Bleach Hereafter RPG

Turn to the gates of heaven [Lvl 3 Mission PvP]


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Oct 20, 2020 2:04:00 GMT -5

Type: Retrieve (PvP) (Repeatable)
Level: 3
Rewards: Hōgyoku Shard / +12 XP / +12 RM / +12,000 Reiatsu
Description: There has been a report that a Hōgyoku Shard was found. Investigate the claim and retrieve the shard.
Travel to the location of the shard in either Seireitei, The Living World, Schatten Bereich, or Hueco Mundo. Depending on if the shard in that location has been claimed or not, you can choose which one to pursue.
Defeat at least 3 waves of NPC enemies OR at least 1 PC enemy. It is up to you to decide if the enemies are guarding the shard or chasing you after you took it.

Location: A dress shop in Gołuchów, Poland

It was mid afternoon by the time Yukari got herself fitted for a dress in a local shop she had commissioned a few days prior, at the invitation of Sakura Soma to attend a Charity Auction, followed by a ball. It was often her mother who designed her clothes, since she did not have a vision for what she wanted, the dressmaker was given the liberty of designing a dress that would be suitable for her figure, the old woman asked how old she was, and then was delighted to comply with her own design. The senior student stared at a massive mirror wall at her reflection, she looked like a giant sized tan porcelain doll in periwinkle colored dress, she had difficulty hiding the disdain of being dressed this way. The last time she wore so many frills, as when she was eight years old, and after that she started wearing sleeveless yukatas with a designer skirt style hem.

The dress was beautiful, she felt her height made her look strange with all the layers, she was starting to crumple the flower bouquet she was holding for the auction, as she waited for the old woman to finish sewing the black ribbon knee high stockings to match the outfit. In the background, she could hear the old woman mutter about the last time she made such a dress for her own daughter in the mid 90’s except floral was more in style, and she felt stripes would look precious on Yukari.

A sigh escaped her lips, she wondered why Diana was taking so long getting dressed in her own commissioned outfit, and called out to her senpai.

“Diana-senpai?” Yukari tilted her head, “Do you need help putting anything on?”

The Auction was in two hours, which gave them plenty of time to get dressed, and arrive at
Gołuchów Castle on time. Their sensei had requested they arrive at least thirty minutes early to meet Rei Soma, since Yukari would be modeling some of the jewelry that was being auctioned off by the Soma clan, on behalf of a Global Charity for Orphans.

Post 1
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 20, 2020 2:45:23 GMT -5

When it comes to clothes, Diana generally preferred stylish with tomboyish elements. Not that she detest dresses, it was just that they would often get in the way of missions that involved regulating Hollow. So it was not often that she get to wear clothes of the type that would make her rather homely in gala like the one she was wearing right now.


In the first place, isn't this dress a bit too bold? Sure, she did tell the old woman that she wanted something striking and daring but this was a bit too much. If she had known this was the dress chosen for her instead she probably would have tell them to tone it down a little. Not to mention, this was for an auction? Wouldn't that mean there would be a lot of other people who get to see her wear this getup?

"A-a girl need to prepare herself mentally..."

What the heck was she blustering about? Never would she have thought such words come out from her mouth and to another girl(her junior no less.) Gah, she wished she could have gone with something that's a bit more androgynous perhaps but no, the old woman insisted that it would be quite a waste. And for something that has less threads than a regular dress, why do they cost a lot more?? Swallowing her saliva slightly, she stepped out reluctantly of the changing room.

"G-go ahead and laugh at your senpai. I know I look weird in it..."

WC: 254


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Oct 20, 2020 3:44:52 GMT -5

It seemed both fullbringers were uncomfortable wearing their dresses, clearly they needed to do their own shopping, rather than have something custom made, Yukari learned the hard way that only her own mother Miki had excellent fashion sense. Perhaps shopping would be easier after studying fashion magazines before she was made to look like a pre-teen ever again. Diana’s dress was elegant and sexy at the same time. The red bow made her look like a present, she had the proper figure for it, and the elderly dressmaker took the care to cover the parts of her back that were scarred with lisons; the back was cut like the front, with the sides of her hips exposed which was clear of any marks.

However, even if they switched attire, Diana’s dress would be too distracting for Yukari to wear when walking on the catwalk to showcase the antique jewelry, so the old woman was perceptive of their roles. The truth was, Diana was going to bid on the floor, she needed to have a certain aesthetic to rival other bidders, and that meant she needed to stand out in the audience to be taken seriously by her competitors of being from wealth.

After musing for a minute, she turned to the old woman, and suggested some changes to add more elegance to the dress.There was enough left over ribbon to make a choker, then run more ribbon to hold the sweetheart yoke of the dress, it would make Diana feel more confident that one misstep will not cause her breasts to bounce right out of the dress, if she felt the exposed neck like was secure like a swimsuit.

Yukari raised a white gloved hand for a thumbs up, once the old woman sewed in the adjustments she suggested, and she was beginning to understand Miki’s vision whenever she designed clothing. It needed to be appealing and functional for a woman to have the confidence to flaunt a beautiful dress. After putting on the nylon ribboned white socks, Yukari slipped on a pair of ballet style heels, with black ribbon laced up up to her calves, and she stood ever taller. The rest of the dress cascaded down it an open view of the ballet style pumps, it was beginning to make sense now why it was not necessarily a girlish dress anymore; a little girl would never be able to walk in these shoes without any ballet training.

The old woman had a sense of magic after all, they were too rushed to judge, and now they were comfortable with their choices. At some point Yukari wanted to ask the old woman how she knew she could walk in these shoes, but it did not matter much she was used to walking in ridiculous footwear any order to weild her nodachi blade.

“Are you ready to go, Senpai?”

Post 2


You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 21, 2020 7:13:13 GMT -5

The laughter she had expected did not come. In fact, she could hear Yukari give further instruction to adjust her dress in such a way that her outfit wasn't going to be a recipe for wardrobe disaster. By the time the old woman had finished her final adjustment, it was more secure than before and she was able to saunter around with confidence, even taking several different poses in front of the mirror.

"Mmm...thank you."

She definitely looked like one of those CEO she often see in telly...or perhaps their daughters. The silky dress reflected light in a flattering manner, not to mention how it hugs her asset. The way it did manage to cover her scars despite how little it covered spoke volume of the tailor's skill.

"Yeah, I'm ready Yukari."

Auction huh? Normally she would leave handling these sort of stuff to Anthony but her crew was on another assignemnt and there was no guarantee they'd be able to join her in time for the auction. Running her hand through her hair a bit to flick her hair slightly, she took one last look at the mirror before flashing her trademark confident smirk.

"Let's do this. Have you ever attend an auction before?" Diana asked, a slightly curious look bloomed on her face. Yukari didn't look the type to attend such ceremony, even moreso after learning her background but given that she didn't look nervous, it made her wonder of the girl's experience.

PC: 2


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Oct 21, 2020 10:03:01 GMT -5

“This will be my first time, actually. I am nervous.”

With a smile they both walked out of the dress shop towards a car waiting for them outside, the driver was sent over for the auction on behalf of the Sōma clan. A private road led to Gołuchów Castle, from a distance it looked whimsical surrounded by trees, the weather was fair. The sun began to set, a few people were gathering who were part of the auction outside, while the valet assisted everyone that hailed from wealth from their fancy cars.

Diana would be let out first, throughout her life, she never expected to be attracted to the elegance that her senpai was indirectly enticing her with, and she wondered why she even felt this way until now. Time stopped for a minute as people all turned their heads when she stepped out the car while gripping the valet’s hand with her black gloved hand, physical attraction was not something Yukari expected, and she strongly believed that she would prefer personality over anything else. However, she never experienced anything like this before, and she nervously held the valet’s hand with her own white gloved hand nearly hiding her face behind the flower boquete to keep up.

When they entered the main castle entrance, a sweet aroma hit her senses, while Yukari fell behind she thought it was because Diana was wearing distinct perfume, the scent was in fact feminine pheromones, she shook her head while closing her eyes to open them back up to notice that Rei was entirely neutral, while other guests had their eyes focused on her senpai. The senior high schooler felt burned out emotionally by Diana’s irresistible charms, she was an inspiration to look up to, while she was not always confident, she truly wanted to be just like the Red Lotus agent. She felt vulnerable standing in the shadows and it was not in her best interest to react to her own feelings at present. After taking a deep breath to calm down she was able to regain her composure to greet Rei Sōma with a bow.

Without a word he affixed a crystal on the blossom of the blue rose she was wearing on her head and he left.

Post 3


You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 23, 2020 10:59:07 GMT -5

"Yeah? That makes two of us."

Assured that the girl was actually as nervous as she was when it comes to this auction, she followed Yukari all the way to the car. It was a rather fancy car, the kind that one expects someone of either high upbringing...or the yakuza. Of course it turned out that the car was provided by the Soma clan much like any other. Her eyes gazed outward of the window, noting that the sky had turned into an orange hue as the sun had set down the horizon.

When the driver informed them that they would be approaching the building, she adjusted herself in the seat slightly when she saw a car passing by them. There was an occupant within the car one that she felt familiar but she completely missed the window of opportunity to confirm them. Hoping that she was just being overly paranoid, the girl decide to spend the rest of the trip practicing breathing method to calm herself down before the event.

Once they had arrive, the door was opened up and Diana was invited to come out of the car first. Taking a step outside, she took a moment to look at her surroundings. Quite a number of people attended the auction, she could feel all their attention turned towards them upon their arrival. A small smirk crept up her face, she began to walk forward into the lobby. In order to blend in, she had to put an outward appearance as if she owned the place.

When the guests mingle with her, Diana would introduce herself as a representative of Chase Bank-one of the four titans of US banks. It was the reason why she did not use a cover name for this mission and she had pulled enough strings to make sure that her cover would be intact unless someone seriously dig her identity upon those relatives of CEO of Chase Bank.

A glance towards Yukari and she noticed that the girl was like a deer in headlight. It's a shame really, if not for the roles assigned to them both she would have done something to ease her nerves. Instead she glanced at her direction to catch her eyes before winking towards her. Occupied she was at glancing in her kouhai direction that it takes a second for her to notice the woman approaching her.

"Fubuki from Mikimoto Jewellery. Didn't expect to see you here Diana Chase. Shouldn't you be in London?"

"My my, I can say the same to you. Last I heard you're stationed in Japan."

The two women shook hands together but there was an intense spark as they gazed into each other's eyes. To those of astute eyes, it was clear that their relationship was far from friendly despite the civil exchange between them.

WC: 474
Last Edit: Oct 23, 2020 10:59:37 GMT -5 by Diana


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Oct 23, 2020 21:06:45 GMT -5

When Diana offered a wink, Yukari did her best to ease her nerves by smiling at her senpai, but unfortunately the atmosphere of being near the rich and famous was suffocating. To make matters worse, there were people who recognized each other, while she knew no one, and was the odd one out. As if it was fate, she reached the bar at the end of the lobby, a tray of flute glasses had champagne for anyone to help themselves, and Yukari took one nervously as she tried to blend in with the crowd.

A gentleman having scotch on the rocks was watching her the whole time, rather than meet her eye, he was staring at the blue rose blossom pinned in her hair, and the high school senior had forgotten that Rei Sōma had placed it there as she was still feeling out of place. As her honey colored eyes met his gaze, she found it familiar that his irises were distinct, an x and an o for pupils. The Reiryoku surrounding him was Quincy, she had met his kind before, and there was no mistake in her analysis.

“Apologies,” He began, “I did not intend to stare, I am a bit out of my element myself, not used to this type of setting, figured a drink would warm me up to ease some of the tension in the room. You must be one of the flower girls auctioning the jewelry being worn. I take it the crystal in the Rose is one of those pieces? My name is Andrew Parker De Oro. Who might you be? Are you a member of the Sōma family?”

Yukari drank the champagne, while listening to Andrew, she took another sip realizing she missed his question as she blinked.

“Yes I believe it is. No. I mean not really. My name is Yukari Aihara, a minor clan family member of the Soma Clan, uh nice to meet you Andrew De Oro.” Yukari breathed, “I need fresh a-air, e-excuse me, I am sorry.”

There was a door behind the bar, which she took, she had no idea how long she was inside the castle with nothing else to do, and realized it was now night time outside. To her surprise, she met the gaze of her classmates Senko and Hachiko holding bouquets along with their Sensei Sakura Sōma.

“Yukari-chan, you look like a doll.” Sakura smiled holding a single rose, “The auction is about to begin, time to go behind the scenes and prepare to showcase the jewelry. I see you met with Rei and you have the shard in your possession now. Let’s go ladies.”

The shard? Yukari was daunted by her environment that she did not realize she was in possession of the shard this whole time, as she concentrated now, it was radiating in reishi, but something was wrong it felt incomplete. The tan teenager was not a thief, it was being auctioned for a great cause, and they had to play by the rules although she sensed some powerful reiryoku signatures who were quite aware of what was at stake.

The auction hall was filled with green velvet cushioned chairs facing a cat walk, Yukari followed her sensei to the stage, going behind a curtain to a dressing room with plenty of mirrors, she was surprised when her nose was powdered by her sensei.

The sound of an audience clapping beyond the curtain was startling, everything was going so fast, she watched Hachiko and Senko descend a small staircase from the stage, they removed the jewelry that was sold off in the first two rounds, and Yukari was bewildered when she realized time was flowing faster than her anxiety could keep up. Sakura motioned for Yukari to go up the stage, telling her it was her turn to go on, she sighed and figured the sooner she could get this over with the better.

A priest wearing a black robes spoke into a mic, explaining that the last piece of the evening, is a crystal made out of an element that does not currently exist in the periodic table of elements worthy of scientific research. The audience reacted with intrigue, as Yukari walked down the stage, she witnessed Diana sitting nearly in the front row, perhaps she was aware by now that this was the piece she had been looking for, her investigation was correct in assuming it was in possession of the soma clan.

Thomas Branson was the auctioneer, Yukari noticed he was also a Quincy, since when has the Soma clan been working with them? The De Oro name was familiar but she was too caught up standing still for everyone to admire the shard in the blue rose blossom.

“Starting bid is set to 10,000 zloty.” Thomas spoke up.

Post 4


Last Edit: Oct 23, 2020 21:07:27 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 24, 2020 9:19:51 GMT -5

The pair leaned into each other enough so that their lips were close to each other's ear. Behind Fubuki, Diana could see a number of her subordinates who always accompanied her wherever she go. All of which were Fullbringers though their strength were signficantly lesser than their leader. Their closeness would allow them to speak to each other by whispers without alerting others around them.

"What are you doing here? I didn't hear anything about Red Lotus sending reinforcements for this auction."she hissed. Diana was a little puzzled about her appearance and from her experience in the past, it rarely meant anything good. She recalled quite vividly some of her less successful task due to her personal altercation with this woman.

"Things have changed. You took too long to deliver the result that right now, it's fair game for anyone." Fubuki muttered, her tone a mixture of delightful and mischief. This caused Diana to narrow her eyes slightly, she highly doubted the woman would let the shard go after a lost in auction.

"You're poking a hornet's nest Fubuki. We're not in Japan now you know?"she muttered, trying to defuse the situation. Her name would have carried a lot more weight but instead of being daunted, her own lips curled into a smile.

"I know. Try not to get stung." she replied before pulling back, a kindly smile formed on her face. "I look forward to the auction as  well. Until then Diana."

The pair peeled off each other and went their separate ways as Diana consider the additional variables she had not accounted for in her plan. As this was an auction, she would require a particular amount of money but now that Fubuki was here, she would have to risk spending a lot more than she had anticipated. As a waitress passed by, she took one of the wine glasses and began formulating an auction strategy in her head. In the corner of her eyes, she could see Yukari speaking to someone she did not recognize. A friend of hers perhaps?

Soon the time of auction had begun as the auctioneer began the auction of the very shard she had attempted to secure in first place. She could hear some customer bidding 11,000 and another attempt to undermine by bidding 12,000. Not wanting to get into a petty squable with smaller numbers, she decided to raise the price a litte.

"20,000 zloty."she replied, her voice sounding a little more authoritative than usual. There, that ought to keep the small fries out of the fray. But no sooner than she said that another female voice she was familiar with decided to pitch the price even higher.

"30,000 zloty."

At this Diana couldn't help but glanced slightly in Fubuki's direction. She knew then that Fubuki had intended from the very beginning to turn this into a bidding war. Just how high the price she could push for this shard?

PC: 4
Last Edit: Oct 24, 2020 9:21:15 GMT -5 by Diana


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Oct 24, 2020 20:33:49 GMT -5

Yukari would bury her face in the bouquet flowers, as she was on the spotlight of the bidding war, it seemed the person Diana was acquainted with was bidding against her, they were both fullbringers, but it seemed even being on the same side meant everyone had their own agenda. It seemed her senpai was unfazed by the atmosphere of being near Quincy, keeping her focus on winning the shard, and her honey colored eyes looked over to Andrew Parker who introduced himself to her at the bar earlier.

“60,000 złoty.” He called out, casually he sat in his chair in the same manner as he did at the bar, and the room became silent.

The other pieces that were worn by Senko and Hachiko were sold at triple digit pricing. The audience was skeptical that an element that was unidentified to modern science could even compare to the timeless pieces ranging in age for centuries. Perhaps it was worth buying after the bid increased significantly from the starting price. The price increased to 90,000 złoty among other mysterious bidders.

“100,000 złoty.” Andrew proclaimed, it was in his best interest of the Quincy orphanage in Japan to acquire this shard, in these trying times, he wanted to protect the children who resided at the estate he operated with his kind by using its hidden power.

“I have a bid of 100,000 złoty do I have other bidders?” Thomas spoke into the mic attached to a podium next to Yukari on the stage.

While Yukari stood there she could imagine what the end result could be, it was best to remain calm, and gage the audience to prevent the price from going too high and lock it in at the right price.

Post 5
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 26, 2020 1:15:37 GMT -5

The alcohol helped calm her nerves slightly, there was a reason why it was called liquid courage. She couldn't let Fubuki win the auction as that would mean all her effort in securing the shard would be a collosal waste. Just as she was about to raise the bid even higher to 50,000 suddenly another voice called out, a masculine one this time which undermine hers by ten grand.


If this followed the pattern of earlier auction, it would have easily reach six digits. She had only 200,000 zloty to her name and even then, it wasn't meant to be spend here all at once. While she was busy mulling things over, the price soared even higher all the way to 100 grand, courtesy of the quincy she saw earlier. Biting her lip to stiffle the curse that threaten to escape from her mouth, she was caught completely off guard upon hearing the voice of her rival.

"120,000 zloty."

Shit, shit, shit.

That claim alone silent most of the bidders here. None of them aside from those who are attuned to the supernatural ones wished to bet all that on a supposedly mysterious undiscovered element. She needed to repressed her emotion inside, show not a single weakness by displaying emotion on her face.

"150,000 zloty for the crystal."

Now, she just needed to see if either Fubuki or Anthony would attempt to outbid her price. Hopefully she didn't have to resort to using that much money for the crystal.

WC: 257
Post: 5


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Oct 26, 2020 3:06:51 GMT -5

“I have a bid for 150,000 zloty for a mysterious crystal. Do I have other bidders?” The atmosphere in the room was tense, as a minute went by in silence, Thomas raised his gavel, “Going once, going twice, sold to the young silver haired maiden in the silk blue dress for 150,000 zloty. Thank you all for participating in our charity auction, the ball room will be opened in two hours for additional guests, please enjoy our complimentary orderves and drinks, in the meantime. The castle will remain open until midnight. Feel free to dance in the courtyard, we have an excellent sound system that will play the live string quintet performers from the ballroom. Enjoy the rest of the evening.”

The guests in the room began to disperse into other parts of the castle, Yukari waited until everyone left, before hopping off the stage to join her senpai. The room was empty except for the two Quincy who were talking to each other quietly, and the Fullbringer that knew Diana.

“Congratulations for winning the bid Senpai. Shall we head back to the hotel to change into something else and bring along Annabelle-san and Valentina-san?” Yukari wondered, she stood by waiting for an answer, while holding the flowers in her hand, they still needed to pay the auctioneer to walk out with the shard of course.


Post 6

Last Edit: Oct 26, 2020 20:14:39 GMT -5 by Yukari Aihara
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Oct 29, 2020 8:34:24 GMT -5

After that declaration, Diana subsconciously held her breath as the auctioneer waited if there was anyone else who would try to bid for the crystal. It wasn't until the gavel slammed against the podium that she let out her breathe and her shoulder eased up a bit. She would glanced at Fubuki's direction who gave her an evil eye but otherwise left them be as she conversed with her lackeys. The quincies however remained in the same room as them.

"Mmm? Oh right, thanks. And yes, I agree let's head back after I pay for this." she replied, seemingly distracted at first before flashing her a genuine smile. Taking her handbag, she would head in the direction of auctioneer to pay for her trophy. 150,000 zloty was quite a lot of amount and she wasn't exactly sure if they take card, cheque or cash up front. Just in case, she had prepare such sum in her handbag as she lead her for payment.

"We still need to be careful though, I've heard of robbery that target auction winners. Generally it's nothing we can't handle but one can never be too careful." she warned, as her eyes glance towards the shard. Something within her compels her to grab the shard but she manage to rein it in, chalking her desire as paranoia as she was surrounded at all sides by potential adversaries.

WC: 232
PC: 6


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Oct 30, 2020 2:42:27 GMT -5

Yukari watched Diana pay the priest in charge of the auction, both of the Quincy nodded at her for successfully acquiring the shard, and they made their way out of the Auction Hall. The fact that Soma clan had something precious in their possession, made Yukari curious about their family secrets as a distant descendant, and she looked over to her senpai who raised her gloved hand to reach out to her. A blush formed on her tan cheek, she instinctively took that reaction as wanting to hold hands, so she silently took the red lotus agent’s hand with her white gloved palm, walking hand in hand together outside of the castle towards the car that was waiting for them. The senior high school student would never be suspicious about the mistake she just made, she assumed what she was trying to do incorrectly, but in reality Diana had the urge to take the crystal not her hand.

Once they were in the car, the ride back would be longer than leaving the dress shop, the hotel they were staying at was nearly at the end of town, and there was dense wood with a single road to drive through in the night. Yukari no longer held her senpai’s hand once they were in the car, she was staring out the window, wondering where the rest of the shards could be found. If Diana was dutiful in doing research for it thus far, then she only had to support her by being present in acquiring the remaining shards, and she turned to face her in the dimly lit car.

“Do you know where the other shards are, Senpai?” Yukari smiled passively, while it cost a fortune, it was for a good cause, but it was nearly too easy if it was meant to be a powerful relic.


While waiting on a reply in silence, her ability to detect a nearby hollow entity raised the platinum hairs on the nape of her neck as a forewarning, and on instinct she dropped the bouquet flowers to pull down the center arm rest from the back seat. In one swift movement she pulled out her nodachi sword from the sheath that was kept in the trunk and the seconds that followed was a menos grande hand punching through the back seat window. The tinted window was shattered into cube shaped pieces, Yukari was pulled out her seat, it was just like the encounter with the herd of menos on the main island of Hawai’i. Only this time Yukari was no longer afraid of the paranormal, she spun her sword to sever the Menos’ hand clean off, and landed on the road.

The driver panicked, bringing the car to a sudden stop, he figured an elk rammed into the car, as she looked around to see nothing out of the ordinary, except for Yukari standing while holding a sword in the rear view window. Before the driver could ask a question, a tree fell over blocking their sight of the tan teenager girl, the menos attacked Yukari again which was invisible to humans who were not spiritually aware.

Yukari released her fullbring using her sword as a focus, firing a massive surge of black lightning energy into a cannon aimed at the Menos’ mask, except she was purposely only trying to chip the mask rather than destroy the hollowed souls.

The menos screeched at the severed hand, which regenerated, it transformed after nearly touching the shard, several eyes appeared all over its body that belonged to all the souls it had consumed, as if it was awakened.


Post 7

You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much


I have nothing to say.

Diana Avatar


Post by Diana on Nov 1, 2020 3:04:43 GMT -5

It was a rather awkward gesture, her reaching out for the shard and rein it in only for Yukari to grasp her hand instead. For a moment she thought Yukari caught on what had happen only for the girl to grasp her hand by her side. Eyes widen as her heart beat fast, she was sure her cheek turned slightly more pink than usual. She cast her gaze away from her junior before leading her to the car.

It wasn't until they get inside of the car did she let go, though perhaps a tad more reluctant than she had intended. Her eyes glanced towards the window outside as well, grateful that Yukari didn't notice anything just yet. Her eyes noticed Yukari's reflection of the mirror facing her when she asked that question so she calm herself down to face her once more.

"Not the exact coordinates but I do have a general idea where they would be yes. It'll be quite a trip though." she replied and take out her cellphone. Her hand slides across the screen which reveal notes Edward gave her, detailing rumors surrounding other pieces of shard.

"There's one in Hueco in Soul Society and..."

She never get to finish her words as they both felt the appearance of Hollow at the same time. Just as the woman try to identify it's location, she could hear the sound of glass shattering before her junior was pulled out of the seat. The door was hanging wide opened and from behind she saw Yukari facing a Hollow once more.

"Stop the bloody car!" Diana yelled, perhaps rather redundantly as the driver braked the car soon after. She would immediately threw out the door from her side as she stepped out, just in time to see Yukari facing the creature and a tree blocked their path. She would take out her cellphone and press the speed number to call Annabelle but let it hang so as to inform her it was an emergency.

"Get to cover. Helps on the way."

With that Diana would rushed toward her direction, trying to bypass the tree. By the time she get there however, she noticed that the creature had transformed before their very eyes. Seeing the sight before her however awaken something else. Insatiable hunger unlike anything she felt before.


"I'll take care of this. Yukari."

Stepping forward, Diana would yank the necklace from her neck as she transformed and face the creature. After what happened, she knew that the creature was strong...but it was still a Hollow. She should be able to handle it still. Armed with jet black sword, Diana rushed to attack the Hollow with many eyes as she attempt to cut it into pieces.

WC: 462
PC: 7[/font]
Last Edit: Nov 1, 2020 3:05:50 GMT -5 by Diana


I am sorry...

Yukari Aihara Avatar

Yukari Aihara

Post by Yukari Aihara on Nov 1, 2020 4:56:05 GMT -5

When Diana transformed using her fullbring, Yukari noticed something sinister, it was no different from what she felt fighting against Greed who was also a fullbringer sentenced to hell, and she noticed the hollow entity within her senpai’s soul was less human. After all this time, the Hawai’ian native had developed her fullbring exponentially, fighting for her life in some situations, but when she was told to stay back rather than fight alongside Diana as being a dependable comrade, Yukari was crushed.

Was the power gap still so far between them that she was still seen as vulnerable? The fight with Valentina and Iwan in the underground parking lot proved her abilities if not refined them further from when they first met. Even if she wanted to say something in retaliation, the anxiety she was feeling felt like gravity was pulling her away, and it was not because she was doubting herself. The main cause of her problem was that Diana did not believe in her and there was nothing she could do to remedy it in this situation.

Perhaps something else was at work here, Yukari had to hope that it was not because she seemed weak, and Diana needed to confirm that for herself by facing the menos grande. However, it was against her good nature to watch souls be destroyed before her eyes from the cycle of souls, she thought about calling Shida Hagane, but she refused to doubt her idol. What does Soul Society know about the inner workings of a soul anyway? An organization that feared the unknown, took it upon themselves to purge human Quincy for destroying souls, now it was Fullbringers destroying souls, and this cosmological imbalance was in no one’s control.

No one wanted to be born a Fullbringer, Quincy, or Arrancar who were all seen with the same prejudice by Shinigami as Quincy felt about Hollows. It was inevitable to be surrounded by the supernatural that had grown rampant over the years, after all this time, no one had reached a consensus to what was right or wrong.

Yukari came to terms that the evil and innocent souls that had been consumed by the menos with a million eyes would be erased from existence forever, with no opportunity to be purified by a Shinigami, or reincarnation back into the different spiritual realms, so she ran away to get back into the car asking the driver to return to their hotel at the end of town where Annabelle and Valentina were waiting.

[Post 8]
You're the cure, you're the pain
You're the only thing I wanna touch
Never knew that it could mean so much