Bleach Hereafter RPG

The Forgotten District


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 21, 2021 13:55:15 GMT -5

Sealed Ball

80th District, South Rukongai, Soul Society.

The 80th District appeared even more decrepit than the 78th, if such was even possible.

Like the 78th, the 80th District of South Rukongai reeked of poverty. Buildings in disrepair, populated by souls in ragged clothing, their feet devoid of any type of footwear. Bands of dirt-faced children scampered into various alleyways as Yoshinori and Muimina made their way through. However, what the 80th had that the 78th didn't have was the violence. While not as infamous as the Zaraki District of the same number up in North Rukongai, the level of violent crime within the 80th South was...concerning, to say the least. Just moments after Yoshinori and Muimina both passed by a local tavern, a drunken man could be seen tumbling out of its door, a crowd of rowdy individuals bearing down on him within moments, most likely to beat him senseless.

Strangely enough, Yoshinori didn't intervene. In fact, he kept to himself for the majority of the mission. What Muimina could immediately note was that as soon as Yoshinori left the confines of Kabuto's teahouse, the young Shinigami had cast some form of Kido spell over himself. The spell had rendered the numerous bits of jewelry that he wore upon his person invisible to the naked eye, a similar effect coming over his own Zanpakuto. Thus, to the world around him, Yoshinori appeared unarmed and devoid of anything worth drawing a second glance. In fact, if the Shinigami chose to abandon his gladiator-style sandals, the dark skinned Shinigami in his white tunic would appear no different from the very people he walked amongst.

Perhaps that was the point.

Maintaining his silence until they reached the boundaries separating South Rukongai from open wilderness, Yoshinori then chose to look over his shoulder, emerald eyes settling upon the Vice-Captain,"We'll be there soon.".

That was it, it seemed. Without further ado, Yoshinori kept walking. Where was it that he was going? Where were these ruins?

Sealed Ball

The answer would eventually come, albeit approximately after seven minutes of walking into the open forest. Coming upon a clearing, they would soon reach it. Ruins of an arena long since crumbled to dust. While some semblance of what may have once been a grand structure still stood, the majority of the foundation was now overgrown with the signs of nature, what was once the floor of the structure now simply grass and dirt.

It was here that Yoshinori, now free of wandering eyes, allowed the Kido spell to be undone, his jewelry and Zanpakuto reappearing in full view. Turning to Muimina then, Yoshinori extended his hands full out on both sides of him.

"Welcome to the land beyond the 80th District. No one will watch us here."

Initiative Roll - pUXcQ6lA1d100

Post Count: 1 | 1d100
Last Edit: Dec 21, 2021 19:22:59 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Dec 23, 2021 13:37:53 GMT -5

無意味な 百事
護廷十三隊 - 1st DIVISION
Location:Soul Society


A walk to the Enchanted Forest

Soon as they got out of the tea shop, Hyakuji was lured into the ruins the 8th Division Third Seat was talking about earlier. The two shinigami passed by the poor streets of the 80th District of the Southern Rukongai. The sight was no longer new to him… this kind of situation was evident in the outermost parts of the said area, and was rampant in the underdeveloped countries in the Realm of the Living.

Having been born in a middle-class family as a human being before he became a death god again, he was foreign to the feeling of having to scour for food although he could try and sympathize with the less fortunate souls. In fact, it was one among the many reasons why he wanted to get to the top of the hierarchy of the Goteijusantai. Ending wars and conflicts among the different races was only a part and parcel of the utopia he was seeking… it wasn’t merely suffering from losses or pain of being left behind due to the eternal skirmish that he was trying to find a solution to, but also an end to injustices and inequality… where anyone can enjoy whatever resources are available… where anyone can be truly free.

Hyakuji noticed the chaos in the vicinity, and while he was concerned from the inside, his face showed otherwise; though his peer didn’t seem to be bothered by any of it. It was just like a common scene for him that he was used to seeing such violence and crude behavior among the residents. He also realized that the man was not catching any of the plus’ attention despite being clad in golden jewelry. Perhaps, Yoshinori put up a spell of some sort… that he actually looked normal in the eyes of anyone attempting theft.

After a few more minutes surveying the dusty road, they entered a forest, and were led to a clear patch of overgrown arena, with only a handful of destroyed pillars making up the corners of the once-seemingly glorious battlefield. The ruins told of unsung battles, perhaps, whatever history it had, that might have not been put into the scrolls were engraved in these stones and had been witnessed by the dirt and the trees that had stood far longer than its construction.

The Vice-Captain nodded in response, the nostalgia of their first fight suddenly came to mind, “It feels way more tranquil here than in the dojo, that’s for sure.” unsheathing his zanpakuto from its saya, Hyakuji would make a defensive stance in case his comrade decided to attack first.



Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 23, 2021 16:39:04 GMT -5

The comment as to the ruins' tranquility brought a small smile to Yoshinori's face.

"I came here an escape of sorts from the Onmitsukidō. Being recruited to the Second Division was an honor, but my task as the Detention Unit Commander required...a lot of dedication. Resigning your fate to rarely seeing the light of day. Staying below ground for however long. There is a part of me that does not regret being removed." Yoshinori expressed, turning slowly to face Muimina. Strangely enough, his hand did not drift towards his own Zanpakuto. Instead, he simply...stood there.

"When a Shinigami draws their sword, they must do so with the knowledge that they may very well kill someone with it. Even if the end result is purification, there is a portion of the person we fight that will never return." Yoshinori identified, slowly bringing his hands together, his eyes slowly closing as he began to focus.

Sealed Ball

"Are you ready to face me, Muimina Hyakuji?"

Just like that, the match began. However, Yoshinori did not advance. Instead, his spiritual pressure would suddenly buffet outwards, his aura increasing significantly. Yoshinori's Reiatsu would suddenly skyrocket, his spiritual presence taking on visible form. The ground beneath him began to turn red, and dark purple wisps of energy would begin to swirl around the man, forming what seemed to be a bubble.

Sealed Ball

His golden serpent, Hanzō, hissed loudly as its eyes began to glow red, as if somehow in tune with its master at this moment. There was a feeling of conviction in the air, directly discernible from the "feel" of the man's Reiatsu. It appeared that whatever was to happen within this bout, Yoshinori had no intention of relenting against the now Vice-Captain.

After all, the power difference was clear enough. What else could he do but do all he could against the raven haired Shinigami?

Post Count: 2 |



Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Sekisho! Yoshi gains 20 Armor and is immune to Statuses inflicted from attacks!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Hanki!

Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Shun Shun Rikkia to gain 6 Constructs!
Passive: Alacrity is active! Yoshinori's defense increases to 110!
Passive: Attuned is active! Yoshinori regains Reishi

Bonus Action: Considerable Spiritual Pressure (Sekisho) - You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -3 Reishi (Efficiency + Attuned Reduced Cost)

Bonus Action: Rogue (Hanki) - As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -8 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Bonus Action: Kido Mastery (Shun Shun Rikkia) - As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -8 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
20/20 Armor (Immune to Statuses from Attacks)
0/25 Hanki Defense Gained
6/6 Constructs Remaining


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (1/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK): AT-WILL | As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -5 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
SHUN SHUN RIKKIA: BONUS ACTION/ AT-WILL | As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining | 6 Constructs per use)
HANKI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total amount of Reishi drained will be equal to the highest rolled damage die from the attack.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (3/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

CLEVERNESS - PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - SINGLE | Single attack that rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has the Bashing Major Effect and Cripple Minor Effect. (Bashing: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.) | -8 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% (75% with Cleverness) chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 174/190 | DEF: 100 (110) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Dec 24, 2021 8:11:48 GMT -5

無意味な 百事
護廷十三隊 - 1st DIVISION
Location:Soul Society


The Vice-Captain waited for his opponent to attack, however, nothing came, as the other shinigami shared his story of how he found the ancient ruins, stating that he often came to this place as a form of escape from the isolation his former position offered him.

A brief silence filled the atmosphere in between pauses, Yoshinori continued to speak as he commented on his opponent’s action. While it was merely an observation, it felt like he was giving advice to his fellow reaper again, much like what he did during their first battle.

Indeed, one must be careful about drawing his own sword and not be rash with their actions to prevent unnecessary killings.While Hyakuji agreed to what the tanned man just said, he did not understand his point. Why did he bring it up at the beginning of their spar? He could only guess, but he had his rebuttal to what the other death god just said.

“Or… he should have the knowledge of who or what to protect and when. In this particular situation, I would like to assume that you are an obstacle to my resolve. And there’s no running away from it. I shall give you everything I have.”

Experience had taught him a lot of things, while the tanned man must have his fair share of exposure to endless battles himself, the Vice-Captain could very well remember everything that has happened to his past selves over the course of time. Even until now, he was not used to clashing blades as a form of justice nor test to see one’s prowess. Yet, here he was succumbing to a duel which somehow would prove his commitment to his peer.

While he gave the shinigami the privilege to attack first, he didn’t take advantage of it; and now that he was presented with the same benefit, he didn’t refuse to take it. His suppressed reiatsu surged to its normal state, though he remained standing where he was.

Hyakuji watched as the dark energy engulfed the other shinigami; it looked like a barrier that would prevent him from penetrating with his zanpakuto. Thus, he decided to assault with a long-range spell instead. With his right palm forward, he would cast an advanced kido against his enemy; dark flames would begin to appear on his clothes , at first slowly consuming him and then would abruptly light him up. If his protective shield had a way of defending him against it, much better, since he didn’t really want this spar to become too lethal.

In case the man retaliate back, he would put his own barrier, only that it wouldn't be visible until an attack hit him.


Yoshi did not attack. No damage received.

Passive: Alacrity +10 def above 50% HP
Passive: Hyakuji has Edge 3 over Yoshi. +15 to acc and defense.
Passive: Unbridled takes effect. +3 reishi at the end of the turn, doubles Edge advantage. +30 to acc and defense instead.
Hyakuji used Dark Incineration
Hyakuji used Focus Energy
Hyakuji used Surge
Hyakuji used Kara no Kyokai [Sekisho]

Bonus Action: Focus Energy: +15 acc, +15% on chance rolls| -10 reishi cost
Standard Action: Dark Incineration| -20 reishi cost
Acc - TL_B_sBl1d100+100
Dmg - 3d12+3
Burn Chance (> or =55%) - 1d100
At-Will: Surge
Bonus Dmg Dice: 2d6

Bonus Action: Sekisho: +20 armor | -15 reishi cost

Total rei: -45 rei, +3= 42

Edge 3
Oppressive Reiatsu

Status Effects:

SHINIGAMI -You gain the Resiliency Keystone Trait Alacrity +10 def while above 50% HP



Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.

Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.

The standard Reishi cap is lifted. (You may now gain an unlimited amount of Reishi.) Also, you gain +3 Reishi at the end of each turn per each foe you are fighting. (For example, in a 1v3, you would regain +9 Reishi.) Also, as a passive effect, as long as you remain at 50% HP or above, you gain the advantages of EDGE 2 against all foes, regardless of Reiatsu Levels. Alternatively, if you already have EDGE advantage (above EDGE 2) while above 50% HP, that advantage is now doubled.

As a passive effect, your basic Strikes become area attacks and add the Bashing Major Effect. All other area attacks gain +10 accuracy and the Bashing Major Effect as well. Additionally, on a turn in which you use Invigorate, your Techs/Spells ignore 3 of their target’s DR; increase the amount of DR ignored by +3 per opponent in your current thread beyond the first. (3 DR ignored 1v1, 6 DR ignored 1v2, 9 DR ignored 1v3, etc)


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.

Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier.

Power: As an at-will action, two of your attacks this turn cannot be mitigated by any basic defense abilities.

Rush: As an at-will action, you add Rush to one attack during your turn. Rush makes it so if the attack misses, it deals direct damage equal to half of the original damage. A missed attack, in this case, means one that rolled lower than your foe’s defense and missed mechanically. This does not apply any status effects from the original attack. [0/4]

Surge: As an at-will action, you add an additional damage die with a value of 2d6 for Non-Basic Attacks and 1d6 for Basic Attacks with each attack you make. [1/3]


Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

This spell creates a pentagonal barrier that is used for stabilization of any ailment, allowing you to continue fighting unhampered.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action remove all status effects (non-special.) Can be used on self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: May use on self once. Ally may use one on you once.

You create a thin barrier of green Kido that covers your body like a suit. It absorbs incoming attacks and then fires spiked energy tendrils back at the attacker.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Considered a Movement Power. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Four times per battle.

You generate an orb of light blue energy which repels whatever strikes it.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Technique.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You attach an invisible chain between you and your enemy, causing them to share the same wounds you receive.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As bonus action you can inflict a status effect or special status effect you currently suffer from onto a foe of choice. Inherits the exact duration and other modifiers added to the status effect. It is automatically inflicted, no chance roll necessary.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.

A fighting technique that cancels out an opponent's Reishi by hitting it with the same quality and quantity of oppositely spinning Reishi.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique.
Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You generate a dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of yourself, blocking an opponent's attack.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.)
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.


Hyakuji casts a spell upon his enemy, dark flames would begin to consume and burn them down.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle

Hyakuji fires an torrent of dark flames crashing upon his enemy.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and has a 50% chance to inflict the special Scorched status effect. Scorched deals 1 status damage for each at-will action they use for the duration. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: This attack cannot be Guarded against.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji tosses his zanpakuto at the enemy, a series of blades would rain down upon the target.
Type: Attack - Barrage
Action: Standard
Effect: As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Overwhelm major effect.
Special Effect: Treat this Barrage like an area attack that also deals the Spread major effect.
Cost: 25 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Extending their hand, the user appears to be gripping thin air before stripping away the illusory technique to expose a hidden foe.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You gain +35 defense against attacks targeting you on your next turn. Also, once activated, on your next turn, reduce the success chance of any status effect targeting you by 20%
Special Effect: As a passive effect, you have a natural DR of +6 against any attacks your foe uses while under the effects of Kyokkō.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per battle.


You raise your arm forward and outstretched, using your free hand to grip the firing arm for extra support, with the palm facing flat toward the target, you fire a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy, which creates an enormous explosion upon impact.
Type: Attack - Area (Considered a Forbidden Spell)
Activate: Two Standard Actions
Effect: Using both of your standard actions, you make an area attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging, Piercing, and Slashing major effects.
Special Effect: For an extra 10 Reishi you may also add the Spread major effect.
Cost: 30 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


ATTACK RELEASE TECH: TORO NAGASHI [ not literally, Lantern of the Dead]

Hyakuji points his nodachi downward, turning into a lantern in the midst of the darkness. The lantern multiplies and floats in the area causing several explosions of black fire.

AREA: Standard Action.
Stage 1: Rolls 3 damage die against one to three targets. Costs 12 Reishi. Once per turn
Stage 2: Upgrades to 4 damage dice. Cost: 13 reishi. Twice per thread
Stage 3: Upgrades to 5 damage dice. Cost: 14 reishi. Twice per thread.

SLASHING:This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.


You temporarily slow the passage of time to give yourself an advantage in combat.
Type: Utility
Activate: At-Will
Requirements: Requires Focus skill of 40.
Effects: As an at-will action you gain either an additional standard action or an additional bonus action on your turn. Max of one extra Standard Action per turn can be gained via Time Shift or Clone.
Stage 2: Can now be used three times per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.


You form becomes intangible, immaterial--and it becomes a real challenge to get a bead on you, let alone hurt you.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you become ethereal. For the duration your target rolls two d100s and takes the lesser of the rolls for accuracy against you. If it is an area attack and targets others, they only count the lesser of the two rolls for you alone. Considered a Movement Power.
Duration: 3 turns
Stage 2: Duration is now 4 turns.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.


You are able to return to a previous point in time and restore yourself to that state.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you activate this ability at the end of your turn. Two turns later your stats (Including HP, Reishi, and Armor) all rewind back to what they were when you activated the ability. If you are KO’d during the two turns before the rewind takes effect, it will not activate.
Stage 2: Can now use twice per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Techs and/or spells used now cost -4 less Reishi.
Stage 3: Techs and/or spells used now cost -6 less Reishi.

REIATSU: 529,000 |
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 158/200 | DEF: 95 [135]| DMG DIE: d12+1| ACC: +55

Last Edit: Dec 24, 2021 8:12:53 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 26, 2021 15:48:18 GMT -5

There was no mistaking it. Muimina's spiritual presence was massive. It was something that he knew, but it was different to experience it for himself in a combat scenario. The difference between the two Shinigami was staggering since their last encounter, not that the man expected anything less.

This is what we requested. He requested a battle that he was fully aware he would never win. Yet, such a paradoxical scenario would then beg the question as to why he even requested it in the first place. To gauge the man's resolve? How could that be ascertained when it was quite clear that if he so desired, Muimina could defeat him with ease? If it were simply to improve Yoshinori's own skills, then there was no shame in saying that outright. Nor would Yoshinori hide such a motive if that were the case. If not those reasons, then what reason did he have for fighting the Vice-Captain here?

Slowly opening his eyes, Yoshinori's hand still did not drift to his Zanpakuto. Even as his Shihakusho caught fire, the dark flames licking at his robes with a newfound intensity. Contrary to what his opponent figured, the dark colored barrier around Yoshinori was in fact, not a barrier at all, but merely a concentration of energy that was quite easily torn through. However, as the flames prepared to eat their way through his robes and to the man himself, the silver haired Shinigami would suddenly bang his wrists together. A loud metallic clang could be heard as Yoshinori's golden armbands smashed together, the likes of which brought about a sudden violent expulsion of forceful energy that would send the flames flickering away. Was this Kido? It certainly wasn't a named spell by any means.

"You phrased that like the two acts are mutually exclusive, Hyakuji." Yoshinori simply replied, his emerald gaze ever so cool as he stared at the extremely powerful individual. Directing his left palm outward, Yoshinori would allow himself to speak once more.

"Thus I say it again: When a Shinigami draws their sword, they must do so with the knowledge that they may very well kill someone with it. Even if the end result is purification, there is a portion of the person we fight that will never return. Would you kill to remove an obstacle from your path? Hado #1 Sho."

His question posed in tandem with a Kido spell, Yoshinori finally launched his offensive. Charging the spell with more Reishi than it was probably due, the silver haired Shinigami released a powerful burst of invisible kinetic energy, the likes of which would move to slam into Muimina with immense destructive force should it actually come into contact with his body. His reliance on Kido techniques was nothing new. The escort mission to the World of the Living aside, Yoshinori's last bout with Muimina had the then Second Division Fourth Seat relying very much upon the usage of the Demon Arts. At least one thing appeared not to have changed.

With no shift in Yoshinori's actual stance, the Third Seat awaited an answer to his inquiry.

Post Count: 3 |


Second Round of Combat!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Sekienton! All damage die avoided except for the +3 Bonus Damage! 3 Damage absorbed by Armor! +5 Defense via Hanki gained!

Versatile Passive Active! - Yoshinori gains +15 Accuracy to two attacks this turn + increased Dmg Tier by 2
Standard Action: Yoshinori uses Strike!
Standard Action: Yoshinori uses Byakurai At-Will!
Potent Passive Active!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained!

Bonus Action Reactive: Strange Kido (Sekienton) - As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique.| -3 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Standard Action: Hado #1 Sho (Strike)
Acc - LmE8kRmq1d100+55
Dmg - 1d12+1
Reishi Cost - 0 Rei
Special Effect (Potent) - As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 8 Reishi is drained.

Standard Action: Hado #1 Sho (Byakurai)
Acc - 1d100+55
Dmg - 2d12+1
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Special Effect (Potent) - As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 12 Reishi is drained.

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
17/20 Armor (Immune to Statuses from Attacks)
5/25 Hanki Defense Gained
6/6 Constructs Remaining


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK): AT-WILL | As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -5 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
SHUN SHUN RIKKIA: BONUS ACTION/ AT-WILL | As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining | 6 Constructs per use)
HANKI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total amount of Reishi drained will be equal to the highest rolled damage die from the attack.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (3/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

CLEVERNESS - PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - SINGLE | Single attack that rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has the Bashing Major Effect and Cripple Minor Effect. (Bashing: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.) | -8 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% (75% with Cleverness) chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 171/190 | DEF: 100 (110) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Dec 26, 2021 15:51:31 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Dec 27, 2021 7:26:37 GMT -5

無意味な 百事
護廷十三隊 - 1st DIVISION
Location:Soul Society


A Sinner's Resolve

Again, the silver-haired shinigami challenged his philosophies, much as he did just a couple of hours ago, when they were exchanging their ideals in the comforts of the old man Kabuto’s tea shop. He commented that the Vice-Captain phrased his answer as if killing and protecting were mutually exclusive, though it could be both… but it could be one or the other as well.

“And you phrased it like there is a need to kill in order to protect someone or something,” the man smirked; it was rare for him to enjoy battles… much less the need to prove something. Yet, from the way it looks, it seemed to be rather an inevitable part of one’s life. When he applied for Vice-Captainship, he had to earn the respect of the Captain-Commander as well as the Captains and even the lowest-ranking shinigami in the form of a duel. And now, here he was again, proving something… his commitment to his goal… to his comrade.

His attacks were easily dismissed by some form of shockwave, and was immediately followed by a series of offenses, some more invisible energy which Hyakuji would have difficulty tracking if not for his sharp iridescent blue eyes which were already perfected when he gained full control of his fullbring abilities.

He merely dodged it as if evading a harsh wind, his hair flowed with grace as it caught up with the gust brought about by the attack, before answering his peer’s question.

“I will remove any obstacle without having the need to kill,” the longhaired reaper said simply, “However, I will give everything I’ve got in order to achieve it,” he pointed his sword towards the man, and soon thousands of blades would appear from the sky and rain down on the battlefield.

Surely, Yoshinori had a lot of defense kidos up his sleeve; he had seen some of it during their escort mission and Hyakuji was certain that the tanned man would not easily give up on this fight.

Thus as the blades continued to shower upon his opponent, he would close the distance and parry him with his unreleased zanpakuto, forcing his way to wound the enemy’s shoulders.

If determination was all he wanted to see, he could very well give it by not backing down even just a bit.


105 acc vs 135 def= missed!
131 acc vs 135 def= missed!

Passive: Alacrity +10 def above 50% HP
Passive: Hyakuji has Edge 3 over Yoshi. +15 to acc and defense.
Passive: Unbridled takes effect. +3 reishi at the end of the turn, doubles Edge advantage. +30 to acc and defense instead.
Hyakuji used Focus Energy
Hyakuji used Ken no Arashi
Hyakuji used Gyaku Unmei

At-will Action: Focus Energy: +15 acc, +15% on chance rolls| -10 reishi cost
Standard Action: Ken No Arashi| -25 reishi cost
Acc - KIq3Bfrv1d100+100
Dmg - 4d12+4
Effect: Has Overwhelm Major Effect. -2 points of armor per 1 pt dmg
Special Effect: Treated as an Area Attack
Unbridled Passive: +Bashing Major effect, -5% RL and 5 rei

Standard Action: Strike| -4 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+100
Dmg - 2d12+2

Bonus Action: Gyaku Unmei | -5 reishi cost
Choosing Byakurai. lowest dmg die:8 redirected back to the attacker

Total rei:25 rei+ 4+ 10 +5 - 3= 41

Edge 3
Oppressive Reiatsu
20/20 Armor

Status Effects:

SHINIGAMI -You gain the Resiliency Keystone Trait Alacrity +10 def while above 50% HP



Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.

Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.

The standard Reishi cap is lifted. (You may now gain an unlimited amount of Reishi.) Also, you gain +3 Reishi at the end of each turn per each foe you are fighting. (For example, in a 1v3, you would regain +9 Reishi.) Also, as a passive effect, as long as you remain at 50% HP or above, you gain the advantages of EDGE 2 against all foes, regardless of Reiatsu Levels. Alternatively, if you already have EDGE advantage (above EDGE 2) while above 50% HP, that advantage is now doubled.

As a passive effect, your basic Strikes become area attacks and add the Bashing Major Effect. All other area attacks gain +10 accuracy and the Bashing Major Effect as well. Additionally, on a turn in which you use Invigorate, your Techs/Spells ignore 3 of their target’s DR; increase the amount of DR ignored by +3 per opponent in your current thread beyond the first. (3 DR ignored 1v1, 6 DR ignored 1v2, 9 DR ignored 1v3, etc)


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.

Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier.

Power: As an at-will action, two of your attacks this turn cannot be mitigated by any basic defense abilities.

Rush: As an at-will action, you add Rush to one attack during your turn. Rush makes it so if the attack misses, it deals direct damage equal to half of the original damage. A missed attack, in this case, means one that rolled lower than your foe’s defense and missed mechanically. This does not apply any status effects from the original attack. [0/4]

Surge: As an at-will action, you add an additional damage die with a value of 2d6 for Non-Basic Attacks and 1d6 for Basic Attacks with each attack you make. [1/3]


Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

This spell creates a pentagonal barrier that is used for stabilization of any ailment, allowing you to continue fighting unhampered.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action remove all status effects (non-special.) Can be used on self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: May use on self once. Ally may use one on you once.

You create a thin barrier of green Kido that covers your body like a suit. It absorbs incoming attacks and then fires spiked energy tendrils back at the attacker.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Considered a Movement Power. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Four times per battle.

You generate an orb of light blue energy which repels whatever strikes it.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Technique.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You attach an invisible chain between you and your enemy, causing them to share the same wounds you receive.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As bonus action you can inflict a status effect or special status effect you currently suffer from onto a foe of choice. Inherits the exact duration and other modifiers added to the status effect. It is automatically inflicted, no chance roll necessary.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.

A fighting technique that cancels out an opponent's Reishi by hitting it with the same quality and quantity of oppositely spinning Reishi.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique.
Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You generate a dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of yourself, blocking an opponent's attack.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.)
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.


Hyakuji casts a spell upon his enemy, dark flames would begin to consume and burn them down.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle

Hyakuji fires an torrent of dark flames crashing upon his enemy.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and has a 50% chance to inflict the special Scorched status effect. Scorched deals 1 status damage for each at-will action they use for the duration. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: This attack cannot be Guarded against.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji tosses his zanpakuto at the enemy, a series of blades would rain down upon the target.
Type: Attack - Barrage
Action: Standard
Effect: As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Overwhelm major effect.
Special Effect: Treat this Barrage like an area attack that also deals the Spread major effect.
Cost: 25 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Extending their hand, the user appears to be gripping thin air before stripping away the illusory technique to expose a hidden foe.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You gain +35 defense against attacks targeting you on your next turn. Also, once activated, on your next turn, reduce the success chance of any status effect targeting you by 20%
Special Effect: As a passive effect, you have a natural DR of +6 against any attacks your foe uses while under the effects of Kyokkō.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per battle.


You raise your arm forward and outstretched, using your free hand to grip the firing arm for extra support, with the palm facing flat toward the target, you fire a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy, which creates an enormous explosion upon impact.
Type: Attack - Area (Considered a Forbidden Spell)
Activate: Two Standard Actions
Effect: Using both of your standard actions, you make an area attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging, Piercing, and Slashing major effects.
Special Effect: For an extra 10 Reishi you may also add the Spread major effect.
Cost: 30 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


ATTACK RELEASE TECH: TORO NAGASHI [ not literally, Lantern of the Dead]

Hyakuji points his nodachi downward, turning into a lantern in the midst of the darkness. The lantern multiplies and floats in the area causing several explosions of black fire.

AREA: Standard Action.
Stage 1: Rolls 3 damage die against one to three targets. Costs 12 Reishi. Once per turn
Stage 2: Upgrades to 4 damage dice. Cost: 13 reishi. Twice per thread
Stage 3: Upgrades to 5 damage dice. Cost: 14 reishi. Twice per thread.

SLASHING:This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.


You temporarily slow the passage of time to give yourself an advantage in combat.
Type: Utility
Activate: At-Will
Requirements: Requires Focus skill of 40.
Effects: As an at-will action you gain either an additional standard action or an additional bonus action on your turn. Max of one extra Standard Action per turn can be gained via Time Shift or Clone.
Stage 2: Can now be used three times per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.


You form becomes intangible, immaterial--and it becomes a real challenge to get a bead on you, let alone hurt you.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you become ethereal. For the duration your target rolls two d100s and takes the lesser of the rolls for accuracy against you. If it is an area attack and targets others, they only count the lesser of the two rolls for you alone. Considered a Movement Power.
Duration: 3 turns
Stage 2: Duration is now 4 turns.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.


You are able to return to a previous point in time and restore yourself to that state.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you activate this ability at the end of your turn. Two turns later your stats (Including HP, Reishi, and Armor) all rewind back to what they were when you activated the ability. If you are KO’d during the two turns before the rewind takes effect, it will not activate.
Stage 2: Can now use twice per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Techs and/or spells used now cost -4 less Reishi.
Stage 3: Techs and/or spells used now cost -6 less Reishi.

REIATSU: 529,000 |
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 117/200 | DEF: 95 [135]| DMG DIE: d12+1| ACC: +55
Last Edit: Dec 27, 2021 7:28:02 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 27, 2021 17:29:13 GMT -5

Yoshinori wasn't expecting to get far with his opponent with the most basic, barebones Kido in the book. However, he was curious to see how the man dealt with it, to which the answer followed exactly by the silver haired man's expectation. A simple evasion tactic, the shockwave of sorts avoided with the ease of someone trying to guard themselves from a particularly harsh gust of wind.

It could be said that Yoshinori himself wasn't offering much of a challenge with his choice of offensive Kido, but the response alone dictated Yoshinori's next decision.

"I distinctly recall saying 'may' as opposed to 'must' kill, Hyakuji." He countered. Without further warning, Hyakuji launched himself into action, dozens of blades manifesting themselves in thin air above Yoshinori, before raining down upon his head. Clasping his hands together, Yoshinori let out a loud exhale as he suddenly released yet another powerful shockwave of energy emanating from his form, this time yellow semi-transparent energy coalescing around his body to take the form of a barrier. An actual barrier this time.

Sealed Ball

" Zettai Bōgyo (Absolute Defense)." Yoshinori spoke the spell name, to which seemed to be a custom Kido spell of Yoshinori's creation, into existence. As the blades smashed into Yoshinori's barrier, it would be directly observable that the numerous blades made imprints upon the shield's surface, sending ripples across the bubble in a similar manner as ripples sent through still water when one disturbs it with their finger. Try as Muimina's attack did to break through his defense, the Shinigami Spellcaster seemed to be holding strong despite his inferior power. Still he remained until Muimina closed in the distance for a close and personal attack. Rather than allow his barrier to hold strong, Yoshinori waited until Muimina was inches away from his own body before springing into action.

Sealed Ball

The barrier suddenly failing under his attentions, Yoshinori's body would suddenly flicker and vanish as Muimina closed in, the silver haired Shinigami narrowly escaping from the man's attack as he utilized a Shunpo to widen the distance. Rather than retreating backwards at breakneck speeds, the silver haired Shinigami moved forward, passing Muimina entirely. Flickering back into clear view, Yoshinori could be seen standing exactly where Muimina had been when the battle started. Except now there was one difference in his stance. He was drawing his sword.

"Your answer shows your spirit. Even though I doubt you will get by without having to kill, the earnest answer was enough. There was a reason I asked the question, however. I, personally, do not like drawing my blade. When I do, it is when I feel I have no choice, and feel that my opponent is enough of an obstacle to where to utilize my Zanpakuto's power is warranted. My avoidance of it is part of the reason I put it upon myself to master Kido."

Sealed Ball

Freeing his rather ornate looking cutlass from its scabbard, the blade immediately began to take on a ghostly, semi-transparent looking flame. His emerald eyes locked on Muimina, the silver haired Shinigami offered his final commentary.

"I fear my weapon's potential for destruction, Hyakuji. Play, Amonojaku."

Now completely enveloped in ghostly flame, Yoshinori let go of his Zanpakuto as it began to transform, the cutlass engulfed in the bright light of the flame, the likes of which grew in midair until the dark skinned Shinigami thrust his hand back into the fire, freeing the released Zanpakuto from its fiery confines.

Sealed Ball

Taking the form of an eight foot long spear, Amonojaku was an impressive weapon. A shaft of metal painted brown, the shaft opened up into a golden ring right before the spearpoint, the center hole bearing two golden rings. Directly above that, a red ruby jewel remained imbedded in the shaft directly below the blade. The pike blade itself was a broad blade that gradually narrowed into a mighty spearpoint.

"Amonojaku...when imagination becomes reality." Yoshinori said aloud, almost in a trance as he launched his first attack. His blade's spearpoint suddenly engulfed in the same semi-transparent ghostly flame as that which allowed Yoshinori to unveil his Shikai in the first place, the Shinigami whipped his pike back before sending the burst of flame flying towards Muimina at high speeds. In actuality, the fire that Yoshinori had conjured was illusionary in nature. A product of Yoshinori's own wild imagination. A fantastical construct. However, as the red ruby jewel imbedded in Yoshinori's spear began to glow red, the Vice-Captain would quickly find that, if he allowed the flame to touch his skin, that it would burn him no differently than actual flame.

On this day, figments of the imagination were becoming real.

Sealed Ball

Post Count: 4 |


Third Round of Combat!
Both Yoshinori's attacks missed last turn! Yoshi gains 2 stacks of Momentum!
Muimina's Standard Action 1 misses Yoshinori! Yoshinori gains +5 to Defense! Yoshinori's Defense is now 120!
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Instinct to dodge Muimina's Standard Action 2!
Muimina's Standard Action 2 misses Yoshinori! Yoshinori gains a +5 to Defense! Yoshinori's Defense is now 125!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses First Release! Current Reiatsu is increased x2! Yoshi's Reflexes is increased by +5! Yoshi's Defense is now 130! Gains access to Heightened, Illusion and Phantom Fire! 4 Reishi drain per turn!
Yoshinori suffers 8 direct damage from Gyaku Unmei! Absorbed by Armor!

Versatile Passive Active! - Yoshinori gains +15 Accuracy to two attacks this turn + increased Dmg Tier by 2
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Focus Energy to gain +15 Accuracy on all attacks this turn! Attacks cannot be negated by Guard!
Standard Action: Yoshinori uses Phantom Fire!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Byakurai At-Will! (3/4 uses remaining).
Potent Passive Active!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release
Muimina's Edge III is reduced to Edge I! However, due to Unbridled Trait, Muimina retains Edge II but loses its double effects!

At-Will Reactive: Instinctive Shunpo (Instinct) - As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. | No Reishi Cost.

Bonus Action: Shikai: Amonojaku (First Release) - Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes

Bonus Action: Explosive Energy (Focus Energy) - Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard. | -9 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Standard Action: Phantom Fire
Acc - mmlqjWUl1d100+70
Dmg - 3d12+1
Reishi Cost - 4 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Bashing Major Effect - The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.
Cripple Minor Effect Chance (65%) - 1d100 Failure!
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 10 Reishi is drained.

At-Will Action: Phantom Fire Embers (Byakurai)
Acc - 1d100+70
Dmg - 2d12+1
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Special Effect (Potent) - As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 5 Reishi is drained.

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
2 Momentum Stacks
9/20 Armor (Immune to Statuses from Attacks)
15/25 Hanki Defense Gained
6/6 Constructs Remaining


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK): AT-WILL | As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -5 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
SHUN SHUN RIKKIA: BONUS ACTION/ AT-WILL | As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining | 6 Constructs per use)
HANKI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total amount of Reishi drained will be equal to the highest rolled damage die from the attack.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (2/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

CLEVERNESS - PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - SINGLE | Single attack that rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has the Bashing Major Effect and Cripple Minor Effect. (Bashing: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.) | -7 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% (75% with Cleverness) chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 154/190 | DEF: 100 (130) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Dec 27, 2021 17:40:53 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Dec 29, 2021 9:14:29 GMT -5

無意味な 百事
護廷十三隊 - 1st DIVISION
Location:Soul Society



The blades were easily dismissed by Yoshinori’s barrier coalescing around him. The semi-transparent yellow energy formed some sort of dome and the swords merely bounced off it, piercing through the ground and the trees surrounding the ruined arena.

It was no surprise to him that his old friend could very well dodge those attacks, after all, he had somewhat been a mentor to him during their first duel; no matter how short lived it was, Hyakuji considered the tanned man more experienced than he was.

Now, as soon as the Vice-Captain closed the distance between them, Yoshinori, keen as he was, evaded his next assault by slipping past the raven-haired shinigami and stood where he was seconds before. Of course, the speed was parried by Hyakuji himself, who threw his weapon at the silver-haired death god once he got a clear view of Yoshinori’s direction.

The surge in his spiritual signature was obvious, and the Vice-Captain had no intention to reduce the power gap, thus, he also called out to his shikai.

“Arise from the grave, Kuukyo-sa,” he muttered, while the wakizashi was still flying, projected towards his enemy. The blade would elongate and would change its metallic color into a pitch black nodachi. Whether or not the Third Seat would be able to dodge the attack, Hyakuji would vanish from his sight, and would catch his blade seeking for another assault. This time reappearing from behind, pirouetting with his heels to slash the shinigami’s waist upwards.

In case the kido specialist would retaliate back, Hyakuji would leap back away from the death god to answer their argument earlier.

“True.We may kill others in the process of protecting something or someone. We may choose not to, and still be able to protect some. But as long as we hold these blades, pain and death would be inevitable. As much as I want to believe that we can just… drop these weapons and seek peace with our bare hands or simply with our philosophies, it just couldn’t be. Sooner or later, we will be forced to pick up our swords again and fight for what we think is right. But here’s an assurance for you, Okamoto-san. I will do everything in my power to struggle for the most idealistic principles we share… without having the need to hurt others along the way.”


153 acc vs 155 def= missed!
102 acc vs 155 def= missed!

Hyakuji activated his first release| +5 reflex, +5 acc to basic attacks
Passive: Hyakuji has Edge 4 over Yoshi. +20 to acc and defense, +6 bonus dmg, +6 total DR
Passive: Unbridled takes effect. +3 reishi at the end of the turn, doubles Edge advantage. +40 to acc and defense, +12 bonus dmg, +12 total DR instead.
Passive: Momentum: Gained 1 stack of momentum due to Byakurai missed
Hyakuji used Rapid Movement
Hyakuji used Byakurai twice

At-will Action:Shikai| -0 rei
Release Enhancement: Deadly +5 acc to all basic attacks

At-will Action:Invigorate| +25 rei
Oppressive Reiatsu activates: ignore 3 DR

Bonus Action: Rapid Movement: +15 def| -10 rei

Standard Action: Sword Slash [Byakurai| -5 reishi cost
Acc - 8gQ|6uu01d100+100 [55 +40 acc from Edge 4 +5 acc from deadly]
Dmg - 2d12+2 +12 bonus dmg
: Treated as an area attack
Oppresive Reiatsu Passive: +Bashing Major effect, -5% RL and 5 rei

Standard Action: Sword Slash [Byakurai| -5 reishi cost
Acc - 1d100+100
Dmg - 2d12+2 +12 bonus dmg
Effect: Treated as an area attack
Oppresive Reiatsu Passive: +Bashing Major effect, -5% RL and 5 rei

Total rei: 10+5+5-25-3= +8 rei

Edge 4: +20 acc, +20 def, +6 bonus dmg, +6 total dmg reduction from attacks
Unbridled is in effect: edge advantage doubled. +40 acc, +40 def, +12 bonus dmg, +12 total dmg reduction from attacks
Oppressive Reiatsu: Basic Attacks become Area attacks, +bashing major effect
20/20 Armor
+1 stack momentum

Status Effects:

SHINIGAMI -You gain the Resiliency Keystone Trait Alacrity +10 def while above 50% HP



Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.

Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.

The standard Reishi cap is lifted. (You may now gain an unlimited amount of Reishi.) Also, you gain +3 Reishi at the end of each turn per each foe you are fighting. (For example, in a 1v3, you would regain +9 Reishi.) Also, as a passive effect, as long as you remain at 50% HP or above, you gain the advantages of EDGE 2 against all foes, regardless of Reiatsu Levels. Alternatively, if you already have EDGE advantage (above EDGE 2) while above 50% HP, that advantage is now doubled.

As a passive effect, your basic Strikes become area attacks and add the Bashing Major Effect. All other area attacks gain +10 accuracy and the Bashing Major Effect as well. Additionally, on a turn in which you use Invigorate, your Techs/Spells ignore 3 of their target’s DR; increase the amount of DR ignored by +3 per opponent in your current thread beyond the first. (3 DR ignored 1v1, 6 DR ignored 1v2, 9 DR ignored 1v3, etc)


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.

Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier.

Power: As an at-will action, two of your attacks this turn cannot be mitigated by any basic defense abilities.

Rush: As an at-will action, you add Rush to one attack during your turn. Rush makes it so if the attack misses, it deals direct damage equal to half of the original damage. A missed attack, in this case, means one that rolled lower than your foe’s defense and missed mechanically. This does not apply any status effects from the original attack. [0/4]

Surge: As an at-will action, you add an additional damage die with a value of 2d6 for Non-Basic Attacks and 1d6 for Basic Attacks with each attack you make. [1/3]


Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

This spell creates a pentagonal barrier that is used for stabilization of any ailment, allowing you to continue fighting unhampered.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action remove all status effects (non-special.) Can be used on self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: May use on self once. Ally may use one on you once.

You create a thin barrier of green Kido that covers your body like a suit. It absorbs incoming attacks and then fires spiked energy tendrils back at the attacker.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Considered a Movement Power. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Four times per battle.

You generate an orb of light blue energy which repels whatever strikes it.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Technique.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You attach an invisible chain between you and your enemy, causing them to share the same wounds you receive.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As bonus action you can inflict a status effect or special status effect you currently suffer from onto a foe of choice. Inherits the exact duration and other modifiers added to the status effect. It is automatically inflicted, no chance roll necessary.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.

A fighting technique that cancels out an opponent's Reishi by hitting it with the same quality and quantity of oppositely spinning Reishi.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique.
Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You generate a dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of yourself, blocking an opponent's attack.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.)
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.


Hyakuji casts a spell upon his enemy, dark flames would begin to consume and burn them down.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle

Hyakuji fires an torrent of dark flames crashing upon his enemy.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and has a 50% chance to inflict the special Scorched status effect. Scorched deals 1 status damage for each at-will action they use for the duration. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: This attack cannot be Guarded against.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji tosses his zanpakuto at the enemy, a series of blades would rain down upon the target.
Type: Attack - Barrage
Action: Standard
Effect: As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Overwhelm major effect.
Special Effect: Treat this Barrage like an area attack that also deals the Spread major effect.
Cost: 25 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Extending their hand, the user appears to be gripping thin air before stripping away the illusory technique to expose a hidden foe.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You gain +35 defense against attacks targeting you on your next turn. Also, once activated, on your next turn, reduce the success chance of any status effect targeting you by 20%
Special Effect: As a passive effect, you have a natural DR of +6 against any attacks your foe uses while under the effects of Kyokkō.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per battle.


You raise your arm forward and outstretched, using your free hand to grip the firing arm for extra support, with the palm facing flat toward the target, you fire a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy, which creates an enormous explosion upon impact.
Type: Attack - Area (Considered a Forbidden Spell)
Activate: Two Standard Actions
Effect: Using both of your standard actions, you make an area attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging, Piercing, and Slashing major effects.
Special Effect: For an extra 10 Reishi you may also add the Spread major effect.
Cost: 30 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


ATTACK RELEASE TECH: TORO NAGASHI [ not literally, Lantern of the Dead]

Hyakuji points his nodachi downward, turning into a lantern in the midst of the darkness. The lantern multiplies and floats in the area causing several explosions of black fire.

AREA: Standard Action.
Stage 1: Rolls 3 damage die against one to three targets. Costs 12 Reishi. Once per turn
Stage 2: Upgrades to 4 damage dice. Cost: 13 reishi. Twice per thread
Stage 3: Upgrades to 5 damage dice. Cost: 14 reishi. Twice per thread.

SLASHING:This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.


You temporarily slow the passage of time to give yourself an advantage in combat.
Type: Utility
Activate: At-Will
Requirements: Requires Focus skill of 40.
Effects: As an at-will action you gain either an additional standard action or an additional bonus action on your turn. Max of one extra Standard Action per turn can be gained via Time Shift or Clone.
Stage 2: Can now be used three times per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.


You form becomes intangible, immaterial--and it becomes a real challenge to get a bead on you, let alone hurt you.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you become ethereal. For the duration your target rolls two d100s and takes the lesser of the rolls for accuracy against you. If it is an area attack and targets others, they only count the lesser of the two rolls for you alone. Considered a Movement Power.
Duration: 3 turns
Stage 2: Duration is now 4 turns.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.


You are able to return to a previous point in time and restore yourself to that state.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you activate this ability at the end of your turn. Two turns later your stats (Including HP, Reishi, and Armor) all rewind back to what they were when you activated the ability. If you are KO’d during the two turns before the rewind takes effect, it will not activate.
Stage 2: Can now use twice per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Techs and/or spells used now cost -4 less Reishi.
Stage 3: Techs and/or spells used now cost -6 less Reishi.

REIATSU: 529,000 |
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 125/200 | DEF: 95 [145]| DMG DIE: d12+1| ACC: +55
Last Edit: Dec 29, 2021 9:22:03 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 29, 2021 13:18:52 GMT -5

The battle was quick to heat up.

In response to his own attack, Muimina launched one of his own, sending his Zanpakuto flying towards the silver haired Shinigami. Narrowing his eyes, Yoshinori's body tensed up as he prepared to receive the attack, however he paused briefly as Muimina uttered his Zanpakuto Shikai release.

So that was how it was gonna be.

Just like that, Yoshinori was subjected to a power unlike that he had ever experienced directly in battle. A low rumble erupting from his throat, the young Shinigami pushed down the anxiety of the moment to deal with the imminent threat. Forcing his body to move to the side, Yoshinori narrowly avoided the pitch black Nodaichi, the Third Seat's own movement little more than a blur.

However, Muimina was just as swift. Reappearing to catch his blade, Yoshinori could barely swivel upon his pivot to meet the man as he attacked. With a clang of metal, Yoshinori's pike would meet the center of Muimina's own elongated blade, smacking it aside in a powerful parrying move. Backing up some, the Shinigami would allow himself to fall into a trance of instinctive movement, his spear deftly parrying every subsequent attack that the Vice-Captain could provide before the raven haired individual retreated, creating distance between the two once more.

Sealed Ball

Allowing himself a moment of respite to take a deep breath, Yoshinori would move to exhale. Yet, instead of exhaling as one normally would, smoke would billow from the man's nostrils. While normally not an unusual scene given the Third Seat's penchant for smoking excessively, what made it peculiar was the fact that Yoshinori wasn't smoking anything at the present moment to begin with. So where could the smoke be coming from?

The question would only become more pressing if Muimina were to glance around him. As if the weather changed in the blink of an eye, Muimina would find himself encased in a near claustrophobic fog, the density of which would increase so swiftly so as to obscure one's clear vision in a matter of moments.

Sealed Ball

Another illusion, perhaps.

"Good answer." A voice, that most likely belonged to Yoshinori, said from some distance behind Muimina.

"Violence is unavoidable. Even in a utopia of our creation, fighting may never cease. But...what is important is our approach to it. Power is a responsibility. One can learn how to wield it all they want. It is knowing when to use it that is the true sign of mastery. More importantly, it is knowing when not to use it." This time, the voice came from closer. To Muimina's right.

"When we draw our weapons, we do so with the knowledge that we wield power. Every Shinigami must recognize this, but few do. When you draw your weapon, and acknowledge the power you have, you must ask yourself what to do with that power. Respect that power. Only then will you use it responsibly." The voice was distant again, somewhere in front of Muimina.

Then, something happened. A shadowy figure would suddenly appear behind Muimina, wielding a spear. The shadow had depth to him, as if it were a person. Yet it held no features. Simply a pitch black rendition of man wielding weapon. Yet, despite its lack of identity, the shadow attacked, thrusting the spear forward towards the raven haired Shinigami's back.

Post Count: 5 |


Both Yoshinori's attacks missed last turn! Yoshi gains 2 stacks of Momentum!
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Instinct to dodge Muimina's Standard Action 1!
Muimina's Standard Action 1 misses Yoshinori! Yoshinori gains +5 to Defense! Yoshinori's Defense is now 135!
Bonus Action Reactive: Yoshinori uses Guard to gain +10 DR against Muimina's Standard Action 2!
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori applies 4 Constructs to negate 12 damage from Muimina's Standard Action 2!
Muimina's Standard Action 2 ignores 3 DR! 7 DR applied to Muimina's Standard Action 2! Damage reduced to 13! 4 Constructs applied to negate 12 damage! Damage dealt is 1! 1 Armor Lost! Yoshinori gains a +5 to Defense! Yoshinori's Defense is now 140!
Bashing drains 5 Rei from Yoshi! Yoshi's Base RL lowered by 2,840!

Versatile Passive Active! - Yoshinori gains +15 Accuracy to two attacks this turn + increased Dmg Tier by 2
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Illusion on Muimina!
Standard Action: Yoshinori uses Phantom Fire!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Byakurai At-Will! (2/4 uses remaining).
Potent Passive Active!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release
Muimina gains Edge III against Yoshi!

At-Will Reactive: Instinctive Shunpo (Instinct) - As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. | No Reishi Cost.

Bonus Action Reactive: Wild Parry (Guard) - You gain 10 DR on your turn against all opponents. | -3 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will Reactive: Wild Parry (Shun Shun Rikkia | Defensive) - As a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | No Reishi Cost | 4 Constructs applied.

Bonus Action: Mirage: Shrouding Mists (Illusion) - As a bonus action, you have a 60% chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -12 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

Need 75 or below to inflict Illusion - JpXpjh851d100 Success! Deceived inflicted!

Standard Action: Shadowgraphy
Acc - 1d100+55
Dmg - 3d12+1
Reishi Cost - 4 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Bashing Major Effect - The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.
Cripple Minor Effect Chance (65%) - 1d100 Success!
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 10 Reishi is drained.

At-Will Action: Shadowgraphy (Byakurai)
Acc - 1d100+55
Dmg - 2d12+1
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Special Effect (Potent) - As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 5 Reishi is drained.

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (0/100 Max Reishi Restored)
4 Momentum Stacks
8/20 Armor (Immune to Statuses from Attacks)
25/25 Hanki Defense Gained (1 Turn Remaining)
2/6 Constructs Remaining


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK): AT-WILL | As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -5 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
SHUN SHUN RIKKIA: BONUS ACTION/ AT-WILL | As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining | 6 Constructs per use)
HANKI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total amount of Reishi drained will be equal to the highest rolled damage die from the attack.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (1/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

CLEVERNESS - PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - SINGLE | Single attack that rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has the Bashing Major Effect and Cripple Minor Effect. (Bashing: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.) | -7 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% (75% with Cleverness) chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 126/190 | DEF: 100 (140) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Dec 29, 2021 13:21:22 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Dec 31, 2021 8:27:30 GMT -5

無意味な 百事
護廷十三隊 - 1st DIVISION
Location:Soul Society


Perhaps it was a mistake to let his opponent take a break. As soon as he leaped out to create some distance, smoke began to fill the atmosphere. While the sun was still out, lighting up the day, the ancient ruins turned eerily dark and foggy.

His eyes glowed even brighter, like an owl’s or a cat’s as he attempted to feel the presence of the Third Seat, yet, the air felt heavy, and even with his clear vision, he could only sense the enemy’s spiritual signature faintly.

Hyakuji closed his eyes, there was no point in relying on it, if all he could see was a thick fog. Instead, he increased his auditory senses, carefully tracing Yoshinori’s movements through the rustles of his footsteps, or the wind’s lightest gust as he moved about.

Finding difficulty still, he decided to slam his sword on the ground. An illusion of his own doing formed a single paper lantern coursing through a river, which then multiplied into countless more lights surrounding the battlefield. It would then combust with dark flames, as they exploded one by one. The idea was to hopefully clear the fog first, and then lure the silver-haired shinigami out.

A shadow would appear behind his back, though unknown to him as his eyes were still closed, the presence felt too real, so he parried it with ease, and assaulted it himself with his blade, slashing through the air forming a cross-mark with the aim of wounding it.


Special Status Chance Success: Deceived [1/2]
98 acc vs 135 def= missed!
85 acc vs 135 def= missed!

At-will: First Release +5 reflex, +5 acc to basic attacks turned into Bonus Action due to Deceived status
Passive: Hyakuji has Edge 3 over Yoshi. +15 to acc and defense, +4 bonus dmg, +4 total DR
Passive: Unbridled takes effect. +3 reishi at the end of the turn, doubles Edge advantage. +30 to acc and defense, +8 bonus dmg, +8 total DR instead.
Hyakuji used Release Attack: Toro Nagashi
Hyakuji used Byakurai

At-will Action:Shikai| -0 rei turned into Bonus Action due to Deceived
Release Enhancement: Deadly +5 acc to all basic attacks; +5 Reflex buff

Bonus Action:Focus Energy: +15 acc| -10 rei turned into Standard

Standard Action: Toro Nagashi [Area Attack]| -12 reishi cost
Acc - k1tSnSjy1d100+100 [55 +30 acc from Edge 4 +15 acc from FE]
Dmg - 3d12+2 +8 bonus dmg
Oppresive Reiatsu Passive: +Bashing Major effect, -5% RL and 5 rei
Slashig Major Effect: Critical on a roll of 75 and up

Total rei: 10+12-3= 19 rei

Edge 3: +15 acc, +15 def, +4 bonus dmg, +4 total dmg reduction from attacks
Unbridled is in effect: edge advantage doubled. +30 acc, +30 def, +8 bonus dmg, +8 total dmg reduction from attacks
Oppressive Reiatsu: Basic Attacks become Area attacks, +bashing major effect
20/20 Armor
+1 stack momentum

Status Effects:
Deceived [1/2]

SHINIGAMI -You gain the Resiliency Keystone Trait Alacrity +10 def while above 50% HP



Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.

Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.

The standard Reishi cap is lifted. (You may now gain an unlimited amount of Reishi.) Also, you gain +3 Reishi at the end of each turn per each foe you are fighting. (For example, in a 1v3, you would regain +9 Reishi.) Also, as a passive effect, as long as you remain at 50% HP or above, you gain the advantages of EDGE 2 against all foes, regardless of Reiatsu Levels. Alternatively, if you already have EDGE advantage (above EDGE 2) while above 50% HP, that advantage is now doubled.

As a passive effect, your basic Strikes become area attacks and add the Bashing Major Effect. All other area attacks gain +10 accuracy and the Bashing Major Effect as well. Additionally, on a turn in which you use Invigorate, your Techs/Spells ignore 3 of their target’s DR; increase the amount of DR ignored by +3 per opponent in your current thread beyond the first. (3 DR ignored 1v1, 6 DR ignored 1v2, 9 DR ignored 1v3, etc)


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.

Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier.

Power: As an at-will action, two of your attacks this turn cannot be mitigated by any basic defense abilities.

Rush: As an at-will action, you add Rush to one attack during your turn. Rush makes it so if the attack misses, it deals direct damage equal to half of the original damage. A missed attack, in this case, means one that rolled lower than your foe’s defense and missed mechanically. This does not apply any status effects from the original attack. [0/4]

Surge: As an at-will action, you add an additional damage die with a value of 2d6 for Non-Basic Attacks and 1d6 for Basic Attacks with each attack you make. [1/3]


Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

This spell creates a pentagonal barrier that is used for stabilization of any ailment, allowing you to continue fighting unhampered.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action remove all status effects (non-special.) Can be used on self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: May use on self once. Ally may use one on you once.

You create a thin barrier of green Kido that covers your body like a suit. It absorbs incoming attacks and then fires spiked energy tendrils back at the attacker.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Considered a Movement Power. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Four times per battle.

You generate an orb of light blue energy which repels whatever strikes it.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Technique.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You attach an invisible chain between you and your enemy, causing them to share the same wounds you receive.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As bonus action you can inflict a status effect or special status effect you currently suffer from onto a foe of choice. Inherits the exact duration and other modifiers added to the status effect. It is automatically inflicted, no chance roll necessary.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.

A fighting technique that cancels out an opponent's Reishi by hitting it with the same quality and quantity of oppositely spinning Reishi.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique.
Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You generate a dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of yourself, blocking an opponent's attack.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.)
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.


Hyakuji casts a spell upon his enemy, dark flames would begin to consume and burn them down.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle

Hyakuji fires an torrent of dark flames crashing upon his enemy.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and has a 50% chance to inflict the special Scorched status effect. Scorched deals 1 status damage for each at-will action they use for the duration. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: This attack cannot be Guarded against.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji tosses his zanpakuto at the enemy, a series of blades would rain down upon the target.
Type: Attack - Barrage
Action: Standard
Effect: As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Overwhelm major effect.
Special Effect: Treat this Barrage like an area attack that also deals the Spread major effect.
Cost: 25 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Extending their hand, the user appears to be gripping thin air before stripping away the illusory technique to expose a hidden foe.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You gain +35 defense against attacks targeting you on your next turn. Also, once activated, on your next turn, reduce the success chance of any status effect targeting you by 20%
Special Effect: As a passive effect, you have a natural DR of +6 against any attacks your foe uses while under the effects of Kyokkō.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per battle.


You raise your arm forward and outstretched, using your free hand to grip the firing arm for extra support, with the palm facing flat toward the target, you fire a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy, which creates an enormous explosion upon impact.
Type: Attack - Area (Considered a Forbidden Spell)
Activate: Two Standard Actions
Effect: Using both of your standard actions, you make an area attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging, Piercing, and Slashing major effects.
Special Effect: For an extra 10 Reishi you may also add the Spread major effect.
Cost: 30 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


ATTACK RELEASE TECH: TORO NAGASHI [ not literally, Lantern of the Dead]

Hyakuji points his nodachi downward, turning into a lantern in the midst of the darkness. The lantern multiplies and floats in the area causing several explosions of black fire.

AREA: Standard Action.
Stage 1: Rolls 3 damage die against one to three targets. Costs 12 Reishi. Once per turn
Stage 2: Upgrades to 4 damage dice. Cost: 13 reishi. Twice per thread
Stage 3: Upgrades to 5 damage dice. Cost: 14 reishi. Twice per thread.

SLASHING:This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.


You temporarily slow the passage of time to give yourself an advantage in combat.
Type: Utility
Activate: At-Will
Requirements: Requires Focus skill of 40.
Effects: As an at-will action you gain either an additional standard action or an additional bonus action on your turn. Max of one extra Standard Action per turn can be gained via Time Shift or Clone.
Stage 2: Can now be used three times per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.


You form becomes intangible, immaterial--and it becomes a real challenge to get a bead on you, let alone hurt you.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you become ethereal. For the duration your target rolls two d100s and takes the lesser of the rolls for accuracy against you. If it is an area attack and targets others, they only count the lesser of the two rolls for you alone. Considered a Movement Power.
Duration: 3 turns
Stage 2: Duration is now 4 turns.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.


You are able to return to a previous point in time and restore yourself to that state.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you activate this ability at the end of your turn. Two turns later your stats (Including HP, Reishi, and Armor) all rewind back to what they were when you activated the ability. If you are KO’d during the two turns before the rewind takes effect, it will not activate.
Stage 2: Can now use twice per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Techs and/or spells used now cost -4 less Reishi.
Stage 3: Techs and/or spells used now cost -6 less Reishi.

REIATSU: 529,000 |
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 106/200 | DEF: 95 [145]| DMG DIE: d12+1| ACC: +55

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Dec 31, 2021 16:20:00 GMT -5

Somewhere on the outskirts of the dense fog...the prone form of Yoshinori laid still upon the undisturbed grasses. His legs crossed into a lotus position, Yoshinori had his spear spread horizontally across his legs as his hands came together, assuming what could be thought to be a Zen Meditation pose.

Sealed Ball

Breathing in and then out in a slow, drawn out exhale, Yoshinori allowed his mind to drift, extraneous thoughts to spill from his head and into blank space. His only focus was on calming himself, and ensuring a clear mind as the battle ensued. While he was far from out of the woods in this battle, his usage of the Shrouding Mists provided him somewhat of a moment's respite from the battle. A chance to collect himself. To focus. All while aware that at any moment the mists would be dispersed by his vastly superior foe.

"...Any moment now." Yoshinori whispered under his breath, his eyes still closed. He would return to direct combat only when Muimina had banished the mists that clung to his form. Not before, and not after.

However, getting rid of the fog was proving to be a much harder feat to accomplish than the Vice-Captain must have originally thought. As the paper lanterns exploded into dark colored flame, Muimina would find his efforts would provide immediate, if only fleeting, success. The fog would clear as the shockwave of the explosions displaced the air that kept the fog in place. However, with a swiftness that could be seen as unnatural, the fog seemed to swallow up the space that the explosions had cleared, returning to its previous density in mere moments. In fact, one could even say the fog was getting thicker.

As for the Shadow Conjuration, Muimina would notice one thing, perhaps even two if the man opened his eyes at any moment. For the first thing, Muimina's Zanpakuto would simply slash through air, meeting no resistance whatsoever. Given Muimina's proximity to the shadow, it would be one of the few things that the man could see if the Vice-Captain decided to actually attempt to see. If he was able to see his Zanpakuto attempting to strike the being, he could then see it would've simply phased through the shadow apparition, marking some form of intangibility of some form. If he analyzed it further (visually of course), he would then be able to note that the shadow appeared to be coming from that of Muimina's own shadow.

Was it possible that whatever powers Yoshinori's Zanpakuto held were able to animate the Vice-Captain's own shadow?

"Amanojaku is an Illusion-Type Zanpakuto." Yoshinori's voice spoke, coming from directly above Muimina, where the man himself most certainly was not. Tendrils formed from the fog that surrounded Muimina shot out from the surroundings, attempting to wrap itself around the man's limbs and neck, seeking not only to bind him in place but to strangle him if a tendril managed to successfully make its way around his neck.

"A spirit of wickedness, trickery. Perhaps I'm biased in saying it, but I believe it is one of the most powerful illusionary Zanpakutos that I am aware of. It's potential is only limited by its wielder. Theoretically, it can manifest anything as an illusion. The only me. I cannot conjure something that costs more energy than I can provide." The man explained.

Regardless of whether Muimina was bound and choked by the hardened smoky tendrils, the shadow warrior would launch itself back on the offensive. The spear in its hand adjusting to that of a Nodaichi not unlike that of Muimina's own Zanpakuto, the shadow's hair would elongate, growing down its back to take similar form to that of Muimina's own. However, it still maintained its shadowy, dark appearance. No features, just blackness in defined form. Without hesitation, it would attack, executing a vertical slash with both hands on the weapon down upon the raven haired-Vice Captain.

"I fear my own Zanpakuto for even if I am the limiting factor, does any one being deserve to wield such destructive force over reality? Are there points when you fear your own power, Muimina Hyakuji?"

Post Count: 6 |


Both Yoshinori's attacks missed last turn! Yoshi gains 2 stacks of Momentum!
Yoshinori's Defense remains 140 due to Hanki! Expires at start of next turn!
Yoshinori's Defense increased to 145 due to Heightened! Muimina's Standard Action 1 misses!
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Invigorate to regain 25 Reishi!

Versatile Passive Active! - Yoshinori gains +15 Accuracy to two attacks this turn + increased Dmg Tier by 2
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Focus Energy to gain +15 Accuracy on all attacks this turn! Attacks cannot be negated by Guard!
At-Will: Yoshinori spends 4 stacks of Momentum to gain +20 Accuracy on all attacks this turn!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Sense! Defense increased by 5 this turn! Accuracy increased by 5 this turn!
Standard Action: Yoshinori uses Phantom Fire!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Byakurai At-Will! (1/4 uses remaining).
Potent Passive Active!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release

Bonus Action: Meditation (Invigorate) - You regain 25 Reishi. | -0 Reishi

Bonus Action: Illusion Mastery (Focus Energy) - Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard. | -9 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will: Illusion Mastery (Sense) - You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn. | No Reishi Cost (2 Uses Remaining)

At-Will: Illusion Mastery (Momentum) - As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn. | No Reishi Cost | Yoshinori uses 4 stacks to increase accuracy by +20.

Standard Action: Fog Tendrils: Strangulation
Acc - mg79A2NJ1d100+95
Dmg - 3d12+1
Reishi Cost - 4 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Bashing Major Effect - The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.
Cripple Minor Effect Chance (65%) - 1d100 Failure!
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 8 Reishi is drained.

At-Will Action: Shadow Warrior: Spear Thrust (Byakurai)
Acc - 1d100+95
Dmg - 2d12+1
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Special Effect (Potent) - As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 12 Reishi is drained.

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (25/100 Max Reishi Restored)
2 Momentum Stacks
8/20 Armor (Immune to Statuses from Attacks)
25/25 Hanki Defense Gained (0 Turns Remaining)
2/6 Constructs Remaining


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK): AT-WILL | As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -5 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
SHUN SHUN RIKKIA: BONUS ACTION/ AT-WILL | As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining | 6 Constructs per use)
HANKI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total amount of Reishi drained will be equal to the highest rolled damage die from the attack.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (1/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

CLEVERNESS - PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - SINGLE | Single attack that rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has the Bashing Major Effect and Cripple Minor Effect. (Bashing: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.) | -7 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% (75% with Cleverness) chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 90/90 | REISHI: 134/190 | DEF: 100 (140) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Dec 31, 2021 16:25:12 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Jan 3, 2022 10:37:24 GMT -5

無意味な 百事
護廷十三隊 - 1st DIVISION
Location:Soul Society


Still with his eyes closed, Hyakuji’s senses remained more alert, hearing a subtle rustle of what one might imagine a vine eerily creeping along the ground. The figures kept circling around him, as if waiting for the right opportunity to attack.

Yoshinori’s voice could still be heard close, though with an echo, as if he was calling out from a deep well.

"Are there points when you fear your own power, Muimina Hyakuji?"

"No,” the long-maned reaper said plainly at first, “The only thing I fear about it is that... it might not be enough to protect everyone I care about. No matter how immense my power could be, there's no telling whether it'd be sufficient to defend the people I love the most… and that scares me more than anything."

It was true, despite his struggle to become more powerful, it didn’t seem enough a guarantee to safeguard everyone he cared about. Yukari still ended up being caged in Ilvamal’s coffin during their fight against him. And well, the Third Seat along with the other shinigami faced a series of rather unfortunate events during their escort mission in New York; all these happened in spite of the Vice-Captain doing his best to protect them.

On cue, the vines suddenly rushed at him, in sync with the shadowy figures he could only feel with his instincts. Realizing that the shadows were indeed just a replica of his opponent, he would leap up, higher than the thick fog obscuring his sense below and release his bankai. The sudden outburst of spiritual pressure caused a massive shockwave that would probably even eradicate the smoke below. Hyakuji, finally opening his eyes, would then cast a storm of blades at the silver-haired death god’s direction.

The display of power was not a brag, but merely a showcase of how adamant he was with his goals, and he will continue to press on until he achieved this utopia both of them were dreaming of.


Special Status Chance Success: Deceived [2/2]
Hyakuji's shikai attack missed, gained 1 stack momentum!
178 acc vs 160 def= hit! 11dmg -12 DR= 0 dmg, -8 reishi, -5% base RL [26,450; new base: 502,550]
145 acc vs 160 def= missed!

Stat Boost: Final Release +15 reflex
Release Enhancements: +15 acc to basic attacks [Deadly Enhancement], +15 def to basic attacks [Instinctive], -6 rei cost to all Techs/ Spells [Efficiency]
Passive: Hyakuji has Edge 4 over Yoshi. +20 to acc and defense, +6 bonus dmg, +6 total DR
Passive: Unbridled takes effect. +3 reishi at the end of the turn, doubles Edge advantage. +40 to acc and defense, +12 bonus dmg, +12 total DR instead.
Hyakuji used Ken no Arashi: Advanced Barrage Attack

Standard Action:Mastered Bankai| -6 rei
Release Enhancement: 15 Reflex buff, +15 acc to basic attacks [Deadly Enhancement], +15 def to basic attacks [Instinctive], -6 rei cost to all Techs/ Spells [Efficiency]

Standard Action: Ken No Arashi [Area Attack]| 25 reishi cost - 6= 19 rei
Acc - I|IqdHaL1d100+100 [55 +40 acc from Edge 4]
Dmg - 4d12+4 +12 bonus dmg
Oppresive Reiatsu Passive: +Bashing Major effect, -5% RL and 5 rei
OVERWHELM: Barrage-type only. Each 1 point of damage from this attack takes 2 points of Armor or DR to reduce. This stacks with other DR reducing effects.

Total rei: 6+19-3= 22 rei +8 from reishi draim= 30

Edge 4: +20 acc, +20 def, +6 bonus dmg, +6 total dmg reduction from attacks
Unbridled is in effect: edge advantage doubled. +40 acc, +40 def, +12 bonus dmg, +12 total dmg reduction from attacks
Oppressive Reiatsu: Basic Attacks become Area attacks, +bashing major effect
20/20 Armor
+2 stack momentum

Status Effects:
Deceived [2/2]

SHINIGAMI -You gain the Resiliency Keystone Trait Alacrity +10 def while above 50% HP



Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.

Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.

The standard Reishi cap is lifted. (You may now gain an unlimited amount of Reishi.) Also, you gain +3 Reishi at the end of each turn per each foe you are fighting. (For example, in a 1v3, you would regain +9 Reishi.) Also, as a passive effect, as long as you remain at 50% HP or above, you gain the advantages of EDGE 2 against all foes, regardless of Reiatsu Levels. Alternatively, if you already have EDGE advantage (above EDGE 2) while above 50% HP, that advantage is now doubled.

As a passive effect, your basic Strikes become area attacks and add the Bashing Major Effect. All other area attacks gain +10 accuracy and the Bashing Major Effect as well. Additionally, on a turn in which you use Invigorate, your Techs/Spells ignore 3 of their target’s DR; increase the amount of DR ignored by +3 per opponent in your current thread beyond the first. (3 DR ignored 1v1, 6 DR ignored 1v2, 9 DR ignored 1v3, etc)


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.

Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier.

Power: As an at-will action, two of your attacks this turn cannot be mitigated by any basic defense abilities.

Rush: As an at-will action, you add Rush to one attack during your turn. Rush makes it so if the attack misses, it deals direct damage equal to half of the original damage. A missed attack, in this case, means one that rolled lower than your foe’s defense and missed mechanically. This does not apply any status effects from the original attack. [0/4]

Surge: As an at-will action, you add an additional damage die with a value of 2d6 for Non-Basic Attacks and 1d6 for Basic Attacks with each attack you make. [1/3]


Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

This spell creates a pentagonal barrier that is used for stabilization of any ailment, allowing you to continue fighting unhampered.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action remove all status effects (non-special.) Can be used on self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: May use on self once. Ally may use one on you once.

You create a thin barrier of green Kido that covers your body like a suit. It absorbs incoming attacks and then fires spiked energy tendrils back at the attacker.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Considered a Movement Power. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Four times per battle.

You generate an orb of light blue energy which repels whatever strikes it.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Technique.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You attach an invisible chain between you and your enemy, causing them to share the same wounds you receive.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As bonus action you can inflict a status effect or special status effect you currently suffer from onto a foe of choice. Inherits the exact duration and other modifiers added to the status effect. It is automatically inflicted, no chance roll necessary.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.

A fighting technique that cancels out an opponent's Reishi by hitting it with the same quality and quantity of oppositely spinning Reishi.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique.
Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You generate a dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of yourself, blocking an opponent's attack.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.)
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.


Hyakuji casts a spell upon his enemy, dark flames would begin to consume and burn them down.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle

Hyakuji fires an torrent of dark flames crashing upon his enemy.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and has a 50% chance to inflict the special Scorched status effect. Scorched deals 1 status damage for each at-will action they use for the duration. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: This attack cannot be Guarded against.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji tosses his zanpakuto at the enemy, a series of blades would rain down upon the target.
Type: Attack - Barrage
Action: Standard
Effect: As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Overwhelm major effect.
Special Effect: Treat this Barrage like an area attack that also deals the Spread major effect.
Cost: 25 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Extending their hand, the user appears to be gripping thin air before stripping away the illusory technique to expose a hidden foe.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You gain +35 defense against attacks targeting you on your next turn. Also, once activated, on your next turn, reduce the success chance of any status effect targeting you by 20%
Special Effect: As a passive effect, you have a natural DR of +6 against any attacks your foe uses while under the effects of Kyokkō.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per battle.


You raise your arm forward and outstretched, using your free hand to grip the firing arm for extra support, with the palm facing flat toward the target, you fire a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy, which creates an enormous explosion upon impact.
Type: Attack - Area (Considered a Forbidden Spell)
Activate: Two Standard Actions
Effect: Using both of your standard actions, you make an area attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging, Piercing, and Slashing major effects.
Special Effect: For an extra 10 Reishi you may also add the Spread major effect.
Cost: 30 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


ATTACK RELEASE TECH: TORO NAGASHI [ not literally, Lantern of the Dead]

Hyakuji points his nodachi downward, turning into a lantern in the midst of the darkness. The lantern multiplies and floats in the area causing several explosions of black fire.

AREA: Standard Action.
Stage 1: Rolls 3 damage die against one to three targets. Costs 12 Reishi. Once per turn
Stage 2: Upgrades to 4 damage dice. Cost: 13 reishi. Twice per thread
Stage 3: Upgrades to 5 damage dice. Cost: 14 reishi. Twice per thread.

SLASHING:This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.


You temporarily slow the passage of time to give yourself an advantage in combat.
Type: Utility
Activate: At-Will
Requirements: Requires Focus skill of 40.
Effects: As an at-will action you gain either an additional standard action or an additional bonus action on your turn. Max of one extra Standard Action per turn can be gained via Time Shift or Clone.
Stage 2: Can now be used three times per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.


You form becomes intangible, immaterial--and it becomes a real challenge to get a bead on you, let alone hurt you.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you become ethereal. For the duration your target rolls two d100s and takes the lesser of the rolls for accuracy against you. If it is an area attack and targets others, they only count the lesser of the two rolls for you alone. Considered a Movement Power.
Duration: 3 turns
Stage 2: Duration is now 4 turns.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.


You are able to return to a previous point in time and restore yourself to that state.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you activate this ability at the end of your turn. Two turns later your stats (Including HP, Reishi, and Armor) all rewind back to what they were when you activated the ability. If you are KO’d during the two turns before the rewind takes effect, it will not activate.
Stage 2: Can now use twice per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Techs and/or spells used now cost -4 less Reishi.
Stage 3: Techs and/or spells used now cost -6 less Reishi.

REIATSU: 502,550>>> 3,015,300 |
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 76/200 | DEF: 95 [160]| DMG DIE: d12+1| ACC: +55
Last Edit: Jan 3, 2022 11:14:11 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Jan 4, 2022 12:11:44 GMT -5

The explosion of power was overwhelming. The very release of it placed a weight upon Yoshinori's bones. There was no possible competition with it. He was completely and utterly outmatched.

Was this truly the same person he had fought at relatively the same level?

His mist completely dispelled by the explosion of powers, Yoshinori realized he was at his limits. Most of his illusions would be powerless against someone with such a huge power gap. The Third Seat Shinigami could only hope to last as long as he could against such a foe, while consolidating the power he had left to create illusions that could still do something.

Sealed Ball

From the folds of his Shihakushō, Yoshinori produced what appeared to be a toy wooden spinning top of traditional make. As Muimina swung his blade and released the storm of blades that began their lethal descent upon the Eighth Division Shinigami, Yoshinori would throw the spinning top forward, allowing the toy to spin wildly as its protrusion hit the ground. Almost immediately, Yoshinori's spear would glow red, and the spinning top would increase dramatically in size, measuring close to twenty feet in scale. With its rapid spinning now destructive in nature, the spinning top created a natural defense against the blades, with more than seventy five percent of the attack being deflected as the giant spinning top glided from side to side.

Unfortunately, however, the defense was not infallible. As blades rained down upon the battlefield, Yoshinori felt the sharp sting of multiple blades cutting through his robes and tearing through the flesh, drawing blood. Gritting his teeth, Yoshinori could do little but bear it, doing what he could to reduce the damage by deflecting individual blades with his spear.

"The desire for more power to defend those close to you is admirable...but how much is too much, Muimina Hyakuji? Is it the fact that you don't have enough power that fuels that fear? Or that you want more just for your own assurance? To feel safe?"

With a nudge of his spear against the spinning top, the giant toy went hurtling forward towards the Vice-Captain. While one of his less flashy illusions, the toy top was still capable of considerable destructive force. Spinning wildly at high velocity, paired with its sheer size, its blunt force impact would be quite the danger if left unchecked. Even if it was only an illusion.

However, the real question remained: Was Muimina too powerful to be effected by it at this point?

Post Count: 7 |


One of Yoshinori's attacks missed last turn! Yoshi gains 1 stack of Momentum!
Bonus Action Reactive: Yoshinori uses Enkosen to halve the damage of Muimina's Standard Action 1!
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Shun Shun Rikkia (2 Constructs) to negate 6 damage!
Muimina's Standard Action 1 hits Yoshinori for 45 damage! Halved to 23 damage! Negated to 17 damage! Armor absorbs 4 damage! 13 damage to HP suffered!

Versatile Passive Active! - Yoshinori gains +15 Accuracy to two attacks this turn + increased Dmg Tier by 2
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Focus Energy to gain +15 Accuracy on all attacks this turn! Attacks cannot be negated by Guard!
At-Will: Yoshinori spends 3 stacks of Momentum to gain +15 Accuracy on all attacks this turn!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Sense! Defense increased by 5 this turn! Accuracy increased by 5 this turn!
Standard Action: Yoshinori uses Phantom Fire!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Byakurai At-Will! (0/4 uses remaining).
Potent Passive Active!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release

Bonus Action Reactive: Giant Spinning Top | Defensive Spin (Enkosen) - As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -3 Reishi (Atttuned + Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will Reactive: Spear Deflection (Shun Shun Rikkia | Defensive) - As a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | No Reishi Cost | 2 Constructs applied.

Bonus Action: Illusion Mastery (Focus Energy) - Increase your Accuracy with Attacks on this turn by +15. A focused attack cannot have its damage negated by Guard. | -9 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will: Illusion Mastery (Sense) - You gain +5 Defense versus all attacks targeting you this turn; additionally, you gain +5 Accuracy with all attacks used this turn. | No Reishi Cost (1 Use Remaining)

At-Will: Illusion Mastery (Momentum) - As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn. | No Reishi Cost | Yoshinori uses 3 stacks to increase accuracy by +15.

Standard Action: Giant Spinning Top | Offensive Spin
Acc - qnkUAf7|1d100+90
Dmg - 3d12+1
Reishi Cost - 4 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Bashing Major Effect - The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.
Cripple Minor Effect Chance (65%) - 1d100 Failure!
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 11 Reishi is drained.

At-Will Action: Giant Spinning Top | Offensive Spin (Byakurai)
Acc - 1d100+90
Dmg - 2d12+1
Reishi Cost - 3 Rei (Efficiency Reduced)
Special Effect (Potent) - As a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.
Special Effect (Versatile) - If attack successfully hits, 11 Reishi is drained.

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (25/100 Max Reishi Restored)
0 Momentum Stacks


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining)
BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK): AT-WILL | As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -5 Reishi | (2/2 uses remaining)
SHUN SHUN RIKKIA: BONUS ACTION/ AT-WILL | As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -10 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining | 6 Constructs per use)
HANKI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total amount of Reishi drained will be equal to the highest rolled damage die from the attack.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (1/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

CLEVERNESS - PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - SINGLE | Single attack that rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has the Bashing Major Effect and Cripple Minor Effect. (Bashing: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.) | -7 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% (75% with Cleverness) chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 77/90 | REISHI: 114/190 | DEF: 100 (115) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Jan 4, 2022 12:14:10 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto


13th Division Captain

Partake the cup of my wrath

Muimina Hyakuji Avatar

Muimina Hyakuji

Post by Muimina Hyakuji on Jan 5, 2022 5:08:35 GMT -5

無意味な 百事
護廷十三隊 - 1st DIVISION
Location:Soul Society


The Vice Captain watched as the blades rained upon the Third Seat, and just as he expected, Yoshinori again cast a barrier, a spinning toy illusion to be specific, to protect himself. Hyakuji was confident that his peer could very well evade those attacks, although he could already sense his struggle against the shower of weapons. Nevertheless, he showed no mercy to his fellow death god. If they want to see this duel through to the end, each of them has to give their all, and Hyakuji had no plan in backing down.

“I do not seek power merely to make myself or the others feel safe,” the long-maned shinigami answered his peer’s question again, as his iridescent blue eyes cast their gaze upon the silver-haired man, ” but I understand that such an immense strength demands great responsibility…With this power, I carry the weight of protecting not only those important to me but also Soul Society and the rest of the world. Nothing is too much in a world full of uncertainties, especially if you carry such a burden, but it calls for responsible use of that power.”

The giant illusory top did not catch the Vice-Captain as he flew swiftly towards the bright sky, his wings of steel glimmering against the light. There, like an angel looking down at a sinner for judgment, he readied his weapon again, and hurled it down to the ground. The pitch black nodachi evaded the spinning toy and pierced through the dirt. Again, the soil became fluid like a coursing river and one paper lantern would flow on the surface and would be followed by another, multiplying in a thousand more copies coalescing around the 8th Division death god. It would explode into dark flames, and if the tanned man was keen enough, he would notice it to be more violent and destructive.

“I’ve told you before, and I will tell you again. I have not sought this position nor this potential for my own sake. I chose to tread on this path because I have someone to protect, and with it I gladly took the responsibility for every soul that exists as well.”


Hyakuji used Sense: +5 def, +5 acc
Hyakuji used Rapid Movement: +15 def
135 acc vs 180 def= missed
176 acc vs 180 def= missed!

Stat Boost: Final Release +15 reflex
Release Enhancements: +15 acc to basic attacks [Deadly Enhancement], +15 def to basic attacks [Instinctive], -6 rei cost to all Techs/ Spells [Efficiency]
Passive: Hyakuji has Edge 4 over Yoshi. +20 to acc and defense, +6 bonus dmg, +6 total DR
Passive: Unbridled takes effect. +3 reishi at the end of the turn, doubles Edge advantage. +40 to acc and defense, +12 bonus dmg, +12 total DR instead.
Hyakuji used Byakurai
Hyakuji used Toro Nagashi Stage 3

At-will Action:Mastered Bankai| -6 rei
Release Enhancement: 15 Reflex buff, +15 acc to basic attacks [Deadly Enhancement], +15 def to basic attacks [Instinctive], -6 rei cost to all Techs/ Spells [Efficiency]

At-will Action: Invigorate| +25 rei

At-will Action: Gyaku Unmei| 5 rei - 6 rei= 1 rei
Hyakuji dodged the second attack: choose the lower die: 7= -7 dmg back to the opponent
Bonus Action: Rapid Movement| 10 rei - 6 rei= 4 rei

Standard Action: Byakurai| 5 rei - 6 rei= 1 rei
Acc - yJrHiBVe1d100+100 [55 +40 acc from Edge 4, +5 Sense]
Dmg - 2d12+2 +12 bonus dmg
At will: Surge [2/3]
Bonus Dmg:1d6

Standard Action: Toro Nagashi Stage 3 [Area Attack]| 14 reishi cost - 6= 8 rei
Acc - 1d100+100 [55 +40 acc from Edge 4, +5 Sense] Critical!
Dmg - 5d12+5 +12 bonus dmg +10 dmg from Critical +4 dmg from Slashing
Oppresive Reiatsu Passive: +Bashing Major effect, -5% RL and 5 rei
SLASHING: This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.
At will: Surge [2/3]
Bonus Dmg:2d6
At will: Rush[2/4], half of the damage goes back to the opponent if missed
At-will: Power [1/2], cannot be mitigated by any basic defensive abilities

Total rei: 6+1+1+4+8-3-25= +8 rei

Edge 4: +20 acc, +20 def, +6 bonus dmg, +6 total dmg reduction from attacks
Unbridled is in effect: edge advantage doubled. +40 acc, +40 def, +12 bonus dmg, +12 total dmg reduction from attacks
Oppressive Reiatsu: Basic Attacks become Area attacks, +bashing major effect
20/20 Armor
+2 stack momentum

Status Effects:

SHINIGAMI -You gain the Resiliency Keystone Trait Alacrity +10 def while above 50% HP



Your natural Skill cap of 50 is increased to 70 and you start with +5 to two Skills of your choice. You also gain a +35 bonus to every Initiative Roll.

Start with the Enhanced Basic Techniques/Spells; Focus Energy, Invigorate, Sense, and Suppression. Also, three times per battle, you can use Focus Energy or Invigorate as an At-Will action.

The standard Reishi cap is lifted. (You may now gain an unlimited amount of Reishi.) Also, you gain +3 Reishi at the end of each turn per each foe you are fighting. (For example, in a 1v3, you would regain +9 Reishi.) Also, as a passive effect, as long as you remain at 50% HP or above, you gain the advantages of EDGE 2 against all foes, regardless of Reiatsu Levels. Alternatively, if you already have EDGE advantage (above EDGE 2) while above 50% HP, that advantage is now doubled.

As a passive effect, your basic Strikes become area attacks and add the Bashing Major Effect. All other area attacks gain +10 accuracy and the Bashing Major Effect as well. Additionally, on a turn in which you use Invigorate, your Techs/Spells ignore 3 of their target’s DR; increase the amount of DR ignored by +3 per opponent in your current thread beyond the first. (3 DR ignored 1v1, 6 DR ignored 1v2, 9 DR ignored 1v3, etc)


Blur: As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn.

Momentum: As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier.

Power: As an at-will action, two of your attacks this turn cannot be mitigated by any basic defense abilities.

Rush: As an at-will action, you add Rush to one attack during your turn. Rush makes it so if the attack misses, it deals direct damage equal to half of the original damage. A missed attack, in this case, means one that rolled lower than your foe’s defense and missed mechanically. This does not apply any status effects from the original attack. [0/4]

Surge: As an at-will action, you add an additional damage die with a value of 2d6 for Non-Basic Attacks and 1d6 for Basic Attacks with each attack you make. [1/3]


Hyakuji creates a void around him that could deflect the attacks aimed at him.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks.
Duration: Until the 20 Armor is gone.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji moves at great speed to avoid an attack, leaving a void/ shadow which can appear to have taken damage.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Action: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action, you avoid two non-critical attacks that would have hit you during your turn. Considered a Movement Power.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

This spell creates a pentagonal barrier that is used for stabilization of any ailment, allowing you to continue fighting unhampered.
Type: Utility - Kido Healing Spell
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action remove all status effects (non-special.) Can be used on self or a comrade.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: May use on self once. Ally may use one on you once.

You create a thin barrier of green Kido that covers your body like a suit. It absorbs incoming attacks and then fires spiked energy tendrils back at the attacker.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: At-Will - Reactive
Effect: As an at-will action choose one attack that missed you (or you avoided) and deal its lowest damage die value as direct damage back at the attacker. Considered a Movement Power. You can use this with the Blur trait to send back the lowest damage die from a second attack that missed you (or was avoided.) This is counted as a use of Blur during your turn.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Four times per battle.

You generate an orb of light blue energy which repels whatever strikes it.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you cannot be hit by any attacks that roll a natural (unmodified) 65 or lower on their accuracy. Considered a Movement Technique.
Cost: 5 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You attach an invisible chain between you and your enemy, causing them to share the same wounds you receive.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As bonus action you can inflict a status effect or special status effect you currently suffer from onto a foe of choice. Inherits the exact duration and other modifiers added to the status effect. It is automatically inflicted, no chance roll necessary.
Cost: None
Limit: Three times per battle.

A fighting technique that cancels out an opponent's Reishi by hitting it with the same quality and quantity of oppositely spinning Reishi.
Type: Defense - Hohō Art
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique.
Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading.
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

You generate a dull yellow energy, which takes the form of a large spinning disk of condensed Reiatsu, in front of yourself, blocking an opponent's attack.
Type: Defense - Kido Spell
Activate: Bonus Action - Reactive
Effect: As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.)
Cost: 10 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.


Hyakuji casts a spell upon his enemy, dark flames would begin to consume and burn them down.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging major effect and Burn minor effect. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: Does bonus damage equal to the highest rolled damage dice against users who are in their Released state and/or have Edge against you.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle

Hyakuji fires an torrent of dark flames crashing upon his enemy.
Type: Attack - Single
Activate: Standard Action
Effect: As a standard action, you make a single attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Slashing major effect and has a 50% chance to inflict the special Scorched status effect. Scorched deals 1 status damage for each at-will action they use for the duration. The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%.
Special Effect: This attack cannot be Guarded against.
Duration: 3 turns
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Hyakuji tosses his zanpakuto at the enemy, a series of blades would rain down upon the target.
Type: Attack - Barrage
Action: Standard
Effect: As a standard action, you make a barrage attack with 4 dmg dice that deals the Overwhelm major effect.
Special Effect: Treat this Barrage like an area attack that also deals the Spread major effect.
Cost: 25 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Extending their hand, the user appears to be gripping thin air before stripping away the illusory technique to expose a hidden foe.
Type: Defense
Action: Bonus Action
Effect: You gain +35 defense against attacks targeting you on your next turn. Also, once activated, on your next turn, reduce the success chance of any status effect targeting you by 20%
Special Effect: As a passive effect, you have a natural DR of +6 against any attacks your foe uses while under the effects of Kyokkō.
Cost: None
Limit: Once per battle.


You raise your arm forward and outstretched, using your free hand to grip the firing arm for extra support, with the palm facing flat toward the target, you fire a gigantic beam of electrical and spiritual energy, which creates an enormous explosion upon impact.
Type: Attack - Area (Considered a Forbidden Spell)
Activate: Two Standard Actions
Effect: Using both of your standard actions, you make an area attack with 3 dmg dice that deals the Charging, Piercing, and Slashing major effects.
Special Effect: For an extra 10 Reishi you may also add the Spread major effect.
Cost: 30 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.


ATTACK RELEASE TECH: TORO NAGASHI [ not literally, Lantern of the Dead]

Hyakuji points his nodachi downward, turning into a lantern in the midst of the darkness. The lantern multiplies and floats in the area causing several explosions of black fire.

AREA: Standard Action.
Stage 1: Rolls 3 damage die against one to three targets. Costs 12 Reishi. Once per turn
Stage 2: Upgrades to 4 damage dice. Cost: 13 reishi. Twice per thread
Stage 3: Upgrades to 5 damage dice. Cost: 14 reishi. Twice per thread.

SLASHING:This technique scores a critical hit on a roll of 75 or higher; Critical Hits with a Slashing technique deal an additional +4 damage.


You temporarily slow the passage of time to give yourself an advantage in combat.
Type: Utility
Activate: At-Will
Requirements: Requires Focus skill of 40.
Effects: As an at-will action you gain either an additional standard action or an additional bonus action on your turn. Max of one extra Standard Action per turn can be gained via Time Shift or Clone.
Stage 2: Can now be used three times per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Twice per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.


You form becomes intangible, immaterial--and it becomes a real challenge to get a bead on you, let alone hurt you.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effects: As a bonus action you become ethereal. For the duration your target rolls two d100s and takes the lesser of the rolls for accuracy against you. If it is an area attack and targets others, they only count the lesser of the two rolls for you alone. Considered a Movement Power.
Duration: 3 turns
Stage 2: Duration is now 4 turns.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 15 Reishi.
Cost: 20 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.


You are able to return to a previous point in time and restore yourself to that state.
Type: Utility
Activate: Bonus Action
Effect: As a bonus action, you activate this ability at the end of your turn. Two turns later your stats (Including HP, Reishi, and Armor) all rewind back to what they were when you activated the ability. If you are KO’d during the two turns before the rewind takes effect, it will not activate.
Stage 2: Can now use twice per battle.
Stage 3: Gain Stage 2 upgrade and only costs 10 Reishi.
Cost: 15 Reishi
Limit: Once per battle.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect you gain a bonus +5 to accuracy with 2 Basic Attacks, per turn, while in a Released state.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Accuracy bonus increases to +10.
Stage 3: You can now apply this to a max of 4 Basic Attacks per turn.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Basic Attacks.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Defense increases by +10.
Stage 3: Defense increases by +15.

Activate: None (Passive)
Effect: As a passive effect, all techs and/or spells used now cost -2 less Reishi while you are in a Released state. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.
Limit: Indefinite.
Stage 2: Techs and/or spells used now cost -4 less Reishi.
Stage 3: Techs and/or spells used now cost -6 less Reishi.

REIATSU: 502,550>>> 3,015,300 |
HP: 80/80 | REISHI: 84/200 | DEF: 95 [160]| DMG DIE: d12+1| ACC: +55
Last Edit: Jan 5, 2022 5:14:41 GMT -5 by Muimina Hyakuji

Shadows still hunt us in broad daylight.


13th Division - Vice Captain

"Enjoy yourself while you can."

Yoshinori Okamoto Avatar

Yoshinori Okamoto

Post by Yoshinori Okamoto on Jan 6, 2022 0:22:42 GMT -5

"There is always such a thing as too much, Hyakuji." Yoshinori heard himself saying, albeit he didn't plan on responding so readily.

Yoshinori was losing. He knew it to be true. He was losing quickly. To simply stand against such unfathomable might was a chore in itself, let alone fight actively against it. His spinning toy illusion, as predicted, fell short of doing anything meaningful to his enemy. If anything, the battle was highlighting his own faults in battle. Or rather, shining a bigger light on what he already knew about his faults in battle. His illusions became less effective the stronger an opponent was. If he could not influence their Reiatsu with his own, the resulting illusion was only bound to be made weaker for the conjurer's own lack of strength to compare to the might of the enemy.

So how could he counter that? Certainly cause for experimentation.

That is, assuming he would be conscious to remember the mental gymnastics that occupied his mind.

Once again, paper lanterns began to dot the battlefield. Muimina's Nodaichi struck the ground with a tremble, bringing forth the shifting soil and the ominous paper lanterns that seemed to multiply by the second. This time Yoshinori didn't have the comfort of his own Shrouding Mists to misdirect his opponent. This time Muimina knew exactly where he was. There was no escape, there was no proper evasion as the paper lanterns closed in on him from all directions. All he could do was...


The explosion was powerful. So considerable that it sent a shockwave rippling through the ruins. Smoke and fire engulfed the area where Yoshinori was, creating an inferno of black colored flame. Interestingly enough, the ruins themselves were not disturbed by the shockwave or the flames. How peculiar this area was, that it could showcase very little structural damage from such a high impact duel.

Eventually, the flames began to part after nearly a minute of ominous silence, save for the roaring fire. As the flames began to die down, Muimina would be able to clearly see that Yoshinori was...still standing?

Sealed Ball

The massive inferno seemed to give way to a medium sized pyramid of Kido energy. Inside stood a battered and beaten Yoshinori, obviously badly burned by the paper lanterns. His upper Shihakushō was all but nonexistent, yet surprisingly his golden jewelry remained untouched. Hanzō, as well, seemed to be in perfect health. Judging from the man's condition, however, it was clear to see that Yoshinori was injured from the initial blast, only to save himself from the remainder of the impact force through the quick conjuring of a Kido barrier, particularly that of Bakudo #73: Tozansho. An impressive feat to spontaneously conjure up a barrier of such complexity and stopping power, to be sure.

"I...I didn't like that..." Yoshinori admitted as the barrier shattered around him, prompting the silver haired Shinigami to pitch forward. Only by impaling his spear into the ground was the man able to keep himself from faceplanting. His emerald eyes locked onto Muimina, Yoshinori released a small, pained smile.

"First Seal: Kai. Hanzō."

For so long, Yoshinori's golden snake remained a simple accessory upon the man's person that the thought of the serpent actually being a living creature with purpose was a notion that could easily escape any man. Yet living and breathing it was, and apparently the reptile was about to do something in place of its master. Similar to the very beginning of the battle, Hanzō's eyes would begin to glow bright red as it slowly raised itself from Yoshinori's shoulder. Then, with the swiftness of a viper, it bit Yoshinori's neck!

If such a violent act wasn't surprising enough, what was more surprising was its effect upon Yoshinori's body. If Muimina's senses were attuned to both serpent and master, a rather perplexing truth seemed to be making itself apparent. Hanzō seemed to exhibiting a Reiatsu of its own...a Reiatsu that seemed rather similar in its feel to that of Yoshinori? On top of that, it seemed to be giving that very same energy back to the silver haired Shinigami in the form of Healing Kaidō.

"Hanzō is my pet. I've had him for...quite a long time now. Since I joined the Academy when I was a boy, if I remember correctly. He does not possess any special abilities on his own, but over time I've earned his trust enough for him to allow me to place seals upon him. Upon releasing those seals, he bites me, and transfers my own energy back to me. Usually in the form of the specified Kido spell I sealed to begin with." He sighed heavily, his burns slowly beginning to recede. He was not completely healed by any stretch of the imagination, but Muimina would certainly notice the most severe of his injuries would begin to vanish right before the man's eyes.

"Why am I telling my business out loud?" Yoshinori began,"Well, if there ever comes the situation where I tell Hanzō to bite you, then I suggest you allow it. He's not poisonous or anything."

Now standing erect once more, the dark skinned death god craned his neck to one side, a low grimace showing on his features.

"Now...where were we? Oh. Right. Hado #4 Byakurai."

Sealed Ball

No rest for the wicked, it seemed.

Post Count: 8 |


Both of Yoshinori's attacks missed last turn! Yoshi gains 2 stacks of Momentum!
Muimina's Standard Action 1 misses Yoshinori!
Bonus Action Reactive: Yoshinori uses Enkosen to halve the damage of Muimina's Standard Action 2!
At-Will Reactive: Yoshinori uses Yugure No Manto to negate Critical Bonus Damage!
Muimina's Standard Action 2 hits Yoshinori for 66 damage! 10 Critical Bonus Damage negated! Negated to 56 damage! Halved to 28 damage! 28 damage suffered! Bashing lowers Base RL by 5%! Yoshi loses 5 Rei!
7 Direct Damage suffered from Gyaku Unmei
Bonus Action: Yoshinori uses Shun Shun Rikkia to generate 6 Constructs!
At-Will: Yoshinori uses Keikatsu to regain 30 HP!

Standard Action: Yoshinori uses Strike!
Potent Passive Active!
Attuned Passive Active! 3 Reishi regained! 4 Reishi drain from First Release

Bonus Action Reactive: Bakudō #73. Tozanshō (Enkosen) - As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -3 Reishi (Atttuned + Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will Reactive: Bakudō #73. Tozanshō (Yugure No Manto) - As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -1 Reishi (Attuned + Efficiency Reduced)

Bonus Action: Energy Concentration (Shun Shun Rikkia) - As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -8 Reishi (Efficiency Reduced)

At-Will: First Seal Release: Kaidō (Keikatsu) - As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -1 Reishi (Attuned + Efficiency Reduced)

Standard Action: Hado #4 Byakurai (Strike)
Acc - cLLu|C2t1d100+40
Dmg - 1d11
Reishi Cost - 0 Rei

Passive: Kido Magician (Attuned) - You regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn

Intimidate Uses (25/100 Max Reishi Restored)
2 Momentum Stacks
6 Constructs


SHINIGAMI: You gain the Resilience Keystone Trait Alacrity and it does not take up a Trait slot or require your Resilience Skill to be 30.


BAKUDŌ #21: SEKIENTON: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you avoid damage from all damage dice that roll a natural 8 or lower during your turn. Only damage rolled via dice is counted into calculations - any bonus damage is still counted. If you take zero damage from an attack this way, it counts as fully avoided. Movement Technique. | -5 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #44: SEKISHO: BONUS ACTION | You gain 20 Armor and are immune to status effects inflicted by attacks. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)
BAKUDŌ #7: KEIKATSU: AT-WILL | As an at-will action you restore 30 HP to self or a comrade. | -5 Reishi | (Once Per Target)
BAKUDŌ #39: ENKŌSEN: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action you negate half the damage from two attacks that hit you during your turn (even critical hits.) | -10 Reishi | (0/2 uses remaining)
BAKUDŌ #12: YŪGURE NO MANTO (DUSK CLOAK): AT-WILL | As an at-will action you are immune to newly applied non-special status effects and negate the damage bonus from critical hits during your turn. Does not remove status effects you have been previously afflicted with. | -5 Reishi | (1/2 uses remaining)
SHUN SHUN RIKKIA: BONUS ACTION/ AT-WILL | As a bonus action you create 6 constructs. As an at-will action you can activate a max of 2 constructs to add one d6 as a bonus damage die to at least 2 Basic Attacks during your turn. Alternatively, as a reactive at-will action you can sacrifice constructs to negate damage from attacks that hit you during your turn. Each construct spent on an individual attack negates 3 damage, to a max of 12. | -10 Reishi | (0/2 uses remaining | 6 Constructs per use)
HANKI: BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, pick one foe. Each time that foe makes an attack against you, gain a +5 bonus to defense against them. Considered a Movement Technique. | Duration: Once defense bonus reaches +25 the effect lasts for 1 additional turn before fading. | -10 Reishi | (0/1 use remaining)




ATTUNED - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, your max Reishi is increased by 50, you regain 3 Reishi at the end of your turn, and all non-basic Kido spells cost -5 less Reishi.

POTENT - PASSIVE | You start with the Enhanced Byakurai Basic Attack Spell. Also, as a passive effect, each 1 point of damage from your Kido Attack Spells take 2 points of DR and/or Armor to reduce.

VERSATILE - PASSIVE | As a passive effect, any turn where you use both a Kido Spell and a Non-Kido Technique, increase the Accuracy (by +15) and Damage Tier (by +2) of two attacks on that turn. Also, all successful attacks you land on that turn will drain your foe's Reishi as well as their HP/Armor. Total amount of Reishi drained will be equal to the highest rolled damage die from the attack.

RATION - PASSIVE | As a passive effect your Advanced and Forbidden Kido Spells have a 30% chance to inflict the Immobilize or Stagger status effect (Choose one per thread). The max chance to inflict with any effect is 95%. The additional reishi cost is then siphoned to you for the duration.


MOMENTUM - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a Passive effect, whenever one of your attacks fails to hit their target, you gain 1 stack of Momentum. As an At-Will action, spend a number of Momentum Stacks to increase your Accuracy (with all attacks on the same turn) by +5 per stack spent. Stacks of Momentum cannot be gained while holding back your Accuracy Modifier. Max of 4 stacks used per turn.

ALACRITY (Racial Perk) - PASSIVE | As a passive effect you have +10 to defense while above half max HP.

BLUR - PASSIVE/AT-WILL | As a passive effect you can use one Movement Tech as an at-will action on your turn. (4/4 uses remaining)

INSTINCT - AT-WILL | As an at-will action, you evade a single basic attack that would have hit you. (1/3 uses remaining)

EFFICIENCY - PASSIVE | Your Basic Techs & Spells cost -1 less Reishi | Standard Techs & Spells cost -2 less Reishi | Release, Advanced, Forbidden Techs/Spells cost -3 less Reishi. Does not stack with the Release Enhancement Efficient. The minimum cost for any Tech or Spell (whose base cost is not already 0) is 1 Reishi.

CLEVERNESS - PASSIVE | You have a passive +15% bonus to inflict a status effect from any source.


FIRST RELEASE: Bonus Action / At-Will. Boosts your base RL by 2x. | -4 Reishi per turn. | +5 Reflexes
ENHANCEMENT: HEIGHTENED - As a passive effect your defense is increased by +5 against Non-Basic Attacks.
RELEASE ATTACK TECHNIQUE: PHANTOM FIRE - SINGLE | Single attack that rolls 3 damage dice against one target and has the Bashing Major Effect and Cripple Minor Effect. (Bashing: The target of this attack loses 5 Reishi and -5% of their Base Reiatsu Level on hit. The maximum Base RL loss from all sources is 50%.) | -7 Reishi
RELEASE UTILITY TECHNIQUE: ILLUSION - BONUS ACTION | As a bonus action, you have a 60% (75% with Cleverness) chance to inflict the special Deceived status effect on your foe. While Deceived any at-will actions they use require a bonus action and any bonus actions they use require a standard action for the duration. | 2 Turn Duration | -15 Reishi

HP: 71/90 | REISHI: 95/190 | DEF: 100 (115) | DMG DIE: d11 | ACC: +40

Last Edit: Jan 6, 2022 0:30:46 GMT -5 by Yoshinori Okamoto