Bleach Hereafter RPG

Having a Ball


Continuing to slaughter, kill, take. Life is to constantly sin. Life is evil itself.

nezuel Avatar


Post by nezuel on Apr 8, 2023 16:16:49 GMT -5

Nezuel stepped out of the shower and out into the somewhat colder air of his and Milo's house.  One of the best things about living in a pocket dimension was that one could make the entrance as small as possible and cut off the airflow inside.  In short, he never had to deal with getting out of nice warm relaxing showing and rush to put on clothes to keep himself warm. 

To be fair, it wasn't like he bothered with such things while home and alone.

The shower had given him time to think, the arrancar spending almost a full hour underneath the cleansing waters.  Between cleaning his hair and body, he'd remembered the shinigami that had once graced his presence within the house he'd made.  His eyes were drawn against his will to his hand, the back of which was now free of that blasted tattoo.  He'd offered to meet the shinigami again...and now seemed like a better time than any.

He moved over towards where his new phone sat, perched on the bathroom counter.  He remembered the shinigami's number so it should be rather easy to just call him, granted this was the first time he'd sent the shinigami in question anything so...hopefully he didn't get a message explaining that, while he was sure Nezuel was a nice person, Momo had somehow given him the wrong number possibly on purpose.  But he threw that depressing picture away, instead opening his phone to take a different kind a picture.

He cut it off just above the waist, letting the lines down give just the slightest hint and sense of desire before it became obscene.  As Lazarus has mentioned...he liked to go fast and he wasn't quite sure of shinigami courting rituals in the same way he didn't know quincys...still Nezuel was Nezuel and he wouldn't change everything to be someone he wasn't.

After the picture, he added some words while walking into the living room.  "Hey, just got the new phone, thought I'd make sure you were alright.  You want to hang out tonight, get some food...maybe go on that walk?  xoxo" That was a...totally normal message for someone to send out of the blue, right?  Regardless, if it was too much for the shinigami to handle, he could just ignore the text from the hollow.  If he did so then Nezuel sincerly hoped that he got the message in the middle of an important meeting and it caused him all sorts of trouble.

After that he'd move to the living room and curiosity would grip him as he saw the streaks of purple hair.  He'd move forward to Milo, hugging her from behind as he kissed her cheek.  "So....remember that date we went on with Koshou...would you be down to do something similar but with a different shinigami?"

Last Edit: Apr 8, 2023 20:20:40 GMT -5 by nezuel



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Apr 15, 2023 11:59:33 GMT -5

桃城 古森

𝖳𝖠𝖦𝖲: @someone

4th Division Barracks

It was a beautiful day in Soul Society and unfortunately, Momo found himself sitting with the other seated officers in one of the meeting rooms reserved for weekly briefings. Vice-Captain Aone was standing up front at the podium while the rest of them sat at the tables provided. There were typically 2-3 officers per table, all facing towards Aone. Momo was up front per his rank as Third Seat because of course there was a seating chart. Takanobu Aone, while being one of the more relaxed Vice-Captains, was still a stickler for order and efficiency.

"...and I think we should have the clinics in Rukongai restocked by the end of the we-"

His words stopped short as a cute little tone went off within the room. Momo scrambled to dig his soul phone out of his robe. The sound was somewhat muffled until the phone was brought out and then it got louder. Momo quickly flipped the switch on the side to set the thing to silent mode. On the screen was a notification of a new text message from Nezuel.

Takanobu cleared his throat and Momo apologized.

"You should know better Third Seat Komori. Anyway, as I was saying about the clinics..."

Aone's voice trailed off as Momo swiped to open his phone. The little red icon on the text message app caught his eye and he clicked on it. The sound he made next caused Takanobu to pause again. Everyone turned to look at him once more. Momo's face was flushed red and his eyes were wider than they've ever been. The Vice-Captain raised a brow and was about to ask if he was alright when Momo suddenly jumped from his chair and rushed out of the room. He waved his hand and apologized, saying he needed to go and that it was an emergency.

Takanobu shook his head and then continued. He'd talk to Momo later to find out what was going on.

Outside, Momo stared at his phone and quickly sent a message. Then he scrolled up to look at the image again before glancing around as if he was looking at something he shouldn't. He then quickly scrolled back down and added another message.


Continuing to slaughter, kill, take. Life is to constantly sin. Life is evil itself.

nezuel Avatar


Post by nezuel on Apr 16, 2023 10:52:33 GMT -5

"Milo~" Nez would half plead and half complain to the sleeping arrancar. She was a sleeping beauty, yes, but even a kiss from prince charming wouldn't be enough to wake her.  He put his phone down on a nightstand as he tried to untangle her from the mess of blankets she had currently wrapped herself in like a small burrito.  He'd just gotten her legs done and was starting to work on pulling her out when his phone went off.  He glanced over at it before curiously picking it up, leaning a little against Milo's exposed legs as he did so.

He laughed when he saw the message, he might not want him to just send pictures like that but the man had still had replied in the affirmative.  He'd taken a little while...had he been double-checking the picture?  He started to type on the phone,  "All right, sounds good!  Where should we meet?  By the way, can I bring a third, I'd love to introduce you to her." He'd take a selfie with the phone, this time preserving his modesty by cutting it off below his neck.  Of course just within the frame of the picture would be Milo's long legs and just a bit above the.  He sent the message and picture, laughing mentally, before he grabbed Milo's ankle and pulled, pulling her out of the blanket.

He put both hands on her head, scratching her hair and head just a little as he tried to nudge her awake.  If this all failed, maybe he'd have to grab a bucket a water or something.  "Love..." he'd coo,  "Want to go on a date with another shinigami freind?"
Last Edit: Apr 16, 2023 10:52:52 GMT -5 by nezuel


I have nothing to say.

Milo Avatar


Post by Milo on Apr 16, 2023 18:29:38 GMT -5

Milo had been asleep for most of Nezuel's shenanigans, snuggling deeper into the warmth of the blankets as he continued. Being the heavy sleeper she is, she could only vaguely hear Nezuel move around and could very faintly feel when their bed dipped under his weight as he cooed to her in a playful form of pleading.

Much of her face had been covered by her blanket coccoon, softly grunting in her sleep as she felt Nezuel's hands make their way to remove the layers of the blankets. She instinctively shifted and let herself be moved here and there as she felt the coolness of the room as soon as her legs were freed.

Milo only whined quietly as she pressed her bare feet against Nezuel's bare skin as he pressed himself against her unblanketed bottom half. She couldn't really put her finger on the next noise, but she did squeak in surprise as she was yanked out of the blankets and into Nezuel's arms.

"Hmmm...?" Milo's groggy mind could manage to conjure as she began to stir into the waking world. "..a friend? Are they nice like Koshou?"

Her morning voice purred suggestively instead of the intended friendly tone she usually carried when she was awake. Her eyes slowly blinked open as she turned her sleepy gaze to Nezuel.

"G'morning..." Milo sleepily greets as she leans over to place a chaste miss over Nezuel's closest patch of exposed skin. Still waking up as she tried to shuffle herself into sitting up. Her hair cascading into flowy curls as she moved herself.



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Apr 22, 2023 10:42:29 GMT -5

桃城 古森


Momo had just finished psyching himself up to get back to the meeting, trying to get that image out of his head, when his soul phone dinged again. The cute melody played. Momo gulped, wondering if Nez had sent him another lewd image. The man didn't seem to listen when it came to boundaries. It was endearing in a way.

The fox-eared Shinigami lifted up his phone hesitantly. He held it up to his face, his eyes closed as he winced. One red eye peaked open. There were some words and then another image. Momo read the words just as the picture came into focus. Another friend? It was a girl?! Then he saw the picture. Oh, it was just a selfie of Ne-- and there it was, in the background, something lewd. Was this the friend Nez had mentioned?.. or at least part of her?

Momo's cheeks reddened once more as he backed into the wall in the hallway and started to slide down until he was sitting with his knees up to his chest and his tail wrapped around him in a kind of comfort-ball.

This Arrancar, Nezuel, was going to be trouble... but maybe the good kind of trouble?

The white-haired Shinigami started to type into his phone, chewed at his lip, and then hit send.

"I'd love to meet your friend! There's a really beautiful temple just outside Tokyo. We can meet there if you'd like!"

Momo found the address and sent that after his message. Then he paused, thinking to himself. With a bit of a smile, he positioned himself and the phone so he could take a selfie. Then he sent it with a little heart emoji attached.