Bleach Hereafter RPG

Feel the fire [Yukari vs Iroh]


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Aug 23, 2020 22:32:00 GMT -5


The area was cold yet alive, it was fear that consumed Yukari whole, until she found the light at the end of the darkness of the Dangai. Upon crossing the threshold she emerged in a flower field in the far reaches of Soul Society, she collapsed instantly, having no memory of how she arrived when she regained her consciousness. The air in the field was dense with reishi, it was far different from earth, every fragment in this realm felt alive like it was bearing a living soul. A white butterfly hovered over her hazel colored eyes full of wonder, she waved her tan skinned hand to prevent it from landing on her face, and she stood up by the heels of her boots. The high school senior felt light on her feet, the lightness dissolved any feelings of regret, and that filled her with dread.

This was not exactly what she imagined her time in the afterlife to be, she did not fulfill her duty as an Aihara clan heir to bring honor to the minor clan by serving the Soma clan as its guardian, if she died she would have been a ghost wandering her home. The peace of tranquility of her surroundings was dissolved at the revelation that she was alive yet it felt like she was in a dream. Yukari’s first instinct with her sheathed odachi blade held in her right hand was to grip it tightly. With her left hand she reached into her inner coat pocket to pull out the student hand book, flipping it to the section of soul society, and their laws reading through them:

The ultimate law is to maintain balance.
It is against the law for a Shinigami to give their spiritual power to Humans.
It is against the law for a Shinigami to use forbidden Kidō.
It is against the law for any citizen of Soul Society to create weapons of a dangerous nature not sanctioned by the feudal government. To do so is treason.
It is against the law to attack a captain. To do so is treason.
It is against the law to commit terrorist action(s) or attempt to overthrow the balance of Soul Society. To do so is treason.
It is against the law to commit murder.
It is against the law to kill a Human that a Shinigami has not been ordered to kill
It is forbidden for a Shinigami to acquire or attempt to gain Hollow-like powers.
It is a crime for a Shinigami to remain in the Human World longer than a certain time limit.
It is against the law for the Gotei 13 to meddle in the affairs of the noble families unless the family in question breaks one of the laws of Soul Society beyond a shadow of a doubt.
It is by ancient law that two Shinigami cannot hold the same Zanpakutō. They must fight for the honor of bearing the spirit, with the spirit going to the winner, and the loser being executed.
It is forbidden for a Shinigami to intervene in anything that is related to Hell
It is a crime to lose a sacred treasure.
It is against the law to alter the Dangai records.
All Modified Souls must be scrapped.

There was no mention specifically on handing a human intruder such as herself, apart from changing the balance from being present in this realm, and as she squinted at the disclaimer at the bottom of the page, the laws were in place two hundred years ago, around the time the Soma Clan was still in Japan. If it had been that long, despite the handbook being updated yearly, there was a chance the laws were nearly doubled by now; she placed the small book back inside her pocket. Fullbringers had no correlation with Soul Society, how the Soma clan acquired such information about their laws meant they gathered that information directly from a Shinigami long ago, and she wondered about what took place during that time rather briefly as her attention was pulled away from the thought.

The sudden spiritual pressure of reiatsu made her knees buckle, she used her sheathed sword like a crutch, someone was coming up from behind with a potent reiryoku. In that instance, Yukari looked for the sun, she looked at the wind, and she looked down at the nearest flower to determine her orientation. If the flowers were anything like the ones at Aihara estate, she would be able to determine which direction was north, based on the direction of the blossom. In one quick flick of her wrist she unsheathed her sword by holding on to the sheath and launching the blade up in the air, it was longer than her height, and she caught the hilt of the odachi with her left hand despite being dominant with her right. Yukari was determined to look at the person who approached her, she turned around, slightly on guard, and offered a passive smile.


Last Edit: Aug 25, 2020 0:07:27 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Sept 3, 2020 17:07:55 GMT -5




"You're holding it too tightly!"

The sound of wood striking against wood resounded across the open courtyard and echoed against the high white walls. A few of the 10th Division members had gathered and were watching from the sidelines. Iroh and his younger brother were sparring out in the courtyard under the open blue skies.

"Now too lightly!"

Their wooden blades cracked against one another until Iroh disarmed his brother and then caught the practice sword before it flew away. Senjuro grumbled a bit under his breath as he took the sword back from his older brother.

"Not fair! You're bigger and faster than me!"

Iroh smiled and pushed a single finger against his brother's forehead, teasing him.

"Your enemies will undoubtedly be bigger and stronger than you. Remember what Fath--"

"What Father says, yeah yeah I know!"

Iroh pat Senjuro on the head and was about to speak again when he suddenly felt an aura he was familiar with. He turned to look over his shoulder in the direction it was coming from. He wondered if that human girl ( ) had found her way to Soul Society somehow. The energy was similar to that of a hollow, but... different. He remembered it well.

"I have to go. Return home and see if Mother needs any help with dinner."

"B-but I wanna go with yo--"

Before Senjuro could finish his sentence, Iroh disappeared from view, the only thing left in his wake was a sudden burst of air which blew the tree branches and his hair back a bit.

He reappeared on a hill that slightly overlooked the field of flowers. It was a good distance away from the 10th Division headquarters but still well within his jurisdiction. He saw the girl standing with her weapon already in hand.


He crossed his arms over his chest as his white cape flapped behind him.

"You are trespassing in Soul Society. Who are you and what are you doing here?"



I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Sept 3, 2020 19:13:27 GMT -5

It took seconds for Yukari to recall what exactly happened before her arrival to soul society, Iokua Soma covered the cosmology of the world in the beginning of the semester, hollows used garganta to travel to and from the different dimensions of time and space. An anomaly in the temporal distortion had ejected her to the dangai, before she could even take another step in the flower field, she was immediately met by a shinigami with immense spiritual pressure who was deliberately looking down on her.

As his pristine white seemingly haori waved with the wind, she noticed there was no badge on his arm, she knew Japanese, and had no idea which division he was in. While the student handbook outlined the Gotei thirteen, it only had the kamon symbol for each different squad, it was still suitable information for a student at the Academy if they ever crossed paths with a shinigami. The tan teenager was not in a position to fight against someone that was beyond her caliber in the supernatural world but she also could not afford to be punished for her incidental trespass when her family was in danger back at the farm.

“Aloha kakahiaka.” Yukari offered a slight head bow as a sign of respect in response to his greetings.

The judgement he laid upon her as being a trespasser was followed by two questions, she blinked her golden hazel eyes as she processed her thoughts, and parted her lips to answer but decided to ask a question of her own, to determine whether or not he would believe her.

“Do you have the ability to read my living soul?” Yukari was trembling in fear by this point, the anxiety of not knowing what was taking place back at home, mixed with holding a conversation with this man by being polite as possible was crushing her soul internally. “My name is Yukari Aihara, I am sixteen years old, and I am a student in my senior year of high school. I apologize for my intrusion, I cannot explain properly how I arrived here, but I have a theory. Prior to my arrival, a herd of menos grande invaded my homeland, I had no choice in the matter as the strongest in my family to fight, and I was forcibly picked up by one of the menos. I was brought into Garganta with the herd, at the same time a portal to Hueco Mundo opened inside while the menos grande were tearing open a portal on earth, it was then that a temporal anomaly ejected me into the dangai. Rather than be crushed, knowing my family was still in danger with my absence, I chose to continue living by trespassing.”

Yukari held a melancholy expression at this point, she knew she was going to be punished for her crime, and she would absolutely refuse soul society’s justice because her family was still at risk. With Diana, Hanako, Iwan, and the Soma clan still on earth, there was a chance her parents survived the attack of the Menos Grande herd with their help; she needed to figure out a way to get out as soon as she was able to in order to ensure their safety.

With her odachi blade in hand, the blade pierced the ground at an angle, she secured the sheath on her back over her shoulder, by tying it with a refined red cord, and then she grabbed the hilt of her fullbringer focus once more with her right hand this time. The Reiryoku aura that surrounded her took the shape of transparent flames, black bolts of lightning sparked around her ceremonial sword, a family heirloom forged by the Aihara Clan of blacksmiths after her ancestor branched off by the primary Soma Clan five generations past, it was over six feet long in length with a smoke black finish and a bright red inlay down the middle.

The overwhelming beating of her heart began to ease up at normal levels as her focus was now on her own beautiful sword, she found solace in being able to honor her family name by wielding fullbring powers that exceeded the level of everyone at the Academy, and she could feel herself becoming stronger by the day to accomplish her primary goal of becoming a guardian for the Soma clan.




Last Edit: Sept 4, 2020 12:14:54 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Sept 4, 2020 9:54:40 GMT -5



Iroh offered a simple nod to her question before she continued on with her explanation. While the girl went into detail about her previous circumstances and the resulting outcome, Iroh's eyes were unwavering. He stared back at her as she spoke, the sunlight reflecting the red-gold of his irises. The girl's story came to an end and it was not lost on the shinigami that if her story were true, she was the victim of an unfortunate series of events, however the laws of Soul Society were unyielding. He knew first hand how unkind and unmerciful they could be. He had no doubt in his mind that if she were to be apprehended, she would be killed.

This girl, like the one he had encountered previously, was no doubt a living human from the material world. Yet she had specific knowledge of their world and the Hollows. Iroh was more curious than ever. Who were these humans and how are they gathering or being taught information on their world, the world of souls and hollows, quincy and shinigami?

Well, no matter. Despite his growing curiosity, it simply wasn't his place or his duty to question her. His job was to take her into custody and deliver her to the 1st Division for interrogation.

He was about to speak when he noticed her aura shift slightly. It had been somewhat passive, but now it was like she was on her guard. His eyes caught sight of what looked to be flames... but they were clear. It was hard to make out, almost like how heat distortion causes things you view to be slightly warped at a distance. The black bolts of lighting running over her weapon however were unmistakable.

Iroh repressed a slight hint of excitement at the possibility of a fight. He still had a job to do here as a defender of Soul Society. He unfolded his arms but did not make any attempt to reach for his zanpakuto.

"Please put down your weapon. I must take you into custody to be questioned."

There was a glimmer of red-gold as his eyes shimmered against the bright blue sky.

"However, if you intend to resist capture... I cannot guarantee your safety."


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Sept 4, 2020 15:00:35 GMT -5

Every second that passed was tormenting the back of her mind, the translucent flames doused the elevated tension she was suffering from internally, and she began to get her breathing under control in the thick atmosphere.

“I was raised by my parents and was instructed not to follow strangers.” Yukari stated in response to his lack of introduction, keeping his name and title secret, she began to breathe away her anxiety, as she focused on her resolve, “A thousand bells are ringing in my heart. I find it difficult to ask for forgiveness for what I am about to do. No one will be able to change my mind, not you, or anyone else, about answering the crimes I am about to commit. I swore an oath to protect my family, they sacrificed their lives for me, and I must protect them in return. By my honor, I need to find a way back home, even if it kills me.”

When she made up her mind to fight, the red cord that held her sheath was raised from her shoulder over her head to secure it firmly in the middle of her chest. The okobo styled boots shifted across the ground, crushing several flowers, as she took a martial arts stance.

The translucent flames began to form subtle red tips, an indication that her Reiryoku Level under the right training, would eventually turn red like fire, and she released her incomplete fullbring to double her soul signature. The black bolts of energy danced around her blade, she closed the distance between them, and she lowered her blade with focused blade mastery.

Iroh’s intense irises were mesmerizing the more she stared into the red gold glimmer centered around his pupils, she used that as fuel for her strike against the shinigami, who was in the way of her finding an exit out of soul society.

If her attack missed, Iroh would soon discover that the bolts of lightning were already locked on him, as she concentrated her fullbring entirely on him through an applied technique she learned at the Academy.



Current RL: 46,000

Passive: Alacrity +10 DEF


Action 1: Incomplete Fullbring -4 Reishi

Action 2: HADŌ #4: BYAKURAI (PALE LIGHTNING) -2 Reishi

To Hit:




Total Reishi spent: -16

Turn 1/3






Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.

You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 30
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Start each combat thread with +10 Armor.


You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.


A kido spell that can be used to control the direction and speed of attack spells, primarily allowing them to be redirected back at the enemy after missing.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action.
Effect: For the duration, you can use an at-will action to designate two Basic Attacks that missed their targets on your previous turn to seek those targets once more. The targets take half the Basic Attack damage from both as direct damage.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Slots 3/3

Fighter Class Techs:

A technique that allows the user to greatly increase the damage of normally weak attacks.
Type: Utility - Hakuda Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action all of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

This basic technique allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

A simple light slash technique that is meant only to lightly graze and cause superficial wounds.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.


Incomplete Fullbring

Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Enhancement: VICIOUS
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with Release Attack Techs.
Limit: Indefinite.
Level 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Level 3: Accuracy bonus increases to +15.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Spark of joy
SINGLE: Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.
BURN: 50% chance to Burn target.

Yukari Aihara

70 (10)

You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Sept 7, 2020 11:56:25 GMT -5



Above them, the sky was an endless blue. Very few clouds drifted overhead, but one was passing and as it did, it cast a moving shadow over the flower field. The sun was still high and just starting it's descent. It was warm but not overbearing like it could be in some places of the Material World. That was one of the nice things about the Soul Society. The temperature was always perfect. The nights were cool and relaxing and the days were just the right amount of warm. However it did rain occasionally. Iroh was not a big fan of the rain, or water in general really.

Upon hearing her comment about him being a stranger, Iroh's eyes widened somewhat (if that were possible) at the realization that he hadn't introduced himself yet. He let the possibility of a battle cloud his mind and he skipped past introductions and jumped right into procedure. He was going to rectify that mistake, but before he could respond she went into a rather long-winded justification for her current and future actions.

It was after that which he was going to introduce himself, but she quickly took an opening martial arts stance and he realized that they were past the point of introductions. If she was bound and determined to fight her way back home, then so be it.

Suddenly the clear flames around her became iridescent and appeared to have red tips, then her reiatsu level increased. The pressure around her intensified as she readied her weapon. His hand moved to the hilt of his sheathed zanpakuto but she was already upon him. The girl was fast, just like the other one he had met... no, faster.

He leaned away from her lightning infused attack, just barely avoiding it entirely. He responded by unleashing his Shikai.

"Ignite, Izanagi!"

Iroh pulled his sword free from the sheath and it erupted into violent flames. Suddenly the air around him grew arid and hot. The ground in the immediate area quickly caught fire. If looking from above, there was a clear area of effect. About 9-10 feet out from him where flames started to rage, but the fire never spread out further than that. Rising up from the ground were tiny embers that floated in the air. If the embers touched Yukari, they would explode in a contained burst of fire and flames. It was part of his Shikai, an ability he called "Scorch".

Now, with his Shikai released, he struck back at her, swinging his fiery blade in a wide arc that sent a rolling wave of fire racing towards her.


Yukari's Byakurai! 34 ACC VS 85 DEF | MISS! | 0 Dmg!

Bonus Action #1: Scorch! (Curse / -15 Reishi)
Standard Action #1: Shikai! (1st Release / -4 Reishi/ x2 RL / Resentful)
Standard Action #2: Flame Strike! (Basic Attack: Strike)

Scorch! (Curse) Roll: zWA6E||41d100 < 70% SUCCESS!

Attack Roll: 1d100+25
Damage Roll: 1d10

REIATSU LEVEL: 38,000 | Base: 19,000
ARMOR: 15/15
HP: 85/85
REISHI: 81/100
DEF: 85
ACC: +25


- ENDURING MORALE: Passive. +5 Reflexes & Resilience / +15 with allies
- DAUNTLESS: Passive. +15 Armor. Use Guard at-will. Can Intercept unlimited times.


1ST RELEASE: SHIKAI (-4 Reishi per turn) Standard Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: RESENTFUL (As a passive effect your foe takes -1 status damage each time they hit you with an attack.)
- TECHNIQUE: SCORCH (CURSE) (-15 Reishi) Bonus Action. 70% chance to inflict 2 stacks of Cursed on the target. Foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration. 3 turns per stack. (0/1)

BACKDRAFT (BAKUDŌ #41: KYŌMON): (-10 Reishi) Bonus Action. Avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. Also inflict status. (2/2)
HEALING FLAMES (BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU): (-5 Reishi) At-Will. Restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
TSUKIYUBI: (-10 Reishi) At-Will. All of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2. (2/2)



Last Edit: Sept 7, 2020 12:02:51 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Sept 8, 2020 3:43:58 GMT -5

Yukari remained observant, there was no change in his expression, shinigami were gods, laying judgement was all they were tasked with in soul society and the world of the living. Even if he admitted that he knew that she spoke the truth in her explanation, there was no response to her statements, and she preferred it that way in the heat of battle.

What she did not expect was an entire earth sized fissure distance of experience, she missed her first attempt to strike him, the black lightning bolts locked on to him after he avoided her odachi blade to zap the nameless shinigami.

The tan teenager parted her lips in wonder, the sword in his possession ignited in glorious flames the second he unsheathed it, fire was her specialty with her fullbring power igniting her reishi but this was entirely different than her own ability. The red embers floated with the wind, dancing around her entire form, until one of them made contact on her back, instantaneously combusting.

In the seconds it took to process the explosion, she felt hot for the first time in her life, she was a descendant of Aihara Blacksmiths who used flame based fullbring powers for the past five generations, and her affinity for fire had been under her control with the aura of her Reiryoku alone. Iroh’s flames began igniting her coat, her beautiful long platinum blonde hair, and most importantly it was deliberately purifying her hollow tainted soul. In that instance she felt relief, gasping for air with a heaving chest as she bit her bottom lip, with a reddening blush on her naturally tan cheeks as she closed her eyes to surrender to the flames, and in that instant she had forgotten her resolve for pleasure.

After recovering, she returned to reality, her translucent red tipped flame aura stopped the flames short of her hair up to her shoulder, she had activated a barrier subconsciously, and what remained of the black coat was being held in her free hand. It was the red colored flame retardant lining that was used for the inner side of her black coat, it was upsetting to discover that the coat her mother Miki slaved over a year to make with her worn hands was burned to cinders, she immediately wrapped the fabric that remained around her neck like a scarf, as she scowled at Iroh. One of her red Buddist knot hair pins on the side of her head fluttered with the breeze at a far off distance from the scorched flower field, only one remained on her head, and she was feeling rather insecure about her clothing being tarnished by the nameless shinigami.

Yukari rushed Iroh again, this time bringing down her blade into two precise cuts to form a burning X mark on his chest.



Battle Phase

Curse: Afflicted

Incoming Attack

Iroh 54 vs 80 Yukari= Miss!

Current RL: 46,000
Iroh: 38,000 [ No Edge]

Passive: Alacrity +10 DEF

At-Will: 3 Damage to Iroh by Adhering Blossom from missed attack in previous round

Bonus Action: BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO (BARRIER) -15 Reishi -3 Curse Damage

Action 1: HADŌ #4: BYAKURAI (PALE LIGHTNING) -2 Reishi

To Hit:




Action 2: HADŌ #4: BYAKURAI (PALE LIGHTNING) -2 Reishi

To Hit:




Total Reishi spent: -23
Total Damage: -3 to 80 Hp= 77

Round 2/3

Incomplete Fullbring -4 Reishi
Round 2

Round 1/6






Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.

You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 30
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Start each combat thread with +10 Armor.


You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.


A kido spell that can be used to control the direction and speed of attack spells, primarily allowing them to be redirected back at the enemy after missing.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action.
Effect: For the duration, you can use an at-will action to designate two Basic Attacks that missed their targets on your previous turn to seek those targets once more. The targets take half the Basic Attack damage from both as direct damage.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Slots 3/3

Fighter Class Techs:

A technique that allows the user to greatly increase the damage of normally weak attacks.
Type: Utility - Hakuda Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action all of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

This basic technique allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

A simple light slash technique that is meant only to lightly graze and cause superficial wounds.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.


Incomplete Fullbring

Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Enhancement: VICIOUS
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with Release Attack Techs.
Limit: Indefinite.
Level 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Level 3: Accuracy bonus increases to +15.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Spark of joy
SINGLE: Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.
BURN: 50% chance to Burn target.

Yukari Aihara

70 (10)

Last Edit: Sept 10, 2020 3:33:07 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Sept 10, 2020 21:39:33 GMT -5



Suddenly the black lightning that had missed earlier was redirected and locked back onto him. He felt the sting of the electricity running through his body. He clenched his teeth and tightened the grip on his zanpakuto as the pain faded. The girl must have some kind of ability to home in on him. That was interesting. He'd have to be careful of that.

At the same time as he was being electrocuted, she was experiencing Izanagi's flames for the first time. They even burned up her coat which she seemed to be quite upset about, understandably.

She scowled at him and charged the Shinigami. She was fast, like the other human. They must use some form of shunpo to be able to dart around like that. Suddenly she was in front of him, slashing diagonally with each blade to create a fiery X across his chest.

Luckily his flames absorbed most of the damage but he was impressed with her tenacity all the same.

"Well done!"

A compliment in earnest. He really did mean it.

Iroh swung his sword again, unleashing not one but two bursts of fire that raced towards her at point blank range. His curiosity was getting the better of him. Instead of trying to end things quickly, he was seeing how she reacted and studying her movements.


Adhering Blossom! Iroh takes 3 Direct Dmg!
- 3 Direct Dmg reduces Iroh's armor to 12
Yukari's X-Slash (Byakurai 1)! | 39 ACC VS 85 DEF | MISS! | 0 Dmg!
Yukari's X-Slash (Byakurai 2)! | 101 ACC VS 85 DEF | HIT! | 10 Dmg!
- 10 Dmg reduces Iroh's armor to 2
- Yukari takes 1 Status Dmg per Resentful!

Passive: Shikai! (1st Release / -4 Reishi/ x2 RL / Resentful)
Bonus Action #1:
Standard Action #1: Flame Strike! (Basic Attack: Strike)
Standard Action #2: Flame Strike! (Basic Attack: Strike)

Attack Roll: To_tJupY1d100+25 CRIT!
Damage Roll: 1d10 + 10 (Bonus Crit Dmg!)

Attack Roll: 1d100+25 CRIT!
Damage Roll: 1d10 + 8 (Bonus Crit Dmg!)

REIATSU LEVEL: 38,000 | Base: 19,000
ARMOR: 2/15
HP: 85/85
REISHI: 77/100
DEF: 85
ACC: +25


- ENDURING MORALE: Passive. +5 Reflexes & Resilience / +15 with allies
- DAUNTLESS: Passive. +15 Armor. Use Guard at-will. Can Intercept unlimited times.


1ST RELEASE: SHIKAI (-4 Reishi per turn) Standard Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: RESENTFUL (As a passive effect your foe takes -1 status damage each time they hit you with an attack.)
- TECHNIQUE: SCORCH (CURSE) (-15 Reishi) Bonus Action. 70% chance to inflict 2 stacks of Cursed on the target. Foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration. 3 turns per stack. (0/1)

BACKDRAFT (BAKUDŌ #41: KYŌMON): (-10 Reishi) Bonus Action. Avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. Also inflict status. (2/2)
HEALING FLAMES (BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU): (-5 Reishi) At-Will. Restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
TSUKIYUBI: (-10 Reishi) At-Will. All of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2. (2/2)



Last Edit: Sept 10, 2020 21:43:59 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Sept 11, 2020 10:05:07 GMT -5

It is demoralizing to think that if it was not for the zetex fabric of her clothes, she would not be nearly as decent surviving the explosive flames, it was a special material that could resist 1,000 fahrenheit temperature. The Aihara clan invested in the fabric to make proper clothes out of, with their fire based fullbring powers, while scraping by with the family farm that was entirely in debt. Yukari’s parents never divulged their finances to her, she knew a pair of gloves for glass blowing was priced at one hundred dollars from researching, most of the shops online only offered quotes for different types of thickness and colors. The tekō and kote gloves that protected her arms to her biceps, were fortified in the same leather like material as her okobo heel style boots, which allowed her to stand at six feet tall in order to swing her odachi blade. While two of her attempts failed, one finally clashed against an invisible barrier which cracked for an instant on contact, while her black lightning struck him twice with her spark stemming from the joy in her life.

There was difficulty in formulating a strategy, she had none, while the Academy had trained her in martial arts, she lacked experience to take a shinigami head on. It was through Japanese Zen Buddhism that allowed her to understand the battle, Kyūdō for accuracy, and Kendō for her resolve to hit her opponent with all her spirit. It was then that his flaming sword collided with her own invisible barrier, cracking it across the surface of reishi, and eventually shattering like glass with a second strike. Without being able to counter in that brief second, his sword continued in the follow through to slice her bare shoulder, the blood would have splattered in an instant, but the flames cauterized the wound. Pain was a reminder that this nightmare was real and she winced as she regained her footing across a pile of ash that was left from the flower bed. The black odachi blade was up against his flame sword into a swordsman clash.

The shinigami had a lot of nerve to dress in Japanese style clothing without having any of the Japanese etiquette to match, expecting a human like herself to follow an unknown sense of justice for a nameless face, and it was ultimately a waste of time; she could not afford to waste any more of her precious time if she wanted to protect her family. This rude man left her no other option but to be taken into his custody, which is the primary reason she resolved to fight, why did he compliment her ability to hit him with her sword just now? Was he getting a rise from battle? Did he forget he was supposed to capture her? Even a police officer, Kahale Soma, who was also one of her instructors for advanced fitness, would drill the justice protocol during their obstacle courses to educate his students on the law. Every officer had a badge number to identify them and were obligated to tell the person who was being arrested their basic rights as a human being. Iroh had no regard for her living soul, every time he aimed his sword of flaming justice to tear into her flesh, even if she was a hollow tainted born soul, her fate was still in her own hands even if she had no personal rights in this domain.

Yukari knew she would not be able to survive another assault like the one before, as he pressed her to react with her sword, but she resigned from it. Instead she took a few steps back, from the engagement of their blades, to strike him with the hilt guard without any of the reishi in her previous attempts.

“Leave me alone.”



Battle Phase

Resentful -1 Damage

Incoming Attack

Iroh 122 vs 80 Yukari= Crit!
Iroh 124 vs 80 Yukari= Crit!

Incoming damage by passing Armor -1
Incoming damage affecting Armor -36/30
Incoming damage affecting Hp -6

Current RL: 46,000
Iroh: 38,000 [ No Edge]

Passive: Alacrity +10 DEF

At-Will: -3 Damage to Iroh by Adhering Blossom from missed attack in previous round

Bonus Action:

Action 1: Strike

To Hit:




Action 2: Strike

To Hit:




Total Reishi spent: -4

Round 3/3

Incomplete Fullbring -4 Reishi
Round 3

Round 2/6






Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.

You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 30
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Start each combat thread with +10 Armor.


You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.


A kido spell that can be used to control the direction and speed of attack spells, primarily allowing them to be redirected back at the enemy after missing.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action.
Effect: For the duration, you can use an at-will action to designate two Basic Attacks that missed their targets on your previous turn to seek those targets once more. The targets take half the Basic Attack damage from both as direct damage.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Slots 3/3

Fighter Class Techs:

A technique that allows the user to greatly increase the damage of normally weak attacks.
Type: Utility - Hakuda Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action all of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

This basic technique allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

A simple light slash technique that is meant only to lightly graze and cause superficial wounds.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.


Incomplete Fullbring

Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Enhancement: VICIOUS
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with Release Attack Techs.
Limit: Indefinite.
Level 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Level 3: Accuracy bonus increases to +15.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Spark of joy
SINGLE: Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.
BURN: 50% chance to Burn target.

Yukari Aihara

70 (10)

Last Edit: Sept 11, 2020 10:16:05 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Sept 14, 2020 23:06:20 GMT -5



Of those that he had fought recently, this girl... Yukari, held up well against Izanagi's flames. He wondered if she had some sort of background dealing with fire-based attacks. Iroh was well aware of the material world's many advancements in fire safety. In the short time he had been alive, all 151 years, the living humans had made incredible progress with their technology. He had no doubt in his mind that this girl was benefiting from that in some way. Perhaps a special fabric or protective coating?

Whatever it was, all it presented to Iroh was a challenge. As always, he yearned to test his skills and in this particular case, see if he could burn through her clothing. Not in any perverted sort of way, he had no interest in her naked form. He just wanted to see just how much the special fabric or coating could take and how hot the flames would need to be to burn through. It was rare someone or something could hold off the sweltering blaze of his zanpakuto.

That special black lightning coursed through his body once more causing every muscle he had to seize up momentarily. The pain was excruciating but short-lived.

His eyes widened, almost unnaturally, during the clash of their swords. The rising air from the fire caused his hair to flutter back. His lips pulled wide into a big, open mouthed grin and his eyes burned fiercely.

But she retreated away from him, pulling her own weapon back. For a moment Iroh was disappointed, but then she retorted with a strike from her hilt guard.

“Leave me alone.”

The cape-clad shinigami leaned away from the strike so that it missed its target, but stopped for just a moment to reply to her command.

"I cannot oblige that command. You have not only trespassed, but now attacked a shinigami of the Gotei 13. Whether you surrender or I defeat you, you will be brought to the 1st Division's headquarters for questioning."

He stopped and then snapped his fingers as if he just remembered something important.

"My apologies! In the scuffle I failed to introduce myself..."

The blonde and red haired man held his fiery sword to the side and proudly proclaimed his name and rank.

"I am Iroh Tsukishima, 3rd Seat of the 10th Division of the Gotei 13! Despite our current circumstances, I am pleased to meet you!"

The man had an odd temperament about him. Well, odd in normal circumstances anyway. In the midst of apprehending an intruder and while in a battle, he still maintained a cheerful and calm disposition. He showed no signs of stress or aggravation and he lacked any kind of malice or hatred in his actions or body language.

"Now then! Please prepare yourself!"

With that wide, unnerving smile he ramped up his attacks, focused his reiatsu, and unleashed a huge flame strike. Iroh slung his sword out from his side and across his chest. As he did so, a huge wall of fire erupted from his feet and rushed towards her.


Adhering Blossom! Iroh takes 3 Direct Dmg!
- 3 Direct Dmg reduces Iroh's armor to 0
- 1 Direct Dmg to HP!
Yukari's Hilt Guard Strike! | 65 ACC VS 85 DEF | MISS! | 0 Dmg!
Yukari's Hilt Guard Strike! | 52 ACC VS 85 DEF | MISS! | 0 Dmg!

Passive: Shikai! (1st Release / -4 Reishi/ x2 RL / Resentful)
At-Will: Tsukiyubi (-10 Reishi / +20 ACC / Dmg Tier +2)
Bonus Action #1: Focus Energy (-10 Reishi / +15 ACC)
Standard Action #1: Super Duper Flame Strike Part 1! (Basic Attack: Byakurai / -2 Reishi)
Standard Action #2: Super Duper Flame Strike Part 2! (Basic Attack: Byakurai / -2 Reishi)

Attack Roll: dKbQyWdo1d100+60
Damage Roll: 2d12+1

Attack Roll: 1d100+60
Damage Roll: 2d12+1

REIATSU LEVEL: 38,000 | Base: 19,000
ARMOR: 0/15
HP: 84/85
REISHI: 49/100
DEF: 85
ACC: +25


- ENDURING MORALE: Passive. +5 Reflexes & Resilience / +15 with allies
- DAUNTLESS: Passive. +15 Armor. Use Guard at-will. Can Intercept unlimited times.


1ST RELEASE: SHIKAI (-4 Reishi per turn) Standard Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: RESENTFUL (As a passive effect your foe takes -1 status damage each time they hit you with an attack.)
- TECHNIQUE: SCORCH (CURSE) (-15 Reishi) Bonus Action. 70% chance to inflict 2 stacks of Cursed on the target. Foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration. 3 turns per stack. (0/1)

BACKDRAFT (BAKUDŌ #41: KYŌMON): (-10 Reishi) Bonus Action. Avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. Also inflict status. (2/2)
HEALING FLAMES (BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU): (-5 Reishi) At-Will. Restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
TSUKIYUBI: (-10 Reishi) At-Will. All of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2. (1/2)



Last Edit: Sept 14, 2020 23:11:16 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Sept 15, 2020 16:49:58 GMT -5

The missing red Buddhist knot hair pin was caught in a nearby tree, the fibers were made from zetex, it was the only material that could survive either flames from a fullbringer or shinigami. The strands were caught in the bark of the tree, preventing it from flying away, it was evidence that a living human had trespassed soul society. It was symbolic to Japanese Zen Buddhism, which was put into practice at Sōma Morotsune Preparatory Academy, on the south eastern coast of the main island of Hawai’i.

Black lightning from Yukari’s spark of her fullbring focus shattered the invisible barrier surrounding Iroh. While he looked unharmed on the surface, she knew another successful strike would potentially drop his guard long enough so she could escape, even after her request of being left alone was verbally denied, he finally revealed who he was. It was rather late for introductions after crossing their blades more than once as opponents in the heat of battle; it did not follow the proper etiquette for the art of the sword in kendō. She was quite unfamiliar with what Iroh meant, the entry in her student handbook only had the kamon for each division, along with outdated rules, and a quick synopsis of their involvement with the earth short of being grim reapers. As a human living for only sixteen years, soul society was largely kept secret of its existence, except for the earthlings who were spiritually aware of the supernatural order of every soul.

After some thought, her golden honey irises peered into his widening red circled golden eyes, did he even blink at some point? Despite the barrier shattering, he was still staring at her with such intensity, she was curious about the benefit he would gain by taking her on alone, without any backup from either the 1st or 10th divisions he mentioned before. It only affirmed her belief that she had a chance with only one problem in her way, Iroh was stronger, faster at avoiding nearly all her attacks, she could never match his ability and it would be difficult to slice through him.

The shinigami reminded her of the crimes she committed, the same ones she was fully aware of when she confessed that it did not matter to her, she had her family to worry about who were in danger of the herd of menos grande. Against all odds, she simply had to press on, and reminded Iroh of her resolve to continue to fight him.

“I am the last heir to the Aihara Clan, it is my duty to continue my family bloodline, I must return home to secure the safety of my family first and foremost.” Of course, Yukari was fully aware she had to answer for these crimes, and she was hoping it could wait until after her death.

Did her goals in life become overruled by the rules of this realm? If the shinigami wanted souls so badly, they might as well murder people on the streets, but based on history of humanity, death came easily on earth, it was a game of survival so it was unnecessary to get involved in the chaos and self destruction on mankind. Did Iroh have a family he was willing to protect, against the rules of soul society he swore an oath to uphold, and at the cost of his own soul? The shinigami overall were gods among humans, Yukari acted on impulse, she knew right away she would not be able to outrun him unless she injured him first.

Iroh informed her to prepare herself for his next assault.

The flaming wall that whipped out from his sword was blocked by her black odachi blade, using her palm to support the weight of the sword against the force of the impact, cutting her own hand in the process which was cauterized by his flames, she was unfazed by the burns which only occurred on the weakened parts of her skin with open wounds. Yukari’s aura that radiated from her soul was a flame by nature, although it was translucent it was still moving visibly with the red tips, she was waiting for the right moment to burn him back with her own fullbring, but he kept pressing her with his own fire. In all her years she was never burned by fire before, she never knew what it felt to be hot since birth in the tropic climate of her island, and Iroh was the first person to make her feel like she was being purified from her hollow powers with his flame. Earlier, she thought about surrendering to him for a brief second, but all the training with her fullbring at the academy prepared her reflexes even in a subconscious state.

With the flaming wall dividing them, it was the opportunity she was looking for to strike him with more focused accuracy, she rushed through the wall of flames swinging her sword horizontally across his waist and then diagonally from his hip towards his shoulder.



Battle Phase


Incoming Attack

Iroh 94 vs 80 Yukari= Hit!
Iroh 106 vs 80 Yukari= Hit

Total Damage: -14

Current RL: 46,000
Iroh: 38,000 [ No Edge]

Passive: Alacrity +10 DEF


Bonus Action:

Action 1: Strike

To Hit:

+20 AC from Tsukiyubi



Action 2: Strike

To Hit:

+20 AC from Tsukiyubi



Total Reishi spent: -14

Round 3/3

Incomplete Fullbring -4 Reishi
Round 4

Round 3/6






Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.

You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 30
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Start each combat thread with +10 Armor.


You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.


A kido spell that can be used to control the direction and speed of attack spells, primarily allowing them to be redirected back at the enemy after missing.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action.
Effect: For the duration, you can use an at-will action to designate two Basic Attacks that missed their targets on your previous turn to seek those targets once more. The targets take half the Basic Attack damage from both as direct damage.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Slots 3/3

Fighter Class Techs:

A technique that allows the user to greatly increase the damage of normally weak attacks.
Type: Utility - Hakuda Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action all of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

This basic technique allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

A simple light slash technique that is meant only to lightly graze and cause superficial wounds.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.


Incomplete Fullbring

Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Enhancement: VICIOUS
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with Release Attack Techs.
Limit: Indefinite.
Level 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Level 3: Accuracy bonus increases to +15.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Spark of joy
SINGLE: Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.
BURN: 50% chance to Burn target.

Yukari Aihara

70 (10)

Last Edit: Sept 15, 2020 22:24:16 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Sept 19, 2020 16:06:20 GMT -5



She had surprised him by jumping into the fire instead of retreating from it, but it was a pleasant surprise. She did not fear the flames and he respected that. Anyone willing to brave such danger was admirable in his mind. It didn't seem to do her any favors, but nonetheless it was a moment he found notable in their battle.

The horizontal slash fell just short of making a mark on him, but the diagonal follow up sliced into flesh as she ran her blade from his hip to his opposite shoulder. The slash created a diagonal cut in his uniform over his chest. Bits of fabric quickly burned up as they left his body. Izanagi swallowed them in fire as soon as they were no longer attached to him. The cut itself was superficial and nothing to worry about, but the strike did remind him that this wasn't just some kind of spar or a game. She was intent on doing him harm so that she could escape. He needed to take this seriously otherwise she might just get her wish.

The battleground they were moving about had once been a beautiful pasture of colorful flowers, now it was all cinder and ash. There were fires still burning on the ground, scattered between stepped on flowers and flattened tall grass. The tiny flames were slowly spreading but never overwhelming the surrounding area. The very air was arid and hot. It felt like one could get dehydrated just from walking through it.

A bead of sweat ran down his face and dripped off of his chin. As it fell, the liquid quickly sizzled into steam and disappeared.

Iroh swung his fiery blade once more, bringing the tip of it down to cut into the earth and slash outward. As he did so, flames erupted from the ground at the spot he cut and spread outward in a line towards her like flames following a trail of gas or something.


Yukari's Sword Strike! | 65 ACC VS 85 DEF | MISS! | 0 Dmg!
Yukari's Sword Strike! | 124 ACC VS 85 DEF | HIT! | 1 Dmg!
- Yukari takes 1 Status Dmg per Resentful!

Passive: Shikai! (1st Release / -4 Reishi / x2 RL / Resentful)
At-Will: Tsukiyubi (-10 Reishi / +20 ACC / Dmg Tier +2)
Bonus Action #1: Focus Energy (-10 Reishi / +15 ACC)
Standard Action #1: Super Duper Flame Strike Part 1! (Basic Attack: Byakurai / -2 Reishi)
Standard Action #2: Super Duper Flame Strike Part 2! (Basic Attack: Byakurai / -2 Reishi)

Attack Roll: eYpTAqMW1d100+60 CRIT!
Damage Roll: 2d12+1 + 12 (Crit Dmg) = 29

Attack Roll: 1d100+60
Damage Roll: 2d12+1

REIATSU LEVEL: 38,000 | Base: 19,000
ARMOR: 0/15
HP: 83/85
REISHI: 21/100
DEF: 85
ACC: +25


- ENDURING MORALE: Passive. +5 Reflexes & Resilience / +15 with allies
- DAUNTLESS: Passive. +15 Armor. Use Guard at-will. Can Intercept unlimited times.


1ST RELEASE: SHIKAI (-4 Reishi per turn) Standard Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: RESENTFUL (As a passive effect your foe takes -1 status damage each time they hit you with an attack.)
- TECHNIQUE: SCORCH (CURSE) (-15 Reishi) Bonus Action. 70% chance to inflict 2 stacks of Cursed on the target. Foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration. 3 turns per stack. (0/1)

BACKDRAFT (BAKUDŌ #41: KYŌMON): (-10 Reishi) Bonus Action. Avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. Also inflict status. (2/2)
HEALING FLAMES (BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU): (-5 Reishi) At-Will. Restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
TSUKIYUBI: (-10 Reishi) At-Will. All of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2. (0/2)



Last Edit: Sept 19, 2020 16:07:44 GMT -5 by Momoshiro


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Sept 20, 2020 3:24:27 GMT -5

Yukari fell short of her six foot long odachi sword from visibly wounding Iroh, instead she sliced through his clothes, and she met his retaliation with two of his fiery strikes. In the cross path of a straight line of fire, she used the flat side of her blade to resist the impact, which forcibly pushed across the burning field of flowers, as much as she tried to withstand it, her okobo platform boots dug a trench into the scorched ground as she felt all the muscles on her legs tear to prevent her femurs from breaking, she screamed from the pain, it was loud enough for anyone to hear. As the flames subsided she collapsed, face down into the blackened ground, small fires from the burning foliage in the aftermath entirely surrounded her, the aura of her incomplete release prevented the flames from catching her platinum blonde hair on fire.

On the exposed skin above her red a-line pencil skirt, was the fiery curse Iroh placed on her, the ember had embedded deep inside the middle of her back, the surface of her tan skin was damaged in a sunburst pattern on her flesh, a red glow from the surface looked like molten lava that was eating up her hollow tainted soul. The burning pain from the curse allowed her to gain consciousness when her Reiryoku increased, she had been suppressing her ability to raise it this entire time to avoid the fiery pain the curse inflicted her the first time, when she lost consciousness from feeling heat from a flame, and she lied there a bit longer as she rolled on her right side of her hip. Yukari used her left hand to touch both her thighs to heal her torn muscles and stood up again using her sword as a crutch.

“It’s so hot.” Yukari whimpered between deep heavy breaths, her left hand reached down to pull the hem of her red skirt, as her knees were tightly pressed together to showcase her discomfort. The fast beating of her heart felt like it would burst at any minute, with her cheeks entirely flushed by the effects of the curse, which made her blood boil from what could neither be explained as pain or pleasure.

With the same determination, she had a running start to close the distance between them, with her sword held in both of her hands. Rather that slice directly in front of him, she lowered her stance to rush past him on his left side, raised her blade at an angle from the back of his right leg across towards his left leg, as she spun on her boots in a complete circle, in an attempt to sever the back of both of Iroh’s knees.



Battle Phase

Resentful -1 Damage

Incoming Attacks

Iroh 157 vs 85 Yukari= Crit!
Iroh 88 vs 85 Yukari= Hit!
1 Dmg from resentful

Total Damage: -37 - 1 Edge 1= 36

HP 57 - 36 = 21 +20 Keikatsu= 43 -3 curse= 40

Current RL: 46,000 x 1.25= 57,500 RL
Iroh: 38,000 [Edge 1]

EDGE 1 - (Your RL must be 1.5x an opponent’s) - As a passive you gain +5 def against all foe's attacks, you reduce 1 damage from their attacks, you gain +1 bonus damage and +5 accuracy with all your attacks.

Passive: Alacrity +10 DEF


Bonus Action: INTIMIDATE 25% increase to RL +25 Reishi -3 damage from Curse

Action 1: Strike

To Hit:

+20 AC from Tsukiyubi +5 from Flawless Strike + 5 Edge 1


+1 Damage from Edge 1, Damage Tier increase from Flawless Strikes

Action 2: Strike

To Hit:

+20 AC from Tsukiyubi + 5 Edge 1


Damage tier increase from Tsukiyubi + 1 Damage from Edge 1

Total Reishi spent: -15
Intimidate: +25 reishi = 68 -19 reishi
49 Reishi Total

Round 3/3

Incomplete Fullbring -4 Reishi
Round 5

Round 4/6






Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.

You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 30
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Start each combat thread with +10 Armor.


You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.


A kido spell that can be used to control the direction and speed of attack spells, primarily allowing them to be redirected back at the enemy after missing.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action.
Effect: For the duration, you can use an at-will action to designate two Basic Attacks that missed their targets on your previous turn to seek those targets once more. The targets take half the Basic Attack damage from both as direct damage.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Slots 3/3

Fighter Class Techs:

A technique that allows the user to greatly increase the damage of normally weak attacks.
Type: Utility - Hakuda Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action all of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

This basic technique allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

A simple light slash technique that is meant only to lightly graze and cause superficial wounds.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.


Incomplete Fullbring

Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Enhancement: VICIOUS
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with Release Attack Techs.
Limit: Indefinite.
Level 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Level 3: Accuracy bonus increases to +15.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Spark of joy
SINGLE: Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.
BURN: 50% chance to Burn target.

Yukari Aihara

x2 x1.25
70 (10)

Last Edit: Sept 20, 2020 8:19:00 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much



There are many causes I would die for, but not a single cause I would kill for.

Momoshiro Avatar


Post by Momoshiro on Sept 22, 2020 19:59:31 GMT -5



As the girl lay among the ash and flames, for a moment Iroh thought he might have gone too far. He almost reached out to her but quickly retracted his hand as he heard his father's words in his mind.

"Never trust your enemy and never give them sympathy because you cannot guarantee they would do the same for you."

Iroh instead wiped a bit of sweat from his forehead and continued to watch the girl as she finally struggled to her feet. If it had been someone else, they might have attacked her while she was down, putting a quick end to this, but he saw no honor in attacking someone who could not fight back. Instead he waited to see what she would do.

Suddenly he felt her aura explode outward. The sudden pressure was a stark change to the energy she carried before. Was she just getting started or using her last resort. It was hard to tell, but Iroh hoped she had more to show him.

Yukari charged him head-on, quickly closing the distance between the two combatants. She was brave. Of that he had no doubt. It was admirable. His smile quickly returned as each of her boots hit and left the ash covered ground between them. He prepared for the frontal attack only to be caught surprised as she zipped right past him. Before he could even turn his head to follow her, she had spun around and slashed at the back of his knees.

He yelped in pain as blood sprayed out from the fresh wounds and showered the surrounding charcoal gray ground. He almost dropped to the ground, but caught himself, flipping his zanpakuto around to stab into the ground and give him a crutch to lean his weight on.

Pushing the intense pain away, Iroh reacted surprisingly quickly. His father had literally beaten quick reactions into him since he was younger than his brother is now. If you were not quick, you would get hurt more. They sparred day in and day out in the courtyard and out in the barracks dojo too. Iroh adapted quickly. He had to.

So, wasting no time, Iroh pointed two fingers toward the girl while still holding his sword at the hilt. A bright orb of fire formed instantly and launched towards her.

After launching the fireball, Iroh forced himself to stand while ignoring the pain shooting through his legs. His unblinking eyes wavered somewhat as if they wanted to wince.


Yukari's Sword Strike! | 98 ACC VS 85 DEF | HIT! | 6 Dmg!
- Yukari takes 1 Status Dmg per Resentful!
Yukari's Sword Strike! | 114 ACC VS 85 DEF | HIT! | 5 Dmg!
- Yukari takes 1 Status Dmg per Resentful!

Passive: Shikai! (1st Release / -4 Reishi / x2 RL / Resentful)
Bonus Action #1: Intimidate! (+25% Increase to RL / +25 Reishi)
Standard Action #1: Fireball Part 1! (Basic Attack: Byakurai / -2 Reishi)
Standard Action #2: Fireball Part 2! (Basic Attack: Byakurai / -2 Reishi)

Attack Roll: YvypykM51d100+25
Damage Roll: 2d10

Attack Roll: 1d100+25
Damage Roll: 2d10

REIATSU LEVEL: 38,000 +25% = 47,500 | Base: 19,000
ARMOR: 0/15
HP: 72/85
REISHI: 40/100
DEF: 85
ACC: +25

Intimidate: (+25% RL | 25/100 Reishi restored | 2/2 turns left)

- ENDURING MORALE: Passive. +5 Reflexes & Resilience / +15 with allies
- DAUNTLESS: Passive. +15 Armor. Use Guard at-will. Can Intercept unlimited times.


1ST RELEASE: SHIKAI (-4 Reishi per turn) Standard Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x.
- ENHANCEMENT: RESENTFUL (As a passive effect your foe takes -1 status damage each time they hit you with an attack.)
- TECHNIQUE: SCORCH (CURSE) (-15 Reishi) Bonus Action. 70% chance to inflict 2 stacks of Cursed on the target. Foe is dealt 3 status damage each time they activate anything that requires a Bonus Action for duration. 3 turns per stack. (0/1)

BACKDRAFT (BAKUDŌ #41: KYŌMON): (-10 Reishi) Bonus Action. Avoid all but the highest rolled damage die from one non-critical attack that hit you. You deal the highest damage die back to the attacker as direct damage. Also inflict status. (2/2)
HEALING FLAMES (BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU): (-5 Reishi) At-Will. Restore 20 HP to self or a comrade. Once per target. (1/1)
TSUKIYUBI: (-10 Reishi) At-Will. All of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2. (0/2)





I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Sept 23, 2020 1:50:50 GMT -5

It was unfortunate that Yukari did not witness Iroh express his humanity for a brief moment under the veil of the flames of his assault, after all this time she assumed he did not possess any other expression that a dignified glare after rejecting her reprieve to leave soul society, and she had no choice but to fight for what she believed in even if it defied the laws of the realm.

While Yukari suffered from internal wounds, any bleeding on the surface of her skin was burned up by Iroh’s flames, and she recognized the scent of blood coming from the shinigami anywhere. Blood was distinct in odor like the of rust on a piece of unrefined iron, even among the smoldering burning ash of what remained of the once beautiful flower field which hindered Yukari’’s sense of smell, there was no mistake that he was bleeding from the wound she inflicted, while the black of his hakama style pants soaked up his wound, cutting through fabric and flesh confirmed the point of contact when she strained herself to slice through the back of his knees.

The shinigami remained standing, it was not enough of an opening in his defenses to escape his reach, and his reiryoku level increased in response to her own. So they were both holding back from going all out in the heat of battle. After all this time, she thought, with the way he kept engulfing her in flames, that she was receiving his judgment but he had every intention to capture her instead despite the difference in ability and experience.

The burning sunburst on her back triggered again when she tapped into her reserved pool of reishi. Yukari’s somatosensory system responded with the dormant ability to feel heat, for the first time in her entire life, she felt like she was being raised asunder by fire. At first she was confused by heat but as time went on she could not pinpoint what she had been feeling exactly. The tan teenager was internally being reminded that she was alive, that it was futile to resist the burning sensation, and thus she finally submitted to the feeling only to discover it had been desire for more fire. A soft moan escaped her quivering lips as she gasped for air, her honey colored eyes nearly rolled back as she looked at the sky, and her chest heaved to the rhythm of her fast beating heart as the curse inflicted pain through a searing heat.

Two fiery orbs directed by Iroh regained her attention to the battle, she bit her bottom lip as she avoided the first impact entirely, and she fell on her knees as the fiery branded curse throbbed on her back. The second impact burned her exposed tan skin, with patchy second degree burns, that drew visible tears cascade from her eyes down to her burned cheeks, leaving only her flame resistant clothing free from damage.

Finding joy in life was the primary reason she was able to manifest her fullbring faster than anyone in her community. The world was full of wonder, hidden discoveries, and in this case an entirely new sensation which made her excited for more.

“Your flames spark joy, Iroh-sama.”

With renewed determination, black bolts of lightning surrounded her hands as she tightened her grip on her odachi blade, igniting the black metal with a flint of reishi with the same transparent fiery reiryoku aura that surrounded her, she rotated the blade to strike him on the shoulder, the transparent aura changed into fiery red flames.



Battle Phase

Resentful -2 Damage

Incoming Attacks

Iroh 92 vs 95 Yukari= Miss
Iroh 95 vs 95 Yukari= Hit

Total Damage: -16 -2 resentful -6 from curse = -24

HP 40 -24 = 16

Current RL: 46,000 x 1.25= 57,500 RL
Iroh: 47,500 [No Edge]

Passive: Alacrity +10 DEF


Bonus Action: BRINGER LIGHT -10 Reishi +15 DEF -3 damage from curse

Action 1 sacrificed for a Bonus Action:

INTIMIDATE 25% increase to RL +25 Reishi -3 damage from Curse

Action 2: Spark of joy -15 reishi

To Hit:

+5 from Vicious

75 or higher for crit slashing



Burning Chance:

50% chance to Burn

Total Reishi spent: -29
Intimidate: 49 +25 reishi = 74 - 29 reishi
45 Reishi Total

Round 3/3

Incomplete Fullbring -4 Reishi
Round 6

Round 5/6






Each time one of your Strike Basic Attacks hit, increase the Accuracy (by +5) and Damage Tier (by +1) of further Strike Basic Attacks used on subsequent turns. Both bonuses are reduced to +0 on the turn following an attack failing to hit its target.

You start with the Standard Techs Tsukiyubi, Nadegiri, and Hozuri. They do not take up any Slots.


Prerequisite: None
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.
Limit: Indefinite

Prerequisite: Resilience Skill of 30
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: Start each combat thread with +10 Armor.


You create a fast-forming energy wall against fairly strong attacks.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until temp HP is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

With a gentle touch you mend flesh and knit bone with your own Reishi.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you restore 20 HP to self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per target.


A kido spell that can be used to control the direction and speed of attack spells, primarily allowing them to be redirected back at the enemy after missing.
Type: Utility - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action.
Effect: For the duration, you can use an at-will action to designate two Basic Attacks that missed their targets on your previous turn to seek those targets once more. The targets take half the Basic Attack damage from both as direct damage.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Slots 3/3

Fighter Class Techs:

A technique that allows the user to greatly increase the damage of normally weak attacks.
Type: Utility - Hakuda Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action all of your basic attacks this turn gain +20 to accuracy and upgrade their Damage Tier by +2.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

This basic technique allows for a precision cut of extreme force and speed that it can slice through hardened skin and protective armor with ease.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action you have a 80% chance to inflict the Wound status on your target and upon infliction, the target loses a 3d4 worth of armor. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

A simple light slash technique that is meant only to lightly graze and cause superficial wounds.
Type: Utility - Zanjutsu Art
Activate: At-Will
Effect: As an at-will action you deal 2 direct damage per individual status effect or special status effect that your foe had on them during the end of their previous turn.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.


Incomplete Fullbring

Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you enter your 1st Release state. You may drop out at any time by using an at-will action. This Release boosts your base RL by 2x.
Enhancement: VICIOUS
Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with Release Attack Techs.
Limit: Indefinite.
Level 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Level 3: Accuracy bonus increases to +15.
Cost: 4 Reishi per turn

Spark of joy
SINGLE: Rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has a chance to inflict a minor effect. Costs 15 Reishi. Twice per battle.
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.
BURN: 50% chance to Burn target.

Yukari Aihara

x2 x1.25
70 (10)

Last Edit: Sept 24, 2020 6:03:44 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much