greatcoat. "What do you know you are a coat." She said to it and typed a message on the phone and sent it to Gaia, before pouring two more glasses and recording the temporal anomaly of the bottle refilling. Then as to not waste perfectly good time-bugged whiskey, she shot them both again.

"So, right your weird lines. Well, let us start at what we do know, or at least I do. There are eight pieces of eight. They have two, and locations on one more, one vanished. All three of the Moiria act like a specific type of soul, at least until they start using their songs. Cloro, obviously masked monster. They only show up one at a time, but the others can influence temporal disruptions or divination. Titans sound, horrible, and end sounds pretty bad. So, I have no clue what the rest of that means. Contrary to popular belief, I do not have all the answers."


Mangaka of the hit manga & anime series Clorox.

Sora Owari Avatar

Sora Owari

Post by Sora Owari on Mar 8, 2022 9:05:19 GMT -5

Sora's eyes squinted, it seemed that this woman did not remember what she said or in what language even. Meaning it was either another version of her that took over her body or she purposely locks away memories for a reason.

You spoke those exact words in the language of the Old Ones. R'lyehian. And then you spoke in Greek." He said, although it isn't like it would help much. Taking the Glass he gently put it down on the counter since he did not drink.

He listened as he gained information from Janus regarding her words, commenting on each as they were stated. "And what happens when all eight pieces are gathered together? It seems like the Morai desperately want it considering they tortured you for it. Furthermore what exactly are the pieces, what do they look like and why do the Morai want them? I realise you most likely do not have the answers for more than half of these, but i would rather ask just in-case i am wrong."

The man then pulled out a lighter and a box of cigarette's from the rightmost pocket of his Blazer and lighting it, he then offered Janus one although he wasn't sure if she smoked or not. Seemed like the Man was quite stressed out by all this information as it was going to be a huge pain in the ass for him to deal with, let alone help solve.